**Written for one of my best friends.. the story is completely fictitious.. For you Nes**
Its hard being all alone, especially when you are so young. At nineteen Vanessa had been left all alone, her father had left home before she had been born and as she stood there looking down a deep hole at her mother lying six feet below her in a wooden box she had never felt so alone. She didn’t cry she stood there motionless a single red rose in her hand hanging loosely by her side. A hand rested on her shoulder, Vanessa jumped slightly looked up and then tossed the rose into the hole before being led off in the opposite direction.
Mrs Maggie Newton was sat at her desk shuffling through papers that she then slotted into a paper file. She put it to one side and looked at the next file. VANESSA BISHOP read in big black letters on the cover. Maggie Newton read through the file, “orphaned at eighteen,” she said aloud, “poor girl.” Maggie took a deep breath, she knewthat it was hard to find fostering or adoption for someone of this age, if a couple adopted they usually went for the younger children. Never the less she would try her best to find someone who would take Vanessa in. Maggie turned to her computer and started entering Vanessa details, eighteen, only child, well behaved; no emotional problems, A grade student, 5′ 2″ tall, auburn hair, brown eyes. She pressed search.
Vanessa sat on a chair in the corner of the room, there were quite a few people millioning around but she didn’t seem to know any of them. Occasionally some person would come up to her and put a sympathetic hand on her knee or her shoulder and then move off to some other distant part of the room and she would never see them again. Vanessa’s thoughts turned to her mother. She was not the greatest mother I guess you could Say; after Vanessa’s father had left she had some kind of breakdown. She had become an alcoholic but had managed to clean herself up and for the past nineteen months she hadn’t touched a drop. It’s kind of iron that she dies from liver cancer after that.
Maggie scrolled through the results on her screen, she stopped, taking her chewed pen from her mouth tapping it a couple of times on the screen. “Ok well here goes nothing,” she said picking up the phone received and dialling.
It seemed as if everything was going in slow motion. Vanessa stood up and walked to the Front door, opened it and stepped out into the early evening dusk. She scooped her black skirt up under her legs and sat on the step. A car pulled up in front of her and stopped. It was big and black with tinted windows and shiny chrome. Vanessa watched intently as the two rear doors opened and a man and woman got out. She recognized the woman it was Maggie Newton, she was some sort of welfare officer but Vanessa didn’t recognize the man. He was tall with thick brown hair. He had a long black coat, black trousers, black shoes and black sunglasses. He walked confidently towards Vanessa cutting in front of Maggie before she could speak.
“Vanessa,” he said in strong powerful voice.
Vanessa looked up to him, “yes, who are you?” she replied
He knelt down removed his glasses to reveal some dark brown eyes that seemed to be a direct link to his soul. Vanessa was instantly drawn into his eyes, she felt herself being sucked into him.
He spoke softly and carefully, “My name is Dragonia, I am going to look after you from now on.”
Vanessa looked up at Maggie, she just stood there a broad smile on her face, she nodded so to confirm what Dragonia had said. She looked back at Dragonia.
“Would you like that Vanessa?” he said softly.
Vanessa felt a little uneasy, not because she didn’t like this man or she felt that there was something wrong, it was because she didn’t have to think at all about it she instantly knew that she would love to be looked after by this man. A man who before today she had never even clapped eyes on, she had no idea who he was or what he did, she just knew she wanted to be with him.
“Yes, I really would,” she said softly back to him
He smiled broadly, “Do you have everything?”
Vanessa glanced down to her side, a small satchel held her most valuable positions, “yes Sir,” I do
He lent down and helped Vanessa to her feet. Taking her by the hand he led her to the car and opened the back door for her, she climbed in and sank into the soft white leather that the entire interior was covered in. Dragonia closed the door behind her and went around to the other side of the car and got in next to Vanessa.
“Ling,” he said in a soft voice, which seemed to spur the car into movement. Vanessa hadn’t noticed but sat in the drivers seat was a young Asian girl; she was dressed all in black leather and looked like a china doll.
Vanessa looked up at Dragonia, she smiled broadly back to her exposing a set of very white teeth.
