Unusual Therapist

A Most Unusual Therapist

Chapter 1 – Introduction

My name is Dr. Tony Zuletta. I am a trained and experienced psychological therapy with a Ph.D. from a major American university. To say that my current psychological therapy practice is a bit unusual is a gross understatement. Up until two years ago, I ran a traditional generalist practice. Then I gradually moved into sex therapy both for couples and singles. But even that doesn’t begin to describe my current practice. Please have patience and I will explain. I am forty-seven years old and widowed. Five years ago, I lost my wife Cheryl tragically in an automobile accident. We had been married for twenty-two years. She was my best friend, my only lover, and mother to my two children. In short, she was my everything. It took me over two years of therapy to finally figure out a way to deal with her death. And in many ways, I’m still not over it. But I cope. And one of the ways I cope is through my work.

About two years ago, a new patient, Melinda Vandy, was referred to me by a long-time patient who underwent marriage counseling with me. When I meet a female patient for the first time, I try to look at them with a detached, clinical eye and not from the typical male perspective. That’s much more difficult to do that with some women than with others. In Melinda’s case, it was a challenge to remain clinical. The First thing I noticed about her is that she had the exact body type that I find most sexy and attractive and bore a striking resemblance to my deceased wife. She wasn’t a young woman. But at forty-two years of age, she was sensitive in a mature kind of way. Melinda stood about 5 foot 5 inches and was just a little on the heavy side. She had a narrow waist with just a hint of a belly. Given her age and the fact that she had two children, this was understandable. She also had thicker than normal legs and tighs, but I personally find these sexy on a woman. Melinda had a larger thanaverage butt, but it appeared very solid and was completed nicely by her wider than average hips. To give you a visual, let me just say that she was a fifty-something year-old version of Demi Lovato, but with shoulder length, curly platinum blonde hair. (Yes, I have a thing for Demi Lovato! Okay, call me a dirty old man.) On top of that, she had the same body type and personality as my deceased wife. After I got over my initial typical male observation, I was able to focus on the clinical. When I see a new patient, I go through the preliminaries, like asking about medical history, medicines, traumatic events in their lives, and finally their marriage.

When I got to the details of her marriage, Melinda told me that she had the “best husband in the world.” Charlie, as she called him, was a wonderful partner and they had a great marriage and sex life. They raised two great sons and now they love to travel. With both their jobs (her husband was a doctor and Melinda was an insurance professional), they didn’t have time to travel as much as they liked. They have a wide circle of friends, though they tend to spend most of their free time with each other. I asked her to describe her sex life. It sounded like it was nothing short of spectacular. “After twenty years of marriage, we’re still very much sexually active and the sex is more than fulfilling. Sure, things have slowed down a bit. But Overall, I would say that we make love more frequently than most couples of our age. Charlies is a gifted lover, and I never find sex with him boring or plain vanilla.”

Okay. Now for the question every patient gets after the preliminaries are out of the way. “Melinda. How can I help you?” I could tell that Melinda was struggling to answer that question. She squirmed in her seat and hesitated. This was fairly typical with patients who are wrestling with an emotional problem. She looked down at the floor and then spoke.

“This is kind of embarrassing, doctor.” She hesitated and after a few seconds, told me about growing up in a home with an abusive father and domineering mother. Melinda got a later start than most kids going off to college. Because of money issues, she had to remain home until she was twenty-one. She related that her father sexually assaulted her just before she left for college. Her mother was aware of what happened but refused to respond to Melinda’s cries for help. She left home at twenty-one and never went back. To this day, she is still stranged from her parents. As a result of this trauma, it was difficult for Melinda to sustain healthy relationships with the opposite sex. It took her two years before she had sex with a man she trusted. But she always tended to go for the bad boy type. Sex with them was typically rough with little emotion. As a college senior, she experimented with BDSM with one of her boyfriends. The experience was very exciting, but when it got to the physical hitting and whipping, she got turned off and never went back to it. When she met her husband shortly after graduating from college, she was able to put that experience behind her. Her husband was gentle, loving, handsome, and cared for her every need. She was in love and for the last twenty years was able to suppress her desire for bad boys and light BDSM bondage and sex. Then something happened that caused her to consult with me.

