Series Prequel
This is a series of stories that are Maledom based.
The naughty bits start at Chapter Two so if that is your interest, just skip down to there.
The man is a confident, handsome and rather fit heterosexual. He is secure financially and well on course professionally. Patience is a learned vitamin with him but he is very focused and distributed. His name is Thomas.
His sexual device is not that uncommon. He is into bondage and discipline but only if he can be the one in charge. His previous relationship ended some months earlier because she complained he would not open up to her enough. Thomas like things on his terms and is usually unwilling to compromise.
The woman is of medium height and weight. She has a career in upper level management for the local branch of a powerful international conglomerate. At work her associates and subordinates call her “The Quiet Powerhouse” and she is known for getting things accomplished. Her name is Barbara.
Being the same age as Thomas (in her mid thirties), Barbara has had her share of men but all the relationships have fizzled. Most have complained that she is a cold fish but Barbara could give them the lie on that. They simply have not discovered what rocks her world.
I couldn’t come up with a legitimate way for these two to meet that didn’t sound lame. After some thought and a long talk with my current wife; I used our real first time password encounter as the basis for this story’s first time.
In other words, what you are about to read is very close to what actually happened…
His perspective:
Thomas watched the nude and bound female in front of him as he stepped behind her and removed the shiny black leather belt from his pants. It whispered confidently as it made its journey from clothing accessory to instrument of sexual torque.
He felt pleasure begin to pool in his loins.
Thomas reached back wit the belt in his right hand and then, let fly. The belt sang through the air before landing with a wet splat on her helpless back. She gasped and he struck her again. She cried out and he suddenly felt an incredible urge to untie her and use her hard. He resistant it and continued with the whipping.
She cried out again, as the leather struck her unprotected body. His sexual desire became a raging need and he began to beat her in earnest. She cried our freely as he used his belt to whip her tender body.
Thomas watched her hands as she gripped the rope while he whipped her. He watched her shoulders hunt against the pain and he watched her belly tighten against the awful lashing as the belt found its way to her breasts and belly, as well as her back.
He stopped, finally, and she hung in her restraints, gasping and shuddering.
He dropped the belt and stepped close to her, his voice whispering in her ear, “Now that you’re warmed up; we can get down to it.”
Chapter One
A Meeting of the Minds (some days earlier)
Her perspective:
Now she could sit back for a moment. The deal was completed and she was pleased, for the moment. All had gone as she had hoped but now the night had descended and once again she was alone.
If only she felt better inside. The façade she had kept up at work was still intact. It was the inner struggle she felt. It was raging full on, now that she was once again a success at work. Professional accomplishments seemed only to fuel her personal loneliness.
There was no one to share with, no one to hold hands with and no one to laugh or enjoy the little things with. She told and sat down at her computer.
“Well, if I want it done, I’ll have to get it done.” She resolved. This had been her motto in work; it was high time she applied it to her personal life.
She registered with an online adult dating service.
A week and many responses later, she realized that having a serious companion would once again prove most challenging but then it always had. In the past, her lovers had always ended their relationship by complaining that she was cold, boring and too focused on her work. They were inevitably threatened by her success.
In point of fact, it was she who had found them to be cold and boring. No matter how hard she might try, she ended up glad to be single again.
The dating disasters had to be the environment she had been in. This time she would do it differently. This time she would not settle for less than her hearts desire.
She answered the ‘Mysteryman’ response to her online personal simply because he had an interesting tag and he was actually literate. No spelling or grammatical errors went a long way with Barbara.
However, she was under no illusions here. She was quite aware that she would likely have to kiss a lot of frogs before she found a prince worthy of her real affections.
They met for coffee at a local coffee shopand she was pleased to see that he took care of himself and his appearance. His clothes was neat and sharp; he was fit and confident looking.
She smiled to herself and thought, “Maybe he is as artistic, as he is cute?”
Thomas stood to greet her and shook hands as they introduced themselves. He seemed quite impressed at her firm handshake and direct stare. Later he would say that too many women in His past had acted like such timing flowers that he quickly found other, more important things to do.