Nothing was said for a goodTwenty minutes as the car cruised quietly through the suburbs and out into the quieter surroundings of the countryside. Vanessa gazed out of the window as Ling drove down the winding lanes that seem to lead to a huge stately home at the far end. Eventually they reached the front of the house. Ling opened the door for Vanessa; she nodded as she let the young girl out. She then went to the other side of the car and let Dragonia out, he kissed her cheek before he came round the car and took Vanessa’s hand leading her quickly up the steps and into the house.
“This is my home,” said opening his arms as they entered, “correction, our home,” he said flashing his teeth at Vanessa once again. Vanessa looked around; the place was straight out of a fairytale, a huge sweeping staircase and corridors that went off either way that she couldn’t see the end of.
“Would you like to see your room Vanessa?” Dragonia said looking excited.
“Sure” she said a little bewildered
They made their way up the stairs and down one of the corridors. Dragonia throw open a door and presented her room.
Vanessa’s jaw dropped, it was beautiful, a soft pink colour, a four-poster bed was the centrepiece of the room. It was huge, way bigger than her old room that was barely big enough to fit her single bed lengthways into. She ran inside and jumped on the bed.
“Is this really mine?” she said as she suddenly realized that maybe she shouldn’t be stood on the bed in her shoes.
“Yes my girl, this is all yours now” he said walking slowly into the room
“Really?” she replied still trying to absorb the last hour.
“Come here” she stepped off the bed, Dragonia went to the desk in the corner and opened a draw pulling out a big black marker, “here this is your room, you can do anything you like in here, write your name on the door,” handing her the marker.
Vanessa took the marker and paused looking up at him before touching the pristine white door with the blackmarker. She wrote on the door ‘VANESSA’S ROOM’.
“Very good,” Dragonia said, “now everything within, Vanessa’s room belongs to Vanessa.”
“Thank you Dragonia,” Vanessa said handing him back the marker.
“Pleasure” he said, flashing another smile, “Dinner is in twenty minutes, I will see you in the dining room then. There is your own washroom through that door there and that door leads to your wardrobe. Ling went and bought you a couple of things she though you might like; we can always change them if you don’t.”
Dragonia closed the door behind him. Vanessa stood there looking round, “wash-room,” she said excitedly running towards the door. The washroom was huge, a massive corner bath with gold taps and a huge mirror along one wall, a pink Toothbrush sat proudly by the sink. “Wardrobe,” she said next running to that door and flinging it open. Wardrobe it was more like another room, on either side there were rails beneath which there was room for shoes, straight ahead was a floor length mirror and lots and lots of draws. Vanessa decided to see what Ling had got for her. She hadn’t had brand new clothes for years; he mother had never had the money to spend on her. There were a couple of dresses hanging up, a black short dress in a chiffon material, with a sash and a deep red dress that was longer and more elegant. Beneath each dress there were matching shoes, black pumps with quite a high heel, Very pretty with diamond effect strapping. The red shoes had a slight platform and were round toed and also quite high at about 3 inches. Vanessa turned round and looked at the other rail, a couple of tops and skirts. She turned her attention to the draws at the far end of the room. Opening the top draw she saw a full array of bra’s, checking she saw that every one was in her size; 34c all different colours and styles. The Next draw down, panties matching the bras that she had just seen. The next draw contained hosiery, stockings, hold-ups, tights, every possible colour and design. The next draw hold other lingerie, corsets, cinchers, basques suspender belts everything that Vanessa had ever seen or even dreamt about, all felt soft and silk like. In the bottom draw there was a whole outfit. It was a short black leather skirt, black stockings black high-heeled boots, black leather corset. Vanessa picked up each of the items and felt the soft warm leather against her skin. Ling had been wearing the very same outfit. She smiled how amazing was all of this. She glanced at the clock she only had ten more minutes before dinner, she ran to the washroom and stripped naked washing herself she then ran into the wardrobe and put on a pretty off the shoulder black top and pretty knee-length skirt. She slipped the black heels on and ran to her dressing table to brush her hair. She felt the over-whelming urge to look her absolute best for Dragonia. She brushed her hair until it flowed softly over her shoulders. She opened the dresser draws and found eVery type of makeup she could want or need. Her mother has once shown her how to put it on and she had never forgotten one of the few things that they had done together.
Fifteen minutes later Vanessa stepped carefully down the main staircase. Ling was stood at the bottom looking up at her.
“Hello Ling,” Vanessa said smiling.