Once a week, she and her Girlfriends would get together for dinner and drinks, typically at one of their homes, but sometimes at restaurants or clubs, or they might take in a movie. They would spend most of their time talking and socializing; all of the normal stuff middle-aged wives and mothers do with friends. About two months ago they got around to discussing sex. They often discussed sex, but this conversation took a less traditional turn. Her friend Meghan initiated the discussion about how things were getting a bit stale in her bedroom. Work and life’s normal stresses seemed to be taking a toll on her and her husband’s sex life.

Meghan went on to relate how she and her husband Rodger brainstormed to come up with ways to spice things up. They couldn’t seem to agree at first on anything that they thought would work. Then early one evening, a delivery truck pulled up in front of their house. The delivery person left a rather large and heavy box on their front porch, rang the doorbell, and left. Meghan brought the package in, opened it, and had no idea what the heck it was. She doubled check the address to see if she was the correct recipient. It was indeed addressed to her. It kind of looked like a saddle and it came with a bag that had funny looking objects in it, one of which appeared to be a dildo-like device. The name on the product was “Sybian.” When she read the instruction book and discovered that it was a sex machine for women, she felt flush and a little excited. She read the directions, set up the machine, but would wait until her husband got home to discuss what he had in mind with this thing.

Her husband came home all excited, knowing that the Sybian got delivered that day. When he walked through the door, Meghan gave him a strange kind of look, winked, grabbed him by the hand, and pulled him into their home office where the Sybian sat in the middle of the room. No words needed to be exchanged. Thank God the kids were out for the night.

Rodger was drooling as Meghan quickly shed her clothes. He saw that in the center of the room the Sybian was all set up. Meghan was initially going to opt for the conservative clinical nub attachment. Instead, she went with the latest attachment to be released by Sybian: an 8 inch very flexible dildo that came with a tube attached to a separate motor. When she first saw it, she felt its girl was way too small. But after she read the directions, she Nearly came just thinking about it. Meghan handed Rodger the controls, and without any words spoken between them, he generally lubed up the attachmentment.

Meghan straddled the Sybian and gently lowered herself until the dildo attachment was firmly seated inside of her. She spoke for the first time: “Okay lover. On the main control panel, turn on the lowest violation setting.” As he did that, he heard a low hum from the machine, and Meghan let out a soft purr indicating that the Sybian had begun working. After she came down from the initial wave of pleasure, she instructed him to turn on the second controller, which was attached to the dildo. Again, Rodger heard a soft humming sound. The dildo began to fill with air and expand in girl inside Meghan’s vagina. Even at the half-way setting, the thickness was incredible and touched her every nerve. And to add to the thickness, Meghan could feel the mushroom-like head expand greatly, way out of proportion to the shaft. After it filled, the mushroom head kept pulsing. With vibrations nearing the machine’s mid-range, Meghan let out a more guttural moan of building pleasure. With hervoice cracking, she instructed Rodger to turn up the viruses a notch and to turn the knob that controlled rotation. Between the viruses and the pulsating head, Meghan thought she would pass out from the pleasurable sensings that were cursing through her body.

As the slow rotations and the intensity of the viruses continued, Meghan’s arousal began to build. It was obvious that she was losing all control. She let out louder guttural noises as she arched her back. There was no need to shift position, as the width of the dildo inside her hit all her sensitive spots. She could feel the veiny protrusions rub her g-spot, while the head hit the back of her vagina. It was like nothing she ever felt. She let out a scream of instruction to Rodger: “Faster, faster! Now!” she urged him. Meghan lasted only seconds more as wave after wave of pleasure shot out from her vagina, down to her toes and back again. Rodger got a little nervous, so he slowed down the machine to the lowest setter. Meghan yelled, “No! Faster! Ugghh. Aaarggh. Faster!” This went on for twenty minutes, giving her countless orgasms, one after the other. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. She reached out for Rodger’s arm, and he knew to turn the machine off. The dildo deflated and Meghan collapsed backward on the floor.

As Melinda was relating this story to me in our therapy session, I could see that her excitement was building just talking about it. I thought how strange of a therapy session this was turning out to be. But the best was yet to come. Melinda then related what happened when she went home from that girls’ night out.

