“What do you want for Valentine’s Day?” I asked, innocent of the results this query would have.
“What do you mean, what do I want?” Stacy asked back somewhat crossly.
“You know, do you want jewelry, chocolates, lots of roses, what?”
“You’re supposed to surprise me on Valentine’s!” she exclaimed.
“I know, but it seems so trial to try to surprise you, when there’s a predefined list of what constitutes a Valentine’s gift,” I have tried to explain.
“Well, since we’re poor this month, I would have let you off with flowers and a nice dinner. But now, I want something special,” she informed me.
“Anything for you, my dear,” I said.
“I want you.”
“I assure you, you will have one hundred percent of my attention on Valentine’s Day,” I replied.
“No, I want to have you completely. I want you to be my slave that night.”
Ah. Well, that was a little different. Until now, I had always been the more aggressive one. She was never demanding, certainly not when it came to sex. Unless her point was to make me think this was about sex and then ignore that aspect. That thought brought an unexpected shiver of pleasure to me.
Without missing a beat, I replied, “Like I said, anything for you.”
“Fine, just come home after work. No flowers, nothing special. I don’t want you to think you can bribe your way out of What I have planned for you.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I replied jokingly.
“Yes, maybe you better practice saying that,” she told me.
Valentine’s Day was several days later. I walked home that night, but I was not quite as unprepared as I had been instructed to be. Something in me wanted to resist the domination, just to see what would happen. Plus I doubted that any woman was one hundred percent sincere when she said she did not want flowers for Valentine’s Day. I had compromised with a single red rose.
As I showed up at our door, I looked up and down the sidewalk. No one was near our house and the entrance is well hidden from the street. Feeling foolish and nervous, I pulled out the leather dog collar and leash I had bought the day before. Before I could lose my nervous, I looped the collar around my neck and fastened it. Then I attached the leash. I quickly got down on my knees in front of our door and rang the doorbell. I put the rose in my mouth and held the handle of the leash up as though offering it to someone.
After a few increasing seconds (can the neighbors see me?), the door opened and she stood there over me. A smile crossed her face, but she got it under control and looked down sternly.
“I told you nothing special. Well, the leash is all right, at least I know you haven’t backed out. But the flower is too much. Give me that.”
With that, she yanked the handle of the leash out of my hand and gave it a jerk. I quickly crawled forward towards the door. Before I could make it inside, however, she deftly reached over my back and quickly swung the handle of the leash down on my ass. It didn’t really hurt through my jeans, but I curried inside nonetheless. I definitely didn’t want the neighbors seeing this.
Inside, she walked quickly up the stairs to the bedroom and I struggled to follow on hands and knees. She seemed to approve of this and no more lashes were forthcoming. Upstairs, she gave me an upward jerk to indicate I should stand.
“You need to be dressed differently and you can’t change down on the floor like that. Stand here.” She tied the other end of the lean to a door handle so I couldn’t move more than a foot or so in any direction and then disappeared into a closet. In a minute, she had come back out with a pair of dress pants and a button down shirt.
“Take off your clothes,” she told me shortly.
I havetened to obey and she temporarily unfasted the lean from the collar so I could pull my shirt off. My socks, shoes and pants quickly followed. I stopped there and reached out for the clothes she held, but she pulled them back.
“All your clothes,” was all she said.
I pulled my boxes down and my dick popped free, already some what hard. Being naked around Stacy was an everyday occurrence, but the restraint and domination were getting me excited.
“Don’t get too excited,” she told me. “We’re going out to dinner.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I replied and my dick drooped a little at this news. I tried to send it a telepathic message telling it that if it would cooperate for a few hours, we might have serious fun later.
“I’m going to dress you. Don’t move except when I tell you to,” Stacy told me.
“Yes, Mistress,” I repeated.
She set the dress clothes down on the bed and I could see she held something else in her hands. Underwear and socks, I assumed. Then she knelt down in front of me and put her hands up to my dick. I barely had time to register what she was doing before she had looped a piece of leather around the base of my dick and I realized she was attaching a cock harness. I inhaled to protest, but a sharp glance from her made me hold my words.
