Urban Exploring

(more D/s than BDSM)

My name is Samantha, and I have a boyfriend named Jim. We’ve been together for two years. We met by chance in the library. He looked at the book I was reading about ancient architecture and quietly remarked, “We have some ancient architecture right neary.”

Of course I had to whisper back, “Huh? What do you mean?”

He stated sotto voce, “We have buildings near us that have fallen into disuse and are abandoned. I’m researching local history so I can go urban exploring. And I feel I must share with you how attracted I am to beautiful young women that read books like that one you are reading.”

At the time I didn’t really know what urban exploring all entailed. But his quiet flattery about my looks and studioness led to several ‘dates’ for coffee and croissants. And over time we’ve shared several adventures exploring such abandoned places. Some of our explorations are at a distance from where we live, and this adds to the excitement. Jim looks for old articles in papers as well as doing his library research.

For our first adventure together, we started by following old railroad tracks into the mountains of Pennsylvania that led to an engine repair shop with all kinds of large tools and steam engine parts, I was amazed that it was still all there and not destroyed, merely abandoned. We took a lot of pictures to document this ‘adventure’.

Our friendship from sharing things like this has gradually budded into a relationship at home, and it even became sexual, to our mutual delight. However, to be honest, I was kind of scared to confess my secret submissive side to Jim. I’d learned that he’s a really nice guy and I didn’t want to mess that up, but I also feared that there would always be a missing piece between us if I didn’t let him know. I keep watching for an opportunity and thinking of how to share and explain my secret needs.

For another exploration, we went to an old shipyard and it felt natural to play pirate and maiden. He chased me around the old refrigerator and then had his way with me. And yes it was consensual, even if we play acted as if it wasn’t. It was so exciting and fun that I really let loose and so did he. When we were done, I told him, “Jim, it’s really exciting for me to role play like this! Can we please do it again sometimes?” I was melting the ‘ice’, if not smoking through to my full admission.

Happily, I heard Jim reply, “I really got off on seeing you let loose like that. If that’s what role play does for you, I’m all for it!”

Since then we’ve added some bondage toys to our adventure, with my suggestions, and it’s becoming so thrilling. We had a new adventure coming up on Jim’s birthday so I’d gotten some brand new toys to add to our adventures. We went to explore an old factory that was built after the war. This was out in the country and well overgrown by weeds and other plant life. The inside was rather deserted but it was a big space — kind of creepy really. I figured it was the perfect time to give Jim his birthday gifts.

I’d secretly brought along a real set of police handcuffs, a leather collar (in my size) and a leash. As I presented them to him, Jim’s eyes lit up and he said, “I can’t believe it! Wow! Really? Should I put these on you?” I nodded shyly, my heart thumbing hard. He hugged me tight and during our hug he closed the cuffs on my wrists behind my back. I heard the ratingting sound of the cuffs closing snugly onto my wrists. A real thrill ran through me at that moment — the moment that a man I trusted rendered me helpless.

He closed the leather collar carefully but also tightly on my neck and connected the lean to it. Now that he had me, he took the time to squeeze my breasts and I moaned with pleasure. I was afraid I’d wet my shorts! I almost came… I’d be so ashamed if I did, with a wet spot showing at my crotch. Actually the thrill of that possible humiliation took me even closer to cumming, sincehumiliation adds to my arousal. As it was, I was very damp down there, but it didn’t show — yet.

Being bound and walked on a lean felt so deliciously naughty. Jim came to me and said, “I guess since you are both my prisoner and my birthday gift, I should unwrap my present.” Saying that, he unbuttoned my top and pulled it open, fully exposing my lacy bra. I could feel the cool air on my breasts and my nipples reacting, getting hard. The day was passing so he led me on that lean back to the car and released me.

As we were driving home, I said, “I was really turned on when you handcuffed me, Jim. The feeling of being helpless with a person I trust really arouses me, as did being collared and leashed.”

