Four men were standing in a circle taking a smoke and having a chat.
At first sight, nothing seemed unusual about it. But there were two things attracting interest. The guys were standing in the toilet of a law-office and a ravishing redhead with a supermodel face, inviting curves and juicy double Ds knelt in their middle. A leash was attached to a dog collar around her neck. Her face was glistening from spunk and spit and her exposed tits were glowing fiery red.
After finishing his cig, Miller simply dropped the stub next to Vanessa as if she wasn’t even there and went for a piss to one of the urinals. Meanwhile, Stanton told her former boyfriend Mark
“Take out the trash!”
Mark reacted by taking the leash and firmly yanking on it.
“Time to get your whore ass home, cunt!” he declared.
When Vanessa realized that she was meant with the word ‘trash’, her body trembled from embarrassment.
Mark only gave her a few moments to pull her blouse backover her raw tits and the skirt back down over her sore bottom before he started walking out of the toilet.
“See you soon, fuckslut!” Erickson waved goodbye while Vanessa submissively followed her former boyfriend.
Her head was in turmoil. Her thoughts were running wild. She knew that she couldn’t work as office slut anymore. Now that the press was all over the ‘hotel incident’ and all secretaries know about her real job, the risk for the law-firm was too big.
Another thing trouble her was the money they had paid Mark to keep quiet. She knew too well that she had to work off that money.
But how? And where? And what did she have to do?
She was pretty certain that it wouldn’t be better than her office job — although ‘office job’ was a slight exam. Her duty had been to please the lawsers with her holes — to take their minds off their hard work any way they wanted to.
Somehow, she hoped her new duty wouldn’t be that different. She knew that she needed the attention and lust from men. The astonishment and pleasure she caused by acting all nasty and slutty.
But she was also dead sure about another thing. She wouldn’t work as a cheap hooker for them! She wouldn’t be a common street walker! She was a high-class slut that needed to get fucked hard and rough.
The memories of her experiences with Trey in the seedy bar flashed in front of her eyes and a shudder of disgust shook her. She never wanted to feel so worthless ever again. She never wanted to be treated lower than a little worm again. She was the perfect slut not an ordinary $10 hooker.
While Vanessa pondered all these questions, Mark took her to his car.
All the time during the drive, Mark shook his head in disbelief. The show he had just experienced — and been a part of — replayed inside his head.
“What a whore you are!” he finally exclaimed.
“I can’t believe what a nasty depraved fuckpig you are.” he repeated looking at Vanessa. “You didn’t even let me tap that snobby ass of yours. And now I see you as the lowliest dirtwhore ever!”
“Why did you never show me that side of yours?” he asked. “We could have had so much fun!”
“Now, I’m gonna have lots of fun with ya!” he added after a short pause.
“What will happen now?” Vanessa anxiously asked.
But Mark only laughed into her face remarking
“You’ll see, you’ll see.”
“At least, your greed turns out great for me.” he went on when he saw the question marks in Vanessa’s eyes. “Now I’m a rich men and the best thing about it is that you have to work your ass off for it!”
“Your fucking antisenses and arrogant attitude got on my tits so bad. All this ditzy behavior” he continued giving his best imitation of a ditzy chick, “was so fucking annoying. Now, I can treat you just as you are — a rotten dirty whore.”
“Following you to the hotel was the best thing I ever did!” he continued his tirade. “Now, your sluttiness got me a great job. I simply gotta watch out that you don’t do anything stupid and make sure you get to work every day.”
“And I can fuck you any time any way I like!” he added looking at her with lust filled eyes.
His words confused Vanessa. Somehow, he seemed to like the slut he had just discovered. His words made her nervous but also excited her. She didn’t dare asking him where he should take her every day though. She would find out soon anyway.
The next day, Mark had some plans with Vanessa.
“Time to start the fun!” he told her. “Let’s show the world what a whore you are!”
He made Vanessa dress in the skimpiest clothes she had. She had to wear a white blouse that was so low cut that her boobs almost fell out of it. As a skirt, she had to put on a tiny jeans mini skirt that barely covered her ass cheeses. As shoes, she wore knee high white leather boots with 7″ siletto heels. Of course, she wasn’t allowed to put on any bra or thong.
All in all, the entire outfitscreamed the word ‘slut’.
