This is part 8 of my Journal. I started writing it when I made a bold decision to change my life. I left my dull existence in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a man in the East Midlands of England. It is a decision that I will never regret. I have never been so happy and never had so much pleasure.
Week commencing November 23
As soon as I got out of bed I tied the weight to my clip with the nylon cord. I wasn’t looking forward to another week with it tugging at me as the pain was far greater than the pleasure that it gives me. When I initially tied it on the warm sexual feelings were there but by lunchtime my clip was swollen and hurting. That night I pleaded with Jon to let me take it off and he finally agreed to let me take it off on the Wednesday Evening. All day Tuesday I tried to keep as still as possible and spend most of the day making the lootard for Jenny. I’d discussed the events of last Thursday with Jon and after having agood laugh at the young man Jon had told me to make the crotch part of Jenny’s lootard even narrower than mine. He said that he was thinking of coming along to the class himself. If he did turn up he told me to ignore him so that no one knows who he is.
Wednesday – I had to go to Tesco and it was real painful doing all that walking. Talk about a throbbing between your legs. Didn’t see Bridie.
I was glad when Jon came home and he gave me permission to take the weight off. We both had a good look at my clip which was bright red. Definitely a lot bigger but would it be when the swelling went down?
Thursday – I arrived for aerobics 45 minutes early and the young man was waiting outside the doors looking very sheepish. When Jenny arrived she let us in and we went straight to the girls changing rooms. Jenny told the young man to strip off and we did too. As the young man’s trousers came down I saw his hard-on sticking out of his undies and it looked quite good pointing tothe ceiling when he was naked.
He tried to cover it with his hands but Jenny told him to keep them by his side. I gave Jenny her new lootard and we both put them on – without anything underneath. Jenny looked good in hers and I could see a couple of public hairs sticking out of the sides of her pussy and her little triangle of hair were clearly visible. Jenny said,
“I’m going to have to be careful when I’m stretching my legs, are you sure that you’ve made this one exactly the same as yours?” I lied.
My still swollen clip formed a little bulge in mine. Jenny then went into her bag and got out a pair of little red, silky, bikini style knickers and a short T-shirt. She gave them to the young man and told him to put them on. After a minute or so of pleading to be let off, the young man finally put them on. He did look a pillock with his dick scanning to stay in the flimsy red knickers. The T-shirt didn’t even come down to his wait so it was very obvious that they were girl’s knickers that he was wearing. Jenny said,
“don’t worry, once you get into the workout your hard-on will soon go, now get into the gym and get the mats out of the cupboard.”
No sooner than he had left 2 of the women in the class came in, said, “hello” and started getting changed. We left them to it and went to the gym. the young man’s erection had gone by the time we got there, which was probably a good thing for him as there were 3 of the men in the class already there. They were looking at him when we walked in but their attention moved to us when they saw us. They all came up to us and started chatting to us both. I could see all 3 sets of eyes looking up and down our bodies. That alone was enough to start that tingling feeling between my legs.
Jenny took charge of the situation and started the class straight away. The rest joined in as and when they arrived. I did notice 2 new men who Jenny talked to at the break. I had taken my usual place at the back and hadVery little attention given to me. However, Jenny couldn’t say the same. Her leotard had ridden up in between her pussy lips. Every time she moved around the gym there was at least one pair of men’s eyes following her. After she had given the new men the course details, Jenny came over to me and said,
“I don’t know if this leotard was a good idea, it’s cutting me in half and some of the men have noticed.”
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” I asked.
“Well yes, but now that I’m doing it I’m not so sure” she said.
“Don’t think about it, just do it” I replied.
The young man had stood sheepishly in a corner during the break.
We started the class again and that section was going to be more interesting. It was mostly floor work and the leg stretching would pull my leotard right into my pussy. It was already damp with sweat, but I just knew that my juices would start flowing as I watched the men watching me. Jenny usually demonstrated each exercise before she asked us to do it, by facing us and then doing it. She must have been very self-conscious to start off with because each time she got down onto the floor she turned and faced the wall. One or two people at that end of lines would have been able to see the lootard tightly stretched over her pussy but not many.