Jim thought about it a while before answering. “First of all I want to let you know how thrilled I was with the ‘presents’ that you gave me. It was really enjoyable. But I want to know if what I did was too much. I mean you obviously wanted me to put the handscuffs, collar and lean on you. And I suppose you wanted to be led around on the lean for a while. But I was also moved to unbutton your blouse and walk you around with your bra showing. So did I go too far?”

I smiled at him. “No, honey. You didn’t go too far at all. I loved you taking that initiative. You could even have taken my bra off, too, and walked me around topless. I love being your sex toy — I crave it. I may even role play at protesting, all in fun and for getting even more aroused. Tell you what — if I say the word ‘aardvark’ that means I really need you to stop what you’re doing. OK? Otherwise, follow your whims, Jim.”

We had our regular date nights and openly talked more about what happened. I even told Jim, “What we did at that old factory was very exciting for me and I want more, please.” I finally got up enough courage and confessed, “Jim, I have very strong submissive feelings for you. I’ve been interested in bondage for quite a while and would love exploring it more with you, if you’re comfortable with it. Does the idea of ​​taking control of me like that arouse you?”

From the look of the amazing bulge in his pants, I probably didn’t actually need him to answer. But answer he did. “I got so turned on, unbuttoning your blouse like that when your hands were cuffed and unable to prevent it. The feeling was not only amazing, but it made me feel so… so… I don’t know… powerful? I’m not sure that’s the right word, but I only stopped because I feared I might go too far and turn you off. I’m glad we’re communicating about this, honey. I’ll remember your word ‘aardvark’ as a true signal to stop. That gives me more confidence that I’ll know when you’re truly enjoying what we’re doing.”

Time passed and he called from outside the library saying, “Hey, honey! I think I’ve found something interesting for us to explore. I think it might be fun for the both of us. It’s fairly close but out in the countryside.” With my enthusiastic agreement, Jim picked me up and we were off on another adventure.

While we drove, I asked, “So what is it we’re going to explore?”

But his reply was only a mysterious, “You’ll like it.”

Leaving the city, we drove into the Pennsylvania country side. The weather was perfect and I enjoyed the fresh air as we drove. Finally, “We’re getting close, very close,” he said. “I’m looking for an old access road on my side of this road. Ah! There, I think.”

He spotted an old cracked driveway leading off the main road, almost covered by bushes and weeds. The car barely fit as we entered. I could tell no one had been here in years and the condition of the road and foliage proved it.

We drove slowly for some distance until we came to a fence. It displayed a sign that read ‘Exotic Animals’ in faded print. The gate was half hanging off of the wall and badly rusted.

Jim picked up his backpack and we headed in. The place was a mess, with branches, leaves and trash everywhere. We hadto pick our steps very carefully.

We walked past a decrepit ticket booth and a run-down gift shop, all a weak shadow of better times. Then the cages started to come into view. We worked our way to what we thought was the center of the park. Jim went to look at one cage that seemed relatively clean looking.

It had a slide bolt lock so when it was locked the bolt tab’s ring pressed against the ring welded to the cage. They both had holes where the shadowle part of a padlock could be placed. In effect, once the bolt was pushed closed and a padlock applied, the cage was safe and secure.

Using what he felt was a Dominant tone of voice, Jim commanded me. “Come close, girl.” As I did, he pushed me into the cage and closed the cage door, sliding the bolt closed. Before I could react, he reached into his back pack and pulled out several zip ties and put them through the bolt’s hole, securing the door.

I went to the bars and did my best pout.

“Now if you want to get out, you have to pass all your clothes out of the cage and hand them to me,” he stated. At first I was shocked but soon the idea excited me. That is, me being the naked animal for his pleasure. I slowly took all my clothes off handing them one by one to my man, my Master. Submissively, I passed them through the bars of the cage.

It was so exciting being exposed and controlled by my Master. Jim took picture After picture, saying, “These images are for our old age.” I wondered if there was a message in that statement?

He came close, grabbed my neck and pulled me to the bars and kissed me hard.

He turned me around and as my back was pressed against the bars, he secured my ankles and tights to the bars with zip ties. Then he had me bend forward until my hands were near my ankles. This allowed him to Secure my hands to the bars down near my ankles.

