This is part 6 of my Journal. I started writing it when I made a bold decision to change my life. I left my dull existence in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a man in the East Midlands of England. It is a decision that I will never regret. I have never been so happy and never had so much pleasure.
Sunday August 30
When I got up Vicky was Already in the shower so I joined her and we soaped each other. She asked me why I had a little tuft of hair at the top of my pussy so I told her about the hair-removing machine that Jon had bought. She wants to know how we get on as she says that she still has to make the effort each morning to shake hers and sometimes doesn’t do it when she gets up late. She said that like me, the ‘itching’ had long gone and she Now hated it when she had a bit of stubble.
We all had breakfast together, reading the papers, all 3 of us in the nude. Jon got to one article in the ‘News of the World’ about womenwrestlers and said that the 3 of us should set-up a little ‘Women’s Nude Wrestling’ business. He thought about it for a few minutes then said,
“No, it should be a ‘School Girls Cat Fight’ with you both starting out dressed as school girls then ripping each others clothes off as you fight, and ending up naked and trying to force each other to orgasm. That should get a few bonders and bring in the money.”
He said that with our liking of pain as long as we kept our cool we should have a good time. Vicky didn’t sound too keen, but I rather fancy the idea.
After breakfast Jon decided that we would be doing something different that day. I discovered a side of Jon that I had never seen before, we went looking round museums – all day. Not exactly what I enjoy, but! At least the evening was more interesting, we went into town to a lively American style eating house cum pub. Even though Vicky and me were only wearing short dresses we didn’t attract much attention as just about all the young girls in there were wearing outfits just as short. When we got home I made us some coffee and Jon fell asleep on the sofa, so Vicky and me went to bed together and went to sleep after a pleasure 69.
Vicky hadn’t gone home on the Sunday evening because the Monday was a National Holiday.
Week commencing August 31
Monday – Jon asked us that we would like to do and as it was a sunny day we decided to go on a bike ride. We loaded Jon’s 3 bikes onto the roof rack of the car and went up into the Dales. Vicky didn’t know about the bike with the hole in the saddle and I was glad that Jon remembered to bring the butt plug with him. Vicky wanted to wear my white shorts but I wouldn’t let her. She didn’t understand why not and I wouldn’t tell her, other than to say that she would understand later. In the end she wore a light cotton short dress and I wore my tennis dress.
We drove up into the dales and parked the car in a little village. Jon had remembered tobring a spanner to adjust the seat height for Vicky. She thought that it was a bit high for her so I said,
“just you wait.”
We set off at a slow pace with Vicky and me having the backs of our dresses hanging over the back of, and pussies bare to the saddles. It wasn’t long before Vicky was happy that she was having to slide from side to side on the saddle. Jon hadn’t put the butt plug in the hole in the saddle in my bike so when we stopped for a rest I asked him if he would put it in. Vicky’s only comment was
“now I understand.”
It took me a couple of minutes to get back on the bike and ready to move off, but once we got going it was good.
After we stopped for lunch at a pub Jon told us to swap bikes. I suppose it was fair but I was a little disappointed. We’d noticed a couple of men looking at the bikes (well the one with the butt plug sticking through the saddle) and as it was a man’s bike I guess they were looking for a man that belonged to it; and youShould have seen their faces when Vicky slowly lowered herself onto it.
We rode for about another 5 miles back to the car before heading for home and then taking Vicky home. I think that Vicky was ready for the rest when we got to the car, she said that she had had 3 orgasms on that saddle. When we got to her flat she invited us in for a coffee. No sooner than we had got in Vicky excused herself and came back a couple of minutes later without her clothes on. It seemed a little strange having Vicky as the only one without clothes on.
Back home Jon sent me to bed before going to work on his PC.
Tuesday – Jon went away on a training course for the rest of the week which means that it was a boring few days, except that the Tesco girl rang for a chat on the Wednesday afternoon and asked if we could meet up. I invited her (Bridie) to Jon’s house on the Friday afternoon which was her day off.
