In a small apartment, with ‘Let It Snow’ playing in the background. Sachiko medicines around in an over-sized snowman sweater, Christmas light leggings, and a pair of reindeer antlers. She has cleaned up the living room, and shifted the furniture so there is a nice empty area. She is making the final preparations for later. Setting down a pair of rolled up towels and a six-pack of Gatorade near a bottle of lube on the coffee table.
Almost immediately an amount of impatience sets in. So as any good sub would, Sachiko bends forward so her loose top is even more revealing, and brings a finger to her lip. She makes her most innocent face as she snaps a pic.
Sending it to Jessica with the caption ‘”Have I been naughty?”
With the living room all set Sachiko struts into the bedroom to take a nap. She Knows she won’t be getting any sleep tonight.
Jessica races home after work, with only a quick detour to Starbucks. Juggling her’s and Sachiko’s coffee as she pulls out her keys. She does her best to sneak in, hoping to catch Sachiko off guard. The living room is vacant. Cautiously she checks the kitchen. Empty. She creeps into the bedroom. There she finds her prey. Sachiko sleeping on her side, with her back to the door. Jessica slowly sets the coffees on the nightstand and puts her purse on the floor. Slips off her shoes and jacket. Then she crawls into bed. As her hand brushes Sachiko’s side, Sachiko instinctively wriggles her butt closer.
Once Jessica’s arm is in position, she grabs Sachiko tightly and presses her lips onto Sachiko’s neck. Sachiko cries out as she scrunches up.
“So mean” Sachiko playfully whiles.
Jessica moves her lips to nip Sachiko’s ear. Then whispers “As mean as turning me on with an hour of work left?”
Sachiko only giggles in response. Jessica looses her grip, and Sachiko spins around. Both of their beautiful brown eyes lock for a moment. Broken as the two kiss deeply. Tongues quickly cuddling like therest of their bodies. Jessica’s hands slide to Sachiko’s butt. Sachiko taste’s Jessica’s coffee in her mouth.
As their lips break, Sachiko asks “Did you bwing me cofwee?” blinking excessively.
“Of course, baby”
Jessica pulls Sachiko on top of her and kisses her again. Sachiko’s hands now grope Jessica’s chest.
After a couple of smoothes, Jessica commands “Alright, now grab your coffee and go make dinner, while I shower.” punctuating her demand with a slap on Sachiko’s butt.
Giddily Sachiko hops off and Grabs her coffee. Jessica leers at her as she scanners off to the kitchen.
Slowly Jessica sits back up and sips her coffee, before lumbering to the bathroom. Sachiko quickly turns on the oxygen, and puts a pot on the stove top full of water. While waiting on both of these to heat up she decides to peek on Jessica in the shower. She’s in luck the bathroom door is still slightly open. Jessica’s sepia skin seeming to shimmer in the water. Her supplement form curving streams of water around itself. After getting an eyeful Sachiko slinks back to the kitchen. The water now boiling Sachiko pours in the pasta. She then puts another pot with sauce on the stove on low. She sets the garlic bread on a baking tray. She pulls out a pair of plates, and grabs out some lettuce and purple cabbage. She starts slicing them up.
The over beeps, and Sachiko instantly slides the garlic bread in. Setting a timer, then stirring both pots on the stove before turning back to the veggies. She piles some lettuce and cabbage on both plates, then shreds some carrots on top. She strains the pasta in the sink, plates it then turn the heat off on the stove as she proceeds to ladle sauce over the plates. She moves the plates over to the table. She grabs a pair of forks and puts them on the table. Sachiko opens the friedge and tries to decided which wine she wants with dinner. Jessica had snuck in behind her and Sachiko feels a pair of hands snake up her shirt to squeeze her breast. She bites her lip and leans her head back slowly onto Jessica’s shoulder.
“White wine good for you?” Sachiko asks softly.
“Sure” says Jessica before giving Sachiko a peck on the chef.
Jessica withdraws her hands and struts over to the table. Sachiko grabs a riesling and a pair of glasses. She pours them at the table and leaves the bottle there. She kisses Jessica back. The two sit down to eat. Sachiko almost immediately has to get back up for the bread. Taking it out and slicing it quickly before sitting down for real.
After dinner the two move to the living room. “You ready baby?” Jessica asks.
Sachiko’s smile grows “Yes, mommy”.
“Lose the legs then” Jessica says.
Sachiko turns away to bend over as she Pulls the wait down to her ankles. Jessica admits the view, as she gathers a long ribbon and a bullet vibrator.
Passing the vibe to Sachiko she says “Put this in baby, and keep the cord out of the way as I tie”
Sachiko happily obeys. Jessica guides Sachiko to lie on her back. and lifts both her ankles onto one shoulder.
“Now try not to struggle much, this isn’t as strong as the rope” Jessica warns as she wraps the ribbon around Sachiko’s legs.
