Unusual Conditions for Employment Pt 4 © 2023 by SHAFERLINE
Linda Wilson had started her new job with New World Marketing & Advertising after receiving an associate’s degree from a local community college. She had begun her first week as a receptionist/scheduler under the condition that if she successfully completed the first week’s job requirements, she would Begin a very unusual figure training and body modification program the following weekend at an offsite facility named SHAFERLINES. The name was an acronym for Super High Arched Footwear, Extremely Restrictive Lacing, Intense Nipple Elongation, School. Meeting the final goals, the company had set for Linda in this figure enhancing program, was one of the conditions required for her continued employment with the firm.
After far exceeding those initial job requirements and spending a productive figure training session that first weekend at SHAFERLINES, Linda was quickly promoted to be the primary projectspokesperson and model for a new client that was introducing to the marketplace a retro line of 50’s and early 60’s bullet or cone style bras. She had successfully modeled a prototype of that, sharp pointed cone bra under a tight sweater for that client’s team, when they had visited the company in St. Louis. That very professional modeling effort, in turned, led to her firm securing that marketing contract.
During that first two weeks of employment and training, Linda also discovered she had hidden submissive and exhibitionist tendencies that apparently had been repressed for years, as a result of her conservative upbringing. She also became infatuated with her new boss Mark, who was the dominate figure in their spontaneous sexual relationship. He also introduced her to ultra high heels and to BDSM, via some planned marketing ads for their new client’s cone bra introduction.
They both had just returned from a successful trip to that client, Fit and Form Lingerie Company located in Las Vegas. Linda had just completed her second weekend of intense figure training at SHAFERLINES when she returned by limousine to her apartment late that Sunday evening.
To her surprise, Linda had found her roommate, Nancy Newman waiting up for her to return. Nancy announced that she had broken up with her boyfriend and was to meet Brad Meyers, who was a sales representative she had met at her work in downtown St. Louis. She was a sales and marketing agent for the company, which was the headquarters of a national department store chain.
Brad had flirted with Nancy for some time when he periodically visited her at the office and had asked her out many times. She had turned him down saying that she had a steady boyfriend. However, now that she had broken up with that boyfriend, she had made a play for him the last time he was in the office. That’s when Brad discovered Nancy’s submissive side and set the ground work for a scheduled dinner meeting.
Nancy had goneon the explanation to Linda that he had agreed to meet her at an upscale restaurant the next evening if she dressed as he specifically detailed in an Email to her the evening before. Later on, that same evening, Nancy had tried on the various items of clothing and accessories she had purchased that day so that Linda could give her opinion on whether her outfit would meet Brad’s unique dress requirements. Brad was to evaluate Nancy’s Attire the next evening using an elaborate point value grading system. Nancy wanted Linda’s help to pre-evaluate her entire ensemble using that unique grading system. Linda had enthusiastically obliged and also made some further suggestions of her own.
Chapter 13
The next morning after their long conversation the night before, both Linda and Nancy prepared for their work day. After Linda performed her morning nipple training ritual and took her hormone and birthday control pills, she dressed as required by her company’s dress code but modified it today as directed by Mark, her boss and new boyfriend. She wore the new version of the prototype cone bra and put on a pair of black patent 6 inch siletto heeled pumps with needle toes which were much higher than the required minimum heel height of 5-1/4 inches for her 6-1/2 shoe size. She donned a white silk front buttoning blouse and a medium grey business suit with a matching black patent, four inch wide belt, cinched around her wait on the outside of the jacket. The matching suit skirt was hemmed about two inches above her knees.
Before leaving for work, Linda went to Nancy’s bedroom while she was getting ready for work and said to her, “You know I’ve been thinking about Brad’s comments about using some of his so-called, ‘nipple training devices’ to determine your nipple sensitivity status. And, I think you should do Some last minute nipple sensitivity enhancements, on your own. I’ll give you double or triple doses of the same supplements that I’m now taking. You can take themThough the day at work. I know it’s a last minute thing, but it may help to get them more sensitive for what Brad has in store for them tonight.”
