Used – First Sequence

Dreaming of incoherent images, Stephanie’s mind became much more alert to reality when she suddenly felt a soft, steady wet mouth sucking and licking at her nipple. Suddenly she became aware of Nico’s mouth not only nursed from her nipple but beginning to bite as well.

The bites started as nibbles, then, between steady rough and pressures licks of his tongue, turned even harder, bringing her nipples to attention and sending tiny shock waves through her tits and straight down between her legs as well. As his bites turn more serious, she lets out a cry, bracing herself from the unexpected assault on her tits.

Suddenly the biting stops and she feels cool air and lets out a sight of disappointment as his mouth leaves her nipple, but Nico wastes no time in his actions and say “Good Morning” to her with a smile that holds a world of secrets and some amusement as well, as he simultaneously gathers a long length of rope and brings it to the bed, telling her in an authoritativevoice that send shivers down her spine to knee up on the bed.

Stephanie’s eyes and expression give away her uncertainty, but in her heart she was excited and thrilled, and her body was the same. She knelt up and he shook his head and re-positioned her arms, legs and tighs the way he wanted them, and then instructed her firmly to hold still, and to not ask any questions.

Nico proceeded to wrap her body with the length of rope. Running the ropes between her legs, you could see the wetness from her pussy leaking out onto the inside of her thighs as the ropes ran parallel to the inner folds of her pussy lips, allowing access but pulling the skin exhaustively tight, and looped with a large knot pushing hard against her clip so that whenever she moved, the rough and unforgiving rope would scrape across her more delicious flesh and her Now swollen and very erect clip, then coming up her abdomen to surrounding her breasts. The ropes circled the base of her tits making each swollen aching tit bulge out hugely with veins throbbing and the blood turning her breasts a light purple color.

He then ran the ropes up in-between her separately bulging tits to circle tightly around her neck, pulling across her shoulders, in a manner that unless she was hunted over, the ropes caused her tits to be pulled up and stretched, and the ropes between her legs pulled painfully against her dripping wet pussy.

He then took two small circular clamps that were about an inch long, and pulled on her tits so that her nipples were stretched as far as they could go, then clamped them and reinforced with a bit of duct tape so that now her nipples were forcedly stretched about an inch and only the very tips of her engorged and stretched nipples could be seen.

Nico then told her to turn around and get on her hands and knees with her legs apart. As she went to move, he slapped her hard on the ass, telling her to move faster than that. Still slightly confused, she moves fasterto get in the position he told her to get into.

With her legs spread apart, he has a lovely view of her reddened and sopping pussy, adjusting the ropes so they hold her lips apart so he can see her fully exposed.

He grabs the lube and places the tip of the bottle right in the middle of her exposed and clenching asshole, squeezing to flood the very inside of her ass with the cold gel, then removing it to smear a sufficient amount all around her asshole. As he rubbed it in, he stuck a finger into her ass, then removed it, then put it back in. Stephanie jumped and began to say “Heyyy…that’s um…really…” when he interrupted her by putting his fingers to her mouth and saying, “Ahh, yes! I almost forgot your present! He gets a self-satisfied smile on his face and grins as he reaches above him for an object he has hidden above the bed earlier.

Whatever she was about to say was lost as she stared in both excitement and appreciation as she tried unsuccessfully not to balanceat the ball gag in his hands. “I got it from a friend, and I figured I’d take this day to use it. Tell me now if this is too much….” he said, waiting for her reaction, his cock hard from the thought and his urge to ravish the tied-up willing woman before him. Inwardly, she was more excited than she thought possible and was incredibly turned on by the idea. She had been hoping and praying for something like this, but what she was about to get that day was more than she could have dreamt of, more than he could have desired, and more….this was simply the first step.

And although she didn’t know where this was leading, she knew one thing, and that was that more than anything she wanted to be Nico’s willing slut, and she told him without any hesitation “Absolutely, this is far from too much”, which earned her a secret and Somewhat mischievous grin as he slipped the ball gag in place and secured it.

Now she was on her knees and forearms on the bed, ropes binding her bodytightly from all points, spreading open her pussy that was becoming so wet now it was literally dripping Steph’s pussy juice on the sheets below her, while pulling her lips up and out, brutally punishing her swollen clip no matter how she shifted or moved, coming up her around the bottom of her buttocks to come back around to her abdomen and run up, proudly displaying her enlarged breasts and extended stretched nipples, and Her mouth was stretched by the ball gag, preventing any sound, but with a breathing hole drilled through, secured around her head.

He then goes to finish his work on her ass, spreading even more lube on the delicate ring around her asshole, and pushing his finger in and out at will, stretching probing and massaging the inside of her ass, despite her moans and clenching ass. He stopped for a moment, then without her seeing, he lubed up the ponytail butt plug, and placed the tip of it into the center of her asshole, pushing the tip of it inside her. She willingly squirmed and pushed to accept the plug and he took his time, teasing her, stretching her further and further.

