Upstairs Encounter Ch. 01

It was such a perfectly mundanely normal day until I walked into that building. I was on a long drive and I hadn’t seen a place to stop and get a soda for a hundred miles. When I finally came to a building that looked like it might be open, I could see it was a little run down but there was a soda machine outside the front entrance. Perfect.

If only I had just let the machine eat my dollar bill…it was just a dollar and there would be other places to stop. But I didn’t. I went inside to ask for a refund. The bartender was scruffy but kind and he offered me a club soda while he filled out the vending company’s form. It was a spacious saloon straight out of Gunsmoke. Everything was all wooden and masculine and smoke. I couldn’t help but drink in the atmosphere, looking around at the solidary figures seated at the bar and at the various tables. And that’s when I saw him.

I felt a breath catch in my throat. I wanted to laugh at myself, but there was something undeniable about him. Dark rugged jeans, big leather belt, cowboy boots and a well-worn cowboy hat tipped down so his eyes were hidden. He was leaning back against the wall in his chair with his legs stretched out in front of him. With his eyes hidden, I dared to continue drinking in the sight of him. Obviously muscle and tanned body, strong jaw line and full sensitive lips that seemed to make love to the cigarette as he drew in a slow languorous breath, then exhaling in curly mesmerizing circles of smoke. I was still watching his lips when the tiny hairs at the back of my neck all arose in unison when I saw the corners of his mouth lift into a slight smile. My gaze rose and I realized that he was staring right at me.

I felt my face blush with a deep crisis red. I quickly turned around to face the bar with my back to him. I could feel his eyes on me, roaming my body. Now that I’m pushing 40 and the mother of two children, my body is soft and rounder than it used to be, but still a smallishWaist and nice hips and full breasts. My hair is long, dark and curly and my eyes are wide and crystal blue. I still sometimes notice men looking at me in “that way” and am always flattered. But this…this was different.

The bartender came back with my dollar and I signed the form and thanked him with a smile. He nodded at me and then I noticed his gaze rise above my head as he seemed to give a subtle nod to someone else. I sensed someone standing behind me. And they were very close behind me. The bartender gave me one more glance and an indecipherable look before moving back to the other end of the bar. I knew it was him, without a need to look. My mind was racing as I contemplated how and when to make my exit. As I stretched one leg down to the floor, I heard his voice for the first time.

“Don’t move,” he whispered in a low gruff voice, almost a growl.

Goosebumps rose on my pale smooth skin; it felt as though my heart would beat through my chest. I whispered, my voice sounding weak and small, like a girl’s rather than the confident woman that I had been until seconds ago “But, I have to go”.

“You need me.” He said simply, “You already know it, don’t you?”

I was stunned. Unable to speak but knowing he was correct, I nodded. He reached for my hand and held it gently; his palms and fingers were strong and slightly called. I glance nervously around; no one seemed to notice, but the bartender seemed almost too fixed on the glass he was cleaning. I thought for a second about asking him to help me get away from this hypnotic stranger…if the bartender had looked at me in that moment, I poorly would have. But he didn’t, and I was unable to resist. I heard the gravelly voice in my ear again, his hot breath sering the skin of my neck, “do you see the stairway to your left?” I looked at the stairs and nodded. “Walk up the stairs and down the hallway into the last room. I will be behind you.”

I followed his instructions with sHaking legs, my heels making a soft clack on each step as I walked up and up and up. I walked down the hall and then stopped as we reached the last door. I put my hand on the doorknob and frozen again. His voice was instantly in my ear, “Choose now, beautiful. Once you walk through this door, you’ve consented to give yourself to me. There will be no opportunity to turn back and no consideration if you Change your mind after this”

My logical mind screamed violently for me to race down the stairs and get back in my car! But my body was in charge in this moment. I turned the knob and walked into the dusky room. He followed me into the room and I heard the sound of the heavy wooden door closing followed by the sound of keys turning in multiple rusty-sounding locks. This was truly my point of no return.

His strong hand made contact with my wait and gently shepherded me into the room. The late afternoon light filtered in through dusty window shades. The room was enormous and someWhat circular or perhaps hexagonally shaped. There were large hulking objects, machinery or perhaps furniture? It was hard to tell with everything drawn with clothes canvas. They were arranged in a circle around the otherwise barren room. In the far corner, there was a door, possibly leading to a bathroom, I thought. And I was able to make out a large carved wooden cabinet beside a small kitchenette with a Refrigerator. I licked my lips, remembering the thirst that led me to stop here in the first place.

The Saddle Tramp steered me to the nearest apparatus, his hand still on the small of my back. “Remove the draw, my dear,” He said with a lilt, almost a laugh, in his voice. I did as he asked, my hands trembling uncontrollably. I gasped as I got my first view of the apparatus in the dim light. It was a gigantic “X” with thick leather straps toward the end of each leg and another at the intersection.

I tried to step back, but I might as well have tried to step back while leaning against a brick wall. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” he clicked sarcastically. “There is no turning back. Remember?”

I swallowed hard and managed to squeak out “Yes”.

“Good girl” he said with obvious pleasure. “I take from your reaction that you know what this is used for?” I nodded. “Excellent,” he said.