First binding her thighs together, then joining that tie to one her calves. Keeping Sachiko’s legs in a kneeing position. Jessica sits Sachiko onto her knees.
“Such a good girl” Jessica praises, kissing Sachiko’s neck.
She takes the control for the vibe from Sachiko and sets it on the floor, but not before turning it on to low. Gently Jessica gathers Sachiko’s silky black hair and draws it over Sachiko’s left shoulder.
“Let’s get this out of the way. Now stack your hands.” Jessica says lowly in Sachiko’s ear.
Sachiko readily obeys. Moving her arms to behind her back with one over the other. Jessica uses another ribbon to wrap around Sachiko’s arms. Tying a bow at the end.
“I can’t wait to open this present” Jessica gleefully excerpts.
Jessica moves in front of Sachiko.
“Comfy?” Jessica asks.
“Yes” Sachiko responses.
“Want anything before we continue?” Jessica asks.
“Gatorade me, please” Sachiko requests.
“Got it, baby” Jessica says grabbing a Gatorade from the coffee table.
In a very practical move Sachiko slightly tilts her head back and opens her lips slightly as Jessica lightly presses the bottle to Sachiko’s lips and carefully tilts it up. After a few gulps, Sachiko hums and Jessica pulls the bottle away. Jessica puts the bottle down on the coffee table.
Sachiko says “Ready now”.
Jessica moves back and ties a satin blindfold on Sachiko. Turning up the vibrator, Jessica kisses Sachiko Passionately. She sets the vibrator back to low as she stops kissing Sachiko, and gags her.
“I’ll be right on the couch. If you need anything just shake your head. Got it?” Jessica says.
Sachiko nods slowly. Jessica sits on the couch and turnson ‘Jingle All The Way’.
Her eyes always shoot over to Sachiko when she shifts. Jessica’s sadistic anticipation growing. The movie should end a bit before midnight but she has plans for before the midnight ‘unwrapping’. Sachiko feels herself growing hot. In this masochist wet dream. Eagerly anticipating what Jessica has for her later. As the radio station scene comes on, Sachiko starts shaking her head. Jessica jumps up and take the gag out.
“What is it baby?”.
“Gatorade me, please” Sachiko says.
Jessica picks the bottle from earlier off the floor near Sachiko. Sachiko slightly tilts her head back, and opens her lips slightly, and again Jessica presses the bottle to her lips and slowly tilts it. As Sachiko hums again, Jessica puts the bottle down again.
“Such a spoiled girl” Jessica teases.
“Thank you, mommy” Sachiko replies, sticking her tongue out ever so slightly.
Jessica quickly pushes her lips onto it sucking lightly. Then presses her own tongue into Sachiko’s mouth forcedly.
Jessica quickly pulls away, and asks “All good?”.
Sachiko nods. Then Jessica reinserts the gag. She sits back down on the couch.
The movie reaches the credits. Jessica lays a couple of the pillows from the couch behind Sachiko and then to Sachiko’s surprise she is slowly lowered back. Pillows above and below where her arms are to Support her body, with one behind her head as well. Jessica quickly dashes to the kitchen. Coming back with the bottle of wine, and a glass with some ice cubes.
Jessica takes another sip of wine. Then slowly tugs up Sachiko’s sweater. Kissing as more of her body was revealed. Starting at the belly, up past the belly button, over her abs, to her perky tits. Jessica’s hand grabs out an ice cube from the glass. At first she holds it above Sachiko’s body dripping a trail all over. Sachiko squirms a lot.
“Ah baby, you gotta at least try to stay still . . .” Jessica says turning up the vibratorslowly with her other hand “or be punished.” Jessica laughs.
Sachiko makes notable effort to reduce her squirming. She still can’t help but jump as Jessica finally touches her with the ice. Starting low on her side, bringing it up to her belly button. Then tracing up between her breast. Jessica holds it there for a moment before using it to trace around one of Sachiko’s nipples. This ice cube now mostly melted Jessica slides it back down and leaves it in Sachiko’s belly button. Jessica grabs another ice cube.
“Oh no, your nipple must be so cold” Jessica says in her best exasperated gasp. “I better warm it up.” She continues, lowering her mouth on to the nipple she traced with ice.
Gently sucking and licking with her lips locked onto it. Jessica brings the new ice up to Sachiko’s other nipple and starts tracing that one. As Sachiko shifts from the new icy contact, the pool of water in her belly button forms a drop that rolls down her side to her back. Tickling her along the way. Leading Sachiko to bow her body towards Jessica. Jessica’s lips finally leave Sachiko’s nipple.
“Well now I need to do the other one don’t I?”
Sachica puts her mouth on Sachiko’s other nipple. Her hands now lift the gag to slide what’s left of the second ice cube into Sachiko’s mouth.
Jessica moves her mouth off Sachiko’s chest to hover over Sachiko’s face. She takes the gag out. Then dips her finger tips into the glass before bringing them up to Caress Sachiko’s chest. As Sachiko yelps, Jessica’s lips pounce onto hers. The kiss calming Sachiko down, while her chest went from being cooled to feeling warmer and warmer. A timer on Jessica’s phone goes off. The two end their kiss.