Opening his trousers, he slid into me using the bars to steady himself. He fucked my pussy and I’m guessing that dominating me like this inspired him, because once he spurted inside me, he kept pumping slowly, keeping his cock firm. Then he sped up again, and spewed another load of semen into my pussy! This time, he pulled out and stood to one side so he had a side view of me, restrained there for his use. I could see him pumping his cock, willing it to stiffen yet a third time. He was still pumping it as he stepped back behind me and suddenly rammed it into my waiting pussy! I felt it twitch twice, ejaculating for a third time, but he pulled it out and let the last jets of his semen paint along my back, drizzling down.

During all this, I’d had several orgasms, was also now very full of Jim’s sperm and I was amazingly pleased that he was using me like this! He left me there helpless for a while. I started to worry someone might see me like that but that stoked my exhibitionist fires and I almost wished that I’d be discovered, naked, caged, tied and gushing and drooling sperm. I love the excitement of being Jim’s pet. Jim checked on me to make sure I was OK and asked if I wanted to be released. After the second time, he stopped asking, and later freed me when he felt like doing it. Just for fun Jim used a black marker pen and wrote the words ‘Jim’s pet’ on my ass along with the date. Those markings took a week to wash off.

And to think that back when we met I didn’t know what urban exploration was. I certainly did now. I looked forward to more adventures and now had a ‘Go bag’ ready at all times with toys.

More time passed, and Jim and I were still searching abandoned places and had gotten rather good at it. I kept my eyes open while reading the newspaper for things that might be of interest. I was watching the late news about a plan to try to allocate funds to demolish a state mental facility located not too far away, maybe an hour or so. This was built in the late fifties and housed people with real mental problems.

I told Jim and he started to research itand found a lot of information. The facility was a large two story building which had a wall all around it. There was a lot of open green space so the patients could get fresh air and exercise.

Jim planned the route we’d take and I checked that we had our Go bags ready for our trip in the next few days. Jim thought we should go on a weekday so there’d be less traffic and kids would be in school. All was ready When the day arrived and we headed out for our next adventure.

The weather was cool and it looked like rain as we drove outside Philadelphia. Sure enough, it soon started to pour cats and dogs. That slowed our progress, but we arrived safely at this place well out in the country. It was still raining but not as hard. When I first saw the building in this setting of thunder, lightning and rain, it gave me the creeps.

There was a driveway in front and a large porch area with rusted chairs along it. We ran to the front door and to our surprise the door had so much rotten wood around the door lock area that the locking mechanism had fallen off and the door sat ajar. Jim pushed a bit and the door creaked open on squeaky hinges that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

We eased our way in and started to explore, taking pictures. There were dormitory areas and single rooms for patients, but we didn’t fully explore the upper floor because the hallways didn’t look safe. The Offices and medical areas were mostly empty except for some abandoned chairs and beds. As we walked, the halls echoed and added to the creepy feel of the place. I stayed close to Jim. The building inside was surprisingly clean, with none of the windows broken and no graffiti on the walls. I guessed it was too far out in the country for vandals to both with.

During our walk, Jim noticed stairs leading down, which he found to be strange because none of his research said anything about a basement in the building. He thought it was probably the boiler or utilie area. As we went down those stairs, Jim mentioned that it was even more odd, because it was so big… too big for a utility area. Long hallways led off to both sides — they might’ve been tunneled underground for quite some distance.

As we walked down the hallway we had to use flashlights since there were no windows. We discovered some padded rooms but these were filled with mattresses and furniture. Both sides of the hallway were lined with padded cells just like in old movies. The doors needed keys to lock so all the cells were currently left open. As we continued our search, I started to feel sorry for the poor souls that were kept here. I couldn’t help but imagine people condensed down here, under the ground, maybe for years!

At the end of the hallway some of the padded cells were empty and Jim had me pose in a cell. He took pictures of me wearing clothes and, of course, also several pictures in which I was without clothes. My favorite photos involved those of me naked at the far side of the room, with Jim taking my picture through the barred opening of the door. Also, some of me with my hands gripping the bars, looking out with a close up of my face and hands were very striking.

