This is part 3 of my Journal. I started writing it when I made a bold decision to change my life. I left my dull existence in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a man in the East Midlands of England. It is a decision that I will never regret. I have never been so happy and never had so much pleasure.
Week commencing July 20
By the Monday morning the hair on my pubes was getting quite noticeable and really itching.
I all most held it off without thinking but stopped myself just in time.
Wednesday night was a night that I will remember for a long time. Jon thought that it would be best to restrain me to the bed before starting. He also said that he would start with my lips, because he just knew that I would get very wet, and he thought that he might have problems with the wax if my lips were wet.
When Jon whipped the first strip off the pain was just as bad as when Jon had caned me and the end of the cane had hit my clit. I screamed and Jon asked me if I wanted the ball-gag. I said,
“No, as long as you don’t mind the noise.”
He reminded me that none of the neighbors would be able to hear my screams and that he didn’t mind. With that, strip number two came off. My lips were smarting something wicked and Jon was right, I was getting excited and wet. By the time Jon had finished my whole pubic area was bright red and singing one hell of a lot. After releasing me Jon told me to go and sit in a bath of cool water.
By the Friday I was getting used to my new hairstyle and even tried to think about how I could dress like a boy, how I could stick my breasts down. There isn’t a lot to hide, I must try it sometimes.
Saturday July 25
Wow, what a surprise that day. Jon woke me up at 3 am and told me to pack a bag, we were going on holiday. At 5 am we arrived at East Midlands Airport and were checking-in for a flight to Ibiza. Jon had told me to wear my black pencil type dress andBen. I had fun getting through the metal detector, it kept going off each time I went through even though I had taken all but my dress off. I’m glad the woman stopped at that point, there were too many people behind me and most of them would probably be on the plane with us.
I had never flown before and I was very nervous. As we were taking off I was smoking and gripping Jon’s hand and / or leg. That didn’t stop me noticing one of the Stewards looking at my lap every time he walked up and down the aisle. Jon said that if it had been a long-haul over-night flight I could have joined the mile-high club. He had to explain that one to me.
We landed at about 11 am, spend another hour waiting for all sorts of stupid reasons, before finally leaving for the Hotel. As in turned out this was only a few miles away in a place called Playa d’en Bossa. Our room was quite nice and the view from the balcony was partially looking out to sea. The other part of the view was the swimming pooland then about 100 balconies from the Hotel next door. Jon told me that everyone on holiday was more relaxed about nudity and that I was to strip-off every time that I came into the room, and stay like that, even on the balcony.
Jon started striping off so I quickly took my dress and shoes off. I unpacked our clothes while Jon went and sat on the balcony watching all the people down by the pool.
After about an hour Jon told me to put the short wrap-round skirt that I had made and a top on and we went for a walk along the beach. It was a little breezy and the front of my skirt kept blowing up leaving my right leg exposed, right up to my wait. For some reason the wind only blew the right side up and my pussy never saw the sun. At the end of the beach we turned round, but walked back along the road and went into some of the shops that were there. Spain is so different to England and it was so strange to me, but very pleasant. It was so warm and relaxed.
In one of theShops, Jon bought a couple of big vests with very large armholes. He told me that one was for me and I said that the armholes would probably come down to my wait. Jon laughed and said,
“with a bit of luck.”
He also bought one of those little over bikini skirts that tie at one side for me. The one he bought was for someone a lot smaller than me, saying that when I was wearing it with nothing under it anyone who looked closely at the fasting would be able to tell that I had nothing on under it.
After that we stopped in a cafe and had a snack and drink. Jon reminded me that the same rules applied when we were on holiday and when I sat down the whole of the right side of my stomach was visible and Jon wouldn’t let me pull my skirt over me. The waiter really took his time serving me and came back twice to see if everything was all right.
It was still the middle of the afternoon when we got back to the hotel, and Jon decided that we would go for a swim in the hotelpool. Jon told me to put on my orange check cotton bikini, the one with the top too big and the small bottoms. Jon picked a couple of sun beds near a group of Germans and made sure that I bent down facing them so that my breasts were hanging out.