Mark took her to a small grocery store making Vanessa wonder what he had in store for her. All she knew was that she had anyone’s full attention. It didn’t happen too often that a beautiful young woman dressed in the skimpiest slut wear walked through such a small store.
Entering the shop, the two walked side by side through the lanes. As it was pretty early in the morning, the store wasn’t very crowded.
They were walking down the lanes doing their shopping when Vanessa suddenly felt a hand on her butt. Mark was running his fingers over her ass cheeks eventually pinching her right buttock.
Throwing a look over her shoulder, she could see a man behind them in the same lane. He was standing at the shelf but looked straight at her delicious ass. It was a middle-aged guy with greasy blond hair that was already getting thin and glasses on his nose. He wore clothes that were out of fashion for at least two decades giving the impression of a nerd that was still living with his mom.
On first impulse, she wanted to slap Mark’s hand away. But she stopped at the last second knowing the consequences.
When the guy passed them, Mark suddenly asked her with a syrupy voice
“Darling, would you please bow down and get that can of soup, please?”
Of course, the soup was standing on the lowest shelf and Vanessa knew too well that he wanted her to bend down with her knees straight.
Hesitating shortly, she did as she was told. She didn’t want to cause a scene in the store. It was close to their home so the chance of meeting some neighbor was pretty high. So she figured it was best to play along with Mark’s little games.
Bending over, she felt the mini skirt riding up her buttons. It was so short that the fabric completely rose over the curve of her ass. Now, her creamy soft ass cheats were totally exposed to the view.
Her heart started beating faster. Mark was showing her off like a cheap slut! He was teasing her mercilessly!
Glancing over her shoulder, she could see the blond guy staring directly at her exposed buttocks from close distance. He got a great view of her puffy cunt lips peeking out between her legs. At once, she blushed deeply and hurried to get the can.
Pushing herself back up, she angrily looked at Mark but he only laughed at her.
The next time a guy Passed them, he repeated his question and once again Vanessa bent down showing her bare bottom to another unknown man. Again she blushed deeply but also felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter.
Her body reacted to Mark’s ruthless treatment. Getting paraded around like an easy slut in open daylight had such an arousing effect on her.
In the next lane, Mark and Vanessa were alone. Reaching the end of the lane, Vanessa was suddenly pushed forward. From the sudden force, she had to grip the shelf to keep herself steady.
She wanted to yell at Mark as this was clearly going too far. But the second she opened her mouth, she suddenly felt something hard getting pressed against her pussy! At first, she thought he tried plunging his cock inside her cunt but then Mark held the object in front of her face.
It was a cucumber! The obvious cucumber Vanessa thought.
“Lick it!” Mark ordered still pushing her against the shelf.
“Please!” Vanessa tried begging.
“You’re cunt is already dripping so don’t tell me you don’t want it stuffed, fuckslut!” he interrupted her.
And he was right. Mark was treating her just as she needed it — like a cheap nasty slut. He was showing her off as an easy fuckslut and she was enjoying it. Still, the thought of being paraded around like a filter whore in public was frightening to her! It made her nervous as hell but also extremely excited.
Vanessa knew that she didn’t stand a chance — not against Mark and not against her own body. Giving in, she opened her mouth. Instantly, Mark pushed the cucumber in and outof her mouth until it was glistening wetly.
Then he put it back at the entrance of her pussy.
“Work that dirty cunt, whore!” he ordered loud enough for others to hear.
Even before the words had registered in Vanessa’s mind, her body had already reacted. Arching her back, she pushed her ass back. With her cunt dripping with her own juices, it slid in easily.
A slap on her right ass cheek, told her to work her cunt on the cucumber and Vanessa obliged. She began pushing her pussy up and down the large vegetable while gyrating her hips in rhythm.
All the time, she looked over her shoulder to see what was going on in the lane behind her. Fear crept up inside of her. She didn’t want to get caught for obscene behavior and get thrown out of the store.
At the same time, ecstatic sensings were radiating from her cunt through her body. She couldn’t stop herself anymore whatever might happen. She would be embarrassed beyond belief if she got caught! But thisimminent danger was such a sweet torture!
“We won’t leave before you’ve cum!” Mark encouraged her and Vanessa started working her hips even faster.
She started panting from the effort. Then she saw the nerdy blond guy turning the corner of the lane. He was slowly walking down the lane coming closer and closer!
