Valerie Sold as a Slave

Valerie was fastened tightly. She was lying on her back on a soft bed. Her arms were spread wide, fastened overhead to the bed frame. Likewise her legs were spread wide open. Her ankles were fastened tightly to the foot of the bed.

She had a big, fuzzy black blindfold that thoroughly covered her upper face. It blocked off every bit of light.

Other than the cuffs on her wrists and her ankles, and her blindfold, she was totally naked and exposed.

The bed had no pillow for her head. If she relaxed her head it rested on the bed, leaving her throat area exposed as much as the rest of her body was.

“The restraints are supposed to be tight and snug,” the auctioneer told her with a soft voice. “But they’re not supposed to cause you pain,” he added. “Are they causing pain for you sweetheart?” he asked.

She Shook her head.

“They’re supposed to be nicely tight and secure,” he said again. “Do you think you could wiggle out if you really tried hard?”

Shesquirmed and tugged at the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. They were well designed and put on tight. She could feel at once that she had no hope of slipping free. She shook her head.

“That’s good,” the auctioneer said. “It’s cute when you wiggle. We don’t want a pretty little piece of ass like you to wiggle free and wander off. We want you to keep you right here, nice and Secure, until the auction is over, don’t we?”

She gave a weak nod, showing she had mixed feelings swirling through her mind.

“It’s a big, special day for you,” the auctioneer said. “Every slave girl remembers when she was sold off to be a piece of property.” He paused to let the words sink in. “Years from now you might look back on this day and you may have clear, vivid memories of the day you were sold.”

She nodded a little.

“Look at you,” he said in a nice way. “You look very sweet and cute and adorable today, being all bare and helpless like that. I think we’ll have a good crowd of customers for the audit today. I think the buyers will enjoy looking you over,” he said. “Every man is going to enjoy the view and feel affection. Probably some of the women too.”

“Let me tell you what’s happening next so you know what to expect and nothing will be a surprise for you,” he said.

“First, I got you set up early so you can have some time to yourself. I want You to catch your breath, and collect your thoughts. Also I want you to think about ways to get the most for yourself when we have the audit.”

She nodded.

“Being sold off as a slave girl can bring up really strong emotions and I want you to take the time to stay calm and get focused.”

She nodded.

“So I’m going to give you about 10-30 minutes to just relax Here. Think good thoughts. Remember that there are very good reasons why you’re restrained this way. Here at the Smith Auction House we know what we’re doing. Enjoy the feelings of the restraints if you can,” he said. “Some women rEally love to be tied up or cuffed or restrained. Other women have some mixed feelings I suppose. If you can enjoy the restraints and make friends with them that’s great. Even if it all feels awkward or funny remember the restraints are serving a really good purpose. They’ll help me get the highest price when we sell you off. I know you want good bids. So you can feel good about that.”

She nodded a little.

“After I give you some rest time then we’ll let the bidders come in,” he said. “They’re going to look you over very closely, from head to toe and, ha ha, everything in between. They want to see exactly what they’re bidding on.”

“While you’re on display I want you to think about how to get a great rapport with the bidders and make a good impression on them,” he said. “You’re not allowed to talk, of course. But you can build rapport and build a connection in other ways. Are you listening closely?” he asked.

She made a nod.

“Good,” he said. “The buyers don’tI want to think that you’re unhappy with your role,” he said.

“They don’t want to see you tugging on your cuffs as if you’re grumpy or frustrated or you’re trying to be free.”

“On the other hand,” he said. “They love to see a slave girl who is kind of lively and has good energy.” He paused. “So you can squirm a little bit once in a while in a fun way.” He paused. “You can tug on the restraints in a cute and playful way, as if you’re flirting with the audience, and like want everyone to see you’re having a great time.” He let his words sink in. “I think every young woman has good instincts about how to flirt with her body, catch the eye of onlookers, and make a good impression when she wants to. Do you know what I mean?”

She nodded. She squirmed at bit in the restraints.

“And remember,” he said, “a few of the onlookers and bidders will be women. Maybe that makes a difference to you,” he said. “When you wiggle and squirm and flirt with the crowd to build up some rapport maybe you’ll do that a little differently than you would for an all-male audience. Knowing there are some women in the audience might be a fun experience for you, or at least it’ll be different than if it the group was all men.”

