Steve stepped back to take in a lingering view of my bound body, a subtle smile on his lips as his eyes roamed my vulnerable, bound and naked body. I could almost feel his gaze physically touch me as he took in long black curls cascading over my pale shoulders, my full breasts and firm tight rather large nipples, my torso narrowing to my wait then curving out again in soft round womanly hips and my long legs leading down to my black high heels. With a husky breath, he exhausted, rubbed his chin thoughtfully as though contemplating how to begin a complex task.
His eyes returned to my face and locked on my eyes as he stepped forward. He placed the flat of his palm on my abdomen and slowly slip it down to my trimmed bush, letting one finger makes soft contact with my clip. He began making slow circles, all the while watching my reactions, obviously enjoying the quickness of my breaths and my gasps of pleasure in his touch. I closed my eyes and tried to press my hips into his finger, the slowness of his circular motions perfect for arousing my senses but not enough to lead to release. I could feel a deep and desperate hunger for more starting to build inside me.
He sensed my need and stopped the circles, “Not yet, Alexis. You will not climax until I tell you that you may. Understood?” His voice was calm but his expression was deadly serious.
“Yes.” I whispered breathlessly.
He smiled and calmly said, “Good girl.”
He resumed the circles on my clip and I closed my eyes once again. Just at the sensings were building into arousal again, he removed his finger. Suddenly and with a sharp “CRACK”, his hand made precision and anti-contact with my clip with a sharp slap. I cried out and then moaned as he dipped his finger inside my wetness and resumed the circles yet again. He continued this for what seemed like hours. He calmly continued rubbing me, arousing me, bringing me closer and closer to climax each time. And each time I was on the edge, he would apply another sharp slap to my clip sending jolts of electric pain through me which delayed release yet again. I felt my head would explode from aching need for release. My clip was throbbing, pulsing and tight; my cunt was flowing hotly with my sex juices which had covered my folds. The cent of my sex filled the air around us and the only sounds were of his intermittent slaps and my moans, whimpers and gasps.
He said in a low growl, “Do you want to cum, Alexis?”
“Yes, oh god, yes! I NEED to cum!! Please!!!” My voice emerged raspy, breathy and desperate.
He smiled. “Need? Already? What a greedy little slut you are, begging me already. Tell me what you need from me, Alexis.”
I couldn’t believe this was happening. Couldn’t believe what I was saying to this man. “I need you to fuck me. I need your cock. PLEASE!!”
He smiled, “You are begging me for my cock? Begging me to fuck your dripping wet pussy?”
I whimpered, “Yes. Please.”
He nodded and began undressing. His muscle chest and torso came into view, followed by his enormous cock and his powerful legs. He stepped up to me and placed the tip of his cock to my throbbing clip. I cried out and shuddered as I felt the heat and hardness of it. He slipped it slowly down so that just the tip entered my wetness. I heard him sight and moan then he pulled out and rubbed my clip again with the head which seemed to be even larger now. He teased me like this for an increasingly long period of time. I had never met a man with such self restraint. I felt I would almost cum from this sweet torture when he suddenly stopped. I screamed and tears of frustration filled my eyes, perspiration dotting my skin. I stared into his face and saw an instant of regret in his expression and then the curve of control came down again.
He grinned wickedly as he spoke, “No, no, you are not ready for that yet. There is so much to reveal to you before we get to that particular pleasure, my hungry little whore.”
As if on cue, the small door in the corner opened and a petite Asian woman emerged carrying a small dispatchel. He gesturculed to her and she bowed slightly and walked to me silently. She placed her dispatchel on the floor and removed a satin blindfold which she gently placed over my eyes, securing it tightly. I heard her reach into the bag again and then felt a struggle collar around my neck and then connected to some sort of tether which seemed to be suspended from the ceiling. I heard the sound of a metal chain and then felt her standing before me again. Her slim fingers caresed my breast and then connected with my nipple, pinching it slightly and pulling it gently. The sensing was indescribably sensitive and arousing.
Suddenly, sering electric pain shot through my nipple and I realized she had placed some sort of clamp on it. Panting, I tried to remain calm. I bit my lip and moaned as she tightly clamped the other nipple. The center of the chain was then attached to my neck collar. She rifled in the bag once more and I felt a rough rope around my waist, tied in front and the ends pulled down over my clip, under my body and then secured again to the “belt” of rope at the back. It was so tight and the rough fibers ticked and scratched my skin, my clip, my pussy lips, and my ass. I heard Steve chuckle and say “Arigato.” They exchanged a few unintelligible sentences and then I heard the snap of latex gloves being placed on someone’s hands and the squirt of something, I guessed from a bottle.
The ropes were pulled aside and I felt what I guessed were the woman’s fingers touching my clip, spreading the slippery lubricant around. She slide one finger inside me and began violently fucking my pussy with it. After a time, she added a second finger. Then she added a third. Then all four fingers were inside me. She began twisting them as she pumped into me and I ground my hips as much as I could to force them even deeper.
I felt Steve’shot breath on my neck and his whisper in my ear, “Do you want more, Alexis?”
“Yes.” I breathed.
“Do you NEED more?” I could hear the grin in his voice.
“FUCK YES!” I screamed. He said something else in Japanese and I felt the woman tuck her thumb under her fingers and twist her fist slowly but persistently into me until her entire fist popped inside and she pushed deep. I screamed a loud crying moan, “OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”
She was fucking me with what felt like her entire forearm. I screamed and compromised and begged for release. Steve’s whisper in my ear again, “I am going to count down. YOU WILL NOT CUM until I reach the number one. Do you understand?”
I nodded, unable to speak; the noises from my mouth were guttural, not quite human anymore.
“Good girl,” he said giving the chain attached to my nipples a tug. “I’ll make it short this time, but you will have to learn patience and control quickly or there will be consequences.”
I ignored his words, conCerned only with my hunger for release. I could hear the pleasure in his voice when he whispered “THREE”. He kissed my neck and caressed my breasts. The woman’s fist and arm were violently fucking my cunt; my legs began to tremble. “TWO”, he nipped at my flesh with his teeth and licked at my nipples while tugging the chain even harder.
I held my breath. I was so fucking close. My head is going to exploit I just know it! Oh god! Every muscle in my body tensed.
And then he spoke, “ONE. Cum for me, Alexis. Cum NOW!”
I don’t know if I screamed out loud but screams were resonating in my head as my body left over the edge into oblivion.
I cannot begin to describe the intensity of that first orgasm, denied for so long, the sensings intensified by the sweet contrary between pleasure and pain. It was as if a blinding white hot light filled me and lifted me. And it lasted for an eternity, orgasm after orgasm, one on top of the next, exploding inside me. It finallysubsided and I would have poorly collapsed if not for the binds holding me up. In my daze, I heard “Arigato” again and heard the woman’s steps retreating and then closing the little door behind her.
I rarely remember him releasing me from the binds and clamps. He lifted me easily in his strong arms and carried me across the room. He sat in a large chair holding me gently, stroking my hair and my still shivering naked body. He pulled a light blanket over me and I curled into his warmth, inhaling his cent again.
As I drifted off into an exhausted sleep, he whispered to me “Are you my whore, Alexis?”
I whispered back to him “Yes Steve”.
Sleep took me and in that hazy moment between wake and dreams I thought I felt him kiss me and whisper, “Good girl.”
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