This is the second Maledom story of the intimate events between Thomas and Barbara. This story takes place a few weeks after the first story about Thomas and Barbara (‘Unrestricted Arrangements’).
This story has been written entirely from her perspective. My current wife is both an executive and a sub; so writing this and having her proof it after making this really, quite realistic.
She ended up on her knees, leaning back with her hands behind her. The contraction he had placed her in effectively held her immobile in a position of complete presentation. He had called it a ‘pillory stock’. It was really just a large piece of varnished plywood leaning on an angle with four large holes for her limbs.
Her body was displayed as vulnerably as possible. Her firm breasts stood proudly out for him to see. Her stomach was available to his gaze but he had made no disparaging remark about the fact it wasn’t as flat as it could have been. In point of fact, he seemed to enjoy looking at her less-than-runway-model body. Her pubic hair was trimmed but still there and the same light brown color as the rest of her hair.
Being nude and with no gag wasn’t the worst part. She could be free with a word or even a gesture but that wasn’t the worst part either. The worst part was that she was so turned on, again, that when he had touched her between the legs a few minutes ago, his hand had come back sopping wet. He’d licked his fingers and then, he smiled at her (well, more of a leer really).
A brake, built low on the device, held an electric wand in place against her available cunt. It was turned on low and buzzed contentedly away against her now swollen clip. She had been told not to come without permission.
He sat across from her in an easy chair. He watched her intently and she knew that she would not be able to hold this position for very long. But that had been the point, as he told her before starting. In his hand was a drink of something healthy.
“God,” She thought, “why couldn’t it be whiskey, then I could have asked for a sip.”
Chapter One
Vacation (A few days before the ‘Prelude’)
It was the beginning of another hot summer when Barbara pulled it off. Her moniker of “The Quiet Powerhouse” had been well earned this time. The deal had been approved by ‘legal’ and all had signed. She had received her bonus and her well deserved accolades from the Board of Directors.
Barbara was taking her well earned vacation with her new lover Thomas. She had left all the preparations in his capable hands; she hadn’t even asked where they were headed. She just assumed it would be someplace warm and sunny and relaxing.
Well, two out of three wouldn’t be bad.
Thomas had proven to be a very exciting man. Great in bed and confident outside of it; she had never known anyone like him before.
Usually, those previous boyfriends that were gentlemen outside the bed were also too milk inside of it and that made for very unfulfilling sex.
Thomas was the best of both worlds. Because he was still his own man, he made his own plans and while he listened to her, he was not controlled.
Barbara found great appeal in his independence yet it frustrated her to no end that she could not control or manipulate him. In her world, she was used to be the boss. Thomas simply would not allow that when they had entered the bedroom.
Outside of sex, he treated her as an equal. Inside their own little sanctum sanctorum, he made it clear that he was the boss and she should be eagerly pleased or she’d be punished (and sometimes she was punished anyway).
Over the last few weeks, the sexual injuries that he had put her through made her both aroused and ashamed. He seemed to recognize this and went to great lengths to pay respect to her, outside the bedroom.
In many ways she couldn’t get enough of him and in other ways, five minutes in the sack was too much. No sooner were they alone and she’d find herself gasping and struggle against a cruel restraint while he tormented her to the broke of orgasm.
It wasn’t that he always did something new. In point of fact, he often did the same things over and over. It was that he was thoroughly excited by what he was doing and that he was so attractive to her every need. Even when he had her at his mercy (and he seemed to have very little), he paid close attention to her moods and especially to her limits.
They still hadn’t gone past ‘no’ or ‘slow down’ as ‘safe words’ nor had she even had to use those. He was exciting and it disturbed her.
What he had in mind for her vacation would have disturbed her more; had she known about it ahead of time.
And so it came to pass that a few days after she received her bonus, she packed her suitcases as he packed his. She did not ask or even seem to care where they were headed. It was now the middle of a very hotsummer and she had the next few weeks to do with as she chose.
She was mildly surprised when Thomas asked her to use the company’s private jet for her vacation. The Board of Directors had agreed to loan their star “Powerhouse” the company jet for a short jaunt. The purpose of which, was a well deserved vacation in the country.
