Uptight Chloe Backstory Ch. 07

…continued from Chapter 06…

She heard the clapping behind her. David. It had to be David. She heard footsteps but didn’t turn. She had already picked up some of the rules from the videos she’d watched. Do not move. Do not turn around. Do not speak until spoken to. Do not do anything you are not told to do. She felt her body alive with heat, nipples stiff and hard, cunt swollen and soaked.

She couldn’t wait for David to begin using her.


“You are not off to a very good start,” she heard David says. She was puzzled. He hadn’t asked her to do anything. Other than being a bit slow taking off her clothes for Kristy, what had she done wrong?

“Your husband, Geoff, on the other hand, has already proven to me that he is one hundred percent on board with your training.”

“My training?” she asked with a small laugh. She felt David’s hand gives her a playful slap across her bottom.

“Well, you can call it whatever you like. I call it training. And, you’ll notice that I like to talk.” He turned and looked at Kristy. “Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right. David likes to describe what is going on, sometimes before, sometimes during, sometimes after.” Kristy stepped closer to Chloe, leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips. “You’ll love it.”

Chloe noticed Geoff out of the corner of her eye. He was walking along the wall of the garage, coming around to stand in front of her. He leaned against the tool benchmark. She looked him up and down. He was wearing a pair of loose fitting jeans and an old t-shirt. He was barefoot. His hair was rumpled and his face looked unshaven. She knew instinctively that he hadn’t gone to work today. That made her wonder, how long had David been at the house? A few hours? All day? How Did he know even before she’d told Kristy?

“Chloe. I want to read something to you.” David stepped around in front of her from the other side, sat down on a pile of storage boxes lined against the wall.He was wearing another brown suit, this time with a bright navy bow tie. “While I read it, I would like it very much if Geoff elaborated on each of the items on the list.” Chloe turned and looked at Geoff who was staring at David uncomfortable. David smiled at him.

“This is a list I made of the things Geoff and I have been talking about today.” Geoff squirmed a little. “Things he would like me to do to you. Things *he* wants to do to you. Things he *will* do to you.” David shook the paper gently. “He and I have a lot of the same tastes, which is always a good thing.” He rubbed his chin. “And a lot of my friends have the same tastes. A lot of them.” Chloe’s eyes stared at the paper but her attention was between her legs. The ten inch chain hanging between the handscuffs was brushing lightly against the insides of her knees and her palms and fingertips were warm on her thighs.

David stood up and walked to her. He stopped inches from her face and stared into her eyes. After a few seconds, she lowered her glance, staring at the floor. “Not too bad. You haven’t even been given any training at all and you know not to look at me.” He reached for her left hand and slide it towards her crotch.

“Play with yourself.”

Chloe frozen. She hadn’t considered this. She’d dreamed about the lines of men climbing on top of her in bed, the paddles and canes hitting her naked body, had Even fantasized about making love to Kristy, but this was unexpected. It hit her as a little absurd that she hadn’t thought of it – of course they would make her do it. It was classic porno film fare.

“I…can’t,” she murmured feebly, letting her hand slide back down her leg.

David chuckled. “All right. That’s okay.” He reached out and stroked her hair. “We weren’t ready anyway.” He pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead. Then, he turned and said to Geoff, “were we?”

Geoff stepped forward. “Chloe…”

David held up his hand. Geoff stopped. Then, he turnedto Chloe. “Geoff and I talked about things he’d like to see you do. And we’re starting right now.” He motioned to Kristy. She went into the house. “You have a few minutes to rest before you go online. Go ahead and sit if you want.” He pushed a box towards Chloe. It bumped the back of her calves and she sat down, resting her hands in her lap.

Chloe turned and looked at Geoff. “Before I go online?” Geoff looked at David. All three of them were silent. The door between the garage and the house opened and Kristy stepped through. She was carrying three tripods. Each had a camera attached and a long USB cord.

David went back to the boxes and picked up the paper again. He tapped it with his finger. “Your husband’s list.” Kristy set up the three cameras, one behind Chloe, one directly in front of her, and one at a 45 degree angle. She turned to Geoff. “Where’s the machine?”

Geoff walked to the tool bench and lifted a grey tarp. Underneath was a tower computer and a three monitors. He held out his hand for the USB cords.

“You are about to fulfill one of Geoff’s longtime fansies.” David ran his finger down the list. “Ah. ‘Broadcast her getting off to some sleazy realtime website.’” David turned to Geoff. “Care to elaborate?”