We had just settled down when Jon told me to take my top off, he didn’t want me getting white lines. I had a quick look round and saw one other topless woman so I took mine off. Jon told me that I hadn’t done it quick enough and that I would get my punishment later.
Jon then decided that we should use some sun tan lotion and I had to rub it on him then me. As I was doing my front I had to put some on my breasts and my nipples shot to attention. That started me thinking about sex and they wouldn’t go down. I even started opening my legs a bit and that means that my lips were trying to spring out of the crotch of my bikini. I think I might just have been a little too ambitious with the scissors when I was narrowing the crotch.
After about an hour we went for a swim, Jon wouldn’t let me put my top back on so we were messing around in the pool with my breasts popping in and out of the water. Jon kept trying to squeeze my nipples which kept them very erect. When Jon had had enough we got out and went back to the sun beds. Jon told me to bend at the wait with my back to the Germans so that they would get a good look at my butt and pussy – if they were looking. I don’t know if they saw me and I don’t know if they said anything, I couldn’t understand them anyway.
Jon then told me that we were going for another drink, and we collected our belongings. Jon wouldn’t let me put my top on and we sat at a table outside the hotel bar with me still topless. That was a funny, but nice experience, but I didn’t see anyone looking at me. After that I had to carry our belongings back to our room, still topless. It was a good job that we didn’t have to go through the hotel’s reception area, just through a back door and up the stairs. A couple of men had a good look at me when we were walking along a corridor.
Back in the room we stripped off and sat on the balcony until it was time for the evening meal. While we were there one set of our ‘neighbours’ came out onto their balcony. They were 3 teenage girls and they were only wearing their knickers. We passed pleasuresants and talked a bit about the weather and it was as if we were all fully clothed in an English pub. All very strange to me, but I could get used to it.
Jon told me to wear my black ‘pencil’ dress for dinner and we got a table to ourselves in the restaurant. After dinner we went into one of the bars and had a coffee at the bar. They have high swivel bar stools which made it difficult for me to get on and off without showing too much skin.
Because Jon will not let me cross my legs I tried to keep facing the bar but it got difficult, especially when we moved on to the alcoholic drinks. I’m sure that I must have given a few people a good eyeful. I only had 4 martinis that night but it took a while for me to realize that the Spanish are a lot more generous with their measures. By the time Jon told me that we were leaving I was well gone and I had to hang on to Jon to stay on my feet. I’m sure that my dress rode up and left my butt and pussy on show, and I vaguely remember Jon saying that it would cost me if I pulled it down.
When we got into the lift and the doors shut Jon said that he was going to adjust my dress and then pulled it up and off me before I realized what was happening. There I was naked in a hotel lift, but I didn’t care. When it stopped at our floor I just walked out and down the cornidor not caring if anyone saw me. I don’t remember seeing anyone though, and Jon will not tell me.
Sunday July 26
I woke up that morning, on top of my bed with the room curtains open and a man looking into the room. It took a while for me to register where I was, but I couldn’t be bothered to move. When I did get up the man from the next balcony was still there and still keep looking into our room. He was wearing a swimming costume but I was still in the nude. Jon came out of the bathroom, gave me a bottle of water, and told me to go and sit on the balcony and get some fresh air and drink some water.
It was only 7 o’clock in the morning but it was quite warm. I said,
“good morning” to the man next door and he said the same back before going back into his room.
The curtains to both rooms on either side of ours were closed and I asked Jon if we should close ours at night but he said that he wanted to wake-up with the dawn, said it was the best part of the day. I have to admit it was quite quiet and fresh, even though it was quite warm and the sun coming over the horizon was a pleasant site.
After a while, Jon told me to go for a shower. After that he gave me one of the vests that he had bought the previous day, told me to put it on and we went for breakfast. On the way through reception I looked in one of the mirrors and could see all the side of my breast. I decided that I must not turn suddenly or else I might ‘pop out.’ It was self-service in the restaurant and we had to keep going to the food table which was at the other side of the room and we had to wind our way through the other tables which means twisting. I came very close to coming out and managed to pull the vest straight without Jon seeing me. I wasn’t particularly in the mood to be exposing myself. The vest was slightly longer than my dresses so I wasn’t worried on that score.
