Valentine's Tease Ch. 04

This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.


Locked Up

Nobody else knew.

Swallowing hard, the wolf leaned back in his chair, though he wasn’t usually one to hang around the office too much. No, Razak would have much preferred to be out in the workshop, interacting with other furs and just, you know, feeling like he was doing something more than being a desk journey. That side of his work may have changed and come with a lifestyle shift in more ways than one but that did not mean that he did not still feel the need and the itch to move.

But not that day. It was easier, that day, to stay right where he was, his sheath swollen as it pressed up against the bars of the chatity device. That was not the extent of it, however, for the mere presence of the cage around his sheath and the metal ring clapped his nuts, separating them from his body with a lightly cooling touch that did not warm to the heat of him, had his cock out, though it could not emerge fully.

He wriggled, trying to be subtle about it, the computer chair squeaking under him as he wondered if anyone else in the office thought he was doing anything odd. Were they looking at him? Did they think he was being strangely? There was no way to tell.

As much as he tried to concentrate on his work, Raz should have known that that was impossible. There was no question about it and, really, there never should have been either, chest shuddering as he locked down even the act of his own breath passing through his windpipe, controlling what he could about his body When other parts were blissfully and horrifically so very far out of his control.

Don’t think. Just breathe.

Saying that to himself, however, didn’t stop the pink of his cock from throbbing up within his boxer-briefs, however, though the swell of it was contained so that there was no more bulge there than what the cage already proclaimed.

Look at me! It seemed to scream to anyone who may have been looking, though, of course, no one had their eyes down there in the workplace. I’m a locked up pup!

The computer screen blurred before Raz’ eyes and he rasped out a breath, ears slipping back, need rising more and more with the anxious press of too-sensitive flesh against the bars of the chatity cage. It gave the impression of being less restrictive with the gaps between the bars in comparison to the silicane one that was a more comfortable version but there was something carnally archaic about the metal encasing his length, the tip trying to strain through, leaving pre-cum. He almost laughed at himself, checking his dry humour at the last possible moment. As if he was actually going to be allowed to put it to any kind of use…

On the desk, his phone flashed up with a new message and he reached for it without thinking, heart beating a little quicker.

It was her.

Mistress: Miss me?

He swallowed. Always.

The image that followed, however, was one that made it all the more difficult to sit still, the pressure intensifying as he raked his gaze hungrily, even on the screen of his phone, up her long shaped legs, the crux of what he craved so badly hidden tastefully in shadow, though he was sure that subsequent photos would clear up that little mystery. It was the tease of it, however, that had him muffling a gasp and trying to appear as if he was very much into his work, brow furrowed but not with concentration, hips working lightly in his chair as it squeaked under him, simply unable to stay still.

Damn it…

But if he’d not wanted to have the cage on he would have had to have said that much earlier on for there was now no one but her with a copy of the key, his misstress wearing it on a chain around her neck where he would have to beg for her to release him.

Only her. He wouldn’t dare touch his own cock without her permission anymore.

And just what would she do with his cock when she did let him out? He knew it was the wrong thing to do but his red mare made it far, far too easy to slip into fansy, muzzle clamped shut against the exhibition of his fansy. Would she takes him in paw, bring him to the edge, again and again, just to remind him of her control? Would she pin him down, ride him to completion, going the complete opposite way in forcing him to get off over and over again just to really drive in her control? Or would it be something different entirely, a tease of release, his shake throbbing, only to be crammed back into the cage while she laughed at him.

He didn’t know what he wanted. Out or in, either was a good option, the very best option indeed – could he not have everything? Yet his lustful imaginations had not done him any favours at all as he groaned softly in the back of his throat, holding back the sound as much as he possible could, even though that seemed near enough impossible. He was still at work and yet his cock didn’t know that, pulsing and throbbing against the cage, straining against chatity, as if that action alone would be enough to break free and actively seek out that sweet, sweet, sweet release that he’d been denied for so long.

It had been one month. One month and counting. Raz closed his eyes, pressing his fingers into the lids, bearing down for the flash of light and lick of strain that, at least, was not related to his dick. There was no end in sight.

Still… He could not deny that it made his days more interesting, his gaze sliding back to his computer screen, not recognizing the file he’d opened but, then again, he’d been clicking randomly for ages. The strain on his length made it difficult to focus on anything else but, just like he’d been doing for thelast month, he would have to, somehow.

Raz took a deep breath, his cold coffee mug in one paw.

One more day…

And then maybe another after that too.


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