Vacation Pt. 02

Vacation – Part Two – slave sara brown

Sir`s housekeeper never said a great deal but her strap said a thousand words she was good at using it and thought it as part of her duty to Sir.

Never anything sexual from her, well, not to me in my regular exchanges over her kitchen table.

All that said a few years ago i was having a bad time, nothing i could put my finger on but tears flowed for no reason.

After breakfast i was called from cleaning the blind room to the housekeeper`s kitchen.

It could not possibly be for anything than a strapping.

I knocked, was called in, removed my dress and laid over the table, as i always did, then started to sob, then cry.

She asked why and i could not answer for crying, i screwed my eyes for her first lash.

She put her hand under my arm and helped me up and sat me on her knee and hugged me and i cried and cried.

She soothed me struggling my back then sat me up, she asked if i was now ok, i nodded andshe then lay me over her knee, she said this would help, and i was spanked, long but not too hard, she was right.

Whilst Sir`s hand, belt and thick cane saw to his fun his housekeeper keep abreast of day to day punishments.

On occasions Sir sent his wife down to her for a reminder of her place.

She went with an instruction of what was required and dare not change it, she once did and spent a whole night in the stocks in the courtyard with lots of visitors invited to use her as they thought fit for a liar.

Us lot kept clear but because she could not see who was there both gardeners paid several visits.

It was not always the belt for her, sometimes we heard the whoosh crack of the cane echo through the house, and not just a few.

We all had jobs in the house and worked on a rota system it was hard work over 3 floors and a basement but we kept up to it and took pride in what we achieved.

Sir would almost daily walk into a room, strip the girl nakedd, put her over his knee and spanked her until she felt his cock pressing against her tummy and knew to go over a table or chair, for support and he would fuck her hard, he always fucked hard.

If he had guests up he would tell the girl to go and bring the amount needed for an afternoon of debauchery.

The girls sucked and fucked until dismissed, the downside being no point in putting their dresses back on as They were summoned to the housekeepers kitchen table for not completing their chores, its a hard life being a slave, for the record whoever gets chosen and used, bloody loves it!

2 days before our audition we had to queue outside Sir`s office, naked for his mark.

For the uninitiated his mark, in this case, not a brand as you would expect, but his cane mark.

Regardless of age or sex you were dealt with alphabetically, no reason and no one was bright enough to ask why.

I was last, sara and next to me was Robert, so as he fingered me, i wanked him, hewas sent in stiff so got belted too, hehehe.

Tbf i made it up to him that night.

My turn, Sir checked his register, 23, it was not a question so i never answered just took my place over his desk, his wife smiled as she griped my arms, seemed so regular her action.

I got my marks, cried on the 6th, already had 10 given a few days ago, he felt i needed it, probably he needed the after suck and fuck.

I went to knee but i was kept hold of by his wife, she whispered, last one in, he is going to fuck you sweetie!

She was right, boy was he up for it how lucky was i?

He rubbed my bottom as he rode, WOW.


It was the auction eve and we all had to go and sign up, no pressure, all volunteer.

A simple form with simple questions.

The usual name, age, address, height, bust, sexual experiences etc.

I wanted a complete change, so left all the preference boxes blank, see what was out there for a young slave, hardly used, well you know what i mean.

We had the choice of staying overnight or being back early the next day, i chose the former and was given a bed in room of six.

A mixed shower with my room mates, of mixed sex, never been in the shower as long.

It was equally raucous with bed hoping to the early hours.

We were tired at 6.00, very civilly, did anyone fancy a run before breaky?

2 of us did and we had 10 minutes for P, teeth and dress before he came back.

We followed a few guys on a 5k circuit, i managed twice round with little difficulty, more of a jog, other`s carried on, not a word spoken between any of us.

We were back for the communal shower, the run and the cold had my nipples as big as my tits, they were queueing to bite them and finger me, don ya just love being the centre of attention?

Breakfast was bacon or sausage sandwiches and toast, with heaps of coffee.

We were told to be back down in the dining area at 10.00, 11.00 and 2.00 viewing and auction at 4.00.

From the breakfast room we were taken down a corridor with about 10 rooms each side, mine was 17 so i was slave 17.

We had a chair, bed, table, loo and somewhere to make a drink.

It was quite warm so i took off my dress, had a P and laid on the bed.

I heard doors opening and closing, some slapse and cane whoosh`s

It was my turn, the door opened, i shot out of bed and stood my tallest, hands behind head tits proud.

It was a man with a clipboard.

He explained i was in his `Team` and i would not want to let him down, he pointed to his belt buckle.

He checked my particulars on his clipboard and put it down.

He asked if he could check me out, i of course said yes and opened my leg a quarter of a stride.

He rubbed my lips, inserted 2 fingers and lift me a foot off the ground, he must have felt my pussy pulsing as i cum.

He let me down and led me to the wall by his inserted fingers and brought me to more cums with his magical touch.

I wondered who would get to taste my sweetness, it was me as the 2 fingers went into my mouth.

He asked how long a cock i could swallow, i had no idea so was gently lowered to my knees and told to get out his cock.

He said he was over 9″ and lets see how i got on with it as a comparison.

He left it all up to me, no slapping or head pulling onto it, i Almost took it all.

He pulled out and he said i had done really well and would i like to fuck or suck.

As my fingers were already working my clip i lean forward, licked his cock full lengths five or six time, including his ball sack.

He turned from Mr. nice guy to a sadist as he held me tight by my hair and slapped my face hard a dozen times or more.

His cock was rammed and held into my mouth and throat forcing me to gag and bite for him to release.

He cum in me then had me lick him clean and another dozen hard slaps, making me cry.

He said he would be back to give me something to cry about, and he was with a friend about 10 minutes later.

His friend held my arms behind my back as he removed his belt!


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