Before Linda could say anything more, Nancy interrupted and said, “I should have told you last night when you lacing me into the cone bra that I had already started a nipple and areola training routine on my own! At first, I was a little appreciated About taking additional hormones since I had been taking birth control pills with Estrogen, which was already causing my nipples and areolas to swell and become much more sensitive for some time. But after my ‘session’ with Brad in my office, I definitely changed my mind.”
Nancy continued, “So that same evening, before my trip to LA the next day, I went on line and found a website that would sell Domperidone, which is outlawed in the US, but is available in Canada, which was where this site was located. Since it could be shipped from a US storage location that avoided customs, I had it shipped overnight express to my hotel in LA for delivery that Wednesday evening after I arrived. Also, before I left St, Louis Wednesday, I bought, over the counter, some Fenugreek and additional Estrogen pills to further increase my areola and nipple sensitivity. So, I have been taking double doses of those hormones since Wednesday evening as well as massaging and manually exercising them every chance I get!”
Linda loudly exclaimed, “Wow, you really did get into this nipple training thing in I big way! Last night, I thought your nipples and areolas were fuller than I remember, particularly those puffy areolas and fuller than normal breasts for that matter. Also, when you said that your nipples were about a 1/2 an inch long, I didn’t say anything, but they appeared to be almost 3/4 inches long to me, even before the bra cup lacing. Not to mention, your bright pink areolas and bright red nipples made me think that there was some sort of increased blood flow involved. Now I knowWhy, with all those dos of hormones and added exercises, they definitely enhanced to your already perky breasts!”
Nancy again responded apologetically, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you first, but the cone bra cups seemed to even further sensitive my nipples, especially the very tips with those elasticized and scratchy sleeps; so, I just left it at that.”
“That’s no problem, I’m happy You took the initiative to start the training process, As I said last night, it seems that you have met the man in your life that you really deserve, so take full advantage of the situation.
Nancy replied, “Yes, I can’t believe how Brad makes me feel after my previous boyfriend. I don’t know how to explain it, but he is controlling me and I have no power, or desire to resist him. And, I don’t want him to stop that controlling process, at least in sexual situations!”
“You don’t have to explain to me since I’m going through the same experience,” Linda surprised.
At this point, theyBoth continued getting ready for work and Linda quickly left their apartment shortly after that conversation.
After Nancy finished her morning nipple training, she completed dressing in one of her typical black business suits that had a skirt that was a couple of inches shorter than she normally wore to work. She also wore an opaque white, front buttoning blouse, and the new four inch wide red suede belt that she cinched around her Waist the on outside of her suit jacket.
Nancy also had decided to wear the same underwired shelf bra that she had defeat to the office that day when she showed off her long hard nipples to Brad. It would allow her to roll the top part down so she could periodically perform her nipple and areola exercises in her private office. She also slipped on the red suede 5-1/4 inch heeled silettos that Linda had donated to help Nancy meet Brad’s unique dress code requirements for this evening’s dinner meeting.
After her shopping trip the day before, Nvitality had already decided that she wanted to begin wearing flasher, but still professional, suits and accessories to work and so she thought the belt, shelf bra, and silettos would be a good start in that direction. The underwired bra certainly gave her some more frontal projection, but the blouse and suit jacket toned down the pointiness of her thinly covered nipples. She also loved the way the higher heels showed off her legs while giving her additional status.
When Nancy got to work that day, it was hard for her to concentrate on the paperwork that she was reviewing since she again recalled the series of events that led up to tonight’s planned dinner meeting with Brad. Even though she had given Linda a detailed account of those events last night as well as admitting to her own nipple training program this morning, she still continued to reflect on them, while setting at her desk that morning.
She had taken her second, double dose of hormones and was feeling her breastsContinue to tingle and become even more responsive with each passing moment. Nancy had also continued to perform some of the nipple and areola exercises that she had started while on her trip to LA. She was easily able to regularly accomplish those exercises after partially unbuttoning her blouse and rolling down the thin lacy potion on the shelf bra to completely expose her nipples and areolas, all within the confines of her private office.