Ling returned the smile, “Good evening Miss, please let me show you to the dining room.”
Vanessa followed Ling, “Thank you for picking out those clothes for me Ling, they are beautiful.”
“My pleasure Miss,” she said walking straight down the corridor. At the very end she stopped and opened the door for Vanessa who stepped into the room. The dining room was huge a long narrow table stretched almost the entire length; it was dressed in gold leaf and black satin. Large gold candles stick holder were placed about every five feet on the table. Dragonia was sat at one end of the table. He stood up and walked to meet Vanessa who walked to him, he lent down and kissed her cheek.
“Good Evening, my girl, you look very nice tonight,” he said taking her hand and leading her to the seat next to his. He pulled the chair out and she sat down. He took his seat at the head of the table. Dragonia picked up a small bell that was on the table and rang it. At the far end of the room a door opened and three men walked out carrying large serving plates with Domes on top of them. Vanessa couldn’t help but stare, they all looked identical, triplets, they must have been she thought. Each one was about six foot tall with an Italian look, dark hair and olive skin. Vanessa felt herself blush as one smiled at her.
“Vanessa meet Carl, Marco and Giani,” Dragonia said as they finally got to the head of the table and started to serve up the food. Each one bowed to Dragonia and then Vanessa before leaving.
“They are all fine looking men, don’t you think Vanessa?” Dragonia said between mouthfuls of chicken.
“Yes Sir,” Vanessa said promptly.
Dragonia just smiled before taking a large mouthful of red wine.
Life in the mansion took some time to adjust to for Vanessa but she was soon in the swing of things. She went back to school. Ling would take and collect her every day. Every evening she would dine with Dragonia and they would chat about the day’s activities. Vanessa was doing well her grades had slipped a bit after her mother’s death but now she was doing better than ever and enjoying it. She was happy living with Dragonia and she was growing to love him more than anyone.
It had been two months since Vanessa had been living with Dragonia. She woke up one night and suddenly got the urge to investigate the grand house. After all curiosity always gets the better of us all after a while. She slipped her dressing gown and slippers on and got out of bed. She opened the door and made her way down the corridor. She had only been in about five different rooms since she had lived here and she wantedto see more. She went into the opposite wing of the house and started to open the doors and glance in. Most of the rooms were similar to her bedroom, a guest bedroom she guessed before moving onto the next room. The upstairs didn’t seem to satisfy her so quietly she crept down stairs. She took the opposite corridor to the dining room and walked down the dark corridor. A few living rooms a library, nothing much to interesting for a eighteen-year-old girl. She eventually got to the end room and opened the door. The room was about five times bigger than the dining room. A ballroom, she stepped inside, the corner had a small stage with a grand piano. She had never seen anything like this. She twirled around in the room pretending to dance with the man of her dreams. She left and closed the door quietly behind her. The next door was locked. Strange she Thought before moving on. She walked across the lobby and into the other wing of the house. There were some noises coming from the main lounge room. Vanessa peeked in, not in a million years did she expect to see what she did.
The first thing she noticed was that the triplets were kneeling on the floor in front of the fire. Every one of them was completely naked. Vanessa had never seen a naked man before and saw couldn’t stop staring. They all looked very similar head bowed, hands by their side and most noticeable their penises to attention in front of them. They were huge, Vanessa suddenly realized that she was drooling. She wiped her mouth and closed it tight. Then she saw Ling. She was dressed in her short skirt again but that was it. Her breasts were clearly visible. She had a pair of very high heels on and was walking back and forth in front of the triplets.
“Dungeon!” commanded a voice coming from a part of the room she could not see.
The three men stood up heads still bowed and made a single file. Ling pulled a cord next to a bookcase that then swung open to reveal a dark stairwell. The men walkedinto the darkness followed by Ling who stopped and waited.
Then Vanessa saw Dragonia dressed in black leather walk over and kiss Ling softly on the lips before heading down the stairs. Ling looked up and smiled before opening her eyes and looking directly at Vanessa. She turned and then pulled the cord again before following Dragonia. The bookcase swung back into position.
Vanessa gasped as Ling winked at her. She ran upstairs and jumped into her bed pulling them up and over her head.
