Note from the author: I hope you enjoy this first installment in a new series I am experimenting with. All characters are over 18, of course.
Bella held her breath in trepidation, but secretly revealed in the click that took her past the point of no return as she snapped the cold, steel handcuffs around her narrow wrists. She looked around the glorious, luxuriously furnished master suite once More, marveling at the wealth required to reserve a room like this, and have a metal chain hung from the ceiling in the front entrance. She folded the black silk scarf carefully and placed it over her eyes, tying it in the back. Next, Bella fumbled around her feet blindly for the odd leather contraction she had left on the ground. Finding it, she placed it over the blindfold and reached back, clapping the lock around the two D-rings at the back, surprised at how snugly it fit, measured perfectly for the circuit of her head right where her eyes were-she wouldn’t beable to slip it off over her forehead or nose. No key had been provided. Her world was black. Bella knelt on the plus carpet, and her hands were dragged above her head, preventing her from resting her butt on her heels. She spread her knees as far as they would go.
Bella had joined Untraceable last month. It was an anonymous hookup website for doms and subs. It was mainly used by single subs and rich or famous doms who didn’t want to spoil their public reputation (with all the stigma surrounding BDSM). The dom arranged the location and the accommodations. Most doms insisted that the sub remained blindfolded throughout the entire session to preserve their anonymity. The safe words were standard-yellow and red. Bella had never been a sub before, but she had found a dom on Untraceable who was willing to train her. The key to this suite was mailed to her last week, along with a letter in simple script with instructions, and a package containing the blindfold, cuffs, and leather eyemask. There was an illustration to clarify what was called the ‘slave position.’ She had practiced it multiple times.
She breathed deeply as she waited, her lack of sight sharpening her other senses. The carpet was deep and soft. The position exposed her lower region, and she could feel the breeze of the air conditioning on her moist skin. Then she heard the door shut. She hadn’t even heard him come in. She held her breath.
He removed his custom-tailored suit jacket and vest and folded them casually, placing them on top of the convenient side table by the door alongside his smartphone and the room key. Men as rich as he is don’t carry a wallet or car keys-other people do it for him. He examined the girl kneeing in front of him, pleased. She was even more stunning than her online pictures would suggest, with a slim frame, but pleasing curves and a full, perky ass and breasts. Her skin was a soft caramel color, but one that suggested actual sun-exposure, not the sick orangehue of a fake tan. Her nipples were placed high, and her middleing-brown hair, lacened with strands of copper, reached down to the small of her back. As he had requested, she was shaken clean. He had trained subs before, but never one this inexperienced. It was going to be fun.
“There are a few basic rules I would like to outline before we begin. You will not pleasure yourself in any way without my permission. You will not speak without my permission. When I am punishing you, you will do your best to remain silent unless otherwise instructed. Most importantly, you will not come without my permission. Other rules will emerge later on. If you break any of these rules, or disobey any of my commands, I will determine a fitting punishment. Is that understand?”
She gulped and nodded.
“I require a verbal answer to any question I address to you.”
“I understand.”
“You will answer with ‘yes, sir’ or ‘no,sir’ unless it is a question that requires a longer response.”
“Yes, sir.”
“That was not a question.”
Bella considered apologizing, then decided against it.
“As I hope you know, we are both here to experience pleasure, and everything I do, even punishing you, is for your pleasure as well as mine. Do you have any questions?”
“No, sir.”
“You are aware of the safe words, I presume?”
“Yes, sir.”
Bella heard the soft rustle of clothing. She waited. She heard the sound of a zipper, and more soft rustling. Then the thud of the bolt on the door. Bella jumped as she felt the man’s hand on the back of her head, stroking her hair. His other hand caressed her cuffed wrists and he traced a finger down her forearm, into the crook of her elbow, and then down her bicep to her armit. His touch There gave her goosebumps, and she felt herself becoming wet. He removed his hand.
“There is a new rule. When I come in your mouth, never spill a drop of my cum. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Open your mouth.” Bella compiled. She had never participated in oral sex before, on either end. She felt the head of his cock move past her lips and rest on her tongue.