Later that morning, Nancy reminisced on how it all basically started less than three months ago when Brad Meyers first started coming to her office representing a national lingerie distributor. Since she was an agent of the company and did both buying and sales work, Brad had come to her as a sales representative for that distributor.
From the very beginning, he had flirted with Nancy and wanted her to go out with him on a date. She had a steady boyfriend and therefore turned down his invitations. However, as her relationship with herboyfriend deteriorated over the last few weeks, she started flirting back with Brad when he was in her office. Nancy had still refused to go out with him still saying that she had a steady boyfriend. However, she was attracted to Brad from the beginning as he was a hunk of a man, not much older than her and seemed to be a good guy, even with his flirting.
Nancy then recalled the last time Brad was in the office, which was when their relationship dramatically changed. It was last Tuesday before her emergency business trip to LA on Wednesday. She hadn’t told him of the breakup with her boyfriend on Sunday, but rather decided to go all out and really tease Brad during his visit.
So, on that Tuesday morning, she decided to put on that same, very flimsy but well underwired, white low-cut shelf bra under a tight pullover sweater which was also white. It was very thin, but still opaque. She also wore a black silk pencil skirt hemmed to about our 4 inches above her knees, which wasAbout two inches shorter than her normal business skirt length. She also wore dark black thigh high, stay-up nylons and her black suede Jimmy Choo, 12 cm heeled silettos and a tightly cinched, matching black suede 3-1/2 inch wide belt. She usually only wore black suede for dressier occasions and not to work. Her matching black silk suit jacket was something that, again that she generally only wore for special occasions.
Just before Brad was to arrive at her office that morning, she had decided to up the ante and really go all out and tease him by removing her jacket before turning up the thermostat to over 75 degrees. This would give her an excuse for having removed the suit jacket and in turn would display her perky bra covered breasts beneath the thin and tight sweater. Even though the material was opaque, it still would clearly display the profile of her breasts. What Nancy spontaneously did next though was definitely over the top, but she wanted to give Brad a ‘really goodshow’.
She then loosened her belt, untucked the front of the sweater and rolled it up to expose her low-cut bra and flipped the lacy top part down so that it fully exposed both her areolas and nipples. Nancy then fingered them to full attention.
At the time, she knew her erect nipples were already way above average at least a half an inch in length, if not more, when fully aroused. Her areolas had also puffed up, at least a half an inch, since she had started taking the birth control pills with Estrogen. That was several months ago, before her boyfriend was not so self-centered and docile in their sex lives.
Now, after more than four days of taking the additional hormones and performing manual nipple exercises, Nancy definitely felt that her nipples were more sensitive and longer and her areolas puffer as she definitely discovered when Linda had lacened her into the cone bra last evening.
Nancy then continued her detailed recovery of that day in her office and remembered that she had tucked her sweater back in and re-tightened the belt before Brad walked in the office. Nancy now realized that if she had been doing the same training that she was now doing, her areolas and nipples would have been much more dramatically displayed because of the additional hormones and her new manual exercising routine.
At the time, Brad had instantly locked on to her two aroused, half inch long nipples, which were clearly displayed by her tight sweater and had instantly quipped, “Well, you must be happy to see me today since your perky nipples are greeting me in such sexy fashion.”
She had blushed and jokingly responded by saying, “It’s only because the air conditioner had just gone off and it is still cold in here.”
He laughed and sarcastically said, “I’m sure that must be case, since it must be almost 80 degrees in here.”
He then quickly followed up by saying, “I suppose with those long hard nipples, your boyfriend must have a fieldday playing with them?”
Again, although still slightly blushing, she had responded in a rather dispatchate voice and told him, “Actually no, he’s not a nipple man.”
