Upstairs Encounter Ch. 08

His hands were on me, roaming everywhere, caresing my breasts, my legs, and my face. Our arms wrapped around each other, bodies pressed together. He grew soft and low into my ear “Lay back, Alexis.”

I did as he asked, my body trembling, almost vibrating. He reached beside the bed and took a glass; I heard the ice click as he lifted it to select two ice cubes. He smiled at me and kissed me, “Nice deep breaths, Alexis. Just relax and let your body response.”

I closed my eyes and felt the zing of cold as one ice cube made contact with my lips. I sucked the ice melt off of it and he trailed the tip of the ice cube around my jaw and down my throat. The other ice cube followed in kind until both had ended on my nipples. He rubbed gentle icy circles around my nipples until I could Feel them becoming achingly hardened. He slipped the cubes down to my clip and gave it the same treatment as my nipples, eventually slipping both pieces of ice into my pussy.

I witnessed as I felt them melt inside of me, I wouldn’t have been surprised to hear a “Ssssssssssssssssssss” sound and see steam rising! He repeated this several times. He acted slowly and deliberately. Eventually, he had placed 10 pieces of ice inside me and I could feel the melted liquid leaking out of my pussy, icy cold and running down the crack of my ass to the bedding.

When he was satisfied, he took a slice of ginger root and began rubbing it on my frigid nipples. I could feel the tingling, warming sensing instantly. He moved it to my clip. I felt a tingling at first followed by subtle but growing warmth. The longer it remained, the more heat arose. He laid it carefully in the upper folders of my pussy so that the slice of ginger would remain in contact with my clip while he reached beside the table again.

He held the scarf I had wound into the bar that first day and he quickly tied it into a slip knot around my throat. He tied the other end to the wrong iron headboard.

“Scoot yourselfdown the bed, Alexis, just until the knot tightens.” I obeyed and gasped as the knot tightened. “Good girl.” He said.

He handed me a vibrator that was at least 8 inches long and fairly thick as well. “Fuck yourself, Alexis. Fuck yourself with this tool like you want me to fuck you. Show me what a slut you would be for my cock. Prove to me how much you want it, baby.”

He handed me the vibrator and I sucked it wantonly to get it wet and then rammed it into my aching pussy. The cold water came rushing out, soaking my legs and the bed underneath me. He smiled while he watched me; he stroked my hair and my face and peppered my cheek with kisses.

He whispered, “Are you my slut, Alexis?”


I struggled to breathe enough and compose myself enough in the midst of fucking myself with the vibrator to answer him “I’m…I’m your slut!!”

He smiled, “Good girl. You are such a good girl.”

He lay beside me,caresing my body, holding me as I drove myself closer and closer to orgasm. I whimpered and moaned.

“What’s the matter baby?” He mused, “What is it? What do you want?”

I opened my eyes and looked pleadingly into his. I gasped “You!”

He smiled broadly “Excellent. And what exactly do you want with me?” He grinned, obviously enjoying teasing me, “All you have to do is ask, Alexis.”

I gasped uncontrollably as I spoke, “I…I need…you! I need your COCK! I need you! I need you! I’m begging you! Please! PLEASE!! FUCK MEEEEE!”

He chuckled and reached over to tweak my nipples. “You’re surprised how badly your body craves me aren’t you?”

I nodded frantically, still fucking myself with the vibrator. He kissed me lightly on the lips and smoothed my hair back from my face. “Shhhh. Stop what you’re doing, Alexis.”

I did so with an audible sob. “You’ve been such a good slut, so obedient and accommodating. I think I will give you what you crave.”

I had to strugglele to keep from weeping. I had finally earned his attention; finally he was going to pleasure me with his own cock. I looked up at him as he positioned himself above me. Arched my back and groaned as I felt the thick head of his cock slip into me, a jolt of sensation burning through me and I cried out.


