Valerie Pt. 01 – Come on Over

Valerie – Pt 1 Why don’t you come on over?

Things had gone at a lightning pace ever since he reconnected with Valerie and now here he was naked on his knees, well, naked apart from a black stretch hood, head between beautifully shaped stocking clad thighs, tongue lapping at her lips and up around her clip as she bucked her hips into his face and held his head by a handful of hair, with Valerie behind spanking his bottom. Cunt licking and counting at the same time isn’t particularly easy but he was in heaven.

So, if Valerie was spanking him who was using his tongue you may ask?

Let me try and explain how all this came about before I reveal her identity.

This series contains Dominant females and their submissive male all over the age of consent, and themes of domination, cunnilingus, creamies, fuck-licking, bondage and spanking. If this isn’t to your taste then perhaps you shouldn’t continue.

Several years before the events above he had met Valerie, a year younger, at a party at the house next door to her’s. Although he’d ended up making out with her at that party they didn’t take it any further and in fact the hostess at the party, Valerie’s best friend Rosie, had her eye on him. They then went out for a few weeks but he got deployed for five long months and when he came home for a bit of leave and to commence college it came to an end. It wasn’t that he wanted out but her mother was a fucking headache and as they made out in front of the fire one night the bitch came up to the flat from the ex serviceman’s club below, which her parents ran, and embarrassed him by saying something inane, in fact downright stupid: “Well if she can have a kiss so can I.” He tried to hide his erection, it was still in his jeans but post peck after the bitch had left the room her daughter went fucking ballistic saying “why didn’t you turn over, she just wanted to make sure you didn’t have your cock out!” She screamed at him to leave, which he did, walking the few hundred yards to the bus station to get back to the next town where his college was and simply never went back. Never explained, never phoned, never took her calls on the public phone in the hall of residence. He decided to buy a motorbike which means he didn’t even have to go into town when he went home at weekends, hopefully didn’t have to see her.

He was soon introduced a friend of his mate’s girlfriend, a slim crazy blonde, and although the sex was great it was totally vanilla and he wanted something else, something more.

Stupidly, after another couple of deployments he bumped into a friend of hers who said she really wanted to see him again and he got in touch, going in to where she worked, subsequently recovering where they’d left off, or so he thought, but naturally failed to realize that she was all about revenge and two timed him with Her boss during the week while he was at college. Her boss lived out of town and so was out of the way at the weekend when college finished. He only found out after his motorbike had been stolen by some scrotes and he had to take the bus on an Easter Monday, a national holiday, to go back to college for a short firefighting course and saw them together. Instead of just walking away with dignity intact he confronted them, violence ensured, and then he walked away.

Needless to say he never ever forgive her.

Pre that bitch, shortly after he’d reached the age of consent he’d became involved with a couple of older women, both teachers, about a decade older than him, who had introduced him to BDSM, with him firmly in the submissive role. They had trained him to serve them and he’d learned things he hadn’t even fantasized about, but which definitely became part of his sexuality.

Both of those ladies had a thing about younger guys and I suppose he outgrew their demographic and it had ended when they moved away to teach elsewhere.

It was then that he got back together with the bitch, who sadly wasn’t really into being Dominant.

After that and with him sworn off women he had succeed to a married lady, maybe 7 or 8 years his senior who had innocently asked “what would you say if I asked you to go to bed with me?”

Now you have to remember he was sworn off women so had to think long and hard before answering. Approximately 0.75 seconds later he whispered “Yes.” In hindsight it was fucking dreadful or more like dreadful fucking. He had a couple of flings with married women after that one-nighter, more accurately one-afternooner, one with an incredibly gorgeous and quite filthy girl, two years older and another with a newly wed, a year younger, who while not as beautiful, was a really great fuck and whose cunt he always thought of as two butterflies fighting on a rose. Kneeling by the side of the bed, her long fingers gripping a handful of his long blond hair, her hips bucking against his mouth, his tongue in her vagina then swirling around her clip was heavenly.

And so a year on from those happenings and him back for further studies he bumped into Valerie in the middle of the afternoon: petite with gorgeous curves, shoulder length straight brown hair and very sexy glasses. Whoever said men don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses was quite frankly a fucking idiot.