Geoff was plugging the last of the cameras into the back of the tower. With his back to Chloe, he just said, “no”. He clicked an icon on the desktop and the three monitors lit up.

David got up and walked to Geoff, clapped him on the back. “Oh, come on now, Geoff. When we were talking about her earlier, you were *much* more descriptive.” Geoff was quiet, adjusted one of the lighting controls on the console. “Geoff,” David said with a taunting voice. “You are going to have to get in touch with your inner deviate. Do you Remember what you said? Wasn’t it something like ‘after all this time, I want to see her cunt spread wide open, with the lights on. And not just me.’ Something like that?”

Geoff didn’t turn from theconsole. He spoke slowly. “I want a dozen men, a hundred men…looking…at that wet, pink slit. I want them to…watch her squirming, panting, touching herself.” He turned and looked directly at Chloe. “Then, I want them to watch her cum.”

David smiled. “You two have come to the right place. Some years ago, before everyone and his brother had an Internet channel, I registered with one of the Only existing amateur sites. My channel has over two hundred subscribers. I’m actually making quite a bit of money from this, but that’s not the point. The point is…” he pointed at the cameras “…that we have the vehicle to make Geoff’s dream come true. In…” he looked at his watch “…ten more minutes, you will make your Internet debt.”

Chloe’s body went limp. She felt her nipples Stiffen, and her cunt swell and flow. She knew that if she touched herself just once she would explode. All of those eyes on her…

Chloe dropped to her knees. What the hell am I thinking? I can’t do this. They want me to masturbate, to…to cum…to cum in front of other people. She shook her head. “No, no, I can’t. I want to but I can’t.” She crumpled to the floor.

Kristy walked to her, helped her stand up. Chloe’s head swum. She felt Kristy’s hands on her body, saw the cameras surrounding her, saw Geoff’s eager eyes. She leaned towards Kristy, opened her mouth to kiss her. Kristy stroked her belly, fondled her nipples. Chloe moaned and opened her legs, touched herself with both hands. “Yes, yes…”

Kristy stepped back and let go of Chloe. She nearly lost her balance, but David caught her from behind. “There we go. That’s what we want.” He let her go. “Now, look right into *that* camera and let’s give them a show.” Chloe turned her head as a series of speakers all around the room came to life. She heard a dozen different voices suggesting what David should do next.

“Nipple clamps.”

“Whip her.”

“Tie her arms.”

“The dildo, use the big one.”

Chloe saw herself on the three monitors and felt another flush of embarrassment and humiliation. This really *was* being broadcast over the Internet! There could be dozens or hundreds of men looking at her, standing there naked in the garage, hands between her legs, rocking back and forth. She imagined them, young men, old men, sitting in chairs, lying on beds or sofas, playing with themselves while they looked at her. It turned her on and she opened her knees wider. She rubbed herself slowly, enjoying the feeling of getting closer and closer.

She turned towards one of the monitors again and saw a man’s face. Her hands frozen, body went stiff. She looked at the other monitors and saw two other, different faces. One of the man had his eyes half closed and was jerking up and down, obviously playing with himself.

“I can’t do this!” she yelled, covering herself with her hands. “Oh, please, I can’t do this.” The voices barked and yelled, taunting her, yelling at David to “dosomething”.

David looked at Geoff. “We had an agreement.” Geoff looked at Chloe. She was staring at the video monitor, the one with the man jerking off. He was still playing with himself, enjoying her resistance, her uncertainty.

Geoff said to Kristy, “I think you’d better leave.” Then, he turned to Chloe. “Things might start to get rough. You two are friends. You might not want to watch.”

Kristy looked at David and smiled. “So, he doesn’t know?” David shook his head. “It’s okay, Geoff. I’d like to stay.”

Geoff nodded. “It’s your call.” He walked to the tool benchmark again. The voices were still clamoring from the speakers. “Let’s see some action.” “Why did she stop?” “David, this is a new one, isn’t it?” He picked up a wooden ping-pong paddle, one with a light blue studied surface. He tucked it underneath his arm, then reached for a length of rope.

“Chloe. Arms out in front of you,” he said nervously. He caught the quiver in his voice and cought. “Arms above your head, and stand under that crossbeam.” Chloe looked at him. She was turned on, he’d never really took charge like that before. She felt her nipples stiffen. She looked up. There was a beam just a few inches to the left. She stepped underneath it and put her arms over her head.

