I pull my suit jacket on, and head out the door, turning left from Charlotte’s Square, where H&L Publishing is, onto George Street, heading to some boring publishing meet and greet for some big shot new author. Lawrence insisted I go, and I cant help but hate the bastard for it, every time my right foot hits the pavement. I walk up the stairs of the impressive building, doorman and all and enter. The vast bar room is full of people, clinking glasses, chatting away, sucking up to each other about how great their client is, all very mundane. The room itself smells of mahogany, leather and brandy. Everything is styled in that old world, old money chic. I make my way to the bar, ordering a double whiskey, deciding I won’t move from this spot, this perfect, red leather, over priced, uncomfortable spot. Resting my elbows on the bar, my hand clutches my drink, and I breathe in its scent. Perfection. Is there a better smell than a malt… my thoughts are interrupted.
“Excuse me! … Excuse me! God, is no one serving?” I hear this girl complaining a few spaces along from me, she is tutting her lips against her teeth, throwing her hand in the air, clutching her money, trying with attitude to get the barman’s attention. He is clearly not paying attention to her, chatting up this firey, feisty older women in a red clingy dress. The possible patron girl looks cute, obviously trying hard to fit in with her serious business women shift dress, that’s hugging in all the right places, allegiant, understated, yet surprisingly carnal. I do have a soft spot for interns.
I raise my hand, in only a way I can, “barman” my assertive voice carries across the room, and as the barman comes towards me the intern is looking shocked, outtragedy and in awe. I lean into the barman, “I believe that young lady over there has have tried to order a drink from you. However you have rudely failed to do your job.” The barman apologies, asks if I need anything else, and moves onto service theyoung lady. Ordering her drink, she cautiously glances towards me through her hair, she sweeps the curve back around her ear, and smiles shyly. Once she has her drink, she makes her way over, her cheeses are blushing as she nervously chews her lip. All I can think about is how much I want to chew it for her.
“Thank you for that, I’d have been there for hours,” she sounds very small, meek and shy. I’m instantly attracted. Her face lingers, hoping to get some form of signal from me.
“Not at all, anything to help a lady in need.” I flash her a charming smile, with a wink. Her face blushes once more, this could be fun. “So what is a pretty little girl like you doing at such a boring event?” I ask, feeling confident she’s hooked, “You do know it’s just Walker Publishing, trying to show off how big their dicks are because they actually have one semi-decent client?” I scoff, taking a sip of my drink.
Her facial expression seems to change, her face remains red, but I noticeHer hand clenching around her drink. “Little girl? Maybe I should introduce myself, I’m Charlotte Walker, the big dick with the client.” She smiles through gritted teeth, her voice dripping with poison. “Enjoy the event, try not to choke on the stench of success.” She turns on her heel, walking away, her hips swaying with her rage.
I’m at a loss. I didn’t see that coming at all. “What a bitch,” I think to myself, brushing her off. I lift my drink, smiling into my glass. “God, I want her.” I want a lot of things in life, but to have her in my clutches, I’ve not wanted something that badly for a while. I love a girl with a little fight in her. I order another drink, happy sipping away, my head filling with thoughts. I spy her across the room, while I finish off my third drink, she is gorgeous, in a very classic way. Her manners are cute, endearing.
I leave the event, knowing I’ve over stayed my welcome. I take a taxi home, stopping outside my modest, over priced, flat in Stockbridge, you pay for the area, not the flat that’s for sure. I open my black door, drop my keys and briefcase on the front table and head through to the shower, undressing as I go. I step in the shower and turn it on, the cold water thumbs my back, warming up as the pressure builds.
I stand under the shower, my thoughts consumed with the girl. I was so sure she was naturally submissive the way she stumbled over to say thank you, but she clearly has a bite on her. I’d love to beat it out of her. I find myself smiling at my thoughts.
My thoughts take over, thinking of how much I want to see her, kneeing before me. I want to take her chin in my thumb and forefinger, tipping her head so she has to look at me while she lovingly takes my cock in her mouth. Slowly licking the underside from base to tip with the top of her tongue, moaning at the feeling of me becoming hard in her mouth. My hand rests on either side of her face, guiding myself in and out of her mouth,thrusting my chest forward at the intoxicating feeling. I Throw my head back as her primary noises fuel me, until I need to be inside her. I pull her up swiftly, “turn around” I harshly command her, she obeys, nervously turning her back towards me, the water cascading down her back, and lovingly sliding down her bum. My hand gently strokes from her left hip to her right. My hand softly cares her backside, lifting her perfect cheek into my hand. My need takes over, and my hand strikes her, she jumps with a gasp. I roughly push her against the wall, she moans in pleasure as I quickly fill her.
She puts her hands onto the wall to steady herself as I fuck her hard, fast. All thoughts of taking my time, prolonging the pleasure, gone. My hand lifts up from her hip moves up her curves and confidently grasps her neck, pulling her towards me, her back flush against my chest. I can’t resist the urge, as I bend my head to kiss and bite her shoulder. I feel her pussy tighten around my cock…
My hand claws at the titles on the wall as I come to my orgasm, and back to reality. I stand under the shower, letting my breathing settlement. I place my head under the shower, letting the water soothe me, calm me. I want her to be mine.
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