Valerie Ch. 1

I met her one night at a local bar. She sat all alone at a table in the darkest corner of the room. She was looking down at her drink and stirring it with her index finger. She looked lonely and bored.

She didn’t notice me as I sat down at an adjacent table.

I supposed she must be waiting for someone since there was no reason a woman who looked as good as she did would be alone unless she wanted to be. I sat down at the table next to hers and watched her absolutely stirring her drink. She wore a short little black leather skirt that hugged her shapedly thighs, medium height black heels, a bright green shiny knit short sleeped top that buttoned up the front. In this case there were few buttons actually buttoned. Her breasts pressed out against the material and I couldn’t tell if there was a bra under the top or not. Her hair was dark brown with flecks of gold and hung in waves below her shoulders. She had long slender fingers and thin, yet obviously strong, arms. Her legs were muscular without being masculine and she kept them scrupulously crossed the whole time I had been looking at her.

She looked up from her drink at someone coming in the door. I could see her face showed character. It wasn’t the blank empty face of the catalog models, but the face of a woman who was real. There were a few minor imperfections, a small scar on her chin and her nose was a little larger than the arbitrary ideal. It was a beautiful face but the most outstanding features were her large dark eyes. I couldn’t tell the color in the dim light. Her cheekbones were high and prominent and she had full soft lips.

She was obviously getting tired as she stopped stirring her drink, closed her eyes, and reached above her head to stretch. This forced her breasts to strain against the material of her blouse and I could tell she did have a bra on, but it was very thin. In that position, her nipples stood out like beacons.

I had been watching her for about ten minutes wheren she started her lengthy stretch. When she finished it, she put her arms down and opened her eyes. At that moment we made eye contact for the first time. She immediately looked away.

Very interesting, I thought.

I continued to look at her. Several times she started to steal a glance my way, but stopped at the last second. Finally, her head tilted in my direction and our eyes met again. I locked my gaze onto her eyes, determined not to let her look away again. The moment seemed to last an hour. She attempted a bright smile, but couldn’t quite pull it off. Her lips quivered slightly and the corners of her mouth turned up, but it was obviously strained. I maintained eye contact with her and saw that she was trying to turn her head away, but just couldn’t make herself do it. As she struggled to turn her head, I said “Don’t.”

“Don’t what,” she said.

“Don’t turn away. Are you frightened?”

“What’s to be frightened of?”


“Are you dangerous?”

“I’ll ask the questions,” I told her. “Are you waiting for someone?”


“I think you are. I think you’re waiting for me.”

“That’s not very clever. Why would I be waiting for someone I don’t know?”

“I think you’ve been waiting for me, or someone like me, for a long time.”

“I still don’t know what you mean.”

“Yes you do. You have fantasized about someone who would take responsibility for you and to whom you could surrender.”

Her eyes grew wider and she gasped as if she’d had the wind knocked out of her.

“You want someone who will take control and make you free from your own inhibitions.”

Again, the wide-eyed star as if she saw something from another world.

“How can you know about my thoughts? I’ve never told anyone.”

“You told me. You said it in the way you looked at me and in the way you tried not to look at me.”


“Come here and sit next to me,” I said, thinking we’ll see now if she’s ready.

She stood up and walked straight over to the chair next to me, which I pulled closer so she would have to be touching me if she sat down.

She sat down hesitantly and our legs touched almost from knee to hip.

“Tell me your name,” I said firmly.

“Valerie Swanson,” she replied with trembling in her voice. “What do you want from me?”

“I want you, Valerie. I want all of you. I want you to give yourself to me. You’ve already started to. You did that when you sat down here. It’s what you want isn’t it?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Yes, sir,” she said.

I put my arm around the back of her chair and reached over her right shoulder, letting my hand hang down in front of her chest. She offered no resistance. I let my hand settle with my fingertips just barely touching her right nipple through her clothes. She shivered.

“Are you cold?” I asked.

“No, sir”

I began to circle her nipple with my index finger and feel it harden and thrust itself against the restraining fabric of her bra and blouse, all the while continuing to look into her eyes. She hardly blinked. She looked frightened and yet the excitement was apparent. Her nipple was as hard as a pebble.

I took my other hand and inserted it between her legs forcing her legs apart, which caused her to uncross them. I pushed my hand under her skirt until I reached her, now soaked, panties.

“Your panties are a mess,” I told her.

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry sir”

“Take them off and give them to me.”

She immediately rose to her feet.

“Whe do you think you’re going?” I said sharply.