“Here’s part of the problem, doctor. I was so damned horny when I drove home, I had to restrain myself from bringing myself off in the car. That hasn’t happened Since in years. Pardon me if this sounds a bit crude, but I was so wet, my panties were soaked through. When I walked in the door, Charlie was in his office watching television and sitting on his futon. I dropped my bag and literally ran in there. Charlie was wondering if everything was OK. I tore off my clothes and jumped him. After struggling to get his clothes off, I impaled myself on his cock in a reverse cowgirl position. This is unusual since Charlie likes to use plenty of foreplay. He usually brings me to the edge several times before he lets me come. Charlie is a very gifted and considered lover, Always thinking of my orgasm before his own. This night was no different. In my horny frenzied state, I told him to hold off as long as possible. Of course, being the ever considered lover, that wasn’t a problem for him. He has unbelievable staying power. I must have been riding Charlie for an hour in that same position and stopped counting the orgasms. The fact that Charlie is also very well-endowed with a bigger than normal head, made me compare him in my mind to the Sybian attachment in the story that Meghan related earlier that evening. When I finally had enough, I begged Charlie to come in me. That precipitated my last orgasm.”

Although I was captured by her story, I had to bring the session to a close for two reasons. First, we were running out of time. Second, despite my best efforts to remain detached and clinical, I found the whole story so erotic, I thought I might come in my pants. As I wound the session down, I told Melinda that she related a very Interesting story and the pieces are starting to come together. But I still didn’t know what it is she wanted out of her therapy sessions with me.

“So far, what you’ve told me is a pretty normal response to a very erotic experience at your friend Meghan’s house. So, what’s the problem? You and your husband had great sex. Sorry, but I don’t see where you’re going here.”

Melinda then Reluctantly gave up the first reason for her visit to me. “You see, doctor, the first problem is that the whole time I was riding my husband I wasn’t really thinking about him. I was completely focusedsed on the memory of the story that Meghan told me about her first time on the Sybian. I didn’t give any thought to Charlie, just to me. I feel so guilty, like I cheated or something.”

“Alright. We can discuss those guilty feelings next time. But as I see it, that’s an easy problem to solve. Just share the experience with Charlie and tell him about it. You might even find that you can incorporate that Sybian memory again in your lovemaking and both get off on it. Or you both might consider purchasing a Sybian or similar machine.”

Melinda immediately cut me off. “No way, doctor! There are some things about Charlie you just don’t understand yet. I could never do that. It would put my marriage in jeopardy. Then she added that there’s a more serious problem that we needed to discuss as a result of this experience. This might also have a negative effect on her marriage, she told me. She asked that I be patient and that she would tell me the rest of the story at our next session.I checked my schedule in Outlook Calendar and asked if she could return for her second session in one week at the same time.

“Doctor, I’m asking for a personal favor here. Is there any way you can see me tomorrow? I really need to get to a resolution of this problem before I do or say something to Charlie and it puts a serious dent in our marriage.” I was taking the next day off, but I thought that hearing more of Melinda’s stories might be more entertaining than a round of golf. I booked Melinda for the next afternoon. We ended our session with Melinda looking a bit relieved that she got some of this off of her chest.

Chapter 2 — More revelations

Following my initial meeting with Melinda, I could give little thought to much else. Her story was fascinating, erotic, and left many unanswered questions about what she would want from therapy. More than that, I felt like she evoked some personal memories of my relationship with my wife. Even though I had been nothing butprofessional, I still worried that at some point I might cross some ethical line with this patient. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait too long, since our next appointment was the very next day.

“I want to thank you again, doctor, for fitting me in today. I’m really distressed over this whole thing, and the sooner I get it resolved, the better.” I held off on responding and telling Melinda that anything involving malinda relations usually take a long time to resolve, and almost always require the willing participation of both spouses. Melinda made it very clear to me in our first session that involving her husband Charlie was off the table.

“I’m happy to help, Melinda. When we left off last time, you mentioned the guilt feelings you experienced when you had intense sex with your husband following the story your friend Meghan told you at your girls’ night out. You said there was more. Why don’t you go on and related the rest of the story?”

“Following that episode with my husband, I was vacillating between the guilt I was feeling about my sexual selfishness that night and the pleasure I derived from it. But even more than that, I could not stop thinking about Meghan’s story. It literally consumed me.