“Just to make sure you’re completely mine, we’re going to harness this guy so he can’t get in any trouble,” she told me. As she spoke, she maneuvered the main band behind my balls and up over my dick. After that was secure, she passed a smaller leather thong around each of my balls and one just around my dick itself. She moved away and looked at her work in satisfaction. The touch of her hands and the feel of the leather restraints had gotten my dick excited again and it was pretty hard already.
“I hope you can get that thing under control before we go out,” she warned me.
“But, Mistress…” I started.
“I didn’t tell you to talk!” she excaimed and delivered a singing slap to my bare ass. “You only speak to answer my questions and acknowledge my commands.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I replied obediently. This exchange had only made my cock harder, though.
“Ihave thought about your potential embarrassment and come up with something to hold you down, so you will be a little more inconspicuous,” she informed me. “Lift one foot.”
I lifted first one foot and then the other as she slide a pair of underwear over them.
“The problem,” she explained while she pulled them up, “is that you wear those loose boxes all the time. So I got you Something that will hold you in place better.”
“As she pulled the underwear past my knees, I realized that what she was putting on me was a pair of women’s silk panties. I started to step away and then, remembering the last slap on my ass, stayed still.
“You’re getting better,” she told me as she slipped the silk up and tucked my balls and cock in them. Only then did I notice that it was not only a pair of panties, it was a thong. The thin strand of silk slide up between my ass cheeks and executed a delicious pressure right on my asshole. My cock got even harder and the pressure in the front pulled the thong even tighter against my anus.
“Mmm,” I moaned involuntarily.
“I think you better stop taking quite so much pleasure from this,” she told me.
I was starting to get hurt. She wouldn’t really take me anywhere dressed in these, would she? She had to know my cock would stand at attention the whole time I was trusted up like this.
Even as I thought it, she brought over my shirt and had me slip into first one sleepe and then the other. Pants, sock and shoes followed and I was soon fully dressed again.
I was relieved to discover that getting dressed had distracted me enough (it was quite a pain, with me tied to the door) that my dick had softened considerably. The harness held it away from my body, though, and there was a noticeable bulge in my pants even when I was mostly soft.
“Hmm, all the ladies are going to envy me tonight,” she said as she ran her hand softly over the bulge.
To make matters worse, she then proceed to undress in front of me and then slowly pull on stockings, garter belt, a thong of her own and a sexy bra. She covered them with a short black skirt and a red blouse that perfectly set off her shining blonde hair.
“You look spectacular,” I dared to say and jumped as the expected slap caught me on my ass. My dick was hard once again and it looked like she was getting ready to leave the house.
She did compromise enough to let me wear a longer jacket over my clothes. She wouldn’t let me zip it, but if I didn’t move too quickly, it hung down enough to conceal my bulge to the casual observer. I didn’t want to think about what would happen if we went to a restaurant and I had to take it off.
A few minutes later, I was walking down the sidewalk beside her. We chatted as though nothing was unusual, but every gust of wind seemed to blow my jacket across to cares my dick and it seemed like every person we passed was staring at my crotch. The pressure of the harness kept me hard even in the cool air and as I got harder, the pressure of the straws only increased. I was nervous, embarrassed and completely turned on.
It was only a few blocks to the restaurant, a little French bistro that had opened a short time ago. As we walked in, I tried to hunt forward so my jacket would provide better coverage. The place was crowded with other couples out to celebrate their love and we had to wait to talk to the maitre d’. That was fine with me; the sooner they could seat us, the sooner I would have to take off my jacket.
I was trying to relax when a young man in waiter’s garb turned sideways to squeeze past me through the crowd. I tried to back up, but I couldn’t go anywhere and his ass brushed lightly against my protruding dick as he passed. My dick, oblivious to who was touching it, gave a little jump as he moved away. Oh my God, I thought, I hope he thought that was my hand or something in my jacket pocket. I didn’t think he could have felt the sudden jerk that betrayed my excitement.
