One moment, Vanessa was walking down the entrance area of the exclusive hotel with a happy, satisfied look in her eyes. She had been more than successful in entertaining Erickson and his friends. And she had loved every second of the hard rough fucking they had dished out to her.
But the next moment, she was suddenly in Trey’s vice grip. The bellboy pulled her into the employee’s area that quickly she didn’t have any chance to protest.
When they finally came to a halt, Vanessa knew the surroundings too well. They were in the goods arrival department — once again.
“Are you fucking nuts?” Trey screamed at her. “Wanna leave without my pay?”
His head was glowing bright red from anger and he looked ready to explode any second. He tightly grabbed Vanessa’s chin making her look up to him.
“Wanna fuck me over, whore?” he barked. “You don’t know who you’re messing with!”
Vanessa was shaking from fear. She didn’t know what Trey was about to do but he looksd capable of anything if he didn’t get his money.
“Sorry, I I didn’t find you!” she stuttered trying to calm him down. “I’d never deceive you!”
As reaction, Trey smacked a burning slap to her cheek causing tears to shoot into her eyes.
“Don’t fucking lie to me, whore!” he spat at her.
The next moment, Vanessa felt her purse getting ripped out of her hands. Trey opened it and rummaged around inside. Only, he didn’t find a lot of money in it. She only had some change with her for the cab ride home.
Looking back at Vanessa, he appeared even more enraged.
“Where — Is – It!” he asked emphasising every single word. “Where’s the fucking cash!”
Vanessa was deadly frightened by now trembling uncontrollably.
“I I don’t have no money.” she stuttered with a small voice.
“You wanna screw me?” Trey screamed his voice tumbling. “I saw you with at least 3 johns!”
Menacingly, he took a step towards Vanessa. Seeing the disbelief in his eyes, she staggered back.
“They they paid me forefront.” she said with a small voice taking cover in anticipation of another slap.
“What?!?” Trey responded not believing his ears.” You wanna tell me I don’t get no money? I’ve been waiting an entire hour after my shift ended! You wanna tell me I’ve been waiting for nothing?”
Trey’s face glowered in an even darker shade of red while he punched the air in frustration.
Then, he looked back at Vanessa. Slowly, she was fighting down her fear.
What a fucking bastard! Who did he think he was? Why did he think he could treat her like that? He was just a little bellboy! No one in a position to give orders to her!
Vanessa started getting furious about the situation herself. She wanted to get home. She was exhausted. She was wound out — her holes were wound out.
“I need that money! … I’ll get that money!” Trey hissed over and over again.
Suddenly, he stepped forward and grabbed Vanessa’s neck making her yelp from the vice grip.
“You better give me my money or I’ll make you work for it, fucking whore!”
Vanessa was seriously getting in a fury by now. This low-life wannabe pimp wasn’t on the same level as herself. She should be the one ordering him around. Making him run for his money! Making him service her any which way she wanted!
She tried to free herself from the bastard’s grip throwing punches around her. But she didn’t have a chance against him. He was far too strong.
“I don’t work for you!” she screamed hysterically.
“Just give me my fucking money!” Trey shouted in response.
“Why should I pay you anything?” Vanessa asked back. “You’re not in a position to tell me anything!”
“Ooh, you want me to call the cops? Didn’t we have a talk about that before?” he mocked her.
Vanessa groaned in despair. Her courage was gone just as soon as it had flamed up.
The damned cops. She wasn’t keen on getting to know the insides of a jail cell. She wasn’t keen on anyone finding out she’d been to prison. She had to care for her reputation.
In defeat, she slumped together. She knew that he had her in his grip. There was nothing she could do against it.
“What what do you want me to do?” she asked gulping down the lump in her throat.
“Oh, the Queeny Ho is back in line!” Trey mocked her some more. “Miss Hooker’s gonna work Some more. Only this time, I’m gonna get the money.”
After explaining his plan to her, he let Vanessa’s neck go. He pushed her away from him making her stagger forward. Then, he pulled out his cell phone and dialled some numbers.
While he was on the phone, Vanessa had time to think about this new turn of events. She didn’t like getting whored out by this mean guy — she didn’t like it a bit! She was the office slut. She only fucked influential wealthy men in order of her office. She was no common street whore! She was an elegant lady playing a slut from time to time!