For the next month things continued as normal Vanessa went to school, had dinner with Dragonia, Carl, Marco and Giani served, like nothing had happened. Ling hadn’t spoken of the wink and Vanessa was starting to think that maybe Ling hadn’t seen her at all. However she was unable to get the images of the triplets and Ling and especially Dragonia out of her mind. Then one night during dinner Dragonia stood up and spoke to Vanessa.
“Its your birthday on Saturday is it not?” he said.
“Yes Sir,” she replied.
“And how old will my girl be on Saturday,” he said smiling.
“I will be nineteen Sir,” she replied.
“Nineteen!” he said throwing his arms open, “this is cause for celebration.”
Dragonia summoned Ling and had her put all the arrangements in place for a ball the following Saturday in honour of Vanessa becoming a woman. “We will hold it in the Ballroom Vanessa, I believe you have already seen the room, would this please you?”
Vanessa just nodded not knowing what to make of the previous statement.
“Excellent, of course Ling will have to take you shopping for a special gown for the occasion. Also give Ling a list of whom you would like to invite and it will be arranged,” he said before leaving Vanessa sat at the table.
In the Next week the house was busy with caterings, party plans, a lot of fuss was going on. On the Friday before Ling took Vanessa to get her dress for the big party the following night. They went to aVery exclusive boutique that Vanessa had never seen before. The owner seemed to know Ling very well and invited both of the girls warmly into his shop. He was rather a short fat man with a deep red face.
“This is Vanessa,” Ling said introducing her to the man.
“I am Felix,” he said excitedly hurrying them into the heart of the shop.
A tall blonde lady cam to meet them, she smiled broadly on seeing them and speak a few words of what Vanessa thought might be Japanese. Ling replied and went to her, they embedded and kissed passwordately before Ling introduced Vanessa to the lady. Her name was Helena and she was a beautifulian. She led Vanessa away from Felix and into a perfectly white room at the rear of the shop.
“Ok lets see what we have to work with,” said Helen as she started to unbutton Vanessa’s blouse.
Vanessa was surprised and looked at Ling who just smiled at her. “Help Helena out Vanessa, get undressed,” Ling said smiling.
Vanessa compiled and started to unzip her skirt and removing her now unbuttoned bloom. She was stood in her matching white silk panties and bra.
“Those too please,” Helena said as he undid Vanessa’s bra with a quick motion of her fingers and hooked her thumbs in her panties before pulling them down swiftly. Vanessa stepped out of them.
“Very nice!” Helena said smiling. She rang her hands over Vanessa breasts, “34C, and size 10.”
Vanessa just nodded.
Over the next two hours, Helena applied what felt like hundreds of different beauty treatments to Vanessa. Her body hair was all but removed, her fingernails and toenails were polished and shaped, her eyesabrows were shaped and her skin was exfoliated and tanned. At the end Vanessa felt amazing her skin felt so soft and looking in the mirror she was impressed with how grown-up she now looked. Helena smiled at her then took her hand and led her into the front of the shop. Vanessa blushed bright red; she had felt so relaxed that she hadn’tThought was happening. Now she was stood naked in front of Felix and she had never been naked before a man before. Felix laughed, “no need to feel ashamed my dear, I’ve seen hundreds of women naked before, come here my dear.” Vanessa walked over to him and he started to measure her. “I thought so,” he said as he went to one of the rails closest to him, “this should fit you perfectly.”
Ling and Helena helped Vanessa into the black dress; it was quite awkward to put on so Vanessa needed the help. She stood there looking into the full-length mirror, Felix was right it was a perfect fit. The dress was almost Victorian, the top half was a corset with intricate lacing at the front and back that supported her breasts without needing her bra and the bottom was a very elegant floating skirt.
“Hold on Vanessa,” Helena said as she felt a foot on her back and the corset was tightened up.
Vanessa felt all the air pushed out of her lungs as she fought for breath she could only manage short breaths. Panting she took another look in the mirror. Her figure was amazing, very much an hourglass, hips, small wait and large breasts that had been exaggerated by the corset.
“A couple of things missing,” Felix said excitedly running off to the far end of the shop and returning with a couple of boxes. Helena had sat Vanessa back into a chair and sent to help Felix. Helena lifted Vanessa’s skirts up over her head and Ling held it there. Vanessa was red again her pussy was on show to everyone now.
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