She nodded.

“Good,” he said. “I know you’ll do well,” he said. “You look very sweet right now. I know the bidders will be pleased.”

“After the bidders get enough time to look you over then well have the actual audit. We’ll sell off that cute body to the highest bidder,” he said. “I know that’s exciting for you. It’ll mean you start a new chapter in life as a slave girl, *totally* owned by your master or mistress.”

“I expect we’ll have a variety of bidders,” he said. “There’s no telling who might buy you.”

He touched his fingertips on her bare belly. The surprise touch made her gasp and shiver and squirm. It made her feel extra helpless, with no option to turn away or block his touch. The auctioneer noticed how sensitive shewas. It made him smile. He didn’t take his hand away. He used his fingertips to trace some gentle circles on her skin. Quickly she was quivering and breathing hard.

“Maybe it’s fun for you to think about,” still touching her gently. “Maybe some wealthy gentleman might buy you, so you’ll be a pet or a sex toy.” He paused and caressed her a little more.

“Maybe the buyer will be a woman, seeking her own sex toy to keep her amused,” he said.

Valerie tensed up. She had always known the buyer might possibly be female. But now that her auction was getting close the possibility seemed so much more real. On top of all the other strong emotions she was feeling the idea of ​​a female buyer raised new and strong mixed emotions for her. She thought about being owned by a woman and required to put out for her. She didn’t know if the idea was frightening and horrible, or if it was kind of funny and darkly sexy.

“Maybe a brother will want you,” he continued. “Then you’ll be a busy young lady, entertaining a lots of customers — if you know what I mean.”

The thought made her squirm.

After a bit he said, “Maybe the salt mines will buy you.” He paused. “They need workers. That’ll be very hard work all day. The mines are very hot and slave girls don’t get any clothes. You and the other slave girls will be glistening and dripping in sweat. There will be a few short breaks during the day. That’s when the male supervisors might want to use you for their own pleasures. Ha ha. So you’ll get plenty of male action. At night the bare girls are all locked up in a pen. The slave girls can spend time getting to know each other and having some fun among yourselves. So that’s something to think about,” he said.

He kept caressing her gently, moving His hand a bit lower down her abdomen. She kept breathing harder, trying hard to handle her swirling strong emotions and the increasing arousal of her body from his touch.

“Whatever happens I think you’re going to have a lively life as a slave girl,” he said softly.

She gave a little nod.

“Well look,” he said, “I promised you some time alone for a while. I want you to collect your thoughts and emotions as much as you can. I know there must be a lot on your mind. Think good thoughts. Enjoy the quiet time. Then you can look forward to the inspection period. Then we’ll have a good auction for your cute tits and ass and every other part of you. Can you do that for me?”

She nodded.

“And remember what I said about making a good impression on the bidders,” he said.

She nodded.

He took his hand away. That made her gasp and moan a little bit from the loss of the sensing. She squirmed some more in her cuffs.

“I’ll get back with you in a little while,” he said. “Just relax until then.”

She could hear some footsteps moving away from her and she heard the door to the room close. She felt very alone.

Her emotions were a whirlwind of good and bad. She was thankful for some quiet time to try to catch her breath and deal with all of the strong feelings. She thought about what he said about how the day will bring strong memories, maybe for the rest of her life. She thought about how to make a good impression on an audience of men and women while she was spread-eagled, restrained, naked and blindfolded. He seemed to say there are incorrect ways to pull against her bonds in a frustrated way. He seemed to say there are right ways to wiggle and tug on her bonds in a way that was cute and flirtatious. It was almost comical and ridiculous to think there are wrong ways and right ways to act in her position. But in some ways it did make sense. She thought about how to have fun with the process and do it right, or at least pretend like she’s having fun in order to make a good impression on the buyers.

She had a million other things to think about. Who was going to buy her? What would her life be like after that? There were many possibiligies, each with its own pros and cons. She had a hard time sorting out which possibilities she feared the most and which possibilities to hope for.