Nancy recalled that after that initial repartee, she had gone on to blatantly show off her shorter than normal skirt, wide black suede belt, dark nylons, and black suede designer pumps with the 4-3/4 inch siletto heels. She also told him about her emergency trip to Los Angles the following day. He then asked her if she dressed up today because she was going over to her boyfriend’s house that evening before her trip. She responded and told him that she wasn’t going over there till the weekend and then only to seriously discuss their relationship. She purposely didn’t disclose at that time, that she had already broken up with him and wasn’t going over there at all.
By that time, she knew that Brad was well aware that that she had hurt that outfit to deliberately tease him, and he therefore didn’t hesitateto take the opportunity and let her know that if she broke up with her boyfriend, he would to be next in line to show her what a real ‘nipple man’ would do to make them perform up to their full potential.
Brad then added a caveat, saying that he would only do that if those nipples she was showing off to him under the sweater weren’t falsies. Nancy then specifically remembered that at the time, she couldn’t help herself and had distinctly uttered the fatal words that would change her lifestyle forever.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out!”
He smiled, and said in an authoritarian voice, “I’m going to take you up on that challenge.”
He then told Nancy to rest her arms on the office chair arms, stay perfectly still, and close her eyes.
Nancy vividly recalled at that instant; She felt a previously unknown urge to instantly do what Brad had ordered. So, she quickly compiled and momentarily felt his presence behind her as she sat perfectly still with hereyes tightly closed. Next, she remembered the sexy feeling as he lightly circled, through the thin sweater material, the outer edges of her puffy areolas. Brad asked her, as he worked his way down those puffy profiles with his index finger, if they also were also sensitive to his touch? Nancy could hardly talk at that point, but membered that she had managed to eke out the word, “yes”.
Nancy Now squirmed in her seat, in the same desk chair that she had sat in almost a week ago, as she reminisced how Brad had felt her up in such a dominate fashion. He had gone on to work his way down to both of her sensitive nipples, which had left her in such of an aroused state that she could hardly keep her arms resting on the chair arms, but in the end had dutifully managed to follow his simple instructions.
Nancy further recalled how Brad had lightly run each fingertip down her nipples towards the tips, but did not actually touch the very tips themselves. She remembered how her areolas and nipples had further hardened and distended to an extent that she had never before experienced. At the time, she was sure that her areolas had puffed up to almost 3/4 of an inch in height and her nipples had followed suit and were also nearly 3/4 of an inch in length as well, and were as hard as she had ever felt them.
Nancy, now setting at the same desk, again felt her nipples lengthen and harden as she released that day’s experience with Brad teasing them through her tight sweater.
She further recalled that what he did next almost that almost caused her to climax on the spot. Brad had then, extremely and firmly, flicked both of her nipple tips with his thumb and middle fingers. She remembered how she thought her nipples were going to exploit while they sent lightning bolts directly to her clitoris; she had practically jumped out of the chair as if both nipples had been snake bitten.
Nancy, at that point, had never been so aroused in her life without actually climaxing and was sure if he had kept up with the nipple play, she would have definitely gone over the edge. She recalled how she sat in the chair and tried to calm down while Brad simply smoothed out the sweater material over her still throbbing nipples and sarcastically announced that he was now sure that her nipples weren’t fake.
He said before leaving the room, that he would be back to her office on the Following Monday after her trip to LA. Brad hadn’t even given her a chance to respond to any of his actions or comments. Of course, that potential office meeting was the one that she had cancelled and had asked Brad to reschedule it for this evening’s dinner meeting.
When noon finally arrived, Nancy went to her hair appointment during her lunch hour at a nearby salon and had her sandy blond hair put up in an elegant updo Bouffant style, reminiscent of the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. She thought that style would be appropriate with Brad’s dress code for the evening.
After lunch and the hair appointment, Nancy received an Email with an attachment that Brad had just sent to her personal Email account, via her cell phone. The attachment summarized his dress code and point value system that she was to be graduated on that evening. Nancy forwarded it to her company Email account and just now printed it out on the office printer.
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