Her first words, considering it was 4 or 5 years on since they’d met were “I’m so sorry about what she did to you,” meaning Rosie her bitch of a friend. “I told her not to but she didn’t listen. She just wanted to reel you in then humiliate you, like she thought you’d done to her. But I suppose she didn’t think you’d slap her and break his nose.”

That was the first he’d heard about breaking her boss nose. He’d only punched him once, which resulted in her boss falling into someone’s Front garden then left, and in retrospect it was not something he was proud of, but you do stupid things in your youth, even though he was twenty at the time.

He compounded the stupidity by replying “oh that’s ok. Bye.” and turned to walk away. Valerie shouted his nickname but he’d moved on from using that childish moniker and turned back telling her “I’m not called that now”. She stepped towards him and put her hand on his chest “I’m glad, I never liked it.” She said with a smile, a smile he couldn’t help return. The wink however was unexpected and the kiss on his cheese Even more so. “I told her you weren’t right together, but her being her wasn’t about to let me have you.” She whispered in his ear.

He was taken aback, yes they’d kissed years before, he’d even squeezed her full firm breast but it had never gone beyond that.

“You know, she wouldn’t even let me write to you while you were away, wouldn’t give me your address. Not even after she dumped you, not even after she got married.”

Technically she hadn’t dumped him, she’d two-timed him and he’d dumped her, but he knew what she meant and even though it riled him now he wouldn’t have been inthe right frame of mind to get it on with Valerie. However, now the bitch had married ‘broken nose’ and moved a hundred miles away, that much he had heard, nothing stood in the way of them getting together.

“Do you want to get a drink or are you working?” he asked nodding at the office uniform she wore. He recognized it as one of the banks he used, but seldom used.

“Yes to the drink and No, the banks closed.” In those days banks closed at three or three thirty. He supposed it was to process cheques and paperwork up until 5 pm but didn’t ask why she was finished for the day.

“Other of a drink we could always go back to mine.”

She registered his surprise and so added “and have a nice chat in private not in some pub.”

He smiled and replied “yes of course.”

He didn’t have a car and had never replaced the stolen motorbike so they walked to the bus station, her linking him as they went, it felt natural and rather nice and she was both kind and amusing. The bus ride was only ten minutes or so and in a quarter of an hour they were at her front door. She explained en route that her father was away most of the time in his capacity as a Union official but that his recently widowed sister, her Auntie Emma had moved in with them.

Emma had been like a mother to her ever since Valerie’s own mother had died when she was a teenager, but she and her husband had lived about 40 miles away near his paper mill. Sadly her husband had had a heart attack when Emma was at work, she taught accounting at the College in the next city, and she found him when she returned home. So Emma at forty was a widow, a quite wealthy widow, Uncle being in business, which Aunt Emma had little interest in, other than in the books and so became a silent partner which was quite lucrative. She sold their big house became mortgage and debt free and moved into her brother’s large terraced house.

Valerie turned the key in the black wooden door and called out Emma’sname, but there was silence: she wasn’t home. She turned her head and said “Aunty Em’s rules, no shoes in the house.” He kicked off his ankle boots, sans spurs which he hadn’t really liked but still had at home and followed her inside.

The second the door clicked shut Valerie pushed him against the wall, pulling his head down to latch onto his mouth. The kiss was electric almost violent and she immediately began to unbutton his shirt, working down to his snakeskin belt and black jeans. Once unbuttoned and unzipped she slide her right hand down inside his dark green Thai silk boxers, pausing briefly to break the kiss momentarily to murmur “mmm nice” before thrusting her tongue back into his mouth.

He expected her to wrap her hand around his cock but she seemed to brush his erection aside and gripped his hairy scrotum, squeezing his balls until he groaned into the kiss, which she continued for a minute before breaking off and withdrawing her hand. His trousers and boxes werearound his ankles and she looked down at his feet. “May as well kick them off.” She stepped up two steps on the stairs until they were roughly the same height. “And the shirt.” He shrugged it off his shoulders and it fell on top of his jeans and pants.