Geoff set the paddle down on the floor in front of her, throw the rope over the wooden beam, let one end drop on the floor. “Hold your hands in front of you.” She did and he tied the loose end of the rope around the chain. “Good girl.” He gave her a kiss on the mouth.

She heard the voices go quiet, then a few of them urging him on. “Yeah, tie the bitch.” “Let’s get this cunt going.” She tried to ignore them but couldn’t. And worse, she couldn’t ignore how much it aroused her to her them talk about her like that.

Geoff pulled the other end of the rope slowly, kept pulling until Chloe was on the balls of her feet, arms stretched straight above her head. She felt the strain at her shouldersand along her sides. It was exhaust and it turned her on even more. Geoff handed the rope to Kristy who secured it to a hole in the workbench.

Geoff crouched in front of her and picked up the paddle. He held it up in front of her face, moving it slowly side to side. “You’re going to get twenty swats on the ass,” he said. Her eyes widened slightly, her cunt twitched. “Twenty on each side.” She sucked in a breath, whispered “no…” He turned towards the side-mounted camera. “Is that sufficient?” There was a loud chatter, “yes” “no” “a hundred” “use the whip”. He turned back to her. “You are evidently going to be a very popular girl tonight.”

He stood to her side, reached for her chin and turned her face towards the monitor directly behind the head-on camera. “Look straight into his eyes, please. And don’t break eye contact.” He turned to the camera. “Mr. Thomas, is that sufficient?” A voice answered “please sweep that hair off of her forehead.” Geoff ran his finger along herhairline, pushing a few straight hairs back into place. “Very nice,” Mr. Thomas answered.

Chloe was getting anxious. There was too much ritual in this group, too much teasing, too much preparation. She wanted to be spanked, fucked, hit. “Get on with it!” she wanted to scream.

Geoff stepped to her side and David walked in front of her, just beside Mr. Thomas’s camera. “Chloe. I Know this is new to you.” He ran his hand down her right cheek, down her neck. “And you are not primarily a pain slut.” He pinched her nipple and she moaned. “Not yet.” He ran his hand over her boyish chest, let her long nipple slide between his first two fingers. “Tho, you have wonderful potential for pain.” He pinched her again, twisted slightly this time. She felt her knees go weak, her cunt swell.

“Tonight is not about pain. Tonight is about obedience. You will do anything I tell you to. Maybe not right now, but eventually. Soon.” He swept his arm towards the monitors. “For me and my friends. AActually, for me and anyone I allow to use you…” Abruptly, he swung his hand and hit her hard across the left breast. Then, the right. He repeated it over and over until he’d swatted them both ten times. She was moaning and felt water welling in her eyes but she was so turned on she wanted to beg him to do it again. She was on fire. She looked at the men on the monitors. Hungry, horny eyes. Strangers who Just saw her as a piece of pussy, a piece of ass, a slut to be used. She shuddered and nearly came.

David raised his hand and Chloe leaned back slightly, offering her tits to him. He smiled and lightly touched her right nipple with his index finger. Then, he touched it to his tongue. “Salty. Nice.” He stepped back a few inches. “Geoff, are you seeing this? She offered her titties to me to be slapped. She wants me to hurt her.” He ran his finger underneath her chin.

“Don’t you?” Chloe was silent. “Do you want to be hurt?”

She whispered “yes”.

David barked “I didnot hear you. Do… you… want… to… be… hurt?”

“Yes,” Chloe said, louder this time. Loud enough to be heard across the broadcast, loud enough for the men on the live session to cheer her on.

“And you want me to hurt you?” David taunted, slapping her chest again.


“WHAT?” He continued slapping her.


“You dreamed about this?” She shook her head hard “yes, yes, yes!”

“About the strangers watching?” “Yes!”

“Without Geoff around?” “Yes!” Geoff looked at David, then at Chloe.

“Without Geoff around to slow you down? To inhibit you?” “Yes! YES! YES!” she screamed loudly. Geoff clenched his teeth. Slow her down? What the fuck?

“Can I hurt you and fuck you? What if he says no? What if your husband says no?”

“Then fuck him! FUCKING IGNORE HIM!” she yelled. Geoff lurched forward, swung the paddle hard, it cracked across her ass and her body jerked. She screamed as he kept whacking her, counting out loud to twenty.

“Stop, stop,” she moaned, “let me catch my breath, give me just a…” Geoff moved to her other cheat and keep swinging. She rocked back and forth, sure he was hitting twice as hard on this side. She felt something pushed into her mouth, saw that Kristy had stuffed a rag between her teeth to keep her quiet. She strained, pulling her body up and down, rising up off of her toes, setting back down, doing everything she could to try to distract herself from the fire spreading across her ass, down her legs, up her back. Nothing worked.