The jet would drop them off at a country retreat in the Pacific Northwest part of North America and then pick them up a couple of weeks later. She’d even have her cell phone should she need to get in touch with the office. That was the plan.
Everything went according to plan. The jet delivered them, as planned. They booked into the resort, as planned. They went for a horseback ride, as planned. They even went for a hike by themselves, as planned.
It came as a great shock to Barbara when Thomas tied her wrists together during their hike through the tree shrouded hills of the Pacific Northwest.
“Someone will see!” She hissed urgently.
“Why are you whispering, babe?” Tomas said in a loud voice, “There is no one on this trail for miles and miles. This resort is privately owned and I paid the staff to stay away. We will be quite alone for the duration.”
Barbara gasped as he took a length of rope, tied one end to her bound wrists and proceeded to lead her around the corner, where a small cabin and horse stall lay nestled in the footballs. There was one horse saddled and tied to the porch.
Under other conditions, Barbara would have been struck by the beauty of her surroundings. Unfortunately, she had other things on her mind.
She was not expecting to be led into the empty horse stall and strung up onto her tiptoes from a rafter in the middle of the stall. She was very surprised as Thomas gently but firmly inserted a bright red ball gag into her mouth. She was even more surprised when he undressed her as much as possible. When she was nearly nude (and oh-so-wet) he cut the rest of her clothes fromher body.
She watched as he carefully took her cell and attached it to his belt.
Taking a pair of flip flops from his saddlebags (which he had thoughtfully brought into the stall with him), he said flatly, “Put these on. You’ll need these when we hit the trail.”
She gasped and her eyes went wide as she yelled her protest unintelligibly around the gag.
“This is too much!” She thought as she hung, nude and gagged in the stall that sat in the middle of nowhere.
Thomas stepped behind her gloriously nude and bound figure. She heard him pull his belt free of its loops. She heard it swish through the air.
Barbara yelled luxuriously as the belt found it mark. Thomas beat her for several minutes. She understood and struggled as he tormented her. She pulled on her unyielding restraints and her toes dragged this way and that as he lashed her.
She was extensively ashamed when he stopped and stepping over to her fingered her from the side. His hand made a wet sound going in and a wetter plop as he pulled his finger free.
“Say the word and we can stop this and go back to the resort. I promise there will be no hurt feelings just a vanilla good time.” He said calmly as he looked her in the eye.
She believed him but simply looked away from him (and his offer).
Thomas let her arms down and indicated the flip flops.
She shuffled into them and he led her outside to the horse.
“There is only one!” She noted with alarm.
Before she could voice another protest, Thomas stepped into the saddle and holding the end of the rope to which Barbara was attached, he quietly said, “This is your last chance. From here, we spend the next few days with you as my ‘toy’. If you don’t want this, say so now.”
Barbara, now thoroughly aroused, said nothing but looked him square in the eye.
Thomas seemed to smile but it might have been an effect of the sun and shade. Turning his horse onto the trail, he started off at a good clip.
Barbara, nude, bound gagged and in flip flops had to walk very fast to keep up.
Chapter Two
Cabin Fever
They seemed to have been on the trail since forever to Barbara. In point of fact, they had only been going for an hour but Barbara wasn’t in good shape and walking in flip flops for an hour was an ordeal for her.
At last, they came around yet another turn in the trail to Find yet another cabin and horse stall. They looked remarkably like the first.
Thomas got off his horse and led Barbara over to the porch of the cabin. Throwing his end of the rope over an exposed hook set in the middle of the doorway of the porch, he forced her up onto her toes before lashing it off. Slapping her on the flank, he led his horse off towards the stall.
“A man should always look after his horse.” He remarked as he walked away, “He never knows when he’ll have to ride it again.”
Barbara protected feebly as he left her but she was too tired to put up muchof a fuss.
It was a great shock when she heard the riders approaching along the same trail they had just quit.
Two women came riding and talking out of the bush going the opposite way. One blond and one brunet; they stopped at the sight of her nude bound and gagged form.
Barbara blushed fetchingly and vainly lifted a leg to cover herself.