She pulled him in for another kiss before breaking it and looking directly into his eyes. “I’m going to be straight with you. Rosie said a lot about you, mainly on her hen night to all the girls who were there. I didn’t like it and told her so.”

“Like what?”

“She said you had a nice cock.”

“Ok. I can live with that.”

“Nice but not as big as she was used to. And that she liked sitting on your face.”

“We never really did that.” adding in his head “other than in a 69.”

“She said that if you hadn’t spoilt everything she would have carried on fucking you, right up until the hen night.”

“Hmm, bit difficult.” He wasn’t even in the country and only found out she was getting married in a letter fromMick, his best friend from school, a golf fanatic who he hadn’t seen for three years but to whom he had sent a postcard when he had found himself golfing abroad. Mick didn’t even know they had been back together but had bumped into her and her fiancé in a pub near where they both lived, or rather where their parents lived.

Valerie continued: “And she said she would have sat on your face on the morning of the wedding then fucked you off.”

“Again a bit difficult as I wasn’t even in the country for the three months before she got married. So basically she was full of shit.”

“Which wouldn’t be very nice if she was sitting on your face” Valerie added with a smile. “She also told the girls you were a kinky bastard.”

“In what way exactly?”

“She said you liked being spanked.” She replied with a quizzically raised eyebrow.


“And do you?”

“Well that much is true.”

“Oh right! Is that something you’d like me to do?”

“Is it somehing you’re into?”

“I’d never say never, not if it’s something you’d like.”

She turned on her heels and began to walk upstairs.

“You’d better pick your gear up. Aunty Em hates clothes lying around.”

He glanced around taking in the living room. It all looked immaculately kept. Aunty Em sounded like a very particular woman.

At the top of the stairs she turned right and opened the front bedroom door.

“Welcome to my boudoir.” She said with a flourish.

The room was nice, tastefully decorated dominated by a double bed with ornate heavy wooden frame headboard, and matching footboard, both reproduce with carved roses, painted red, white and gold, light grey deep pile carpet and large sheepskin bedside rug. There was an occasional table just inside the door on which Valerie dropped her keys and two oak bedside lockers with small antique table lamps. Against the other wall were two armoires which he had only seen in hotels in France.

One advantage when Aunty Emma sold her country house was that she had lots of quality antique furniture which had vastly improved the terraced suburban house.

Valerie indicated that he should put his clothes on the leather tub chair between the table and bedside lockers and then stepped up to him, looking up into his blue eyes.

“Were you serious about what you said?”


“About enjoying the face thing?”

“Oh! The facesitting?”

“Yeah, it’s just…”

He cut her off, just before she said she’d never done that before. “I’d love it.” he said, adding “with you.”

It was then she turned her head up to kiss him.

Two minutes later and with his cock hard and twitching she said “And this is quite kinky.”

“What being kissed by a fully dressed woman while naked?”

“Yes. I’ve never done that before.”

“It has a name, or rather an acronym.”

“Get you and your acronym.” she scoffed.

He smiled and said “It’s called CFNM.”

” Which stands for?”

“Clothed female naked male.”

“Really? Why is it so ….specific?”

“It’s used in domination, female domain.”

“And is facesitting part of that?”

“It can be.”

“And spanking?”

“Yes. Yes, it is.”

Another kiss ensured during which she wrapped her hand around his hard throbbing erection.

“So when does clothes female became unclothed female?” she asked with a cheese grin.

“I suppose that’s up to the dominant female.” He replied.

She turned and led him by the hand to the bed.

“Suppose you’d better lie down.”

“Doesn’t sound very dominant.”

“Think I’m going to struggle with that.” she replied immediately disappointing him.

He lay across the bed, head near the edge towards the door and arched his head backwards so he could see her as she undressed.

She unbuttoned her blue patterned shirt, standard uniform at the bank she worked in, then undid the black belt on her tight dark blue skirt psHing it down past her very shaped thighs as it fell to her feet. She wore dark blue tights, pantyhose to those over there, which was understandable, but he immediately hoped she would wear stockings for him going forward, and her blue knickers went down with the tights, leaving her in only her sensible blue bra. She reached behind and unclipped it and allowed it to fall to the floor on top of the rest of her clothes. Fully naked she was quite breathtaking, curvaceous with a lovely rounded arse, full breasts and nipples which seemed to lengthen as she stood there.