Her thoughts were so vivid and complex she lost a sense for the passage of time. How long had she been left with her own quiet thoughts — had it been 10 minutes or 30? Were the customers about to come in so they could ogle her while she’s bare and helpless? She didn’t know if her quiet time was about over or if she had more to go. Feeling so helpless was a funny sensing with lots of good and bad.

The auctioneer said some women really enjoy the feelings of being tied or restrained or cuffed. “Is that true?” She wondered. “I guess so,” she thought to herself. He told her to try to enjoy the restraints, and try to make friends with them if possible. It was an odd thing to say. But on the other hand it made sense. She tried to relax, stretch out a bit, and enjoy the emotions from being fastened in place so tight and snug.

She was so lost in her thoughts she was started to hear the door open. She could sense some movement in the room from her right. Instinctively she turned her head as if to look, but with the large blindfold she could see nothing. She told from the feelings of frustration.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen,” the auditioneer said with a big clear voice. “Please step in the room,” he said. “The Smith Auction House has quite a treatment for you today. I think you’re going to enjoy checking out this pretty piece of pussy we have on sale today.” He took a pause.

She could sense some movement in the room.

“She’s not allowed to speak,” the auctioneer said. “No one wants to hear what a slave girl says,” he said. “But she says ‘welcome.’ She says ‘greetings’ to each one of you.” He paused. “She is thrilled and happy to start her life as a slave girl. She craves to live as a cheerful, happy slave, devoted to the wishes of her owner.”

His little talk stirred up strong emotions in Valerie.

“She invites you all to take a close look,” he continued. “She wants everyone to thoroughly examine what you’ll be bidding on.”

Valerie squirmed a bit at that. She felt extra aware how her face was mostly covered by her blindfold and her pussy was bare on display.

“Some of you have different uses for a slave girl. This one could be good for a lot of different roles,” he said.

“If you mainly want a sex toy, she’s a good choice,” he said. “When she gets warmed up she’s a hot and horny little fuck bunny,” he said and took a pause. “She’s happy and eager to serve the sexual needs of men. And she’s just as thrilled and eager to bring great sexual pleasures to women,” He took a breath. “And when you’re not fucking her you can put her to work doing anything else you want,” he said.

He put his hand on her belly, making her gasp and wiggle from the surprise touch.

“If you want to whore her out to customers that’ll work great,” he said. “She might look like a sweet, delicate person but don’t be fooled. She’s a tough chick. She can handle a lot of dick every day. She can spend her days fucking and sucking, and you can make good money from this piece of ass,” he said. “You don’t even have to waste money feeding her too much. When she’s sucking enough dicks she can take on cum for a good part of her nutrition each day,” he said. “Heck,” he said with a jovial tone and a chuckle, “everyone knows a woman will give the best blowjob when she’s very hungry or familiar. That’s a good reason to keep her food allow low.”

His words made her tremble and squirm.

“If you have other work that needs to be done that’s good too,” he said. “She’s a hard worker. And she can still make a pause from labor once in a while any time you want to dump a load.”

“In summary, ladies and gentlemen, you’ll be bidding on a good, all -purpose slave girl who is ready and happy to be used for your pleasure,” he said. “She’ll be an excellent choice if you are looking for your first slave girl. She’ll do well if you want to add her to your collection in a harem or a brother or a mine or any other uses you have in mind.”

“As you can see,” he said, “all of her important features are on display for you. Look her over all you want. We’ll start the bidding soon.”

There was a pause and some quiet time. Valerie’s mind was filled with a temperature of good and bad emotions while she lay on the bed, arms and legs spread wide. She couldn’t see anything. She could sense some footsteps around her bed. She could only imagine the men and women looking her over.

“Okay,” the auditeer said after some time passed. “I think we’ll get started soon. As you know we do silent bidding. I think you all have our app on your phone. It’ll show the current price. You can make higher bids as much as you want.”

He took a breath. “If you’ve purchased a slave girl from us in the past then you know how things work when the bidding is done.After the purchase you can take her with you. Or we can set up high-security shipping to your location. This one is currently unmodified. If you’d like modifications we can set that up too. Some owners like the voice of a slave girl to be disabled so she is permanently silent, unable to talk. That’s a somewhat popular option. A few buyers have other requests, like getting her arms permanently fastened Behind her back. If that’s what you wish we’re happy to set that up. Some owners want a ring installed in her labia, with a shiny tag that has her slave registration number. That option is cute and pretty. And it’s a good way to help her remember her status all the time. We can arrange that too — whatever you want.”