“To the ladies room to do as you said.”

“I never said to go to the ladies room.”

“But, you wanted me to remove my panties for you.”

“Yes, and you will.”

Understanding flashed across her face. She understand now. Fear followed the understanding. She looked as if she wanted to bolt and run, but she sat back down.

“Do it now,” Itold her.

She pulled her skirt up as high as she thought she could without barking her all to the rest of the bar. She reached up under her skirt first with her right hand, and pulled the waistband of the panties off her left hip, and then the mirror image action with her left hand. Then she raised up slightly in her seat and pulled to get the panties down below her bottom. She pulled them down and gingerly lifted first her left and then her right leg out of the panties. Then she tried to hand them to me under the table. I refused to take them and she looked at me with knitted browser. She was extremely puzzled. She was trying to do as I said, but I wasn’t accepting them. What was wrong?

I held out my hand above the table and said, “Give them to me.”

Her face turned the brightest crisis and she slowly raised the panties From under the table and placed them in my hand. They were soft and black with lace panels above the crotch on either side of the center.

I took them from her, feeling the mood that had drenched them. I snapped them in the air like a small whip and held them to my nose, breathing deeply of her intoxicating sequence. She looked wildly about the bar to see if anyone was looking. Several patrons had noticed the scene evolving in the corner and were watching with keen interest.

I took her by the hand and, dangling the panties in my other hand, walked towards the door. As we passed the table of one of the men who had been watching her remove her panties, I dropped them on the table in front of him saying, “These are for you.” Then we left the bar.

I took her to my car and we drove to my house in silence. Several times she seemed to want to say something, but thought better of it and just sat quietly.

When we entered my house, I told her to sit down. Valerie sat on the edge of the couch with her knees together and her back as straight as if she had a board inside her top.

“Are you ready to learn about all thosethings you’ve only fantasized about until now?” I asked her.

“I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going to happen. What are you going to do?” she asked.

“That’s one of the things you will learn about. The unknown can be both terrifying and exciting. Are you willing to trust me? If not, I’ll take you back where I found you.” I said.

“Yes, I I wanted to trust you,” she said. “You won’t hurt me will you?” she pleased.

“Only as much as is necessary,” I said.

I could see the fear building inside her. Her eyes gave her away. They spoke of her fear and yet her excitement. I reached over to run my hand between her legs again and feel her cunt. It was soaking wet. Her skirt was wet and I was sure it was seeing through onto my couch.

“You are free to leave whenever you want. I won’t ask more of you than you can give. Anytime you want to stop what we are doing, you must say the word ORANGE. Whatever we are doing will stop immediately. Do you understand?” I said.

“Yes,” she replied meekly.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Yes, Sir,” she responded immediately.

“You know your dripping cunt is staining my couch, don’t you?”

“Oh, my. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize,” she said, her face turning bright red.

“When you address me you will call me Sir. Failure to do so will result in punishment. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Staining my couch is very rude, don’t you think?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Rudeness should be punished.” I said.

“Yes Sir,” she responded.

“You will come here to me and pull your skirt off, now.” I commanded.

She came to me immediately while unfastening her skirt and pulled it off carefully, lifting each leg out of the waistband.

“Now bend over my knees and spread your legs wide,” I said.

She did as she was told and I was presented with a beautiful sight. Her ass was firm and heart shaped. Smooth skin which met in the center in that delightful cleft which I had to pry apart to see that most secret of places. It was tiny, pumped and just a couple of shades darker than the surrounding skin. There would be much enjoyment found there. She lay over my knees with her ass in the air and her hands on the floor. I raised my right hand high in the air above her ass and told her that she was about to receive her punishment for staining the couch.

“Yes sir,” was her only reply.

I struck her right Cheek smartly and she gasped. I slowly raised my hand again and struck the left cheek with the same amount of force. Now there were two identical handprints in a lovely shade of red on that gorgeous ass. She sucked in a mighty breath again. I could feel her leg muscles tighten up as she braced herself for more. I didn’t disappoint her. I began a rhythm that was neither slow nor fast, just steady. Each blow caused a little ripple to flow across her ass. Even though her ass was firm, it still had that thin layer of fat that made it soft and oh so spankable. After every few strokes on her ass, I would strike almost horizontally to the underside of her ass cheats, which also struck her cunt in between them. She began to make little animal noises with each blow. No words, just grunts and gasps. Finally, she couldn’t hold back any longer and she started to plead. She became me to stop and promised never to do such a thing again. Her ass was a bright red and I could tell there would be some bruises on it for a few days. Even in her pleading, she remembered to address me as Sir.