Then with a sudden firmness in his voice that sent my blood running cold he said “Turn around.” I did as he said and looked tenatively up into his face. His features were somewhat blurred in the low light, but his eyes practically glowed. He smiled. “Tell me your name.”

“Alexis.” I whispered, “B-but my friends call me Lexi.”

He nodded. “Step up onto the platform, Alexis.” I did.

He took a step towards me and, with the added height from the platform; I was nose to nose with him. He leaned in and kissed me softly, lingeringly on my lips. I inhaled his scent, full of musk, the dirt from a hard day’s work and the lingering smell of his cigarettes, usually an odor I find repellant, but mixed with his powerful pheromone pungency, it was intotoxicating. As he continued softly kissing me, his hands roamed down my arms, gently gripping my wrists and raising my arms above my head. With extreme dexterity, he strapped my wrists in place then broke the kiss.

“Who are you?” I asked him the blunt question while looking at him with wide eyes. I could still feel the motivationalness on my lips from his kiss.

“It depends on what you mean. My name is Steve. I am a traveler, a wanderer, an expert in a great many fields. But the most accurate answer to your question…” he paused to lean in and kiss my neck trailing kisses gently up my throat to my jaw line then to my ear, finishing his sentence in a deep controlled whisper, “… is that I am the man who is going to possess you. I am not Speaking of your body alone Alexis, but of your mind and your being. I will reach into you and touch you in ways that you have never been touched, physically or otherwise.” He kissed my ear and pulled back to gaze into my wide blue eyes with a knowing smile.

“And you know you need this; you know you want this. Your body knew long ago and woke to it the moment you saw me today. Didn’t it?”

I exhausted the single word in a hiss, suddenly aware that I had been holding my breath. “Yes!”

He smiled broadly, “Good girl.” His words of praise sent ships down my spine and an electric sensing to the most private parts of my body. And somehow I knew that he was aware of it all.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm my racing heart and mind, all the while, his hands continued his work. He traced his hands under the hem of my dress and down to my ankle, so slowly. He strapped my right ankle to the apparatus and then strapped the other ankle securely. He stood up to admit his handiwork. He frowned, turned on his heel and walked to the kitchenette. I saw a glint of light as he turned to walk back towards me and then realized with horror that he was holding an enormous hunting knife!

I inhaled and started to scream then stopped short as he placed his hand on my throat and squeezed tightly enough for me to understand what could happen so easily if I didn’t do as he said. He kissed my quivering lips, his hand still firmly on my throat, “You misunderstand, Alexis. I don’t have any intention to harm you. You can scream all you like; this room is well soundproofed, I assume you. But your screams mean you don’t trust me and that displeases me. In order for our exploration to be a success, you have to trust me. Understand?” I nodded, whimpering. He released my throat and knelt before me without a word.

With unbelievable skill, he slowly began to cut through the hem of my dress, up through the waistband and up to the neckline, opening the ruined dress revealing a simple white lace bra and matching panties. He sounded a soft low whistle and smiled. The flat edge of the knife touched my thigh; I gasped at its hard coldness. The sharp blade easily cut the little flap of lace at my left hip. He looked up at me and grinned. “Trust me, Alexis.” He pulled the little crotch of my panties down, making an approving sound as he noticed the wetness already there. With one swift motion, he cut through it and my panties fell to the dusty floor.

My head was spinning as his hands brushed lightly up my body to the silk scarf I had placed around my throat this morning. I like scarves as a fashion accessory; they make me feel mysterious and a little bit sexy somehow. He made an approving noise as he touched the scarf, reached towards it to cut it with the knife and then stopped. He whispered, more to himself than to me, “No, I have a better idea.” And with that, he gently and oh so carefully removed the scarf and laid it on a big chair in the corner.

My chest was rising and falling rapidly, a mix of panic, fear and arousal swirling within me. He looked into my eyes and sliced ​​the front of my bra and then each strap, letting it fall to the floor as well. His eyes widened slightly as my full breasts came into view. My nipples were already rock hard and tight. He placed his hands over my breasts and squeezed. I bit my lip but couldn’t prevent a soft moan from escaping. “Yes, Alexis. Release your inhibitions and limitations. Let yourself become my whore.” I cringed at the word. He pinched my nipples sharply as he chatised me, “No, Alexis. Don’t resist it. You cannot deny it. You are already my whore.” He smiled, “You came here willingly. You were offered an opportunity to leave and you did not take it. You are mine now, whether you like it or not.”

He grinned wickedly and gave each nipple a sharp twist. I gasped in pain and pulled helplessly against my binds; the pain sending an electric shock straight to my clip causing my body to shudder and jerk. He released my nipples suddenly and I found myself panting in relief as the blood surged back into them. His hand traced lazily down my abdomen, slightly soft and rounded since childhood. I blushed self-consciously, ridiculously wishing I had a flatter stomach. I flinched sharply as his finger brushed so close to my clip and then into my wet folds for just a moment. He took his finger into his mouth and moaned in delight.

“Delicious. My little whore is a bit of a painslut as well. She is such a good little whore. We are going to have even More fun than I first thought. Alexis, you are such a naughty little girl hiding underneath an uptight woman’s dress.”

I closed my eyes in shame, feeling my juices flow as his low chuckle filled the empty room.


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