I was killing an otherwise boring afternoon playing Texas Hold’em over a few beers with my good buddy Mel.
“Hey, Mel,” I said suddenly. “Where’s Erin? She’s usually kneeing at your feet when you’re doing something like this.” Erin is Mel’s sub, and she seldom misses a chance to let Mel dominate her, especially in public.
Mel took a sip of his beer and replied, “Oh, we’re planning a scene later tonight and she’s downstairs getting ready.”
I wondered what “getting ready” means in this context. Hair and makeup? Fetish gear? Douche and enema?
Mel obviously saw the puzzled look on my face. He laid his cards face down and said, “Come on, I’ll show you.”
We went downstairs to Mel’s finished basement. He opened what appeared to be a walk-in closet, and there was Erin. She was facing away from us, stark naked, bent over a waist-high padded bench with her wrists cuffed to the legs on the far side and her ankles to the legs on the near side, forcing her legs farapart and displaying her bare pussy and pumped brown asshole. She raised her head and shook the blonde hair out of her face to look at us over her shoulder, letting me see that she had a wide leather panel gag over her mouth. Judging by the way the skin puffed out around the edges, it was insanely tight.
Erin thrashed against her restraints and made a loud, frustrated-sounding “MMMMMPPPHHH!” behind the gag. “I find that she’s much more into our scenes if I leave her tied up for an hour or two beforehand. It gives her libido lots of time to come to a good, rolling boil.” Mel reached between Erin’s spread legs and ran a finger between her pussy lips, already pulled slightly apart by her position. He brought his finger to his nose, savouring the musky scent of female arousal.
“Ah, I think she’s perking nicely now.” He looked at me and said, “Want to take her for a test drive?”
I gave him another puzzled look. “Go on. It’s not like there won’t be anything left for me.” He gave Erin a good, hard swat on her temptingly displayed bum, leaving a bright red handprint. “You’d like to take my good buddy Dave for a ride, wouldn’t you, dear?” Erin made an affordable “Mmmm-hmmm” noise behind the gag.
I shrugged, dropped my pants and underwear, and stepped out of them. As I positioned myself behind Erin, I asked, “Any particular hole?”
“She likes it in all of them. I’m planning to fill up that lovely pussy of hers later, so why don’t you start her off with some cock up the ass?”
“Works for me.” Mel held out a pump bottle of lube. I held out my cupped hand and he squirted a generalized dollar into it, which I rubbed on my stiffening cock and around Erin’s asshole. I made a side trip to her pussy and ran my finger between Her lips, over her engaged clip and up her soaking vagina. Mel was right – that was definitely one ready-for-action piece of equipment. Erin made a long “Mmmmmmm” of satisfaction and her vaginal walls clamped firmly on my finger.
I reached around her body and helped myself to a double handful of the general breasts that were dangling accordingly from her chest. Her large pink nipples were as engaged as her clip, and got even harder when I pinched them firmly between thumb and forefinger. Then I let go with one hand and used it to guide my cock up to her tight brown starfish. As I pressed the tip against it, her sphincter automatically resistant, but as I pressed harder, I felt it open enough to let my glans slide inside. I stopped pushing and just stood there, savouring the feel of her tight ring clamped around the end of my shake as her back passage got used to the intruder.
I heard another satisfied “Mmmmmm” from behind the gag. I took that as my cue to slide more and more of my shake up her asshole until it completely disappeared in her tight, warm tunnel.
I totally forgot about our card game as I began to thrust, my public bone slapping against the soft mounds of her backside. Each thrustdrive her body forward on the benchmark and made her dangling breasts sway erotically.
I said to myself, “This afternoon is turning out not to be boring after all.”
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