As the session went on she obviously didn’t care as she went back to facing us. Just before the end she bent over backwards and I got a beautiful view of the damp lycra digging into her between both of her lips. I looked over to the young man and saw that he was having a good look and he was starting to get an erection that was pushing the red knickers out in front.
When it came to the crab position I deliberately took my time and waited until the man in front of me got down. His upside down face was staring at me in anticipation. I really went for it and stretched my legs as wide as I could know that the lycra was bunched up inside my lips, but bulging where my stillswollen clip was pushing against it. By the time the session finished both Jenny’s and my leotards were nearly transparent with sweat and as the people walked out I noticed at least 2 full edicts bulging out in the men’s shorts.
Jenny wasn’t finished with the young man and she told him to clear away the mats while we decided what to do next. We waited until all the other people in the class had got dressed and left before she went and locked the school’s front door. This left just the 3 of us in the whole building with no windows in the gym that were below about 15 feet. When she came back Jenny told the young man to take the T-shirt and his trainers off, leaving him wearing just the red knickers. She then announced that the young man was going to have an extra workout. If he didn’t do what she said she would go to the police. His fingerprints in the store cupboard would prove that she was telling the truth. The young man said okay and asked what he had to do.
The firstthing was to watch Jenny and me undress each other and make love to each other on the gym floor. I later realized that the idea behind that was (apart from the pleasure to Jenny and me) for the young man to get a real hard-on and to keep it as he did various exercises. Who was I to argue, it was what I wanted and Jenny and me had a most enjoyable 10 minutes. The poor man’s dick was sticking out of the top of the little knickers and when he went to play with it Jenny told him to stop.
The young man then had to run to the other end of the gym and back 5 times. Jenny decided that it would be better if he removed the knickers and did it again. It was funny watching his dick and balls bounce up and down as he ran. It was even better when he had to run on the spot. His dick was starting to go soft so Jenny had him get in the crab position and then asked me to sit as close to his face as I could. Needles to say that my legs were wide apart and that I was frigging myself.
It wasn’t long before dick was pointing to the ceiling again. Twenty press-ups followed but it wasn’t his chin that had to touch the floor then rise up. Next Jenny had him walking on his hands for a few minutes. To finish with Jenny had him lay spread-eagle in the floor. We both stood with a foot either side of his body, back to back and we lowered ourselves down to him.
The idea was for Jenny’s pussy to be about 3 inches from his face and mine to be so close to his dick that he could feel my body heat, but not actually touch me. I have to admit that it didn’t quite go according to plan and I let the tip of his dick just go inside me. I wanted to impale myself on him but I didn’t, I knew that if Jon found out he would kill me.
When his dick touched my pussy he jerked quite a bit and I Thought that he might cum but he didn’t. Jenny wanted to be fair and told me that she wanted to swap positions, so we did. As we went down I let my clip just touch his nose. The young man jerked again, this time a lot more violently and we all collapsed in a pile. I sort of went over his head and was just about sat on his face. When I turned round to look at Jenny she had gone almost straight down and was impaled on him. She moaned and shouted
and got up just as he shot his load up in the air just missing Jenny’s pussy but getting the inside of her thigh. The rest of it landed on his chest and stomach. I think that a little bit might just have landed on my back but I wasn’t sure.
Jenny turned round to face him and said (aggressively)
“That wasn’t supposed to happen. Now look at what you’ve done you’ll have to clean that lot up (pointing to the inside of her thigh), with your tongue.”
(Her voice was calming down the more she said). The young man hesitated and Jenny said,
“or would you rather I called the police. They won’t believe you if you try to tell them what’s been happening here.”
The lad had no choice. To start off with his facewas a picture, I guess that he’d not tasted his cum before and he didn’t know what to expect. As his tongue licked higher up Jenny thigh she opened her legs wider so that he could get to the highest bit. His face was an inch from her pussy – again.
I was beginning feel left out but Jenny was thinking of me. When he stopped licking she said,
“You missed a bit that landed here (pointing to my pussy) get on you back and when she squats down on you, lick it off.”