She thought about the butt plug Nico was in the middle of making for her was the one she was truly aching to have inside her ass. The one he was making was a wooden butt plug, but it was her ideal butt plug, short enough it didn’t feel like it was piercing her colon so it was quite stubby, but ROUND and large — almost like a large egg shape – so that it would be a huge stretch to get it inside of her, even with a nicely lubricated ass, however once it was fully inside of her it would leave her ass feeling so nicely stuffed absolutely full. The divot, the part which comes in to let her asshole clench against it was fashionable to be only slightly narrower than the large oval egg-shaped plug inside her ass, so that even when the plug Was fully and properly inserted, her asshole was left stretched open a good 4-5″ by the plug before the base of it widened out again, preventing it from slipping inside her.

But now he was using the smaller and more comfortable plug, and as he finally slipped it in her all the way, she inhaled sharply behind the gag, her ass aching to be stretched and stuffed as full as could be, and he obliged her some, shoving his fingers in alongside the plug, making her ass accommodate even more, and she moaned in appreciation.

Then he suddenly stopped his ministers, leaving the butt plug inside of her, and reached up — much to her confusion — and released the ball gag. Then Nico spoke,

“That was just a taste little sister. Now get on the floor and knee with your legs apart, your arms folded behind your back so we can see those beautiful tits, and keep your eyes down. You have wanted to be my submissive for a long time, well both of us are going to have fun today and you’re going to see just what it feels like to be a sub for a day. For today, you are going to be my slave-in-training, sister, and I know youhave studied this quite a bit already so I expect you to fully know most protocol. When you do something wrong, you will be punished. From now on, you will address me as either Nico or Sir, and I expect you to think of nothing but pleasure me and doing what I ask of you. Do you understand me my slutty little sister? If you have any doubts or hesitation, now is the time to say so”

Stephanie was very self-conscience, and had dreamed of this moment for years, but was so taken aback by the reality of it that she couldn’t stop from blushing all over her entire body, and feeling so erotically exposed that she shivered.

It was a terrifying and thrilling moment, like when you’re at the top of the roller coaster, and she knew that she wanted this, wanted this incredibly close and erotic Experience with her Nico, and so there was only a brief moment’s hesitation for her to wrap her mind around the fact this was really happening, before she gave the smallest of smiles and said with please “Yes, I understand you, and I have no hesitation Sir Nico”. In her mind, she wanted to call him Master Nico, but of course, she wasn’t truly ignorant enough to deviate from the instructions he had given her.

Nico then reached over and pulled out something even more unexpected and surprised to Stephanie. In his hands he had a brand new medium sized dog collar, black and purple, and one of our chain Leashes. He quickly swept up my hair and placed the collar around my neck, securing it so that it was as snug as could be without impinging my breathing. Then he clicked the lead onto the collar and Stephanie caught her breath in pleasure as she melted in pleasure from being under Nico’s total sexual control.

He told her to follow, and began to walk into the bathroom, and without any hesitation Stephanie crawled on hands and knees keeping up with the lead into the bathroom, feeling the sexy feeling of her hair brushing her ass as she moved from the butt plug. As they enteredthe bathroom, Nico told her “Up into the bathtub, girl” as if she were a pet…and she loved it. She hoped in the bathtub, remaining on her hands and knees with her legs spread as far as she could to purposely expose herself to her Nico. Nico said, “First we are going to clean you out so you are a clean little one”. He made her wait on the cold hard bathtub floor exposed and bound, as he first secured the ball gag back into her mouth, then turned behind her where she couldn’t see what he was doing.

The first thing on Nico’s list was a nice long warm enema. Knowing Stephanie loved enema play he was going to do something new to truly give her a one-of-a-kind experience. First he filled the enema bag with nice warm water that would feel good, and emptied the excess air from the bag as well. Then he hung the bag behind her as he also prepped the pre-sterilized catheter he had, and grabbed the lubricant.

He began by removing the butt plug from her ass, which she moaned in disaptopment when it was removed slowly and being rotated by Nico for maximum stretching on its way out her ass. Her ass clnched and opened desperately for a few moments as her hungry ass wanted to be filled, and it was about to be.

Nico placed even colder slide lube inside her asshole and around the outside, and then slipped the tip of the nozzle into her ass. She immediately knew what he was doing, and she was embarrassed, a feeling she secretly relished sexually…the humiliation aspect made her pussy clnch and produce even more wetness between her legs and her whole body was instantly not only embarrassed but horny as hell, and as he opened the flow and the warm water began filling her bowels, she shivered in anticipation. With the ball gag in her mouth, she couldn’t protest, which was a good thing for her…almost comfortable, in fact as she didn’t have to admit how much she was enjoying everything he was doing.

He played with the enema, starting and stopping the flowat random, taking time to shove the nozzle and hose as far into her bowels as he could possibly push them before starting the flow to fill her ass. He stopped halfway through and instructed Stephanie to lie on her back, and he placed a thick towel under her ass to raise her butt off the floor. Not for comfort, but to help push the water further up inside her, and he used his hands to massage Steph’s stomach and bowels to truly fill her up and clean her out.