Carefully Jessica sits Sachiko back up. Untying Sachiko like a kid excitedly opening a present. Jessica turns the vibrator off. Sachiko has grabbed the Gatorade and finished off the bottle. Jessica stands in front of Sachiko and holds her elbows at her sides and her arms forward to help Sachiko up.
A second after Sachiko has stood up, Jessica asks “Are you good, baby? Do I need to sit you on the couch?”
“No, I just need to run to the restroom.”
“Alright baby, I’ll be waiting.”
Sachiko walks to through the bedroom to the bathroom. Meanwhile Jessica grabs a towel off the coffee table, wiping up the small pool from under where Sachiko was. She then grabs the other towel and puts it on the couch. She strips before sitting on the towel. She gets back up to grab a Gatorade for herself, before sitting back. She sips on the Gatorade. Sachiko comes back in.
“Ready, mommy”
“Alright baby, come give mamma some loving.” she says gesturing for Sachiko to come closer with a finger.
Sachiko straddles Jessica’s leg. With one knee solidly on the couch and the other resting on it. Sachiko starts to kiss Jessica, as she rubs two fingers over Jessica’s other lips. Occasionally teasing the clip at the top of herstrokes. While pressing on Jessica’s shoulder with her other hands.
Jessica’s fingers are doing much the same on Sachiko’s body. The two start nipping each other’s lips between kisses. Sachiko slips a finger in, and aggressively pushes Jessica down. Jessica in a laying position no longer to reach Sachiko’s pussy. Sachiko hops back to bring her lips to Jessica’s clip.
“Baby, that’s . . hnn . . . nau au aughty.” Jessica tries to scold.
Sachiko decides to make the most of her bad behavior as she get’s Jessica to orgasm, she keeps going shooting for getting another quickly after. Jessica lets Sachiko play the part of top for a bit.
After reaching another orgasm, Jessica finally pushes up and pulls Sachiko to the bedroom by the arm.
“You know you can just ask me to spank you baby?” Jessica chuckles.
“I was ‘asking’” Sachiko giggles.
“Alright , do a couple squats then bend over the bed baby.” Jessica commands, pulling open the drawer of the bedside table.
She grabs a leather covered paddle from inside and tosses on the bed beside Sachiko.
Closing the drawer Jessica moves to a side behind Sachiko. She cups the cheats a couple times each before giving a few quick spanks with just her hands. She then quickly darts out to the living room and grabs her phone. She re-enters the bedroom and give Sachiko the phone.
“Pick the song baby.” Jessica orders.
‘It’s The Most Wonderful Time’ starts playing. Jessica shakes her head and rolls her eyes as she picks up the paddle.
“You really do love this cornball holiday” she laughs.
She starts spanking Sachiko in time with the song. Alternating 2 left chef, 1 right chef, 1 left chef, 2 right chef. Keeping it very light until the last couple of stanzas.
Once the song is over, Jessica asks “Are you ready to behave?”
“Yes, mommy”
“Good girl.” Jessica tosses the paddle back onto the bed.
She rests her forearm down of Sachiko’s back. Kissing Sachiko’s nape, as she slides her fingers into Sachiko. Sachiko bites her lip, her arms collapsed forward on the bed. Jessica thrusting two fingers in and back. The fingers never escaping entirely. Jessica bends the tip of one of the two fingers inside. Driving Sachiko wild. It doesn’t take long to get Sachiko off. It never does after a spanking.
To get even though, Jessica too keeps going as Sachiko orgasms. Jessica now starts leaving hickeys on Sachiko’s upper back. More aggressively thrusting in bursts whenever Sachiko lets out moans or gasps. Jessica doesn’t stop at getting Sachiko off again. Her sadistic nature starting to show. After Sachiko’s second orgasm, Jessica rolled her onto the bed and went down on her. Occasionally nibbling and licking Sachiko’s thighs. Her hand not inside Sachiko lightly scratching down her belly and sides, or wrapping around to squeeze Sachiko’s butt when Jessica pushed her tongue in deeply. Mercifully when she came again Jessica gave her areprieve.
“Can . . you please, give me another Gatorade, mommy” Sachiko now very promptly asks.
Extremely delighted at this pacification, Jessica says “Of course, baby”.
Giving her a quick kiss before going back to the living room to grab a couple of Gatorades. As she walks back into the bedroom, to the sight of a disheveled, vulnerable, and adorable looking Sachiko sprayed on the bed in exhaust. She gets that ‘Kodak moment’ feeling. ‘How could I get this lucky’ she thinks. Smirking as she crawls back into bed with Sachiko.
“Merry Christmas, baby” Jessica says kissing Sachiko while passing her a Gatorade.
“Merry Christmas, mommy” Sachiko smiles.
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