After breakfast we went back to the room and Jon told me to put some sun tan lotion on him, then me. We were both stood naked on the balcony with me rubbing lotion all round his dick and balls when one of the girls from the next room came out onto their balcony. We said,
“good morning” and carried on.
She leaned on the railing and I could see that she didn’t have anything on underher T-shirt. I kept rubbing the lotion onto Jon’s dick and he was starting to get erect. When she turned round she looked at us and went into their room. I thought that it must have looked as if I was wanking him. I wasn’t until that point, but I decided that I should.
As he didn’t tell me to stop I squatted down in front of him and continued. When he came, it shot all over my face and started running down my chest. Jon then told me to rub it in on me along with the sun tan lotion. I had a quick lick of what I could reach with my tongue before doing what I was told.
Jon decided that I needed a walk to really clear my head and we packed a small bag and put the vests back on. Jon’s went just below his bum and just covered his hanging dick at the front.
We went down into the hotel’s reception where Jon changed some Pounds into Pesetas and I had to sit on one of the sofas while I waited for him. They were very low and I’m sure that anyone passing would be able to see mypussy if they looked.
We set off walking along the beach and then up along the cliffs. Once we were away from the hotels and houses Jon told me to take my vest off, and along with him we walked nude. There were no houses or people so I didn’t mind. In fact it was quite nice, the feeling of freedom and the warm sun on all of my body was refreshing. I got a little worried at one point when we came across a road but we were back in the woods without seeing anyone. Eventually we came to beach, but we had to climb down passed a few houses to get there. I asked Jon if we should cover-up first but all he said was
“what the hell, keep going.” So we did.
There were only a couple of very young kids playing in one of the gardens and they were too young to care.
Once on the beach, Jon decided that we needed a swim to cool down so we dropped our bags and waded in. It was a wonderful feeling swimming and floating in the warm water. So relaxing, so free. I would recommend nudeswimming in the Mediterranean to anyone. There were little fish swimming around, and when I told Jon he said that next time we would bring our snorkels and masks and I could get a good look at them.
There hadn’t been anyone else on the beach when we arrived, but by the time we got out of the water there were 3 other couples, all wearing swimming costumes, except one woman who was topless. I asked Jon if we should cover-up but he said no and we lay on our towels. A bit later Jon said that we had started a trend and when I looked up 2 of the couples had also stripped off. I did-off and when I woke up my head was a lot clearer. Jon told me that we were going and that too much sun on our first day would not be good for us. We didn’t put the vests on and walked along the rest of the beach in the nude. There were lots of other people on the beach by then and most of them were also in the nude. We did have quite a few people looking at us as we walked up the path off the beach stillin the nude but we just carried on.
We walked along a track that went through some woods, and came across a couple of people walking in the opposite direction. We just said,
“good afternoon,” and kept walking until we came to a car park.
There were quite a few people there and about half way through (and a lot of funny looks) Jon said that we had better put our vests on as we were going to go to the cafe at the other end. We bought a couple of ice creams and the sat on a wall outside near a bus stop. I’m sure that the other people that were waiting could see that we had nothing on under the vests but no one said anything. The only thing that happened on the bus was that I had a look at the Spanish villages and way of life which is so different to that in England. I suppose that it is due to the brilliant weather that they get there. I could get used to living there.
The bus only went passed the end of a road that went down to out hotel and we had to walk about amile. Jon was walking very close to me and sometimes put his arm round my waist. It felt good.
It was early evening when we finally got back and Jon decided that we would have a swim before getting ready of dinner. When we got to the sun beds I got my white bikini out of my bag and was about to put the bottoms on when Jon said,
“take the vest off first then put just the bottoms on and by the way, a new rule, every time that you lay down on a sun bed or on the beach, you will lay with your feet about one foot apart. OK?”
“Yes Master” I replied and took my vest off.
I was completely naked beside the hotel swimming pool and there were still lots of people there.