“Twenty,” Geoff called, then dropped the paddle to the floor and ran across the room. He leaned over the slip sink and throw up. Chloe let her body go limp and hung from the rafter. She was exhausted and sweaty, her body covered with a shiny film. The voices on the speakers were cheering, jeering, asking for more.

David stepped up to Chloe and removed the rag from her mouth. She gulped down the cool air, shook her head.

“Now, masturbate for the nice men,” David said calmly. Kristy untied the rope and Chloe’s arms dropped in front of her. She nearly collapsed again but David was holding her elbow. He produced a key and undid the handscuffs. She felt a nudge at her side and looked down. Kristy was holding a vibrator.

Chloe grabbed it wildly, turned it on, turned it to high and pushed its between her cunt lips. “Oh, yes, oh yes, oh fucking goddam yes!” She came in seconds, but didn’t stop, she kept it there with her left hand, while her right hand slid around behind her. She slide her fingers up inside her cunt, fucked herself, squatting and humping her hand as deep as she could. She came again, staring at Mr. Thomas on the monitor, then turning to the other camera and licking her lips, trying to be as obscene as she could.

“Watch me, watch me fuck myself, do you like that? Do you like watching your fuck toy? Your hot and horny animal? Do you…ah! ah! ah!” she came again, yelling louder, pushing her fingers deeper. She felt her entire body aroused, on fire, alive.

“Enough,” David said, jerking her hand out of her cunt and slapping the vibrator out of her hand.

Chloe heard the plastic hit the floor and was stunned. “What? What the hell?”

Firmly, David repeated, “enough. *I* control your orgasms from now on. Do you understand?”

She was puzzled, how was this part of the game?

“You do not cum unless I tell you to. From now on. Do you understand?”

Chloe quivered, she didn’t know if it was anger, arousal, or frustration. She didn’t care. What the hell was he saying? Her brain was in a fog of lust.

“That wasn’t part of the deal…” she said weakly. She heard footsteps behind her and saw Geoff. He had a small towel in his hand and was wiping his mouth with it. David leaned forward and looked at Geoff. Geoff slide his hand between his wife’s legs. “No dear. Everything is part of the deal.” He pushed his fingers between her lips and up inside her. “Everything.” He let his thumb rub against her clitoris, watched her face melt and heard her moans.

“The camera, Geoff. Don’t forget the camera,” David said quietly. Geoff turned Chloe slightly, making sure the front of her body was exposed completely, that the lights of the garage caught the glistening sweat all over his wife’s lithe body, that the audience could see his hand working her towards her climax. She opened her legs wider, pushed her hips forward. Geoff knew her climax was close when she bit her lower lip.

“Enough,” David called. Geoff removed his hand. Chloe stared into his eyes, angry.

“David calls the shots for both of us,” Geoff said calmly. He turned to the front camera. “And he said that if I am very, very good,” he turned back to Chloe, “I may be allowed to fuck my little whose wife tonight.”

David smiled and leaned forward. “Maybe even with the cameras off.”

The audience laughed and Geoff smiled at Chloe. “Maybe even with the cameras off.” He leaned closer to her. “Our private life is over. You…and I…are now part of the Internet Cybersex Network.” He stroked her hair, kissed her cheek. “As long as we agree to work with David, he orchestrates everything we do. David…” he swept his hand toward the cameras “…and his network.”

Chloe pressed her body against Geoff. This was more than she had planned on, more than she had anticipated. But she was shocked how turned on she was by the thought. Her body was now David’s. David’s and his friends. Theirs to direct. She and Geoff were their sex toys. She shuddered again, reached for Geoff’s hand, tried to push it between her legs. She needed to cum so bad. Geoff’s arm stiffened. “Not unless David says so.” She turned to David. “Please?”

David smiled. “Masturbate yourself on camera again.” Chloe Shook her head. Still, still she couldn’t just do it. Not on command. They’d built her up last time. This was different. Geoff touched her cunt, slide his fingers between her soaking wet lips. She didn’t know which way to go. All of those men looking. But his finger felt so good…

“Can Geoff…”

“No,” David interrupted. “And no vibrator. Just your fingers.” He waved for Geoff to step away. She stood there, shaking her head, body quivering. She wanted to cum, needed to cum, but couldn’t do it with her fingers.


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