“That’s very considerate of you”
I said and lowered myself onto his face. It only took a couple of seconds for me to have an orgasm and I had trouble staying on my feet. After it subsided I got up and smiled at Jenny who said to the young man
“Right, don’t let me ever catch you spying on us again. Now put those knickers back on and then your own clothes and get the hell out of here. If I ever see you again I will telephone the police. Is that understand?”
“Yes miss,” he meekly said as he pulledon the knickers.
As he ran out of the gym Jenny and me looked at each other and burst out laughing.
As we were picking up our lootards Jenny said,
“There’s a lot of equipment in here, do you think that we could have some fun with some of it?”
“I’m sure we could” I said,
“let me think about it. By the way, did you want those knickers back?”
“Not after he’d been covering them with his spunk” she said, “besides, it will give him something to remind him of tonight.”
We went and had an uneventful shower and headed for home. Jenny had promised to go and meet some of her mates.
Friday – The previous night’s exercises were taking their toll on my muscles and it was the middle of the afternoon before they let me forget them.
Saturday November 28
Didn’t really get the chance to tell Jon about the Thursday night fun until the Saturday morning over breakfast. He wasn’t at all happy that I had let the young man’s dick touch my pussy and made me get over his knee while he spanked me 100 times. I’m sure that his arm must have been aching by the time that he finished. My butt was red and sore, but I had managed to avoid crying – just. By the time I had got to
“40 – thank you Master”
I could feel his dick getting hard. By the time
“70 – Thank you Master”
came my stomach was getting damp with his pre-cum. In the nineties I noticed that he was slowing down and that his hand was staying on my hot butt for a second or two before the next stroke. When he finished he quickly lifted me off him, put me over the kitchen table and rammed himself into me. There was no resistance in my pussy as it had started getting wet as soon as I felt his dick rising. The only problem was that I was lying on top of some of the breakfast things and they were digging into my stomach.
It wasn’t long before he came and pulled out of me. I didn’t cum but was close to it and I was a bit frustrated when he stopped. I asked him if I could finish myself off but he wouldn’t let me. Instead he went for a tape and measured the length of my clip. It was slightly longer but that was probably because of my state of arousal at that time. I was glad that Jon decided that the stretching exercise had been waste of time. The pain had been unpleasant.
After breakfast Jon had me ring Vicky to see if she wanted to go out somewhere that night. Liz told me that Vicky was visiting her parents in London that weekend.
Not a very exciting rest of the day, we went shopping for a new washing machine. Jon had decided that the old one was ‘well past its sell by date’. At least there was the possibility of some fun when it was going to be delivered.
Sunday November 29
Sunday started in its usual way – reading the papers. After that Jon decided that we would go for a ride to the coast. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. Anywhere in England is cold at the end of November but the coast would be absolutelyfreezing. Jon let me put on my new knee length boots, stockings and suspenders, leather skirt, a T-shirt and my coat. He let me do the driving as he said that I needed the experience.
It took us 3 hours to get there and as soon as we did we went for a walk on the beach. God it was cold. After that we went to a pub and had some food. There was a pool table in there and Jon ‘challenged’ me to a game. Jon put the money on the table and we waited for our turn. There was a group of rough looking young men there and I didn’t feel that comfortable, especially when they came out with lots of rude comments as I bent of the table to have my shot. Well I was giving them a great view of my ass (pussy too probably), but it was the comments like “I’d love to get that over the table” and “I know where I’d put my que and balls” that put me off. It wasn’t so much the words, they were a bit funny really but it was the way that they were said. I was glad when Jon said that we were leaving.
Idrive again and we got home about 7 o’clock.
Week commencing November 30
Monday – went into town for a wander around the shops. Saw a few advertises for shops looking for Christmas staff but when I told Jon about it he said no.
Wednesday – the new washing machine arrived in the afternoon and I put on my cheesecloth dress to let the men in. It didn’t take long for them to install it but I did Take the opportunity of one of them lying on his back to connect some pipes to go and stand right next to him. When he looked up at me he must have seen right up my dress as he suddenly stopped telling me what he was doing and went all quiet. His mate had to get something so I had to move out of his way.