She began to squirm on my legs and I discovered she had set up her own rhythm. She was rubbing her cunt against my pant leg. I stopped spanking her and her ass continued to move in small circles as she tried to rub enough to get herself off. I reached beneath her ass and felt her cunt. I found the juices literally running out of it. She was more excited than any woman I had ever had. She tried to impale herself on my hand and begged me to “make love to her.” I told her that wastoo nice an expression for such a slut to use when she asked to be fucked.

Then she said “Please fuck me, Sir. I need to be fucked now. I need to feel your cock in me. Please?”

I told her I would fuck her when I was ready and not before.

She replied, “Yes, Sir.”

Then I reached under her ass and began to fondle the outer folders of her cunt. Her breathing quickened and she began to squirm. I put one finger in and twirled it around inside her cunt. It was sloppy with juices. I inserted a second finger and started struggling them in and out of her cunt. Very slowly I would pull my fingers almost out and then push them back in. When they were on the outstroke I would sometimes hold them there, just barely touching her cunt. When I did that, she pushed back with her hips trying to get them inside her again. Gradually, I increased the speed of the strokes along with the force. Soon, I was ramming my fingers into her cunt as hard and fast as I could. Her juices were running out of her cunt and making my trouser leg wet. I felt her cunt start to spasm as it began to clutch and grapp at my fingers. Her orgasm began with a scream and then she alternated between beginning me to stop and then to continue. I kept it up until her cunt stopped its spasms. She was exhausted, but said “Oh thank you, Sir. I’ve never felt like this before.”

“What are you thanking me for?” I asked.

“For my wonderful orgasm, Sir,” she answered.

“I think you should be thanking me for more than that,” I said.

She looked over her shoulder at me with a puzzled expression on her face. Then I could see the recognition in her eyes as she understand.

She said, “Yes Sir, thank you for my spanking and teaching me to be a good little slut for you.”

Oh yes, this one is special, I thought.

I stood up and she fell off my knees to the floor landing on her back. I took hold of her hands and lifted her to her knees in front of me.

“Now you will suck my cock,” I said.

She immediately reached for my zipper and pulled it down. She started to unbuckle my belt, but I stopped her and told her to just suck my cock through the fly. She reached in and pulled it out through the opening. She started to just gently lick the head, but I grabbed her head and rammed it in as far as it would go. I could feel it hit the back of her throat and was very satisfied when she gagged and began to pull away. I held her head in position and told her to fight the gag reflex and that she had better not take my cock from her mouth. She grunted and started breathing around my cock. I then told her to use her tongue to swirl around the head while she held it in her mouth. She did and it felt great. She was a good student.

After just a little while, I began to fuck her mouth in earnest. I drive my cock into her face as if it were her cunt. I could feel her nose hitting my pelvic bone on every thrust. She was sputtering and saliva was running out of her mouth as I fucked it. I told her to fondle my balls. She reached up and cradled them in one hand and began to roll them around like big marbles in the palm of her hand while I continued to fuck her mouth. I told her what a slut she was for doing these nasty things. She only grunted something in response that I couldn’t understand.

I feel my orgasm building deep inside and decided to come in her mouth. It would be Interesting to see how she handled that. As I rammed my cock in her mouth, I grabbed two hands of her beautiful hair and started shooting my semen into her mouth. I held her head on my cock so she couldn’t pull away and she started to gag again. I told her not to let any of it spill out of her mouth and to swallow it all.

She had a hard time, but she did succeed in swallowing everything I gave her. After I stopped coming, she started sucking and licking my cock again as if she were trying to get the last drops off of it. When I pulled her head away from mycrotch, her lips made a popping/slurping sound as they parted company with my cock. She was an amazing cocksucker and I told her so.

She replied, “Thank you Sir for telling me that and for letting me suck your cock.”

“You’re welcome, my little slut. You know where you belong now, don’t you Valerie?” I said.

“Yes Sir. I belong wherever you want me to be. I belong to you,” she said.

Yes, she is very special indeed, I thought.

“Valerie, let’s go to the bedroom. You’re staying here tonight,” I said.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered.

I had her removed the rest of her clothes and lie down on the bed. I attached an ankle cuff to her right leg and to a rope that was attached to the footboard. She never questioned it. She merely looked at me and smiled. I got into bed with her after removing my clothes and shut off the lights. I drifted off to sleep while fondling her small, perfect breasts.

To Be Continued…


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