“What???” I was completely disoriented and confused. Blinking my eyes, I realized with ageing certainty that it had only been a dream. It was merely subconscious wishful thinking. My body trembled in reaction to the memory of it. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, my thigh touching something solid. I jumped and opened my eyes wide, only to see him sitting on the side of the bed, watching me. He must have been watching me the whole time.

He smiled, “I hope I didn’t wake you, Alexis. That looked like it must have been quite a dream.”

I lay back down, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He lifted my hand to his lipsand kissed it. It was barely a touch, but it felt like electric fire just the same.

“Don’t worry, Alexis. All will come to fruition in good time. You are doing so well; you’re such a good girl, my sensitive shy slut. I promise that today will bring even more erotic sensings than you have ever imagined before. You are just beginning to open up to the passwords inside you. Trust me, Alexis. It will be worth the wait.”

I squeezed his hand and tried to relax. Wondering what he had in store for me next.

Within moments, I was blindfolded and he was leading me across the main room again. His strong arm was comfortable around my wait, ushering me forward. He stopped and released me. I was able to hear rustling sounds. I felt his body very near to me and then I felt the rough texture of thick rope. It took him several minutes to apply the rope as he desired. My arms were stretched down by my sides and he bound them to my body, the rope spiraling around my body, woven betweenmy arms and body and then cinched tight.

He allowed the ropes to wrap around my breasts, leaving them exposed and then twisted the rope at my sternum before putting the ropes over my shoulders. He twisted them again, secured them through the rope loops at my back and placed the remaining length of rope into my ass crack, under my perineum and then up through my pussy lips. He expertly tied a knot so that it rested directly on my clip before securing the loose ends to the rope loops at my navel.

He touched my face for a moment and then walked a few paces. I heard a loud metal rattle, like a heavy chain. His steps approached again and I felt cool metal against my back as he hooked several large hooks to the ropes binding me.

“Trust me, Alexis.” He whispered hotly in my ear.

A low mechanical hum echoed through the room while he held my body and waited patiently. Slowly, I felt the ropes tighten and I was lifted off the ground so that my body was parallel to the floor. He guided me, holding my body gently while the ropes were pulled taut. In the end, my body was securely suspended above the floor. And then he removed my blindfold.

The room was completely dark except for something underneath me that was glowing brightly. Everything was a blur after wearing the blindfold and I tried to breathe while I waited for my eyes to focus. As the hazy glow began to focus, I was filled with an icy fear. The object beneath me was a giant water tank, lit from within. There were multiple chrome fixtures on both ends of the tank. I was struck with a sudden horror; perhaps I was all wrong about this. Perhaps this had all been a sick precursor to murder. I began to scream uncontrollably.

Steve was sitting on an elevated seat; he gripped me by my throat and squeezed.

“Calm yourself, Alexis. I told you to trust me. You will not be harmed here. Remember what you asked for?”

I nodded, unable to breathe or speak.

“Good girl.” He said, “This is the next step on that path.”

He released my throat and I cought, sputtering for air. The mechanical hum echoed in the room again as the chains lowered me towards the surface of the water. Steve’s seat moved in unison with the mechanism so that he was always within easy reach of my body. The ropes pulled my hips up slightly so that my arms and legs were angled down slightly.

I looked at Steve; he was grinning wickedly as he spoke, “I think you are going to like this, my sweet whore.”

I gasped as I felt a powerful jet of icy cold water hitting directly on my clip. It lasted perhaps 20 or 30 seconds and then stopped for a beat. But before I could catch my breath, an equally powerful jet of extremely warm water assaulted my clip for another 30 seconds. Steve sat back and watched me as the equipment automatically alternate between the icy water jet and the hot water jet. My clip was ablaze with sensing. I couldn’t help moaning and crying out loud.

Steve chuckled softly and leaned forward to stroke my exposed skin, “What, my sweet slut? Is something wrong?”

I gasped, unable to speak.

He chuckled heartily and leaned back to watch the water show.