“I made up my mind that I had to do something about it. I called Meghan and asked if there was any way I could try the Sybian in her home. Of course, merely asking the question led to more guilt. I know that technically it wasn’t cheating on Charlie, but I felt like it was. Meghan enthusiastically agreed and we set up a time. She asked if I would like to be alone when I try it or if I would like to have her there. I’ve known Meghan for years and trust her with my life. I thought it would be prudent to have her there just in case I missed the machine. I didn’t want to hurt myself. We set it up for the next day and I took the afternoon off from work. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep the night before and didn’t get much work done the next morning.

“When I arrived at Meghan’s house, she assured me that we would have several hours before her husband would arrive home. And her children were in school and at after school activities until 5 p.m. She took me into her spare bedroom and there it was in the middle of the floor. Meghan left me and I undressed. Letting her know that I was ready, Meghan reentered the room. I felt so deliciously wicked, as I was completely naked and wet from anticipation. After discussing the different attachments, I decided to choose either between the expandable dildo that Meghan used, and something called a GMax. The GMax attachment is a raised ball with ridges on it. Its diameter is larger than an above average penis and I knew it would take lots of lube to get it into my vagina. But the thought of struggle with it was exciting in and of itself. I chose the GMax.

“I lubed it up and got ready to mount it. I lubed myself up and was driving also with anticipation. One thing I haven’t told youAbout Meghan. She and her husband are into some light bondage. Nothing drastic; mostly restraints. On either side of the Sybian there were restraints mounted to the floor for ankles. I wasn’t planning on being restrained, but then the thought about my experiences in college with my bad boy boyfriends hit me. What the heck. In for a penny, in for a pound. After I descended on to the GMax, I worked it in gently and After a few seconds it popped right into place. It felt amazing on my g spot and the machine hadn’t even been turned on yet. Meghan shackled my ankles to the floor and had me rest my knees on pillows she had placed there earlier. Then she asked me to put my arms behind my back, after which she handcuffed me. I was a bit annoyed with her, but again, it added to the excitement.

” ‘Okay Meghan. I’m ready. Let’s fire this beast up.’ My heart was pounding with anticipation and before any movement took place, I flooded the machine with my juices which mixed with all the lube Iused. Meghan turned the vibrations to the lowest setting and let me get used to it for a few minutes. Then she raised it to the next level. ‘Oh God,’ I screamed out. ‘I feel so fucking full. This is fucking amazing.’ Then she hit the rotating button and it was off to the races. The GMax rotated 180 degrees inside my pussy and back again. I never felt anything like it. It was like spinning around on the head of a giant penis.

“I completely lost myself in erotic pleasure. Between the consistent vibrations that were sent up and down my vagina and the secondary vibrations that were transmitted out to my cliporis, I was seeing stars. As if that weren’t enough, with the intensity of the ball rubbing around my g spot, I just couldn’t hold back. Within the first few minutes I had a screaming orgasm. Then another, and another. I lost count. After the first few orgasms, Meghan slowed the machine down to minimum level again and asked me if I wanted a break. I screamed out, ‘No fucking way.I want more. Give me more. Turn the fucking thing up to max.’

“Whatever happened after that, I really can’t remember, other than the multiple orgasms I was having. The beast was humming as it carried on its assault on my vagina and sent wave after wave of pleasure through my body. I remember having one final orgasm that topped anything else I felt that day. Meghan told me I was babbling incoherently. ‘That’s it, faster, harder, harder. Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck. Fuck me you fucking beast. Oh shiiiiiit yeaahhh……argh…ungh!’ My eyes had already rolled to the back of my head and I was on the verge of passing out. At that point, Meghan decided to shut the machine down. It’s a good thing too, because I really don’t know what would have happened if she let it Continue. She uncuffed me and removed the shadowles from my ankles. As I lifted myself off of the machine, I heard an audible pop as the GMax dislodged from my vagina. Meghan was worried about me and had me lay on her bed. I fell sleep for an hour, got up, took a shower and left, completely oblivious to what was going on around me. It’s a wonder I made it home in one piece. I was so totally sated and incredibly sore. I didn’t dare go near my husband for a week. Several times during that week he sent me signals and I rebuffed and ignored all of them. He had been walking around like a lost puppy dog ​​and now I’m afraid I’ve permanently damaged my marriage. Of course, the guilt now is ten times worse than the last time.”


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