Vanessa's Day at the Office

I was typing away at my desk when the intercom buzzed, “Miss Vanessa, can you please come into my office?” Before I got up, I pulled out my pocket mirror and smoothed out my skirt. I prided myself on my professional appearance, which was obvious from my head to my toes. I was wearing a white satin blouse, with a black skirt, which came to just above the knee, and a pair of black, open toed heels. I got up and knocked on my boss’s office before entering, and upon hearing “Come in,” I opened the door. My boss was sitting behind his large oak desk, and looked up at me when I entered. “Good morning, Miss Vanessa, I needed to talk to you this morning about your job performance.”

“What about my job performance, sir?” I had always been a model secretary, always making sure my work was done on time, never gossiping away on the phone, or taking long lunches.

“Well, Vanessa, when I hired you I thought you were a good secretary, but recently your work seems to be lacking.”

“Lacking, sir?” I eyed my boss questioningly, hoping I wasn’t about to be fired.

“Yes, Vanessa, lacking. The coffee pot’s always dry, the mail bins are always full and waiting to be sorted, and all of this together affects how my office looks. I will not have a second rate office. Do you understand, Vanessa?” As he finished talking my boss stood up, still staring at me.

“Yes, sir, I Understand. I’m very sorry that the office has not been to your satisfaction lately, sir, but I have been terribly busy and I am the only office girl, sir.” I had always known my boss to be a understanding man, and I was hoping that he would be understanding this time and not fire me.

“That’s no excuse, Vanessa. Lots of other men in the company only have one secretary and their offices are in tip-top shape. I think we need to put a stop to this once and for all.”

As he said that, a chill went down my spine, afraid my fears were about to come true.

“Vanessa, I’ll give you two pickes. Either you can quit now, or you can let me give you a spanking over my desk.”

I stared at the boss for a moment stunned by the choices. I didn’t want to quit, I needed this job, but the idea of ​​being spanked sounded humiliating.

“Well, Vanessa. What will it be?” He tapped his fingers on the desk, as he waited for my answer.

I took a deep breath, and slowly answered him. “I need this job sir. I’ll take the spanking.” I couldn’t believe what I had just said, but it seemed like I had no other choice.

“Very well, Vanessa. Let’s take care of this right now then, why don’t we? Step up to the desk, please” As he spoke he started walking around to the front of the desk.

I slowly scooted up to the desk. “Place your hands on the edge of the desk, Vanessa.” As I did so, he positioned himself behind me. After I grabbed onto the desk, I felt him pushing my skirt up. “No,” I protested, “Can’t you do it over my skirt, sir?”

“Do you want a job or not, Vanessa?”

I realized that I had absolutely no say in any of this if I wished to keep my job. “I’m sorry, sir”

“That’s better, Vanessa. Now, stay in that position.” I then felt start to pull at the waistband of my black to. I thought about complaining, but thought better.

“Now Vanessa, I’m going to give you 20 swats with my hand on your bare bottom. If you get out of position, or try to protest, the deal is automatically over and you will be out of a job, effective immediately. Is that understand, Miss Vanessa?”

I could feel the air on my bottom as I stood there, making me painfully aware of my nakedness. I quietly answered, “Yes sir, I understand.”

“Good. Now, I think we’re all set to begin,” and with that I feel his hand come down hard on my right cheat. “SWAT.” I was not prepared for the pain, and jumped a little. Hoping my boss did not notice, I got right back into position.

“SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT.” I stood there bent over the desk, digging my hands into the edge. My bottom was burning, and it was getting harder and harder for me to stand still.

“SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT.” As he spanked me, the boss began to talk to me. “I have very high expectations for my secretary, and I expect these expectations to be met.” I stood there, silently crying, hoping my humiliation was almost over.

“SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT, SWAT” With the last spank administrator, the boss began rubbing my now red and sore bottom. Part of me wanted to scream at him to get his filthy hands off of me, yet part of me wanted him to continue rubbing my bottom.

“I’m sorry, Vanessa, but you needed to learn your lesson” He now spoke gently into my ear, while moving his hands down my bottom, into my private area. s one of his hands rubbed my womanly parts, his other hand reached its way around to my front to undo the buttons on my blouse. Until now, I had not noticed that my private was driving from my womanly parts.

AsI relaxed into my boss’s arms, my blouse fall off, revealing my white lace bra. As he undid my bra, I found myself hoping that he finds my secret skills to be substandard again very soon.


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