Vanessa de Provence


With tenderness, Vanessa de Provence kissed my lips as I entered her apartment. As I had imagined, everything was so clean and tidy that you would have thought she had ten cleaning ladies. But this was Vanessa’s style, which came through in every facet of her life… clean, sharp, intelligent, korrekt…

With brutality, she stared at me still standing like a lemon in her entrance hall with all my clothes on.

“Let me see you strip down to the bone” she sang, parodying Depeche Mode, or Rammstein.

“Um, look, sorry to be such a wimp, but, you’re sure no-one’s here, no-one’s coming?” I said quietly.

“Strip!” she screamed. “And for delaying like that you will suffer more this afternoon than you ever have before. No-one is coming… héhé… Surely not you!”.

I quickly removed my black t-shirt, my combat trousers and my light-ops boots. As Vanessa had requested by message on the Internet, I wore no socks, no underwear…

With tenderness, Vanessa stroked my thigh, and then cupped her warm, firm hand around my balls. Squeezing gently, she led me through into her blinde. Beside the huge flat screen TV, there was a small stack of DVDs — all fairly standard mainstream films as far as I could see.

With brutality, Vanessa tugged at my balls and made me knee on the hard parquet floor in front of her.

“You haven’t told me how wonderful I look today,” she said slowly.

“Secret leader, you are as beautiful and fresh and classy as you always are,” I stammered as quickly as I could in French… I was hoping I had said it right.

“Really?” she asked, not really caring for what I thought. “That’s funny, because I have been at the office for 6 hours with no air conditioning, and I can see patches of perspiration on my work t-shirt. Can’t you?.”

“Um…” I wasn’t sure what would be the right answer. Clearly Vanessa had been at the office, or somewhere hot, until very recently. Now, in the coolness of her Provence apartment I could not see any patches of perspiration on her t-shirt, only the flushed red look of her cheeks as she leaned close to me.

“Idiot!” she shouted. Here — start your work you silly English boy. Lick here.” She took off her t-shirt and lifted her right arm. He breasts looked tantalisingly good in their black sports bra. She was pointing to her right armpit.

I moved closer on my knees — lucky I am quite tall, so even kneeing, I was able to reach and do as she told me. I poked out my tongue and licked under her arm. She tasted sweet, but hot… slightly of onion, but only very slightly. Most of all I could tell that she had been smoking, because her skin was very salty. After a while, when I had licked all the saltiness from under her arm, she lifted her left arm, but said nothing. On my knees, I moved round to her left side and began cleaning her again. This was the first time that I noticed that my cock was really stiff. Luckily it did not bang against Vanessa’s leg as I moved round her, or I’m sure she would have been very displeased.

After licking her under her arm for a minute or two, she said “Stop!” and I immediately stopped running my tongue over her soft skin.

“You have written to me asking for several… how to say… experiences… or rather, telling me that you think you would like to show your admission for me by performing certain duties.”

“Yes, secret leader,” I replied, blushing furiously as I thought about some of the things I had written from the safety of my office…

“Well… I think we are going to sit down and take a look at your little list… your, héhé, your fansies…. And we’re going to see what a dirty-minded individual you are,” Vanessa explained.


This was not at all what I had expected, and my penis drooped a little as I realized, for the first time, that Vanessa really was in control.

“You wrote here that you would like to be made to lick my pussy, even whenit is hot and sweaty from a long day at work,” she began. “Hmm… that’s not too bad I suppose. But you don’t even mention my breasts, and how you would like to hold them, feel their weight, their firmness, maybe rub my nipples gently through my bra to give ME pleasure. You were only thinking of yourself, weren’t you?”

Before I could answer, she continued; “You also wrote that you would like it if my huge muscled boyfriend had come in my pussy… that this would make it harder for you because you are not gay, but that it would demonstrate how much you admired me. Is that right? Have I understand that correctly? You would like to be made to clean my pussy, even if my boyfriend has shot his cum inside me? Oh, really!”.

I was blushing so badly, so Much wanting the hard wooden flooring to swallow me up… and seriously thinking about making a dash for my clothes and the door…

“Don’t even think about it, secret follower. You are here now. We are going to read all about what a sad little follower you are,” said Vanessa.

I looked down at my still half-stiff cock, not knowing where else to look. I could not bear to hear her judgment on what I had written next. The delicious taste of her perspiration was still on my tongue, and I longed to give her pleasure, but my longing was to be delayed.