The two women rode until they were a few scar feet away from her.
They looked at each other and said in unison, “Thomas!” Then they smiled at each other before dismounting. The blond led the horses off to the stall. The brunet stepped closer to Barbara and smiled. It was a knowing smile.
Barbara tried to back away but the rope that displayed her nudity to the other woman also inhibited her freedom.
“I’m Delilah,” announced the brunet as she Surveyed Barbara with her hands on her hips.
“You know, with a little luck, you and I could become close…real close.” Delilah said quietly as she smiled and stepped even closer to her captive.
Barbara could smell the other woman’s sweat and even the horse she had recently been riding. These weren’t uncomfortable smells and under other conditions, she would have thought nothing of Delilah other than she obviously worked at the resort.
Now, nude, bound and gagged, Barbara was very aware of just how helpless she really was.
Delilah stepped even closer and When Barbara complained around the gag; Delilah made nursery noises as she slowly reached forward and firmly grabbed Barbara’s hair from behind.
“Easy, easy there!” Delilah said calmly; her other hand reaching down until it touched Barbara’s naked stomach.
Barbara flinched at the contact with her stomach and her breath seemed to catch as she felt the other woman slowly, inexorably move the hand on her stomach down towards her very available cunt.
Barbara could not seem to take her eyes away from the hot gaze of this female who so wanted her.
Delilah reachedBarbara’s cunt and slipped not one but two fingers inside the moist opening.
Barbara whimpered around her bright red gag and shook against the pleasure and the outrageousness of it all.
Delilah suddenly stopped, stepped back and licked her hand.
“Maybe later, hot stuff!” Delilah said with quiet menace before turning and walking off to join the other two.
Barbara felt very exposed as she awaited her fate.
Finally, Thomas and the two girls returned from the stall. They were laughing and talking and walking right by her, as though she were but another animal. Barbara caught Delilah’s cover look at her naked body as they went by. So did the blond.
“What did I tell you about playing around?” The blond suddenly stopped and turned on the hapless Delilah, “You’ll learn obedience one way or the other!”
Delilah looked away, embarrassed and Barbara had the feeling that this whole thing was staged.
Delilah tried to explain but the blond cut her offwith. “Strip, You Faithless Bitch!”
Delilah looked embarrassed but did as she was directed. She shot Barbara an angry glance, as though blaming others would lessen her about-to-come- torque.
The blond quickly lashed the nude brunet’s hands together and tying another rope to them looped it over the same hook to which Barbara stood on tip toes. Lashing off the end of the rope, the blond stepped back to survey her handiwork.
Both Barbara and Delilah stand, nude, bound and on tip toe. Their bodies touched at the breast and the leg.
Barbara felt very embarrassed to be tied so close and intimately with another female. She tried to remain stoic in the face of this indignity.
“What do you think, Tom?” The blond inquired of the man who had stood by and watched.
“Looks like They both are hot and bothered to me, Jackie.” Thomas said his voice full of lust at the sight.
“Maybe they need a good whipping each!” Jackie said with growing intensity.
“Let’s make sure they don’t hurt themselves or each other.” Thomas said warningly.
Suddenly, Barbara found her legs spread wide and bound to the poles which supported the porch. Both the blond and Thomas had tied off a leg each.
They did the same to Delilah, taking care to make sure both were face to face and touching.
Jackie applied a ball gag to the now protesting Delilah. Then Thomas took yet Another length of rope and tied it around both women. He looped an end through both their spread legs and pulled until they were arched and their pussies were touching.
Delilah seemed to enjoy this but Barbara was still having a hard time getting into the spirit of the whole thing.
She looked despairingly at Thomas who seemed well aware of her discomfort. He turned up and she knew this test wouldn’t be of a long duration.
Barbara was more than a little shocked at her reactions. Normally, she would have fought to be free and been outraged at the mere notion of whatwas happening and about to continue to happen. Instead, she was willing to tolerate being bound tight to another naked female and whipped for the sexual gratification of her lover and another.
Barbara watched as both Thomas and Jackie took off their belts and walked until they were behind their respective partners.