Friday – When she arrived Bridie seemed a little surprised to have me answerthe door naked and she was nervous as she explained (over a cup of tea) that she had never been with another woman before. She seemed pleased when I told her that until a few months before I had never even thought about it and the thought of being naked in a supermarket toilet would have had me crawling into a corner and wanting to die. Bridie admitted that she was ‘bi-curious’ but didn’t know how to take it any further. She relaxed a bit when I told her that I don’t consider myself to be a lesbian but I like sex with certain other women.
I got her to tell me all about her other ‘experiences’ while we progressed to vodka and orange drinks. She’s only 16 and only left school a few months ago. She doesn’t have a boyfriend at the moment and still lives with her parents. It wasn’t long before she was asking me what it was like to be naked most of the time and I suggested that she tried it. She stripped to her bra and knickers which were a lovely red lacy set but she didn’t want to go further. When I got another drink I stood behind her and massed her neck for a while before moving down to her small pert, cone shaped young breasts. She has lovely nipples in the centre of small dark brown aureoles. As I lightly let my finger drift over her nipples they jumped to attention and she gasped. She asked me to undo her little bra then she stood up and asked if we could go somewhere more comfortable.
I led her up to Jon’s room and motioned for her to lie on the bed. I started kissing her all-over as she moaned and rolled her head from side to side. When I got down to her stomach she seemed to tense a little as my hand gently drifted over her still knicker-clad pussy. She surprised me when I stopped and looked at her and she said that she had followed my example. When I asked her what she means she asked me to take her knickers off.
She has this beautifully smooth bald pussy, not a hair anywhere, but her lips were very swollen and her juices were over-flowing.I started kissing her stomach and thighs before really eating her. She certainly had been anticipating that moment because it didn’t take very long for her to have an orgasm accompanyed by screams of ‘yes’, ‘yes.’ I lay next to her up on one elbow looking at her lovely 16 year old body. I can’t remember mine looking that good 6 years ago. Very slim, very blonde and with a smooth medium tan coloured skin.
All of a sudden Bridie brought my day-dream to an end by saying that that was the first time that anyone had ever done that to her and she asked if she could try to do it to me. After asking if any of her boyfriends had ever eaten her (no was the answer) I told her that she could only do it to me if she knelt either side of me and we did a proper 69. She was a real natural even down to the pulling of my clip with her teeth and pushing her tongue into my hole. I took my time and had a good look at her young pussy. Her clip isn’t as big as mine but she smelt and tasted really good.
Bridie came before me and the intensity made her bite my clip quite hard. That triggered me and I came shortly after her. We both collapsed and lay there for a few minutes before talking for hours. I told her all about Jon and me and she told me that she was a late developer and had only really reached puberty about 2 years ago; and that she was still a virgin.
She has quite an imagination but Says that she is too shy to let any boys get further that a snog and a grope. Besides, her parents are very strict and she always has to be in quite early. I was just thinking about how I could help her when the bedroom door flow open and Jon walked in. He was furious and demanded to know what was going on. Bridie was frightened, and was trying to cover herself. Jon told her to keep quiet and keep still and that no harm would come to her. She seemed to relax when I told her that it was true, Jon would not hurt her, he’s not like that.
I explained everything to Jon and he calmd down. He asked Bridie if she was all right and told her to relax and stop being so shy. I put my arm round her and asked her and Jon if they would like a drink which I then went and got. When I got back Bridie was laughing so Jon must have said something to make her feel comfortable. She had even stopped trying to cover her nakedness.
We all went down to the blinde and I left them talking while I went and put dinner on. While we were eating (us 2 girls still naked) Jon told me that I was going to be punished for using his bed without asking him. He asked Bridie if she wanted to watch and after we had finished we all went up to the ‘punishment’ room. Bridie looked a little stunned by all the equipment there and just stood in silence as Jon restrained me spread-eagle face down on the bed.
Jon then told Bridie that he frequently administratored punishment in the nude and would she mind if he took his clothes off. She didn’t say anything but I could see her shake her head indicating ‘no’ she didn’t mind. He took his clothes off and I watched Bridie’s eyes follow his soft dick as he got the tawse from where it was hanging on the wall and gave me the first stroke.