His fingers glided through her hair so that he palmed her skull, his large hands holding her entire head and making her feel small and powerless and owned. Guiding her head, he moved farther into her mouth. He couldn’t have been as large as he felt in her small mouth. His head hit the back of her throat and she gagged. He pulled out so that only the head remained inside, then pushed in again until it hit the back of her throat and she gagged. He repeated this motion, seeming to enjoy the feeling of her throat muscles clenching around his head as she wretched. She loved the muscle, velvety, veined texture of his cock, and the salty liquid that came from the tip tasted as clean and wild and fresh as the ocean. As she grew accustomed to his length, he pushed in farther. She experimented, moving her tongue in circlesaround his length. He grew warmer and harder in her mouth, so she continued. He began slowly speeding up, still not fully buried in her hot, wet, mouth, but almost. His pace increased, and soon her neck wasn’t able to keep up, so he grabbed her head and controlled her movements, thrusting into her wildly. Finally he buried himself all the way, and she gagged, almost unable to breathe as he came. Salty cream cascaded down her throat and she struggled to swallow, struggled to breathe through her nose. She didn’t understand why she was so turned on by being used like this. He pulled slightly and allowed the last stream of cum to erupt into her mouth so that she could taste his cream. His cock went soft and he pulled out, leaving her gasping for air, cum dripping from her mouth. He watched her for a moment, allowing her to catch her breath.
“Have you ever done that before?”
Bella licked her lips, still panting. “No, sir.”
“Did you forget the rule, or did you deliberatelydisobey me?”
“I told you that you were not allowed to spill a drop of my cum, and you told me you understand. Did you forget?”
“Yes, sir.” Bella’s stomach dropped. She had already failed, and now she would be punished.
“Because this is your first disobedience and you are new to this role, your punishment will be light.” He unclipped the handscuffs from the chain above her head. “Stand up.”
Bella rose shakily to her feet. She made a surprised noise as he lifted her into his arms like a child and began walking. She knew he was tall from how far she had risen, and she felt small in his broad arms. The chest she was leaning against was smooth, muscled, and cleanshaven. She heard a screen door open and close, and then she could feel the chilly night breeze on her bare skin and hear car horns from the street far below them. He set her on her feet and she reached out with her cuffed hands, not wanting to fall. He guided her to the railing and she grippedit tightly. It was low, only coming to her hips, and she wasn’t tall. Then the man undid her handscuffs from one hand and attached a new pair. Each wrist was still cuffed, but now an empty cuff dangled from both. He placed a hand on the small of her back and pushed. Frightened of the height of the fall below her, but not willing to disobey, Bella bent over. When she was completely doubled, he spread her legs and cuffed her wrists to her ankles and shortened the links, ensuring that she could’t move or fall off. The railing pressed into Bella’s lower stomach, and the tug in her abdomen, oddly, built her arousal. Her spread legs exposed her lower lips to the cold breeze, and her pussy began dripping. Her nipples were stiff and swollen from the cold night air.
“When I spank you, you will count out loud. As I stated before, you will do your best not to make any other noise.”
Without any further warning, Bella hear a loud smack, and feel a singing pain. She had never been spanked before, and it hurt more than she thought it would. She gulped, waiting for the next one. Suddenly she felt a cruel pinching on her erect nipples, and she gasped in pain. His voice whispered threateningly in her ear.
“One!” As soon as she had said it, his fingers released her nipple and his hand came down again.
“Two!” Without wasting any time, he spanked her again. Each spank was accompanied by a loud smack, a singing pain, and a number. Bella felt her ass grow warm. Strangely, the warmth was spreading to her pussy, arousing her.
“Four!” Every time his hand fell, she rocked forward into the railing, putting that strange, arousing pressure on her lower abdomen.
“Seven!” The heat in her ass and pussy felt even stronger in comparison to the cold air. She felt like she was in a dream. Her world was completely dark, and the sounds of the street below seemed so far away.
“Ten!” Bella waited impatiently for the next slap. Her ass was stinging, but she was dripping wet.
“Good girl.” He undid her cuffs and helped her stand before lifting her into his arms again. She enjoyed being carried much more than walking, and not only because walking blindfolded would be an utter disaster. Bella smiled, wondering what was in store for her next as he carried her back into the suite.
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