Valerie squirmed, feeling more and more helpless about what was ahead for her. While her emotions were churning. There was nothing she could do but stay there and be silent, waiting to be sold.

Soon the auctioneer started the bidding. Valerie’s heart was racing.She thought she could hear some clicking sounds as the buyers typed their bids into the bidding app. She was breathing hard. She tugged and squirmed in her restraints.

After the time had passed the auditioneer spoke up. “Going once!” he said with big enthusiasm. “Going twice!” he said. Finally, “Going three times! Time is up ladies and gentlemen!” he said with very good cheer, “And it looks like we have a winner!” he said, “If you are registration number Bravo Two Zero would you raise your hand for me?”

“Excellent!” he said “Congratulations on your purchase today. I think you’ll be very happy about buying this cute little piece of trim. She’ll be a lively, sexy little slave to meet your needs,” he said. “Let’s step into the next room to finish the details.”

Valerie gulped and shuddered. She tried to imagine who the buyer might be. She had no way to know. “Ugh!” she almost blurted out. The intensity frustrations were making her crazy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * When it was done he said, “Let me get you unfasted now, sweetheart.” He released her legs first. She closed her legs a bit and it felt good at her hips and knees to move a little bit after being restrained. Then he released her wrists. She lowered her arms a bit. It felt great in her shoulders. Otherwise she just laid there a bit with the blindfold on to catch her breath and deal with a hurricane of strong emotions.

He could sense her emotions and respected her quiet time.

After a minute or two he said, “Can you sit up for me sweetheart?’

She nodded. She sat up. She slipped off her blindfold and looked around. She was in her home bedroom, in the house she shared with her husband Jim.

“I hope it was an interesting experience for you,” Jim said. “Maybe it brought up some good and bad emotions.”

She nodded. She didn’t know what to say. She just gave him a hug. Tears welled up in her eyes from the overflow of strong feelings.

“I hope I could play my part okay,and give you the kind of experience you wanted to have,” he said.

“You did,” she said, barely able to speak. “Thank you so much,” she said. She held him tight. Tears flowed down her face from the overwhelming experience.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Being sold as a slave girl had been a fantasy for Valerie for quite some time. She never told anyone. She was worried that they might think it was silly or dishonorable to have such a fantasy.

Jim made her feel safe. One day she worked up the courage to share her secret thoughts. She simply wanted to share what was on her mind. She hoped he wouldn’t laugh or ridicule her.

On the contrary he was affectionate and curious when she shared her thoughts. He was honored that she wanted to share such intimate information — he knew it wasn’t always easy for someone to share their private fans. She was relieved to see he was so supportive.

It was his idea to set up a role play. Valerie had a bit of concern about that. Butin the end she thought it would be interesting and she said okay. They agreed to set aside a quiet Saturday afternoon in three weeks.

As the day got closer Valerie got more and more nervous about what it would feel like sold as a slave girl. Part of her was so anxious she thought about canceling the whole thing. But on the other hand she had a sense that Jim was putting some thought and planning into the event and buying a few simple supplies they would use. If she backed out then his preparations would be useless and wasted time. She didn’t want to do that to him. She gulped and made a vow to herself she would go through the whole thing, and see what the feelings were like, good and bad.

Jim let her have some quiet time during the roleplay. He guessed correctly that her emotions would be a jumble, and it was good to let her have time to deal with her thoughts. He never left her alone in the bedroom. That wouldn’t be safe. He sat in a soft chair, trying to stay very quietand give her the illusion of being all alone while she was waiting to be “sold.”

What he said about memories of the day was right. For Valerie the memories of the auction remained strong and vivid.

During the roleplay Valerie’s emotions were almost too intense to be fun. The whole thing was hard for her. It was not all that enjoyable. But after it was done she had time to collect her thoughts. Then her attitude changed. Her memories of the event became sweet and sexy and exciting for her.


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