Delilah’s breath was coming in great gaps and she could not keep still. Grinding against the taut rope between her thighs, it was obvious the she was very aroused.
Barbara was willing to endure this but that is as far as it went. Sexual activity with another female just didn’t make it for her.
She saw Jackie draw back the belt and she heard Thomas swing his through the air.
She shrieked as the belt landed on her glorious nude frame and she inadvertently pushed herself against the oh-so-close Delilah.
Delilah then shrieked around her gag and pushed back against Barbara. Back and forth, the two bound, nude women struggled against the belts of their oppressors. They pushed and jerked and struggled.
In spite of herself, Barbara could feel herself becoming sexually aroused. As much as she hated to admit it to herself; being bound against this other woman and whipped by her lover was turning her on in ways she’d never dreamed off.
Just as suddenly, the whipping stopped. Both Delilah and Barbara were untied.
Just before Barbara was led inside the cabin, she saw Jackie rip away her own jeans and force a very willing Delilah onto her knees.
Then the door closed and she was alone with Thomas, the man of her dreams.
“I am pleased with you.” He said pompously, his mischievous smile belying his words.
Chapter Three
Pillory Stocks
There were many odd looking devices in the dimly lit cabin but overall, it seemed rather effective combination of quaint and cozy meets modern technology for maximum comfort.
First he took her over to an old fashioned looking tub and began to fill it with hot water.
“All these cabinets have their own fresh water supply and no expense has been sparred at making them comfortable.” He commented to her, “Notice the double paned windows.”
After she had cleaned up and soaked away her soreness, he fed her. Thomas was an extraordinarily good cook. She had been surprised when she first found out but he just shrugged it off.
“I like to cook and I like to eat healthy. Therefore I do both well. End of story.” He had explained.
After dinner, they had a bit of wine and talked of small matters.
When she would have asked about the two women, he put a finger to her lips and said, “I’ll tell you all about it later.”
Afterwards, he bound her to a device in a corner of the cabin.
She ended up on her knees, leaning back with her hands Behind her. The contraction he had placed her in effectively held her immobile in a position of complete presentation. He had called it a ‘pillory stock’. It was really just a large piece of varnished plywood leaning on an angle with four large holes for her limbs.
Her body was displayed as vulnerably as possible. Her firm breasts stood proudly out for him to see. Her stomach was available to his gaze but he had made no disparaging remark about the fact it wasn’t as flat as it could have been. In point of fact, he seemed to enjoy looking at her less-than-runway-model body. Her public hair was trimmed but still there and the same light brown color as the rest of her hair.
Being nude and with no gag wasn’t the worst part. She could be free with a word or even a gesture but that wasn’t the worst part either. The worst part was that she was so turned on, again, that when he had touched her between the legs a few minutes ago, his hand had come back sopping wet. He’d licked his fingers and then, he smiled at her (well, more of a leer really).
A braket, built low on the device, held an electric wand in place against her available cunt. It was turned on lowand buzzed contentedly away against her now swollen clip. She had been told not to come without permission.
He sat across from her in an easy chair. He watched her intently and she knew that she would not be able to hold this position for very long. But that had been the point, as he told her before starting. In his hand was a drink of something healthy.
“God,” She thought, “why couldn’t it be whiskey, then I could have asked for a sip.”
Sure enough, about five minutes into her ordeal and she began to feel the beginnings of a powerful orgasm.
“Please Thomas, may I come?” She tried to maintain her dignity while uttering such a preposterous request.
“Uh…no!” Thomas said with a smile, “If you come before I say, I’ll punish you!”
Barbara tried vainly to shift her position away from the independent visas that now threatened to overwhelm her iron discipline.
“I will not come!” She thought furiously to herself.
Barbara suddenly looked directly at Thomas who watched her with great delight. The pleasure that was building in his loins was apparent by its bulge. She was sure it would be dealt with later.
Thomas took another drink and set the glass down before moving to squat down close enough to Barbara to kiss.
Leaning in, he asked, “Wouldn’t you like Jackie to be holding the wand now? I’m sure she’d very much like you to come for her.”
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