“You wrote that, after you have cleaned my pussy, you would like me to Take you to the bathroom, and hold your mouth tight against my erotic passage. You would like me to start to pee, so that you had to lick and drink quickly to avoid any droplets falling on the bathroom tiles.”

I could not speak. I was so embarrassed. I wished that I had not written any of this.

Tenderly, Vanessa smiled at me, and rubbed my penis with her stockinged foot. “That really is disgusting, little follower, don’t you think? There’s no place for that kind of behaviour in my world. You are simply a little pervert, aren’t you?”.

“I guess”, I said promptly. “I’m sor- – eeeeee!” — I was trying to say sorry, but Vanessa had leant forward and very quickly grabbed my naked testicles firmly in the hand, and squeezed, hard.

“Shut up with your apologies,” she admonished. “Did I say that I wanted to hear an apology?”

I didn’t dare to speak. I felt slightly sick because she was holding my balls so tightly, but also because I was excited, in spite of everything, or perhaps because I had finally realized how very much in control she was. My true submissive side was being brought out by her touch, but even more so by her words.


“Then you wrote that, after you had performed this duty for me, you would like to kiss my arse, and be made to kiss it more and more lovingly… ‘any poor or unenthusiastic ass kissing will be punished by a blow from a riding crop’, you wrote. How unimiginative. You sad, sad, little follower, you. How do you expect me to take you seriously as a possible kamarade if you have such debased fansies about me?”.

Again I did not know what to say.

“You did not end your list very clearly, little man,” she mused. “You said simply that, if you had given pleasure then you should be allowed to come, but in a way that was respectful to your secret leader, the woman you admire from afar.”

I nodded, not having any idea what she would say next.

“I suppose you mean that you do not have any stupid fans about fucking me, just that you would like to enjoy yourself… I guess I will give you a little bit of credit for that, at least.”

I looked up at her. She was still squeezing my balls quite firmly, and my penis was still semi-rigid, pointing towards her wrist.

“So be it,” she commanded. On your knees still, go and choose a DVD from over There.

I looked through the pile of DVDs… The Night Porter, La Haine, 28 Days Later, The Wicker Man, some Pier Paolo Pasolini stuff that I thought was bannered in France… I picked The Night Porter… a bit of a standard choice, but knowing her political leanings, one which I thought would please her.

“Wrong!” she shouted, clipping me across the shoulders with a 50 cm piece of electric cable…

“Ow!” I shouted, unintentionally. It wasn’t really that painful, it was just the shock of the “ssssssthwack”.

“You choose that film because you fancy Charlotte Rampling, correct?” she demanded.

“Erm, yes”…ssssthwack went the cable again, across my bottom cheats. This time I did not cry out. The blow hurt a bit, I could feel the scalding hot line where the cable had struck my skin, but it was possible to hold in any shouts of surprise or fear.

“Choose a film that you think I would like from that pile over there.”

I thought as fast as I could, and picked 28 Days Later because I remembered that the main actor was an Irish guy and pretty good looking. He also had short hear and no bear, which I know Vanessa preferred to my long hair and Cobain-style goatee.

“Ahaaaa… notbad…” said Vanessa, as I presented her my choice of film. “Now you are thinking in the way that you should. You are thinking of me, and not of yourself. That is good.”

I looked up into her face, her stern but beautiful, mischievous blue eyes smiling at me although her mouth was not smiling.

“Put the DVD in the player and return here, quick,” she whispered.

I walked on My knees to the DVD-player and slide the disc into the slot. Vanessa picked up the remote controls from the arm of the sofa where she was sitting, and watched as I crawled back to her. “There, these are hot, cool them down” she said, lifting her feet up to my mouth. This had not been on my list and while I don’t mind kissing and licking the feet of a beautiful, domineering woman, it wasn’t something that I really thought turned me on.

“Start touching yourself, slowly, firmly, the way you would if you were on your own”, she requested. “But don’t stop sucking and licking, my feet are baking after aday in that bloody office.”

I did as she said, and to my surprise, while she was watching the opening, hospital scenes of the movie, I became quite hard again as I kissed and licked between her toes and rubbed my lips up and down her stocking foot. Like me, she was blessed with not having smelly feet, and I appreciated this very much as I carried out my task.

