Vacation Pt. 01

Vacation -Part One – sara brown

It was that time of year again when Sir was taking a well-earned rest and going to travel the world.

This time with his new wife.

All the `Slaves` in the household were, if they wished, as free as birds and could leave at any time they wanted.

Their name of slaves was one used in the BDSM world for the girls who simply wished to have a life of serving, in which ever capacity was thought fit for them.

They had a warm home, food, their own room in most cases and sometimes a small allowance, not that they ever wanted to buy anything.

They had 4 young ladies who lived in the house slaves, 2 pony slaves, one of each for breading, who slept in the barn and 2 young men slave gardeners, both with good sized cocks so were always in demand by the slaves. Suppose we aged from early-20s to early 30s


Not only the slaves, Sir put shows on for the circle of friends they moved in, the stars being the nakedslaves, who after the show were used by most.

Friends brought their subs/slaves to preform too, so a right mix of cocks and pussy for us.

We all looked forward to it, especially us girls who could use the cellar bath and have real life bubbles in.

In different times we would have pretty dresses too, but as it was now we were to shed our brown over dresses, like a sack with a head and arm holes, made by the housekeeper, and be naked.

At the last show i was chosen to be the `Top Act` with 2 men slaves owned by one of the guests.

It was pretty much a case of me balancing on one a cock in each hole and walked around like a sandwich.

Or wrapping my legs around ones of their necks, pussy in his mouth and me with his cock in my mouth. The other slave guided us round and offered a small tennis bat to the guests to smack my bottom with.

About that, what a dream, cumming and cumming in his mouth, 7 or 8 inch down my throat and being spanked, wow.

The act ended with me going into the crab position with a cock in my pussy and the other in my mouth and walking round the large room and out of the door, both pussy and throat full of cum.

Every year Sir would choose a slave to go with them, could be a young man or girl. Girl for obvious reasons but a bot because he enjoyed fucking and wanking them at the same time and loved the sound spanking a boy made, seemed to be a higher pitch of slap.


I remember one day in particular about the boys, it had been reported that the 2 young men gardeners had sold some of the vegetables to a local hotel.

Apparently not against the house rules and a blind eye was given to such dealings.

The problem was, everyone knew about it so Sir had to make an example of them, in front of the whole household, as most punishments were.

I had seen them whipped a few times, girls too on occasions, but the word was this was to be a real wake up call to all.

We gaThered as instructed and Sir led both boys in by their cocks.

When he stood still with them, his housekeeper, who had a belt hung up in her kitchen the width and length of my arm, laid down 2 pieces of clothes on the floor.

Sir explained how he was at one with the pain and pleasure he gave us all over a year, he began to rub the boys stiff, but this wanton display of theft and disobedience needed to be halted.

Whilst now wanking them he explained he had given them both chance to leave or accept this punishment set out before us.

I was not the only one who thought, some punishment, being wanked off in front of us all, i would love it.

Sir carried on, both boys would be wanked to a cum to get all the sexual feeling out of their system, then caned at once, a stroke for each year of their age.

Then the household will issue a stroke each, and if not at full thrust they would join the bent over queue.

We were sent out but the housekeeper had me do inand clean the floor as Sirs cock changed from one mouth to the other.

I left as he fucked the first one, slapping his bottom over his stripes as he cried.


I was called to Sirs study, never good news, he and the Mistress were waiting for me.

They had decided to give me the opportunity of traveling the major cities of Europe with them this year, or if i had sound enough reason, i could defer it and offer someone else’s name up, it never happened though.

I popped my hand up to ask a question, it was accepted, i asked if i could defer and allow the oldest slave, Kia, to go instead.

They asked the reason, i simply said she had had a quite torrid few months, mainly personal and a little as she was bullied quite badly by a girl now gone.

They looked at each other and nodded.

Sir told his wife to strip me, which she always loved to do, i was not over developed so she pinched my pink nipples and slapped my tits.

He unbuckled hisbelt and he mumbled in all his years no one had ever declared his general………..

I went over his desk, she held my arms in position so i did not move, not that i would.

I was a pretty frequent visitor, and was duly belted till i screamed.

She was then dismissed.

He stopped and i knelt for his cock, he said plenty of spit slave its going up your arse.

He knew it was not my favourite place for a cock but i guess he wanted to regain the higher ground after my question.

He was not rough, nor brutal but he held little sway it was rarely used, my screams turned to gasps as he fingered me to several cums before cumming himself.


Whilst they were away in Europe all bar one stable girl and 1 gardener were sent to an auction in the city to be sold for one month to the highest bidder, we all had tales to tell over the years on our return home of good and bad thing we had encountered but all agreed, home was home.

The new thng in fashion was girls being clear of hair below.

In turn we have to report to his housekeeper, lay on our backs and with the help of Miss, be shaken.

I thought how different to be that way up for a change on that table, a chuckle crept out.

My inner thigh was slapped and i was told, when done, bend over, wow, as if she had read my mind.

Miss was not much help but managed to hold our lips out whilst her finger was in, i shuddered a few times, which made the housekeeper smile.

Legs over my head so the back bits matched the front. I was never hairy and being blond it hardly showed.

The housekeeper must have enjoyed it, back here at 8 she said as i was turned over and given 12 hard belt cracks, again, screaming, well it fuckin hurt.

That evening I toyed with the idea of ​​being late but my bottom was still throbbing from the shaving belting so thought better of it.

I knocked on her door and was called in.

She was with a young man who washer son Joe.

She explained he was now 18 and a virgin and he had chosen me to stay with him the night.

I was happy i had been chosen and in a previous life, before my stay here, i had broken many a young man into adulthood and i considered it a pleasure and my duty.

He took me to his room on the top floor, trying to title me up and finger me on every step.

On the second floor i removed my dress to give him better access.

Once inside the room i stopped him and said it wanted to be a night to remember so let me take the lead.

I sent him to the bathroom, 3 doors away, and run a bath.

I followed him in and stripped him off, wow, he did not disappoint in the tackle department.

A ball sack as long as my hand, 2 dangling balls inside and a cock i could not get my hand around and as much over with two hands wrapped round it.

I am not saying i cum but, i may have.


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