Author’s Note. I’m finding writing these 750-word stories really interesting. Not only do I have to par my plots down to their barest essentials, I find my style changing at the sentence level as well. It becomes sparer and more Hemmingway-esque (in structure if not in quality). But I miss the character development. Soon I’ll go back to regular-length stories once I’m finished having fun with these vignettes.
Another Saturday afternoon of matchstick poker and beer at Mel’s. Just like last time, no Erin kneeing at Mel’s feet, and my cock hardened as I thought about how Mel had invited me downstairs to ass-fuck his bound and gagged sub.
Finally, Mel had all the matchsticks. Rather than divide them up again so we could keep playing, he said, “Well, aren’t you going to ask me where Erin is?”
“I didn’t want to be rude. I figured you’d tell me in good time.”
“As I recall, we both asked you to ‘come back soon.’ It seems Erin gotquite a blast out of our improvement threesome.” He stood and beckoned me downstairs.
When we got there, I expected to find Erin bent over a bondage benchmark like last time. But instead, Erin’s wrists were cuffed to the wall behind her and her legs were bent up and cuffed to the wall beside her shoulders to force her into pretzel position.
“Shit, how long has she been like that?”
“Couple hours.”
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
“Sure it hurts. She’s a sub, she likes being hurt. But she’s also into yoga, and she’s incredibly flexible. I wouldn’t do that to her if I didn’t know she could handle it.”
I ran my fingers between Erin’s pussy lips. She was soaking, and the room was saturated with the scent of arousal. “That position seems to be doing the usual job of getting her horny,” I remarked. As if in agreement, Erin made a frustrated-sounding mmmmppphh behind her gag and compromised as much as her bonds would let her, making her magnificent breasts rock from side to side.
“I want to show you something we’ve been working on.”
Mel squirted lube on his hand, then worked some around and into the asshole that was lewdly displayed by Erin’s rolled-up position. He worked three fingers into Erin’s anus until his curled fourth finger stopped them just before the knuckles. “We’ve been working on getting my fist up her ass. That’s as far as we’ve gotten so far, but she might be able to take more by now. Your hands are smaller than mine — want to see how far you can get?”
I lubed my hand, bunched three fingers together, and pressed them against Erin’s pumper. Since her ass was already gaped, they slide easily up to almost the knuckles the way Mel’s had done. Erin clamped down on my fingers and drew a long, shuddering breath of pleasure through her nose.
I pulled my fingers out, gave them another shot of lube, and pushed all four back in. Erin screwed her eyes shut and started taking deep, regular breaths to deal with the stretch. With one more good push, my knuckles disappeared up her ass until my hand was stopped by my outstretched thumb. Erin grunted again, but it sounded more like a grunt of effort than a grunt of pain.
“Bloody hell, Dave. You’re doing it! All the stretching we’ve been doing is paying off.”
“Do you want me to try for the Big Five?”
“Why not? You seem to have the touch.”
I looked at Erin’s face. She thought for a few seconds, then nodded. I brought my fingers and thumb together in the classic bird’s-beak shape and pushed them into Erin’s still-gaped asshole. As I pushed further in, it took more and more effort to keep my hand slowly moving up Erin’s rectum as her ring was stretched tighter and tighter around it. Erin screwed her eyes shut again made several More grunts of effort.
As my hand reached its widest point at my five knuckles, I let it rest there for a full minute. Then I twisted it back and forth slightly to encourage it and gave another firm push. Erin gave one more grunt, a little more scrill than the previous ones, and my hand popped past her sphincter and slid easily the rest of the way until her sphincter was tightly gripping my wrist.
I didn’t think it would be a good idea to thrust with it at that point, but I uncurled my fingers a little and massed where I figured her G-spot would be on the other side of her rectal walls. In seconds, Erin rocketed to a full-body, shuddering orgasm, accompanied by a loud wail of pleasure through her nose. She arched her body away from the wall, then collapsed against it and hung simply from her cuffs, panting.
“Dave,” said Mel. “You da man.“
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