By the second scene of the movie, where the guy is walking about a deserted central London, wondering what the hell has happened to everyone, I was really very turned on indeed. I moved to Vanessa’s other foot and began licking gently around her little toe, then caresing the pads of her other toes with my tongue.

Then, disaster! As the main guy and the taxi driver and his daughter are checking out the irradiated fruit in the local supermarket in the film, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t rub myself any more without exploding. I didn’t dare to speak, not wanting to spoil the movie for my secret leader, knowng that her relaxation time was pretty… but I stopped touching my aching hard cock, because I knew what would happen if I touched it one more time.

Of course, Vanessa noticed immediately that I had stopped obeying her command. She paused the DVD playback and looked down at me.

“You are lucky,” she said. “My feet feel really nice now, and I feel much less stressed and hot than I did before. So I am not going to whip you for acting like a disobedient mule… I am going to give you a punishment that you will think about after you have left here, and that you will not stop thinking about until you come back… even if that is not for two months…”.

I dreaded to think what she means by this, but all the same, my penis was a hard as I have ever known it, so I guess I was enjoying the suspension.


Vanessa went to a small dining table, tucked nearby in the corner of the apartment. She opened a little drawer at the side of the table, and pulled out a condom./p>

“Put that on,” she pursued, turning her naughtiest wink at me.

I ripped open the packet and took out the slightly slimey ‘preservatif’. I pulled up the top, the little sac with the space for the cum, and unrolled it carefully down my thick, engaged member. “Good,” said Vanessa. “Now carry on.”

I couldn’t believe it. She made herself comfortable on the slottee again, and un-paused the film. I took up licking her heals, and her ankles, all the time rubbing my now safely packaged penis with my right hand.

As the soldiers at the northern checkpoint were just discovering that zombies are not very bothered by standard rounds, I could take no more. I was so turned on, simply by kissing and licking Vanessa’s feet… not because I wanted to, but because she wanted me to, that I came hard… really hard, pumping my sperm into the sac at the end of the condom.

I tried to keep licking her legs… I had cheekily made my way up to her knees by now… yep, selfish thoughts again… but I couldn’t. I came so hard that my orgasm rocked me, my legs, which were tired from kneeing on the wooden floor for so long, became weak, and I rolled over and away from her feet.

Vanessa paused the DVD.

“Oh, that’s not very good is it, secret follower. You have had your fun, and you just stop?”.

Recent, I could not say anything. I had come so hard that I was just blissfully smiling and vaguely thinking about when I might be able to have a cigarette.

“For a man, it’s always the most difficult time to be submissive, just after you have come,” murmured Vanessa. “It really is the test of any good, how can I say, so-called admirer, if he can perform a service after he has come…”

I looked up at her, knowing that what she said was true and that I didn’t really feel very turned on any more… That feeling would come back very quickly, but right now, I was in a post-orgasmic haze and only wanted to cover up my shrinking cock and maybe cuddle up toVanessa and watch the rest of the film.

“Come with me,” she said, grabbing my hair and leading my fairly brusquely to the bathroom.

“Take off the condom and do not spill any on the tiles or you will be here all day licking every square inch of this bathroom clean,” she shouted.

“Now, take the condom, roll it up a little bit, and put it in your mouth.”

I did as she said, Not feeling at all like doing this, but aware that some of the things I had suggested to her in writing were far more, er, dirty, than this.

“Good, she said. Now come back with me, put on your trousers so that you don’t get any drops on me or the sofa, and watch the rest of the film.”

“Mmike mmiss?” I indicated to my mouth, where the condom was of course slowly leaking out little drops of my cum onto my tongue.

“Yes, like this!” she shouted again. “Do you see any problem with that?”.

I shook my head meekly, thinking that this woman was more than a match for me. She had got under so many of my usual everyday defenses, and so perfectly, in such a skilled way. She had dominated me, but for her pleasure, which in turn had become my pleasure.

We watched the film until the end, by which time I had inadvertently swallowed all my own cum, and by which time my respect for this powerful woman was greater than I had ever expected it to be. As a dominante, she had controlled and directed my every thought and action. She had given her love, in a way, and that was the essence of being a caring ‘top’.

She was right. I thought about that afternoon for seven long weeks before a business trip took me back to Provence, and I could again visit my ‘secret leader’ in her small but extremely tidy, clean apartment…



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