I could tell when it was going to land on my backside by the expression on Bridie’s face. As usual I said,
“One – thank you master” and waited for the next one.
By the time I had got to
“Ten – Thank you Master”
Bridie was relaxing and even enjoying it. She was licking her lips and one of her hands was stroking her stomach and the front of her pussy. There was a pause after the first 10 as Jon moved to get a better position and then the 11th one landed partially on my right cheek and partially on my pussy. The second and last 10 all hit my pussy and by the time I had said,
“Twenty – thank you Master” the tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was quite well lubricated.
Jon untied me and as I was getting up I could see Bridie really going at herself. Jon had sat on a chair and his erection was pointing to the ceiling, Bridie still staring at it. Jon motioned for me to go over to him and he pulled me down onto his lap, my back to his front, my legs outside of his and his dick lost inside me. He told me to finish myself off as Bridie continued to stare at us.
Needles to say all 3 of us came – can’t remember in what order. When Jon finally lifted me off him he looked at Bridie and asked her if she would like a go at either the punishment, or the fucking. I guess that she wasn’t ready for it because she said,
Jon replied with “maybe next time.”
Jon and Bridie got dressed and we drove her home, me still in the nude in the back of the car. It was a good job that it was dark by then. As she got out of the car Jon asked her if she would like to go out with us the following night. She said yes and we agreed to pick her up at 8:00 p.m.
Saturday September 5
I woke up with a sore backside and pussy. Late morningsomeone came to the door and Jon told me to wait upstairs until he called me. It was a conservatory salesman and Jon had done a deal with him to build one at the back of the house.
When Jon called me into the room the man didn’t look as surprised as I would expect him to be when a naked young woman walked into the room. It turned out that Jon had told him that his housekeeper usually walked around the house naked and that it was to be part of the contract that the workmen could look but not touch. If this condition were broken then they would not get paid for the job. The poor man could not take his eyes off me and Jon used that fact to get an extra discount. The job was to start the week after next.
That afternoon we went shopping in town. Jon had me wear my long wrap-around skirt and short baggy crop top. We went to the nice dress shop where Kelly worked but the girl assistant told us that Kelly had left and gone to work in Nottingham. The new assistant was nice but didn’t seems that friendly, just polite. We had a look at a few dresses and skirts but Jon didn’t like any of them so we moved on.
We went into a shoe shop and Jon bought himself a pair of shoes. While he was doing that he told me to try a few pairs on. Needless to say he told me to get a male assistant and to make sure that he got an eyeful of my pussy. It was quiet easy in the wrap-around skirt, just a case of letting it fall open.
Poor lad, he just didn’t know where to look. It was obvious where he wanted to look but he was just too shy to have a good look and he just kept having quick looks. I made eye contact with him and smiled and said,
“it’s okay to look” but he still kept on with the quick looks then looking away.
From there we went to the ‘Private’ shop and had a good look at everything. Jon bought a vibrating egg and some leather straps that he wouldn’t let me look at, said they were going to be a surprise. After that we went home and had some tea. Later Jon told me to put a short cotton dress on and we went and collected Bridie. I went to the door while Jon waited in the car.
As Bridie got into the car Jon compiled her on her outfit. She looked great in a smart red dress with stockings and suspenders (as I found out later). Bridie asked Jon where we were going but he would only tell us that it was a surprise and one that would make her nervous to start off with, but she was to trust us.
We drove to a Leisure Centre in Mansfield called Water Meadows. Bridie said that she hadn’t planned on going swimming and hadn’t brought a costume. By that time I had realized what was going on, but didn’t say anything. Jon told Bridie not to worry and that everything was taken care of. After Jon had paid our money and we entered the changing area Bridie just stopped dead in her tracks. After a few seconds she said,
“They’ve got no clothes on, what’s going on?”
