This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
Candlelight and Wax Play
Madoc gasped, arching up from the bondage table, though her dancing fingers on his cock were merely playful, not coming to an end in sensing. He’d been hard and ready for ages already, spread-eagled on the specially designed table, the padding making it more comfortable for the horse’s muscled body than it may have otherwise have been. But he would have lain there nonetheless if it had been as hard and as unyielding as his cock just for her pleasure, the dragon stalking around him with a sway to her hips that promised trouble.
She didn’t need to snap or raise her voice to be heard, her tail curling up under his jaw to close his mouth: further evidence of her control over him. As if the bond was not enough, thick leather cuffs locked around his wrists and fetlocks, the feather at his fetlocks draping down softly around his hooves. His dappled grey coat gleamed with good health, for once, though he had no doubt at all that she planned to add some fresh marks to his hide that day.
Yet how? Ah, that was the question… And it was a question, indeed, that Madoc would have answered by his mistress very soon indeed.
The dragonness’ green scales shone, flitting through shades in the low, dancing light of the candles she’d set up, more than enough to see the product of her work by. Her hair fell down her neck in a crest of darker green and her tail undulated gently as she moved, seemingly in tune with Every last move and shift of her naked body, an hourglass figure becoming her even though she erred on the lither side. Her long, elegant muzzle, however, was lined withsharp teeth, the predator looming over her prey as she chuckled wickedly and walked her claws down his stomach to his aching length of horse-meat.
“So needy… But this isn’t what I’m interested in, colt. It’s never what I’m interested in.”
Madoc grunted and kept his mouth obediently shut, ears priced. Well, what was she interested in then?
His mistress did not announce what she was doing to him, merely holding up the candle and tipping it with a little giggle that could have been set to mark the ceremony of it all, drawing out every last little moment and detail for her pleasure. The wax splashed onto his chest before he realized what was happening, catching a nipple, and the howl that ripped itself from his lips surprised even him as he twisted and strained, fighting his bondage even against a second hot splash, burning Even as it solidified swiftly on his coat.
“Oh, little colt…”
Of course, he knew as he calmed down, though the aching pain was stillThere, that it was not hot enough to actually burn: that would never have been part of their play, regardless of the nature of their relationship. There was power play and a loss of control at hoof there but no more than that, the dragonness smiling and cocking her head at him as if she was surprised that he had even reacted at all.
A second candle and the second splash of wax, this time in blue to off-set the red of the first one. He was ready then and braced for the burn, though a thickly masculine grunt still broke the barrier of his lips as he tried to strain away from the blistering heat and press up into it at the same time. Why was he doing that?
“Cool enough not to burn… Hot enough to hurt…”
She didn’t need to tell him that as he panted and gasped, rolling his hips up, need rising, his cock throbbing so terribly that he really did think that he would get off right there and then, spending his load over his own stomach as desire coursed through him. Madoc’s shake stood up tall and proud, thick and flush full of blood, and he could not have denied how turned on he was even if the stallion had had a mind to. Nickering softly, he blushed heavily and turned away, though her tail snaked around his muzzle, forcing his head immediately back around so that he had no other option than to watch, eyes wide and pained as more and more wax splashed down the line of his chest to his stomach and closer still to his crotch. The burn was almost familiar by that point, a heady rush that had him squirming and yet still under her control, the candle tipping and tipping and tipping.
He would watch. He would be forced to watch. All because of her, his loving mistress. Pain was nothing if he got to please her, regardless of how she forced whimper after whimper and moan from him. It was all for her, always for her, and she painted him with red and blue, yellow and white, his grey-coated body a canvas for the lewdest kind of artwork ever.
Though she had a very special candle too set off to the side that he did not know about, something that would and could be used on one part of his body alone. His mistress licked his lips and held it high, letting the splash of purple wax cool on the way down, hitting his cock directly and splashing off in all directions, catching the tip and his nuts, its coverage impressive.
He screamed before he realized what had happened, what he was doing, orgasm ripping through him, hips bucking as he rocked and yanked at the table, the calmion’s body prey to climax. Madoc’s seed shot high but she kept on coming, laughing at the whims of his body as he spurted his load over his own stomach, adding a creamy coat to the layer of wax that would later prove a devil to get off but was inherently lustful in the heat of the moment.
No… No, it was not too much, all just the right amount, groaning and nickering, crying out his pleasure as she even splashed hot pain over his nuts too, lettering the orbs sickeningly churn as they spilt every drop of the load they had to offer. Still, he had to come down from his high sooner or later, a sweaty, heaving mess covered in drying wax and cum, his fleshy cock painted purple as the head flared up thick and full, demanding attention that, truly, it had already been given.
The dragonness looming over him smiled, holding another candle up with the flexible tip of her tail wrapped around it. That one was green.
He swallowed. Hard.
“You’re not done yet.”
He expected as much.
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