Thursday – was aerobics evening and I went early again. Jenny and me both our white leotards and we had the same stars from the men. Jenny was a little more confident and didn’t turn away when she bent down. The front row had a good view. When it came to the floor work Igot all wet looking at the bulge on the man in front of me as he watched my lootard disappear into my pussy. At the end of the evening Jenny was in a hurry – again, but she did find time to give me a long kiss and a quick grope.
Friday – went to Tesco but didn’t see Bridie. Made up for feeling a bit bored by bending down in front of a young male shelf stacker. He dropped a box of biscuits when he realized what he was looking at. Muscles ached from the previous night’s exercises.
Saturday December 5
Quite a boring weekend really, Jon dragged me round the shops looking for something for his PC. Nothing of any interest happened all day.
Sunday December 6
Sunday was just about as boring except that we went to the gym. Jon had me wear my lootard but with my white lycra shorts on underneath. He said that he didn’t thing the Hotel was ready for my butt being openly displayed in the gym. Swimming pool, sauna and steam rooms yes, but not the gym. To get to the gymwe have to walk through the Leisure Centre’s reception area and there are often lots of guests there. Because of all the clothes that I was wearing there were no pleasant incidents in the gym but Jon did keep us there for over an hour. I was knackered by the time that we went for a swim.
Jon didn’t tell me what to wear for the pool so I took the shorts off and just wore the lootard. I’ve never seen anyone in the pool with a T-back costume but I thought that there has to be a first for everything. I walked out of the changing room with a towel round my waist and when Jon saw me he said,
“Taken the shorts off have you?”
He knows me too well. We swam for about 10 minutes before getting into the Jacuzzi. No one had noticed me as I got into the pool but an elderly couple did when I got out and into the Jacuzzi. The man was smiling but the look on the woman’s face told me that she wasn’t happy. We ignored her and carried on.
It was great lying there in those warmbubbles; I nearly went to sleep. No one came and joined us and after quite a while we went back into the pool to cool off. The pool was just about empty and when we got out and went to the sauna it also was empty. Jon decided that we would strip off and lay there for a while. Jon lay across the end and I lay along the side with my head near him.
After about 10 minutes a young man came in and the only place he could sit was at my feet. My feet were about a foot apart and I knew that Jon wouldn’t want me to pull my legs together so I left them where they were. the young man sat as sideways as he could and was looking directly down at my pussy. After about 5 minutes (knowing that my pussy was being looked at, especially by a reasonable handsome young man) my pussy lips were swelling and my juices flowing. My pussy was starting to itch and I tried to resist scratching it for as long as I could but I just had to scratch it. My hand went down and the palm rested on my bare pubes whilemy index finger scratched the inside of one lip. This caused both lips to part and my clip becomes even more obvious.
The young man was concentrating on my pussy so much that he didn’t see me looking at him and his rapidly bulging costume that was quite brief for a young man’s today. The majority of them wear big baggy shorts that don’t do anything for me, I like to see men in very brief swimming trunks so that you can see the shape of their dicks.
This young man’s costume was brief and his large erection was starting to peak out of the top of his costume. His dick looked massive, bigger than Jon’s. When I had finished scratching I couldn’t resist giving my clip a quick flick as I brought my hand away from it. The lad’s eyes opened wider and he looked up at my face. Our eyes met so I smiled at him and licked my lips.
I guess that he couldn’t cope with a girl being so obvious and looked down at the floor and a couple of minutes later he left. As he got off the bench hisStill hard dick burst out of the top of his costume and the top inch was visible as he walked out. I looked at Jon who was smiling, and then settled down for more relaxation. No one else came in and after a while Jon told us that we were leaving. Just as we walked out of the sauna a male member of staff walked into the area. His face was a picture, he obviously wasn’t expecting to see a naked woman and the pleasureable surprise on his face was obvious. On the way out he was behind the counter and I handed my towel to him. He was very polite and with a smile on his face, he said,
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