Jon told her that it was a ‘naturist swim’ and no one wore clothess at those. It took a couple of minutes to persuade Bridie to strip off with us and she looked great as she slowly took her clothes off. Needles to say Jon and me were naked within seconds. Bridie came out with statements like
“Everyone’s looking at me” and “Everyone can see that I’ve shaken my pussy.”
She said that she’d only ever seen naked people on the television (apart from Jon and me the Previous day) and that no one had seen her naked since she was a little kid, not even her parents.
She started to relax a bit when she realized that everyone was just getting on with getting out of their clothes and into the pool. She also commented on the fact that there were other people with no public hair and that no one seemed to be taking any notice of them. Jon told her that they were just there to have good relaxing natural swim enjoying the lack of restrictions and inhibitions of clothes.
As we walked out into the swimming area Bridie was trying to cover herself and she just stood there for a couple of minutes watching all the naked people of all ages from babies to pensioners just doing what people normally do in a swimming pool. There’s not a lot at that Leisure Centre but we had a good time. Bridie managed to relax and enjoy herself apart from the times that men were following her up the stairs to the water slide. With their heads at her pussy level she was still self-conscious. In the end I sat on the side of the pool with my legs open wide and no one took a blind bit of notice so I managed to get her to do the same, but only for a few seconds.
We went up into the sauna and steam room suite and spent a bit of time there. Bridie had never been into a sauna, a steam room, nor a spa before. In there I whispered in Bridie’s ear that it was good having sex in a spa and she whispered back ‘chance’. I then told her that I was sure that I could arrange something, but not there as there were too many people. It was great being able to walk aroundnd and swim in the nude with lots of other people doing the same. So relaxing and natural. Non of the sexual excitement of being naked or semi-naked when everyone else has clothes on and people are trying to catch a glimpse of my breasts or pussy. I like both situations really, it depends upon the mood I’m in.
As we were getting dressed to leave we watched Bridie put her clothes on. Jon suggested that she leaves her Underwear off but after a few seconds thought she said, “maybe next time, I’ve got a lot of thinking to do.” When we dropped her off at home she gave us both a quick kiss, full on the lips. Jon invited her to go out with us the next Saturday. We arranged to pick her up at 8:00 p.m. again.
Back home Jon told me that the sight of Bridie getting dressed had turned him on a bit and he was going to ‘vent his lust’ on my body. I spent the night in his bed and went to sleep in the ‘spoon’ position with him deep inside me.
Sunday September 6
Jon took me to the gym and I had to wear my white lycra shorts and a baggy crop top. By the time we had finished I had a big damp patch in the crop which made the thin lycra virtually transparent. Good job that I don’t have any public hair as that would have been clearly visible.
From there we went into the sauna and Jon had me wearing one of the Leisure Centre’s towels that is only just big enough to cover my breasts and bum. Jon had me sit with my legs up bent at the knee so that my pussy was on display. A couple of teenage girls came in and one of them had a good look, but nothing else.
No swimming or spa, we went home after that. In the afternoon Jon got a bucket and some bags of white powder out of the garage. When I asked him what they were for he told me that he was going to take a plaster of Paris mould of the lower part of my torso. When I asked him what it was for he said he wasn’t sure, but it seemed like a good idea and could be fun. He had me stand (with my feet about a foot apart) in the kitchen while he first covered me from below my tits to my knees with Vaseline. Then he got a dildo and pushed it half into me. He said that he wanted to be able to know exactly where my hole was and the best angle to get into it. He then put 3 strips of click-film up each side of me and just behind the dildo so that the mould would be easier to get off me once it was dry.
After that he wrapped some tea towels soaked in the plaster of Paris mixture round me. As the mixture dried he pasted more and more of it onto me until it was about half an inch thick. All this time I had to hold my stomach in so that my little podge wouldn’t be showing.
When he had finished we made me stay still for another 15 minutes to let it harden. It felt funny being encased like that. Sort of sexually exciting. Difficult to explain. When it came to get the mould off me we had difficult time. At one point I was beginning to think that I was stuck in it for life but Jon wasn’t giving upand in the end it came off. It looks good when the 2 halves are put together. You could even see the shape of my pussy lips as they gripped the dildo.
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