Instantly, Vanessa blushed deeply red. She started pushing her pussy up and down the cucumber in frantic speed. She wanted to run away but instead she was frozen to the ground. Only her hips were working in overtime.
All the while, she looked directly into the eyes of the unknown man. The glint in his eyes told her that he could see everything going on. And this only turned her on even more.
Several feet away, he came to a halt. Pretending to search the shelf, he kept on looking at Vanessa until Mark’s voice interrupted the silence.
“Do you wanna stick your finger up that slutty ass?” he asked the guy shocking Vanessa to the bone.
Beforeshe could react in any way though, she felt a finger pressing against her pumped backdoor. And exactly that made her cum.
When the orgasm hit her, she couldn’t keep quiet and moaned her pleasure out. The entire time, she was afraid of anyone hearing the lewd noise but there was nothing she could do to stop it.
When her orgasm had finally subsided, she got a new instruction from Mark.
“Thank this nice man for his help!” he ordered.
Looking down onto the ground to hide her dark red face, Vanessa said with a small voice
“Thank you Sir for making this dirty slut cum!”
This caused a big smile to spread over the face of the unknown man before he slowly walked away.
Of course, the cucumber remained in Vanessa’s pussy till the end of their shopping. Finally, they were standing at the checkout ready to get out of the grocery store. All the time, Vanessa had been afraid about Mark’s next move. But nothing had happened anymore.
At the checkout, eVery went well until Mark suddenly told the checker
“Sorry, I think you forget a cucumber!”
Counting the three cucumbers lying on the line, he answered.
“No, I got all three.”
“Oh, we got a forth one.” Mark responded looking at Vanessa.
She could read in his eyes what he wanted her to do. She couldn’t believe it. She was too stunned to move a single bone. She couldn’t bring herself to do it.
She felt like she was dying of embarrassment right there and then. Her face had turned the deepest shade of red.
Looking around, she saw a young woman approaching the checkout. Before she arrived, Vanessa quickly pushed her skirt up and showed the cucumber sticking out of her pussy to the checker.
The checker looked at her and then at Mark. He got red himself before he hastily tipped in the price for another cucumber.
Finally, they were out of the grocery store and Vanessa knew that she would never set another food into it. She had never felt so ashamed before. She could never step in front of that checker ever again.
But she had never been so excited neither. Finally, Mark was treating her the way she needed it.
At their car, Mark instructed Vanessa to bend over the engine hood. By now, Vanessa obliged without hesitation although nervousness started boiling up inside her body one more time.
Their car was standing at one end of the parking lot. Several cars were occupying the place but all in all it was pretty quiet. Several hedges had been planted to embellish the lot. This way, their car couldn’t be seen in full detail from the store.
Still, Vanessa blushed again when she bent over the hood from the side of the car. Once again, the short mini skirt rose up totally exposing her ass. Her shiny white siletto boots were glaringly glistening in the sun acting like a noticeable warning sign.
Vanessa was dead certain that someone from the store must see her standing there in bright daylight exposing her ass. The flashy white boots were just too eye-catching.
Her entire body was shaking from tension and anxiety. It felt like a hundred butterflies were going wild inside her stomach.
“Spread that dirty cunt, fuckslut!” Mark ordered.
Vanessa reached back with her hands. Now, her upper body and luscious big tits fully rested on the hood. With each index finger, she grabbed one of her silver cunt rings and spread them apart.
The cucumber was sticking out of her juicy cunt like a rocket. Mark let her stay there in open daylight for several minutes simply enjoying the sight of her delicious stuffed pussy.
He teased her to the fullest now. Any second some car could drive into the parking lot or some shoppers could walk out of the store and discover Vanessa. She started shaking from nervousness while her juices were running along the cucumber and slowly dripping onto the ground.
Finally, Mark pulled the cucumber out of her pussy leaving her fuckholegaping open. Putting it at her mouth, he made her clean her entire juices off. Then he leaned forward and hissed into her ear.
“So you’re a little tease, aren’t you?” he asked Vanessa.
She only mumbled a ‘yes’ while still sucking the cucumber.
“You love showing your goods off to men, don’t you?” Mark continued.
One more time, Vanessa murmured her consent with her mouth filled.
“Time to put your holes on the line for it, little whore!”