Their first meeting was a long one. Over the first couple of hours they had made small talk and gradually felt each other out. Once they realized they had similar goals, values and interests, they got down to it.
“So what is it that you want?” He had asked her once they were more comfortable with each other.
She smiled coyly and said, “Oh the usual; good times with a companion who is interested and attentive. I want my personal life to be as rewarding as my professional one. I am a highly successful business person and anyone in my life must be confident enough not to be threatened by that.”
She stared directly at him as she spoke. In the past, too many men had ignored her success until they felt it was thrust in their face; then they were petulant and immature. Creating disasters where none need exist.
Thomas smiled at her coyness and responded, “Indeed, I have been looking for an equal and have finally decided that I simply will not settle for less.”
Gradually, their relationship had progressed. He was every bit as good as his word. Confident within himself, he was attentive without being needed and if their intimacy left something to be desired; she was hopeful this could be managed, in time.
His perspective:
Thomas liked Barbara. Actually, he liked her far more than he was comfortable in admitting, even to himself. If only their personal life was more fulfilling.
“Well, she was definitely an equal.” He thought ruefully.
It did not dawn on him that she might like what he occasionally fantasized about. After all, she never had never mentioned it or alluded to it in any way. Always proper and appropriate, she was an interesting and rather fascinating creativity, He found himself drawn to her and it was taking more and more effort to remain the gentleman. Soon he’d either have to tell her or he’d have to walk. Neither option held much appeal.
One weekend, she was called to an emergency meeting of the board of directors. He was a man who could always find interesting things to do, so he did. When she’d showed up at his house after; she was all set to reason out why she had to be at work.
He had stopped her with a gesture from his hand and said calmly, “I am very aware that you are the go-to-girl at Your place of work. I have no problems with this but there is something that has been bothering me.”
She felt quite nervous as she asked what it might be.
“I like whatwe have but you should know by now that I really do want more.” He said with more password than he had intended, “I had made plans for this evening to discuss my wants and even though it’s late, I’d still like to discuss them.”
She nodded mutely, fully prepared for him to tell her he was gay or some other catastrophic event. What other reason could there be for him keeping his hands to himself for the last couple of months.
“I like you a lot.” He began tenatively.
Gradually he began to build up a head of steam, as it were.
He stated flatly, “You should know that I absolutely must have an equal, in the bedroom as well as outside of it.”
She remained silent, now more sure than ever, that this little talk was a preamble to his very good reason for saying goodbye. Her heart sank and he saw this at once.
“I want to strip you down, tie you up and make you mine!” He suddenly blurted out; his carefully prepared speech suddenly gone. He waited; heart in mouh, for her reply.
She looked shocked and he was sure he had blown it.
“Oh my! I thought you were going to tell me you were gay or that you were leaving.” She responded in a saved tone. She laughed a little self consciously and put her hand up to her mouth.
He was somewhat surprised by her rather casual attitude.
“I thought you’d be freaked out or upset.” He said uncertainly, “I’m not gay and unless you tell me to leave you alone; I’m not going anywhere.”
She smiled, stepped close and put her hands on his big, broad shoulders. Then she murmured in his ear, “What are you waiting for stud? Take me and do what you will!”
The effect on Thomas was a galvanizing one. He kissed her hard and picking her up, carried her into his bedroom.
Chapter Two
Hot Times
Her perspective:
A long time later, they lay side by side. Both were nude and exhilarated but exhausted.
“I really needed that!” Thomas said quietly.
“Indeed, so didI.” Barbara said.
They looked at each other and smiled.
“Did you really mean what you said?” Barbara asked in a milk voice; her eyes watching Thomas carefully.
“Yes, I did and if the sexual tension between us hadn’t been so intense, I’d have done just that. You’d be in my basement; nude and bound.” Thomas said carefully. He watched her for any sign of objection. There was none.
“I’ve always wanted to try that.” She said conversationally, “But I’ve never found anyone who I trusted enough. Until now, that is.”