Feverishly,she thought about ways to get out of this situation. She knew she had to pay off this bastard before she could get home. But she didn’t see any. Staying in prison overnight still wasn’t an option. She had to bite the rotten apple. She had to do what this fucker wanted her to.
After Trey had finished his calls, he had walked back up to Vanessa. Unceremoniously, he had pushed her over making her bend forward. Pulling the hem of her dress up over her hips in a swift motion he had inspected her fuckholes.
The ruthless way he inspected her like cattle, let a shiver run down Vanessa’s spine. She damned herself for getting excited from this humiliating behavior. But she could do nothing against it.
“Wow!” Trey excered. “Your johns put that hooker holes through a wrapper! They’re ruined for good!”
Another shiver rushed through her body. Vanessa felt like a piece of meat — a hooking piece of fuckmeat. And this treatment aroused her!
Quickly, Trey took Vanessa’s hand and pulled her to an elevator in the employee’s area. She would have walked with him on her own but he didn’t give her a chance. So she had to stagger behind him trying to keep up with him in her siletto boots.
The elevator took them to another floor. With a key card, Trey opened an empty suite and led her inside. There he gave her a short but clear order
“Get yourself fresh and clean.”
Nodding, Vanessa walked into the bathroom. She could feel any bone in her body. She was so exhausted. But she knew the day wasn’t over yet.
What will he make me do? Vanessa wondered. Will it aroom me, too? Will it be even more filthy and nasty than anything before?
All these thoughts spun through her head while she took a short shower. When she stepped out, Trey was already waiting for her. Of course, he made sure to be the one towelling her off. Especially, her firm big boobs got a good squeeze.
While drying her off, he let some water into the tub.
“Weneed to get that used holes back in shape, whore.” he explained. “Sit in the water till I tell you to get out!”
Vanessa’s ‘fuckholes’ felt just as Trey described them. They definitely needed some soothing. But still, her pussy was tingling from his rude words. So she simply nodded and lowered herself into the tub.
When her soft ass touched the water, she let out a yelp. It was ice cold! At once, she tried to get up but Trey pushed her down on her shoulders.
“The cold water makes your holes shrink back to size. That’s exactly what your gaping craters need right now.”
Vanessa had to grip her teeth to keep them from clapping. The water was incredibly cold. Her sensitive crotch and ass felt like getting frozen. Nevertheless, Trey let her sit in the tub for half an hour. Every ten minutes, he cam back inside to let the warming water out and new ice cold in.
In the end, goose bumps permanently covered Vanessa’s tanned soft skin. But when she was finally allowedto step out of the tub, she had to admit that her pussy and asshole had really shrunk back to their original size. Running her hand over her cunt, she could feel that it was tight and dry as a bone. Her butthole was still swollen and sore but had also closed back up.
“C’mon, show the world what a cheap slut you are. Put on your whore make-up!” Trey impatiently advised her.
When she looked into the mirror, she saw the person Vanessa Laren. But she knew that she was about to get whored out to some ugly guys. So she had to cover this personality up and hide it under the whore “Queeny Ho”.
Therefore, she put on heavy layers of make-up and painted the space between her upper eyeselids and browsers with dark eye shadow. Plenty layers of gloss made her lips glisten wetly. Finally, black eyeliner and heavy mascara emphasized her sparkling green eyes immensely.
Looking back into the mirror, Vanessa now saw the definition of a glamour slut looking back at her. Only that thisglamorous bitch was about to get rendered into an ordinary hooker.
Trey took her out of the hotel to his car. It was one of those big old American cars. Only, it was running on its last piston. He drove straight to the part of town Vanessa knew so well by now. It was the sleazy rundown red light district where Vanessa had gained her first experience as a striptease dancer and gotten her whore tags.
He took her to a bar that looked just as sleazy and cheap as the one she had been with Stanton, Miller and Erickson. When they entered, the bar was busy. Mainly men had gathered to take some drinks. But there were also some women accompanying them. With the late hour, the atmosphere was already filled with alcohol. Loud chatter was everywhere.
When Trey walked inside with Vanessa at his hand, the chatter calmed down immediately until the entire room was dead silent. No wonder as the redhead with the curvy body, heavy tits and whorish tramp stamp was a sight to be seen. In tHis shabby surroundings, she stood out like a sore thumb. With the black skin-tight latex dress, the knee-high fuck-me boots and slutty make-up, she looked like a pornstar. A glamour slut these men were only jerking off to while looking at pictures of her.