I hurriedly put my bikini bottoms on and lay down. I thought that it was a bit risky in a place like that with all those people about, especially when we had to stay there for nearly another two weeks. But I didn’t say anything to Jon. Jon also took his vest off and by the time I have organized myselfhe was laid next to me in a pair of semi see-through briefs.
After we had rested for a while we went for a swim, me still topless and in the bikini bottoms that were virtually seen-through as soon as I got wet. We swam around the pool and came across a jet of water at one side about a foot below the surface. Jon said that it was probably the inlet from the filter system. I was letting the water ‘massage’ my back When Jon said that he had an idea. Because it was away from all the sun beds and most of the people, Jon told me to face the wall, grab hold of the rails either side of the jet and then lift my knees up and put them either side of the jet. This means that the jet was ‘massaging’ my pussy.
Wow, was that good. The look on my face told Jon that I was enjoying it so he told me to move. I was disappointed, but only for a minute, because he told me to take my bikini bottoms off, give them to him and then get back into the position. I wasn’t going to argue with that and moved very fast. It was great and knew that it wouldn’t take long for me to reach a climax.
Jon knew that I had cum by the expression on my face and he just said,
After my second climax Jon told me to move and he put his arms around me and held me close. It was then that I noticed the 2 teenage boys with facemasks on. I asked Jon how long they had been there and he said,
“only a couple of minutes and they haven’t looked our way yet.”
Jon didn’t give me my bikini bottoms back, just held on to me and moved us towards the boys. I was very close and facing Jon when one of them saw me and told his mate. They both swam round us underwater, trying to see more, but it was very difficult with Jon and me being so close. Jon then let go of me, turned me round, then put his arms round my wait. The water was up to our necks so no one outside of the water could see anything, but the 2 boys certainly could.
As they swam round and round us, Jon put one of his hands between my legs and forced them apart. He then started playing with my clip. I think that the boys nearly drowned, forgetting to come up for air. After a couple of minutes, Jon let go of me and told me to follow him.
The boys gave up and we swam back to near where our sun beds were. Thankfully, Jon gave me my bikini bottoms back before we got out, not that they covered much. We lay there for a while before going back to our room, me topless again.
I got a couple of funny looks and one old lady went “tut” which just made me smile at her. Back in the room, Jon went and sat on the balcony, nude, and told me to sit on his lap. As I walked out I could see Jon’s erection and thought that that was what I was waiting for. I slowly sat on him and breathed out a long sight. Fortunately, none of our neighbors were there and I slowly went up and down on him.
Just as I was about to cum the curtain and door of the girl’s room opened and 2 of them came out onto the balcony, one in just knickers, and the other with just a towel round her waist. I stopped and put my arm round Jon and just sat there watching them. They were giggling and talking about some boys that they had met. Apparently the third girl had gone back to one of the boy’s room. They saw us and we said hellos, but we didn’t talk. It wasn’t long before they went back in.
The excitement of being fucked while saying hello to some one else who was only a few feet away really kept me on a high and it only took a couple more movements for me to cum. Jon followed on my third orgasm. It was ages before Jon told me to get off him and he then told me to clean him up with my tongue. Most of his sperm was just starting to leak out of me and run down my legs but there was still a fair bit of both of our juices on his dick and balls.
It didn’t take long and I was grateful that none of our neighbors came out. It’s one thing being naked in front of others, but to be licking Jon’s penis is something else.
We lay on the bed reading a book for an hour or so before Jon told me to take a shower then put my cheesecloth dress on. We went down for dinner then out to a bar down the road. We sat at a table outside (how often can you do that at 11 o’clock at night in England?) and talked (and drank) about all sorts. He was obviously concerned about my happiness in my new life but I managed to re-assure him that there was no problem on that score. He also told me that I had to make notes for this journal, he didn’t want anything ‘interesting’ missing from it. We had a few to drink, but not as many as the previous night (well me anyway) and as we were walking back Jon put his arm round me and on my bum under my dress. It was still there when we walked into the hotel bar for a coffee before bed.
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