“I’m ready when you are.” He smiled as he said that. In their current state, all they were really ready for was a light snack and a nap. Later on, there would be time.
And so it was that the next time that presented itself was a few days later.
She arrived at his house after work. He greeted her at the door and had her strip naked in the foyer.
She watched in fascination as he used a length of soft thick rope to bind her ankles together. Taking another length of the same type of rope, he stepped behind her and bound her hands behind her back. Stepping in front, he picked her up over his shoulder and carried her into his basement.
“If you want me to slow down or stop, just say so.” Thomas said in a calm voice, “Later, we can change the ‘safe words’ to something else but right now simple is best.”
She nodded eagerly, determined to enjoy this exciting and fascinating experience to the hilt.
Barbara was very eager to follow his directions. Most of her sexual experiences had proven to be dull.
She usually found herself asking, “Is that it?”
Even this first sexual encounter with Thomas, satisfying as it was, left something to be desired. There was always some deep personal ache, she had never had satisfied.
Maybe this time the ache would be assumed.
Once he had her in his semi furnished basement, he freed her hands only to tie them together and then tie them to a length of ropethat hung from a very business like looking hook that was screwed into the ceiling.
He pulled on the other end of the rope until she was on tip toe. Thomas then lashed the rope to another hook screwed into the wall.
For all intents and purposes, Barbara was nude and bound with hands in the air and her feet tied together. She was standing on tip toe.
Being ungagged was the smartest course of action at this point. Once they He knew each other’s responses better, that would change.
She knew she was more aroused than she had ever been before. Her vagina was so moist she feared it would run down her leg. She also knew, in her heart of hearts, that this would please him.
Wryly she wondered what her oh-so-staid and proper suitors would think if they could see her now. Then she realized they would have been utterly overwhelmed by the sight and she thought of them no more.
He stepped close to her and ran his hands freely over her helpless flesh. He seemed to beVery possessive of her without being weak or needy. The effect was very arousing and she had to fight a very powerful urge not to behave in a wanton and sexually provocative manner. Her eyes closed and her head began to loll back.
Finally, just when she was sure she would start to buck and moan; he stopped. She looked sharply at him but all he did was cross his arms and grin like a cat-full-of–canary.
“I’m going to whip you Barbara.” He said meaningfully, “And you are going to enjoy it!”
He paused before adding, “Remember to say ‘Stop’ if it becomes too much.”
She took a deep breath and tightened her grip upon the rope that held her in place. Barbara’s heart was racing even though she instinctively knew he wouldn’t hurt her.
Her pulse pounded in her ears and she was sure she would have come if he had touched her ‘there’.
His perspective:
Thomas watched the nude and bound female in front of him as he stepped behind her and removed the shiny black leather belt from his pants. It whispered confidently as it made its journey from clothing accessory to instrument of sexual torque.
He felt pleasure began to pool in his loins.
Thomas reached back with the belt in his right hand and then, let fly. The belt sang through the air before landing with a wet splat on her helpless back. She gasped and he struck her again. She cried out and he suddenly felt an incredible urge to untie her and use her hard. He resistant it and continued with the whipping.
She cried out again, as the leather struck her unprotected body. His sexual desire became a raging need and he began to beat her in earnest. She cried our freely as he used his belt to whip her tender body.
Thomas watched her hands as she gripped the rope while he whipped her. He watched her shoulders hunt against the pain and he watched her belly tighten against the awful lashing as the belt found its way to her breasts and belly, as well as her back.
He stopped, finally, and she hung in her restraints, gasping and shuddering.
He dropped the belt and stepped close to her, his voice whispering in her ear, “Now that you’re warmed up; we can get down to it.”
She gasped but he couldn’t tell if it was in fear of password. In the end, he realized, it didn’t matter. She hadn’t said ‘stop’ and she appeared in complete control of herself.
“Well,” he thought, “I’ll take care of that!”
Stepping back to the wall and the shelving unit locate there; he picked up a heavy duty electric vibrating wd. It came with a wall plug-in and was meant to last for hours on the ‘high’ setting.