Stephanie began to feel the urge to have to go to the bathroom and began moaning in destination around the gag. Without the ability to voice her need to go, she felt oddly more helpless and yet much more free and completely unabashed. He knew she was getting full, and he massed her lower tummy to help with any cramping. As he removed the nozzle without preamble, he quickly replaced the tiny nozzle with the ponytail butt plug again, holding the warm water inside her.

As she feel the undeniable urge to relieve herself and at the same time wanted nothing more than to come or have her pussy used and satisfied as her pussy was still clenching and getting wetter and wetter. For that reason, Nico didn’t both using lubricant when he started opening the folds of her pussy to locate her urethra. He instructed Stephanie to put her head down and her ass up so he could see better. She immediately obeyed, wanting everything Nico wanted to give her, but was completely unprepared when he shoved the 30 French catter up into her urethra, stretching her peehole further than it had ever been stretched and causing her to have to pee so bad, which instantly made her pussy clnch so hard she almost came right there. Her whole body was shaking from the need to have her pussy fucked, to have an orgasm, to be completely used.

Nico pushed the huge catter all the way into her bladder as far as it could go, then filled the balloon to make sure it was nice and seated inside her bladder and not about to fall out. Then he used his syringe to take water from a nearby bowl and began filling her bladder with water as well. He went slowly; taking his time and stretching out her combination of ecstasy and age that was making her open and become hornier by the moment. He slowly filled her with several syringes of water and when he was done she was dying to pee. There was so much water in her it started leaking around the huge cater whenever her overly full bladder tried to push the pee out, causing her pussy to contract over and over. After filling her pussy, he clamped off the catther and began strucking her arched and smoking back. Although her sexual torture, she gave him the most demure and submissive glance downward, letting him know that she was his willing slut…his baby sister who needed and craved his use of her body.

Then he did something she wasn’t expecting at all and that quite honestly made her wonder what she was supposed to do in this situation. He removed the ponytail butt plug from her ass in a very wet “plop” and one swift movement. She clenched her ass muscles as hard as she could to keep from letting go. Nico then instructed her to get out of the bathtub and to sit on the toilet. Stephanie struggled to keep from losing the enema filling her up as she left the bathtub and crawled up on the toilet.

Nico then brought out her large vibrator, and plugged it in. He told her to put her hands behind her head, and to let go whenever she wanted to, and then turned the vibrator on high. Touching the vibe to her pussy lips, he rubbed the catter in a way that he knew would cause vibrations up into her full heavy bladder as well as other sensitive parts.

Stephanie struggled with exactly what Nico was hoping she would — desperately needing to evacuate the enama, but also so incredibly oversexed and over-horny would want to fully enjoy the vibe and be desperate to come at the same time.

Stephanie struggled for many minutes as Nico took his time rubbing her pussy all over with the vibrator, then moved the tight rope just to the side to rub the vibe on her clip just the way he knew she liked it. She couldn’t hold on any longer, she was pouring sweat, she still had the ball gag in her mouth and she knew that he knew what he was doing. She closed her eyes as she lost control, shaking so hard the toilet rattled when she released her enema, he unclamped the catheter and she felt the incredible orgasm come over her body, making her pussy clnch so hard it almost cramped the muscles which were desperate for release. Nico shoved his fingers up her pussy as she came and released, pushing in three, then four fingers, just fucking her hard and fast with his fingers as he milked her pussy for all the come he knew he could get from her pussy.

As his fingers in her pussy brought her off even more, he grasped his fingers into a fist and started shoving a fist up her horny and hungry pussy, filling it as she screamed into the gag, fluidsbeing released from all her openings below in a torrent into the toilet.

As she twitched with aftershocks, she sort of slouched into the back of the toilet after the force of coming so hard while being force-fisted, evacuating the enema and finally being able to release her bladder…all at once! Nico suddenly said with a sharp and authoritative voice, “Did I give you permission to NOT sit up straight like a proper slave?? Did I give you permission to not be on your knees?”

Realizing he was serious, she had no way of voicing that she needed to “wipe up” below behind the gag, but she truly wanted to please her Master Nico, so she dropped to her knees in front of the toilet and sat up nicely like he had shown her to do, arms folded behind her back, chin and eyes down, like a proper sub. She was still dripping from all holes, which made him remark with a secret grin, “We need to clean this slave up”.

Using the lead, he walked Stephanie back into the bedroom where he told her to lay on her back on the floor beside the bed, with her legs as open as possible, and her hands behind her head. She compiled and wondered what he could have possible means. She waited there, at least ten, fifteen minutes, gag and ropes all still in place and over stimulating her swollen tits, clip and pussy. The waiting was the most difficult part and the longer he made her wait the more she wanted her pussy used, by anything, anyone…


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