With these words, he gripped her neck, dragged her to the side and throw her face first onto the passenger seat.
Vanessa landed with her knees on the seat. With her head down, her ass stuck up invitingly. Her gaping cunt looked like screaming for something to be plugged with.
Mark didn’t leave that fuckhole unfilled for long though. He only needed a few seconds to pull out his already hard dick and shove it right inside to the hilt.
Vanessa yelped from the sudden hard intrusion but her body welcomed the cock. Mark grabbed her arms pulling them back. This way, Vanessa’s back was arched and she was totally in his control.
He began pushing her body back on her arms while pumping his cock forward at the same time. His cock drilled deep into her snatch with full force. With every thrust, his cock impacted noisily with her buttocks while her fat tits jiggled wildly.
Mark was riding her hard and wild driving his cock in and out of her cunt in rapid speed. The sensings radiating from Vanessa’s snatch were too much and she started moaning loudly.
Out of the blue, she suddenly heard a voice.
“Yeah, that’s what the bitch needs! What a dirty slut!”
Looking over her shoulder, a jolt of excitement exploited in her loins. The blond middle-aged nerd stood next to Mark watching her getting fucked. Her moans turned into uncontrolled grunts.
This was so perverse! She felt so humiliated! But it was such a sweet degradation that she wished for it to never stop. It flushed her body with so much pleasure, she couldn’t believe it.
Moments later, Mark pushed her around making her sit on the seat. Just in time before his cock exploded spraying her face with sticky white cum. When he had finished, her face was covered with gooey jizz that dripped down her chin.
“Show him what you’re good for, bitch!” Mark instructed her while stepping to the side and giving way to the blond guy.
The nerdy man took his chance and swiftly grabbed her arm pulling her out of the car. Then he led her to the back of the vehicle.
Before Vanessa realized what was happening, he had positioned her over the trailer hit. All she could see was that she now looked right back to the store. Only the guy’s body blocked the view.
“C’mon slut, ride that towbar with your filthy cunt!” he told her.
Not waiting for her reaction, he started adding pressure onto her shoulders making her knees buckle.
Vanessa was crouching down if she wanted to or not. Finally, the hard steel hit against her smooth cunt. She yelped out from the sudden coldness. But still, the guy kept on pushing her down.
The knot of the trailer hit was pretty big. Although her pussy was well used by now, it resisted. But this resistance only lasted a few seconds before the knot popped into her fuckhole.
Recent, Vanessa let out a grunt from the sudden stuffing her cunt received.
“Ride it!” the blond nerd ordered impatiently.
Vanessa could not believe it. Here she was in a public parking lot in front of a grocery store with cum covering her face riding the towbar of a car for the pleasure of an unknown guy. And this guy looked like he would never score with a girl on his own — especially not with a woman as pretty as herself.
This whole scenario turned her on incredibly. She truly was a slut — a dirty filthy fuckslut that loved getting used by men. More and more, she got the impression that her body didn’t care about the men that used her as long as they manhandled her as crude and ruthless as possible.
But still, her lady-ego couldn’t accept this fact. Ever more, these two sides of herself seemed to be totally separated.
Watching her hump the trailer hit, the guy pulled his dick out and held it in front of Vanessa’s face.
She didn’t need another order. She wanted to be a filter slut right now — the nerd’s filter slut.
“Please Sir, give the fuckslut some lube so she can suck your dick properly.” she asked him opening her mouth wide.
At once, the guy reacted spitting a big white glob of drool right into her mouth. Only for a tiny second, Vanessa twitched from disgust as she felt the gross spit hitting her tongue. The next second, her slut-self had taken over again.
Next, she lunged forward gulping down the nerd’s hard shake. She wasn’t able to completely bury it inside her mouth at the first try. But working the cock in and out of her hungry mouth several times, she eventuallyy had the entire length deeply planted inside her throat.
By now, Vanessa had reached full slut-mode. She felt so nasty performing this perverted act in public and it was even naughtier to pleasure a guy that looked like he only got a girl if he paid her.
She reached around his hips gripping each of his buttocks with her hands. Then she pushed him forward burying even more of his raging hard-on in her gullet. She started sliding up and down his cock in fast speed. She worked his dick like crazy grunting like a wild beast. Spit and slobber splattered out of her mouth coating the entire length of his shaft.
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