Enjoying the attention, Trey slowly walked her to the bar. With all eyes glued to her, he made a show of letting his hand roam over her lower back. This way, he directed anyone’s attention directly to her degrading tramp stamp. Immediately, she could feel all eyes scraping over her whore tag.
When Vanessa sat down onto the bar stool, the low v-formed cleavage of her dress came into full play. The leather fabric was so low-cut that in a sitting position every one could look deep down the canyon between her ass cheeses. Her tramp stamp and clearly visible buttocks were drawing the guys’ looks like moths to the flame.
When the barman put two pins in front of them, he made sure to get a good look at her firm ripe melonsas they were presented to him like on a shelf. A sleazy grin spread over his face.
Meanwhile, Trey leaned over to Vanessa and whispered something into her ear. This caused her to decisively shake her head. Pressing his fingers firmly into her thighs, he repeated his whispering and this time she nodded.
Nervously, Vanessa sipped on her beer. She needed the calming influence of the alcohol. Every pore of her body struggled against Trey’s demand. Anxiously, she looked around the room. All these people could be summed up in one word — white trash. The sort of humans she despised so much. The persons she had sworn to never ever get into contact with again after finally leaving her parent’s trailer home.
Now, she had been roughed up by a group of trailer trash in open daylight. She had been fucked by a cheap waiter in a filthy backyard.
And she had enjoyed it. She had cum endless times. She had yearned for more degradation.
A part of her had hated it, had despwased her treatment as dirty fuckmeat. But another part had loved it – a part that needed to be humiliated and put through a wraper ever so often.
But all of these events had been a part of her job – her job as the office slut. A fuckslut for rich men pleasing them any way they liked. And Stanton had liked to watch her getting degraded by these scumbags. Still, she had only done it at his command.
Now, she was here on her own. She was here to get whored out like a common street hooker. Something completely different! Something she didn’t want to do! Something far beneath her dignity! She didn’t know if she could bring herself to do it.
While Vanessa struggled with these thoughts, one of the men got up and sat down next to her. He was looking pretty washed out but in reality his age was probably close to forty. He had a weathered, down beaten face that a bear somewhat covered and his breath tank for liquor.
With his eyes roaming over her entire body he checkedher out before he asked
“Does the “Queeny Ho” deserve her name?”
Vanessa’s heart was in her throat. It thumbed in lightning speed. She knew exactly what to do. Trey had given her a crystal clear order. Gulping down, she answered with a small voice
“You can do anything you want with this ‘Queeny Ho’ for 50 bucks, Mister!”
She didn’t know what was worse – offering herself to this random ugly guy as a hooker or letting herself get fucked for 50 bucks.
50 bucks!!!
She was a high-class slut not some cheap street walker! Men would pay so much more to even be allowed to sit at the same table with her! And now, she was even begging this sleazebag to use her for this ridiculous charge.
A smile appeared on the guy’s — her john’s — face. Without further ado he grabbed her hand and pushed her through the bar to the restrooms – in front of the eyes of the entire crowd.
Vanessa could see the persons they passed sticking their heads together. Anyone inside know what was about to happen. Everyone knew what she was.
Unimpressed, he led her into the ladies’ restroom. He simply walked to one of the booths opened its door and sat down onto the seat.
Vanessa remained standing in front of the line of cubicles. Uncertain, she looked around. It was a typical restroom one would expect in such a shoddy bar. In fact, this dump was a shithole.
There was a long line of white booths. Only, the white colour of its walls was hidden by a flood of tags. The white tiles had turned yellowish over the years. The slippery floor was covered with a greasy filter. The bins were overflowing and in front of one cubicle a pile of puke spread over the tiled floor. A biting stink crept up her nose.
This was definitely no place Vanessa would spend a penny. She wouldn’t even place a foot into it! Under normal circumstances…
“Get going ho!” Her first-ever john excerpted tired of waiting for her to move.
Slowly, very slowly, shestepped into the cubicle and closed the door. Even after all of the other guests had seen them walking into the restroom, she didn’t want anyone watching how she served her first customer as a cheap hooker in this shitty place.