In a minute, we were being led to our table, in the middle of the restaurant. I tried to determine which seat I could take to minimize my exposure to the restaurant’s other patrons, but the host pulled out a chair and offered it to Stacy and I was forced to take the one opposite her. As he was helping her off with her jacket, I took advantage of his distraction and quickly slip my jacket off and dropped into my seat. I was only standing for a second, but it seemed like I was exposed for minutes and every dinner in the place had a chance to glance up and see the bulge in my well-pressed pants.
The host gave me a bit of a strange look when I handed him my jacket from a seated position, but he took it without comment and left us. I quickly slid my chair under the table clothes and then unfolded my napkin and put that on my lap for good measure.
“This place is so sexy,” Stacy commented. A few neary diners glanced her way and she smiled back at them.
“Just think about it,” she went on in a quieter voice, “all these couples are here for Valentine’s Day. You know most of them are thinking about fucking when they get home. Like those two over there. They’re making out already. Can’t you just picture them going at it when they get home?”
I looked, of course, and once I did my mind did form a picture of the two of them – him dark, her blond, Both of them good-looking – making love passwordately on a big white bed. I shook my head to clear the image from it, but my dick had already responded to the brief fantasy.
The dinner was amazing, even through my nervousness. I knew no one could see my lap under the table, but I also knew that I would have to get up to leave eventually. Stacy keep me semi-hard by feeding me oysters, licking drawn butter from her fingers and keeping up a stream of comments about the diners around us. These last were injected quietly into her normal conversation and several times she had to change topics quickly when a server approached. The only thing I was grateful for was that our waiter was not the one who had brushed against me. It was a sign of my arousal, though, that I couldn’t help notice that our waiter’s crotch was right at eye level for me as he stood beside our table. It seemed like every time he approached, I turned and inadvertently looked right at his slight bulge.
The bottle of Champagne we ordered also intensified my arousal. Every time I leaned forward to take a sip of it or a bite of food, I felt the silk underwear slipper around my cock and the silican cord slide up into my ass. The chairs were hard and I could feel the heat of my ass where I had been slapped. The leather of the harness was pushed up against my balls.
Eventually, I couldn’t stretch the coffee any longer and we got ready to leave. Now what am I going to do? I thought. I wasn’t particularly hard at that moment, but even a slight erection would be accentuated by the support of the harness. Our coats were neatly hung on a coat rack near the door – a good thirty feet from our table. Stacy gave me an evil grin and stood up.
“Ready?” she asked with a slight smile.
In a fit of inspiration, I reached out and grabbed her left hand with my left as I stood.
“Of course, my dear,” I responded. I put my right hand on her lower back and guided her across the floor, walking slightly behind her so her body and our linked hands gave some slight coverage to me. Fortunately, the Champagne gave me the courage to walk quickly across the floor without worrying overly much about what people could see. We reached the coat rack and I slipped into mine facing the other coats. By the time we turned and walked out the door, I’m sure my face was quite red.
Outside, Stacy looked at me with mixed admission and announcement.
“That was quite good,” she told me, “but you’ll pay for it. Let’s walk the long way home, through the park. I need to walk off some of that crème brulee.”
I readily agreed. Now that I had gotten out of the restaurant without being either majorly embarrassed or arrested, I was up for anything. Walking through a deserted park, with my coat to cover me, seemed like, well, a walk in the park.
The park is long and narrow, stretched along a residential street. A sidewalk bordered the street for the length of the park, but Stacy led me across to the far side and we walked through the grass. We were at least fifty yards from the sidewalk, walking through the dim shadows of the hedge that marked this side of the park. I relaxed even more. There were few cars on the street and only two or three pedestrians along the sidewalk.
We had only strolled a few dozen feet, however, when Stacy stopped me. When I turned to face her, she flowed up against me and latched her mouth onto mine. She kissed me hungrily, lips open, tongue probing, devouring my mouth. I responded in kind and kissed her back in a way we don’t normally kiss unless we’re about to make love.
I was so caught up in the kiss and the feel of her body against mine that it didn’t seem strange when she reached a hand down and started caressing my rapidly hardening cock through my pants. It was only when I let out a small moan that I remembered where I was and looked around quickly. We were still quite alone.
