This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
A Wolf on His Knees
Raz groaned through the ball gag tucked behind his teeth, tongue lolling out under it, keep in position by the thick round of plastic. But the anthro wolf could moan and groan as much as he liked on his knees, a spreader bar locked between them so that he could not close his blue-furred legs, much to his shame, paws locked behind his back in a bond sleep that laid his forearms against one another. No one, after all, was going to release him.
The red mare above him smiled wickedly, licking her lips. Her chestnut coat gleamed with a red hue in the light of the play room, only part of which was illuminated, at that time, to show off her best toys. Razak didn’t want to look. He knew what he would see there already and he feared that betraying his need so openly all over again would only render him even more so under his control than he already was, cock throbbing and twitching, bare flesh woefully exposed. Not that being under her control, truly, was any kind of a bad thing.
She towered over him, even just standing there, and his mistress laughed calledously, not caring for his pleasure in that moment. He knew that. He’d never discussed that. That was just why he loved it so much.
“What’s wrong, little pup?” The chestnut mare crooned cruelly. “Not got anything to say this time?”
He shivered but she had something more for him. His mistress, Mistress Amethylst, drew a bare hoof up onto his shoulder, using him as a prop, the folds of her pussy on full display as she smiled and dipped her fingers between them, ears folding sensitive back. It made it all the worse for him, of course, but Razak could not help but lean in with a muffled moan, wishing that he could dig his tongue up into her sweetness, cock pulsing wantonly, though he knew that she already knew just how far gone the extent of his need was at that very moment.
“See something you like?”
Pushing her shaft up crudely close to his mouth, the ball gag preventing him from doing anything, she showed off proudly to him just how wet she was, her pussy dripping with arousal after how she had been treating him that particular evening. There was something about having a whip in her paw that simply made her slider between the thighs than anything else and she teased him with it, rubbing her cunt on the gag just to give him the bare modicum of a taste on the very tip of his tongue, her sweetly heady scent heavy in his nose.
Raz closed his eyes with another muted moan, inhaling deeply over and over again. He shouldn’t have done that. That was the wrong thing to do, very much the wrong thing. And yet he could not stop himself, wanting to drink her in, her control absolute to the point that all he wanted as to bury his muzzle all over again between her strong thighs, making her climax over and over again, just to hear her moan so loudly, echoing and bouncing off the walls of the play room.
But she wasn’t going to let him do that. Oh no… Of course, not. That just wouldn’t do, not at all, not even one little bit. She was going to tease him, rub her pussy up against his lips and let him think that she was going to let him savour her sweetness, only to pull away and pat his head, taunting him with the closeness of her and yet not giving him what he whimpered for, what his heart so terribly pounded for each and every moment she was so very close to him.
He watched himself there, helpless and wanton, as if from a distance. And yet he feel Everything too, the touch of her paw on his shoulder, shoving him down over a bench and manoeuvring him as she pleased so that his backside was raised for her,the spreader bar acting as a nice balance for him across the benchmark. Strange how things could be used like that but he was not going to complain about it. He wasn’t even going to complain as his cock drooled a sticky, clingy string of pre-cum to the benchmark, something that he would surely have to clean up with his tongue later. She would use him as she pleased either way
Amethyst’s paw groped his arse, slick fingers driving up under his tail. In a fit of kindness, they were lubed, his tail hole clamping down around them as he grunted into the gag. They weren’t to last. He had not seen her slip into the straw-on toy harness but it was already loaded with a large cock that jutted out from her crotch as if it was meant to be there, sliding over his buttocks and through his fur, all to give him a taste of the thick filling that was to come.
Raz shivered.
“This is going to make you whimper. A shame I won’t hear it.”
She didn’t need to. She knew well enough what his whihmpers sounded like already.
Raz swallowed a whimper, though he would not be as successful with all that followed, as the tip of the straw-on cock pressed up to his anal ring, teasing him as if to plumge inside right then, even though his mistress was all about drawing out the anticipation of everything. That was, after all, her preferred way of things and he was not in any position at all to deny her that. Neither would he Ever have wanted to deny her.
The wolf groaned. Was he really that broken? Maybe so. Maybe it didn’t matter. Maybe nothing but her mattered anymore.
She waited there with the slightly tapered, rounded tip of the toy pressed up to his tail hole, breathing slowly and deeply, letting him quiver, waiting for it. Her control was absolutely over the wolf and, truly, it had never been in any kind of dispute. Why would he, let alone anyone else, ever have wanted to push back against her, after all?
Amethyst grinned.
“Moan for me.”
There weremany moans yet to come.
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