When the jets stopped, Steve moved to my ankles, attaching cuffs to each one. Then the chains rattled and the machine hummed. My legs were lowered so that I was submerged from the wait down. The water was very warm and there was motion in the water; the current gently caresed my skin, especially my exposed clip. I felt the cuffs pulling on my ankles, spreading my legs widely apart. Steve adjusted something at the edge of the tank and then moved his seat back to a position near my face.

He stroked my cheek and smiled as the mechanical hum of machinery began again, followed by a gurgling of something submerging into the water. It was only a matter of seconds before I felt the contrast of something very hard and extremely cold against my pussy lips. It pushed in easily, thick and very hard, stretching my cunt wide open. A whimper escaped my lips as I realized that I was being fucked with an ice dildo, a rather large one at that.

Steve reached for something as the ice dildo picked up speed. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the warmth of the water contrasted with the ice cock in my cunt. I desperately needed to cum again.

I was jolted out of my focus, literally. My eyes flew open and I saw Steve holding a glass wand of some sort, there were electric blue sparks inside the bulb at the end. He was carefully applying it to my body above the water. I felt sharp singing little shocks which caused my body to shake involuntarily. The ice cock was still plunging in and out of my aching pussy.

He touched the wand to my nipple. I screamed. Then he touched my other nipple with the wand. I whimpered loudly. He revealed in the desperate noises that I was making. And then he seemed to tire of his electric toy and he put it away. The ice cock had melteddown to almost nothing and it pulled out of my pussy, I could feel a rush of water exit my body as it did so.

I heard the mechanical hum and felt my upper body being lowered now. I choked back a sob.

“Steve? Steve! For God’s sake, please don’t do this!! Please???”

He looked into my eyes with empathy, “Shhhhh, Alexis. Stay calm and hold your breath. Trust me my hungry little pussy. Don’t you need to cum again?”

I nodded anxiously.

“Good girl. Now take a deep breath just before you contact the water. This is important, Alexis. Understand?”

I managed to squeak out a shaky “Yes.” I took a deep breath just before my face and upper body were lowered into the water. At the same time, my spread legs and My hips were hoisted out of the water. I opened my eyes and I could see his face through the water and glass. He smiled and began rubbing my clip in deliberate circles. Every nervous in my body was on fire and it didn’t take more than a few seconds for this topush me to the edge.

He waved his hand to get my attention. He held up five fingers and mouthed the word “Five”.

I felt a shudder run like electricity through me. He smiled with pleasure at my response to his counting.

I had been a swimmer for decades so it was easy to hold my breath for long periods of time. But eventually I began to feel the burn in my lungs. I knew I only had another minute or so before my lungs would take in water, whether I liked it or not. His cares on my clip set my body aflame; I was filled with a yearning ache.

He knew, of course, that I was nearing my limit and so his countdown was quicker than usual. By the time he held up two fingers, my body was shaking and jerking. My ankles were pulling hard against the cuffs. And then he smiled and blew me a kiss before holding up one finger.

I closed my eyes and climaxed explosively. I could feel my cum flowing out into the warm water. I had only seconds left, my lungs were on fire andI was beginning to see stars when I was hoisted out of the water again. When my face rose above the surface of the water, my lungs were raw and ragged. I cought and stuttered uncontrollably. I hung simply from my bonds as the machine moved me away from the tank and lowered my feet to the floor. Steve unhooked the clips holding the rope and I slumped to the ground. He ignored me for a moment while he put away the equipment.

He came back to me carrying the hunting knife and I didn’t even react. He breathed in with obvious pleasure as he carefully cut the ropes from my body. He smoothed my wet hair away from my face and held my naked body to him closely. My flesh warm from the water was made warmer still from his embrace.

What was happening to me? I wanted nothing more than to please this man and endure anything and everything he desired. A slight pang of fear gripped me when the thought occurred to me that he would almost certainly tire of me and, as he had said before, escort me to my car and resume his wandering.

I snuggled close, holding him tightly and savoring the feeling of his strong arms around my body.

Once again, I tried to anticipate what he wanted for me and from me now.


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