My cock was quite hard by now and strained against the silk of the panties and against my dress pants. The harness was tightened completely now, trapping the blood in my penis and creating just a slight amount of pain. The feeling of her hand and the various restraints were causing shivers of pleasure to run through my body. I stifled another, louder moan.
Then I felt her hand fumbling at my zipper.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
Her only answer was to bring her hand back and then deliver a firm slap directly on my dick. I winced in pain and saw stars for a few seconds. By the time I could think straight again, she had my zipper undone and was fishing in my pants. I looked around in fear this time, but the only people in sight were a couple walking a dog at least a block away. I decided that if she wanted to slip her hand in my pants for a moment, who was I to complain?
I didn’t suspect what she was really up to. She deftly pulled the panties off to one side and grasped my naked cock in her warm hand. I couldn’t express my moan this time and I think I very nearly came just from that initial touch. Then I opened my eyes in surprise as she pulled my dick right out of my pants and into the open.
I nearly gasped out a question before I remembered the slap of a minute ago and kept quiet. What she said as she broke our kiss didn’t reassure me.
“I want you to leave this out while we walk through the park,” she told me. “I want to have something to play with.”
I hesitated only a second, weighing the fear of having my hard dick hanging out against the tremendous excitement this wasgenerating in me. “Yes, Mistress.”
With a nod, she turned and started to walk up along the shadowed hedge. When I didn’t move to follow fast enough, she reached back and grabbed my exposed tool. I followed quickly, then, and she kept her hand wrapped around my length as we walked.
She somehow kept up a stream of inane conversation, which I answered monosyllablicly as I nervously scanned both the width of the park and the sidewalk for passersby. My dick, happily unaware of its potential for embarrassment, waved proudly in front of me, the harness keeping it rock hard in Stacy’s hand.
As we created a small rise, I realized there were people walking towards us on the sidewalk. They were still pretty far away, but I could tell from the streetlights that the group consisted of three young black men. Even from This distance I could hear them talking loudly and laughing. As long as they stayed on the sidewalk, they wouldn’t come any closer than about fifty yards to us, butfifty yards doesn’t seem like very far when your rigid dick is sticking out in the night air in a public park. The shadows of the hedge suddenly didn’t seem as dark or encompassing as they had.
As they drew even with us, I tried to move behind Stacy a little so her body would shield me, but she gave my dick an impatient tug and I quickly stepped back up beside her. The young men seemed caught up in their exuberant conversation and weren’t paying any attention to us. Then, as we were about to pass from their view, one glanced over toward us. Oh shit, I thought, there’s no way these guys will let this pass. They’ll be over here in a second to make fun of us.
There was another burst of laughter from them as we passed out of sight and their conversation seemed to drop in volume. Were they whispering about me? Trying to decide how best to mock me? I didn’t dare turn around for fear of instigating even more problems.
For a long ten seconds, these thoughts raced through my head and I tried to mentally prepare myself for the sound of their voices calling to us or even their footsteps pounding towards us. Finally, though, I realized I could still hear their laughter – and it was obviously moving away from us. I hesitated a few moments longer and then darted a glance back over my shoulder. The young men were quite a way behind us now, still walking away from us on the sidewalk. I had no idea if their laughter was directed at us – at me – or if it was a continuation from their previous conversation. I breathed a sight of relief as they passed out of view behind the rise we had just ascended.
We were now within a block of the end of the park and I wondered what Stacy had in mind now. The street at the far end was quite busy and walking out onto it like this would almost certainly mean getting arrested. The only reason I wasn’t already scared to death was that there was a small hill between us and that street. To reach the street, we would have to move aroundund to our right, nearer the sidewalk. Our only other option was to follow a path up the hill which led, I knew, to a small overlook surrounded by bushes. I was about to break down and tell Stacy this had gone far enough, when she turned us towards this path. From where we were, I could see that there was no one the length of the path, but it was more difficult to see if anyone was seated at one of the benches on the top of the hill.
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