She knelt on the bed positioning herself over his head and lowered her hairy cunt to his mouth. God it was a while since he’d licked an unshaven cunt, even given that in those days the hairy beaver was definitely still popular. His tongue lapped at her lips and she reached down to part them, allowing his tongue to glide between them and into her hot vagina. Her index and middle fingers went up to her clip and she applyd pressure, rubbing slowly round and round as his tongue licked under her fingers.

They were lost in the sheer erotic password of their first facesitting and completely failed to hear the front door open as Aunty Emma arrived home.

She closed the door behind her, noting that Valerie’s work jacket was hanging behind the inside door. She kicked off her red high heels glad to be rid of them. She’d been on her feet most of the day and just wanted a foot massage and a nice cold glass of Pinot Grigio. The foot massage was a pipe dream, she’d always gotten one on her arrival home when she was married, before she was a widow. And if she was the second one to arrive home to be greeted by her husband, naked other than for the slave hood, holding a glass of cold pinot on a silver tray, ready to kiss her feet then massage them to bliss.

Those days were gone and she missed them so, but she had had a good run for almost twenty years and although she did plan on contacting some of her lovers when she was good and ready, it simply wouldn’t be the same without her husband ready to serve her, but it was what it was and a nice bath and a good wanking session, if Valerie went out, was her plan for the evening.

She glanced into the living room but it was empty and as she turned to hang her coat up and go upstairs she did a double take notting the short black boots, Cuban heels but definitely men’s boots given they were probably a size ten or eleven.

She looked upstairs and walked slowly up in her stocking feet. She got to the top and heard moaning coming from Valerie’s room. She knew she shouldn’t but curiosity got the better of her and she listened at the door. The only voice was definitely Valerie’s, she couldn’t hear a man’s voice and slowly and silently turned the door handle pushing it open then peeked around into the three or four inch gap.

The sight of her niece naked, her shoulder length hair being tossed around as her head jerked back and forth and from side to side was a definite surprise. Underneath her curvaceous arse was a mop of blond hair. Clearly his tongue was buried in her cunt and although Emma desperately wanted to watch for longer she couldn’t risk being discovered spying on her niece. She looked down and saw the blond’s clothes in a pile on the bucket chair. She could clearly see his wallet sticking out of the jeans pocket then crept inside and silently slipped it out. She closed the door behind her and went into her own bedroom.

She sat on her bed and opened the wallet, pulling out cards she could clearly see his full name and on his driving licence his address.

She went into her bedside locker and pulled out a shop receipt and a pen and wrote down the details on the back of the reception.

She put the card etc back into the wallet and thought she’d just drop it into his boot downstairs.

Even through two closed doors she heard her niece being brought to an elongated screaming orgasm whichcaused Emma to raise an eyebrow and brought a smile to her face. Maybe blondy had a talented tongue. He was only months older than Valerie but obviously more experienced. Her own late husband was well versed in cunnilingus and it was probably that more than anything that she missed, well that and a nice big cock slamming into her cunt. Both at the same time was even better!

She pocketed the wallet and opened Her bedroom door, she might not be getting be getting licked or even fucked tonight but she was certainly going to have a long hot soak and half a bottle of Pinot.

As she stepped onto the landing she was taken aback to see her villain standing there dressed in the short black silk dressing gown Emma had given her, obviously heading for the bathroom. Valerie’s bedroom door was half open and Emma looked at her villain then at the door. She could clearly see the still prone blond lying on the bed, and Valerie was aghast that her Aunt could see him.

“Who’s the blond? I never had you down as liking blonds.” She smiled at her niece, then put her hand in the pocket of her wide skirt and proved the snakeskin wallet. “It was on the stairs.” A blatant lie but she congratulated herself on her quick thinking.

Valerie took the wallet but Emma held onto it, until her niece said “Just someone I met up with again. We went to school together.”


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