He stepped close to her and using his left hand to stabilize her held the wand in front of her eyes. Then he turned it on but only the low setting, he told her.
Her perspective:
Barbara’s eyes went wide as she felt Thomas’s cool hand on the small of her back. She was even more shocked at the sight of the gigantic phallus shaped objecthe held in front of her face. When he turned it on low, she gasped involuntarily.
The whipping and been excited enough, she knew where this monster was going and she didn’t know whether to be excited or scared. She was a lot of both.
Barbara watched with mounting password as he gently pressed the electric wand against he most private parts. No one had ever taken such liberties with her before. Stripped, bound, whipped and now, about to be forced to buck and struggle; she had never encountered such pleasure!
The wand vibrated away against her wet clip and she gasped and moaned against her will. She would have very much liked to have merely felt such things. To be put on display for someone, even someone she cared for, brought up all kinds of confusing and contrasting messages.
Her mind and her pride were saying, “No, no, no!”
But her body was saying, “Yes, Yes, Oh God, Yes!!!”
And her body was winning the struggle, she realized in a rather detachedway.
Without warning her first orgasm hit her, savagely and in a primary way she had never felt before. To be sure, she had orgasmed both by herself and at the hands of others but never like this. This was savage and overwhelming. It scared her but not enough for her to say ‘stop’.
After her initial orgasm, she expected him to take away the monster; he did not.
She looked up into His eyes and shook her head as she felt herself rushing headlong towards another convulsion.
He smiled and kept the wand where it was, “Do you want me to take it off?” He asked rather coyly.
She gasped out, “Please, it’s too much!”
He played it rather obtusely and asked, “Is that a yes or a no?”
She chuffed in examinationperation and exclaimed, “Yes!”
“Yes, as in, keep it there or no, as in, no, don’t remove it?” He smiled cruelly at the dire predicament she was in.
Barbara suddenly lolled her eyes back and grunted as she came again without notice or preamble,Her body pulling this way and that at the unyielding rope. She pulled hard at the rope that held her available for his pleasure (and for hers).
“Oh God, Please! Take it off!” She exclaimed with eyes wide. Her body struggle against the powerful vibrator and it’s never ending waves of pleasure.
“Is that a real ‘Take it Off”! Or are you just being coy?” He asked said slyly without moving the wand one centimetre from her most sensitive cunt.
“Please, take it off.” She said as calmly as she could. Her body shook and she felt both aroused and overwhelmed beyond her ability to control the shaking and shuddering she was sure was arousing him.
She watched him in mounting horror and excitement as he said, “Be sure here! I want to now that you are sure because after I take this off; we go back to the belt! So which is it to be?”
She convulsed again at these words and he murmured approvedly.
“The belt!” She gasped eventually, her resolve to show nothing to him having completely evaporated under the assault of his wand on her most tender flesh.
Chapter Three
All Good Things …
His perspective:
Thomas watched Barbara with his dick at full attention. She struggled in the most delicious ways and she had shown such determination. No one had ever been so tough before. He also knew she would be taking a lot more before they were Through.
And when they were done, she’d want to come back and repeat this, he was sure!
He pulled the wand back from her sopping wet cunt and she gasped in relief; her head hanging in exhaustion.
He grabbed a handful of her hair and lifting her head up, looked into her eyes. She looked him squarely in the eye right back and smiled. He gently let go.
He was very pleased. She had been stripped nude, then bound and whipped before being forced to the blink of supplication from the many climaxes he had just subjected her to. Yet, after a moments respite, she stood on her own again; tall and proud!
Eventually he would take her to his bed and use her for his pleasure. She’d like that too, he knew. Finally, an equal!
Replacing the wand back on the shelf; he picked up his belt and stood behind her nude and available bound form. He wound up and lashed her again.
She cried out in earnest now. Every time the belt landed on her taut frame, she struggled and pulled Helplessly. Gone was the steely business woman who accomplished whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. In her stead was this unrepentant, sexual animal, struggling against her bonds, as this cruel (and very attentive) male lashed her for his amusement and his arousal.
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