We turned a corner and went down to the very end and found a door. Jim thought this must be the utility area for the building, but when we opened it, we saw it had become a large storage area. Our flashlights pierced the darkness, showing not much in the room but a bunch of metal storage cabinets pushed tight against one another.

We’d almost turned to leave but Jim decided that he wanted to check the room contents. He walked over to each cabinet and gave it a push. He went down the line doing this, and stopped at one of them. With effort, he pulled it out of the row and opened its doors. His face lit up, Signaling to me that he’d found something!

Curious, I walked over to him. I could see two shelves in the cabinet and there were plastic bags on them with something white in some. Other bags had white and brown objects in them. Jim had a huge smile on his face.

“Samantha, do you know what these are?” I looked at him with a questioning look on my face.

“Here I’ll show you,” he said as he tore the plastic covering open off one of the white objects and held it out. It looked like a coat.

“Put your arms into the sleeves,” he Commanded. I walked into the garment. Jim started to buckle straws on my neck and several on my back. Then I noticed the long sleeves and there were no openings on the sleeves. The sleeves were then fed through canvas loops on both sides of the jacket. Jim pulled the ends of the sleeves tight behind my back. There was a vertical strap on the front that buckled over my crossed arms. Then it finally hit me, “Oh my god! This is a straightjacket!” Yes, it took me that long – I’m a blond!

Jim then tore one of the other bags open and this one contained wide leather hospital restraints, two of which he quickly secured on my ankles. To top that off, he connected the ankle cuffs with a leather strap — a locking belt — that was also in the bag. He took the time to show me the special key required to open the belt securing those leg cuffs, and then pocketed the key.

Before I knew what was going on, from behind, he reached forward and grabbed two dangling straps and pulled them between my legs and buckled them tight somewhere on my back! This binding against my pussy really got my attention! I started to struggle in the jacket, trying to get it off. I was bending and twisting, but couldn’t make any progress — all I did was work up a sweat. The bound leg cuffs allowed me only small steps and I finally ended up just standing there, hugging myself, and very helpless.

Jim grabbed the other two bags containing a jacket and cuffs and left the room, now plunging it into darkness. What else could I do but follow him and his flashlight? He took more pics of me in a padded cell showing me restrained as I was. Submission washed over me, and I really enjoyed myself since I was now truly his prisoner and had to do as he said.

Jim led the way and we explored the opposite hallway. This side seemed to hold treatment rooms. Most were empty but one large room was all tiled and had what appeared to be several bathtubs but these had covereds on them that could be secured to the tub. There were pipes all around the room that fed the tubs. The covers had openings for a patient’s head. I shivered imagining having cold water baths as treatments.

But Jim wanted pictures, so he opened one and he had to help me climb into it and sit down. Then he put the cover in place and secured it. I was pleased that he didn’t try to make the pipes work, and flood my tub — that may have been a bit too much reality. Several pictures were taken of my prediction, then he left me there in the dark and for some reason this truly scared me. He came back in a minute or two but the dead silence in that darkened room really had gotten to me. He released me from the tub and helped me out, and I would have slapped him for frightening me that much, but I was still helpless in that straightjacket. I was learning first hand how vulnerable the ‘patients’ of this facility could be.

It was still raining when we reached the main door. Jim pulled the car up close but I still had to hobble to the car restrained. I got soaked! My hair was all wet as he opened the door for me and put me in the back seat lying down. Jim opened the second bag of cuffs and placed them on my arms above the elbows and pulled them tight. I was even more totally helpless and at his mercy, which I could tell he enjoyed from his grin. On the way home, he even covered me with a blanket to hide me, but it helped me warm up.

As we drove home Jim said, “Doctor Jim is very happy to meet his new patient. I can tell from my initial diagnosis that yours is going to be a difficult case. It’s quite obviousthat your problem is not enough sex, and you need a good, through treatment. I’m going to prescribe several orgasms, both vaginaly and anally, using my personal tool. And if that is not enough, I plan to stuff both your holes with dildos and suck on your clip until your orgasms make you go limp.”


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