Leaning forward, she opened the guy’s jeans and freed his already rigid cock. She hesitated again. She couldn’t believe that she was about to lower herself onto this grimy floor and suck this pathetic specimen of a man off. She couldn’t believe that she was spurning her own dignity so hard.
For a moment, she wondered what had been on this floor. It sure didn’t look like it had been mopped anytime lately. And her bare knees were about to get in touch with this filter.
As the guy was getting impatient, she eventually dropped to the ground. With such little space in the cubicle, she had to completely knee down. Spreading out her legs, they jutted out under the cubicle door. Now, her black heeled leather boots were openly visible in the restroom.
Everyone knows you’re performing your hooker-service anyways! Shot through her mind giving her the creeps. All she could do was to get it over as fast as possible.
So she focused on the task at hand and began working the trashy guy’s dick. It wasn’t that large so she had no problem gulping its entire length down. Working her mouth up and down, his entire shaft got covered in her drool. When his cockhead hit her throat, she was reminded of its soreness.
At once, the burning it was back but somehow it only caused her to push her face deep into his crotch burying his dick in her gullet. Over and over, his tool scraped over her throat and the itch increased. She couldn’t tell why but it turned her on.
Ever faster, her head bobbed up and down. By now, she was giving herself a major face fucking pleasing the guy’s dick with her soft lips and tight throat. She even had to grip the sides of his thighs with her fine burgundy manicured hands for leverage. With a gruntthe man’s cock erupted shooting his thick white cream into her mouth. It was such a large mass that a pool formed around her tongue.
With his balls empty, the sleazebag pulled his wallet out and fished a 50$ bill out of it. With one hand, he rarely stuffed the green into her dress right between her fat big tits while giving her funbags a firm squeeze with the other one.
“Get out or you wanna watch me take a piss?” he barked ending Vanessa’s first trip into prostitution.
Hastily, Vanessa staggered to her feet and walked out of the shitty restroom. She didn’t take a single look to the sides fearing the knowing glances of the other guests. She didn’t stop till she had reached Trey back at the bar coming to a halt next to him.
There was another command she had to fulfill. Again, she could feel all eyes on her. Hesitantly, she shyly looked around. The gazes varied between disgust and pure animalistic lust.
What would they say after witnessing what she was about to do? She was so ashamed yet. Could her embarrassment increase even more?
When Trey looked up from his pint, she pressed her impressive bus out. She put her fine burgundy manicured hands under her plump juggs as if presenting her delicious globes on a tray to him. With a triumphant look, he made a show of moving his hand to her tits and pulling the bill out of her cleavage.
She feel herself blush from this public disgrace. She wanted the ground to swallow her up. But it wasn’t over yet.
Trey took her empty glass from the bar and held it in front of her. Slightly leaning forward, she let the john’s cum dribble into the pint.
For inspection, Trey held the glass up against the light so everyone could clearly see it. Some of the creamy goo stuck to the side. With immense pleasure he Shook the glass till all cum had formed a puddle on the bottom.
The entire crowd had watched this scene in silence. Now, loud chatter broke out again. Vanessa felt her cunt pulsating from this humiliation.
What was wrong with her? Why did her body enjoy such open degradation so much? She hated it! Why did her body react otherwise?
She didn’t have a lot of time to ponder these questions though. She had barely taken place next to Trey when her next client came up to her.
Before he even opened his mouth to say a word, Vanessa asked in a resigned voice
“Would you like to fuck ‘Queeny Ho’ for 50, Mister?”
“How much for anal?” he asked back.
“For 50, you can fuck any hole of this whore!” Vanessa responded closing her eyes in defeat.
As the first one, this guy took hold of her hand and led her through the bar to the restrooms with all eyes following them.
“Show the whore her place!” someone hollered after them.
The man didn’t look any better than her first customer. His most striking feature was the greasy black hair he combined across his head to hide the baldness on top of it which of course didn’t work at all.
He led her into the gents’ room this time. Although almost impossible, it was in an even shittier condition. To be honest, it was an absolute disgrace.
This place must have been clean once but which previous decade that had been was not obvious. Everything was horribly filter and brownish. Vanessa didn’t know what was worse, the nauseous smell that permeated the place or puddles of piss that formed on the tiled floor which was one complete layer of slipe.
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