Despite the burning pain from the caning in her bottom eighteen year old Lucy had enjoyed being fucked. The thought of someone watching the whole experiment would be an additional thrill so she readily agreed.
Mike was pleased and told her again she was a great ‘subject’ and that he’d love to ‘measure’ her responses again once the marks had faded. He suggested that she text him a photo of her bottom each day so Mike could judge when she’d be ready again.
Lucy readily agreed and she found her phone and took a quick photo to show day one. She then carefully slipped her knickers back on before pulling her dress over her head.
Mike knew just who he’d invite along next time, his old friend Tony. They’d run this scam before and Tony knew the score. He was also hung like a donkey and Mike liked the Idea of seeing Lucy get fucked with a huge cock. The other thing about Tony was that he was a real heavy hitter with the cane. That and his large cock meant Lucy was going tobe in for a very bumpy ride!
After a brief kiss, Mike left Lucy in her new digs and went on his way. True to her word, Lucy dutifully sent Mike a photo of her bump every day as the marks slowly faded. Mike was pleased to see the range of sexy lingerie Lucy was posing in each day and was eager to see her again for a repeat performance.
Two weeks later Mike texted Lucy to say that her bottom looked great and they should rerun the test under lab conditions that coming Saturday. He sent an address at the university that she should come to at 7 pm. In reality, it was a spare lesson room that he and Tony knew about that they had a key to and was in a quiet part of the university campus. Lucy immediately replied back saying she’d be there at 7 pm.
Mike gave Lucy the same preamble as he’d done Before about how mature she was and doing things that even the senior students couldn’t manage. He went on to say that the whole thing was going to be videotaped so they could check anytimings. He also explained that during this session, both he and Tony would strip naked so they’d both be nude when they can her. He said this was to help Lucy relax into the test. Lucy nodded her head in agreement saying that with them all being naked she felt a lot more relaxed. In reality, it was just because both of them were keen to fuck Lucy and didn’t want to both getting undressed midway through the session.
She didn’t seem at all bothered about the video camera! Both the guys quickly stripped off and for the first time, Lucy could see the monster cock that Mike had as it hung heavily between his legs. She did wonder if she’d be able to take such a thing when it was fully erect. Her previous experience with men was limited and she’d only lost her virginity a few months ago at a party with a guy in a drunken fumble.
Lucy did a little striptease unbuttoning her blouse before trying to seizely pull off her tight jeans. All it did was make her breasts bounce delightfully in their sheer black bra which she quickly unhooked. She was about to pull down her little black lace knickers, but Mike said she should keep them on during the first six strokes, just like last time. So Lucy did a little twirl so the guys could see her bottom and then asked how they would like her positioned for the experiment.
Mike carefully positioned Lucy so that she was bent over the back of the sofa with her head down and her bottom up. He carefully pulled her little black thong tight into her butt cheats. The thing was only a scrap and would do nothing to protect her from the cane, but it looked very sexy.
Mike explained that just as the first time around there would be an initial twelve strokes of the cane, followed by a final six to make a total of eighteen to match her age. He went on to say that Tony would deliver the final six and that they would be a lot harder than the first twelve. Lucy nodded her head saying she understand the process and would try to maintain her position. Mike said that after the first twelve strokes he would fuck her, and then after the last six Tony would then bring her to her own climax. Lucy still remembered her last fuck with Mike. She’d come hard during that session and was looking forward to a repeat.
However, she was a little nervous about Tony. Whilst Mike had been talking to her about the caning, in the background, Tony’s cock had been getting more and more erect. It now looked even more potential.
Tony was carefully videoing all of this and panned from Lucy’s face as she agreed to the caning down to her currently unblemished bottom. He couldn’t believe his luck. Mike had brought him a couple of other girls in the past, but none as young and gullible as this eighteen-year-old. He was going to cane her very hard and then fuck her just as hard. His cock had been growing the more Mike had been talking to the girl. He was now ready to get started.
With Lucy in position and Tony on the camera Mike selected the junior cane, about 8mm in diameter and about 850mm long. It was thin enough to make a great sound, but heavy enough to sting like mad and leave a satisfying welt.
And so it began.
Mike aimed carefully and landed a crisp stroke right in the centre of her bottom. A solid red line showed exactly where the cane had landed. Wham, in came number two. An inch below the first and Perfectly parallel. The third stroke was a little harder and whipped in below the first two. All the time this was happening Mike was giving Lucy words of encouragement and Tony was circling taking a number of still photos on a DSLR camera.
Numbers four and five were given in quick succession, both landing towards the top of her bottom on as yet unmarked flesh. Both strokes were hard and made Lucy reach up on tiptoes to try and ease the sting. After a moment or so she relaxed down on the back of the sofa ready for the next stroke.
Mike made number six nice and hard, with alonger backswing he was able to land a cracking stroke nicely in the middle of Lucy’s welded bottom. It had the desired effect as she gasped and reached back with her hands to try and smooth away the burning stroke.
Mike let her try and rub away the heat before telling her that the next six would be on the
bare. He reached forward and carefully pulled down her skimpy knickers that had done nothing to protect her now well-marked bottom. He pulled them down to mid-thight so as to allow a clear view of her behind. Tony dutifully took more still photos while Mike gently caresed the raised welts on her bottom. He also took the opportunity to ease her legs apart to allow him to slip a finger inside her slide. He was pleased to feel that it was delightfully moist, clearly, the cane was turning her on.
Lucy pushed back onto his probing finger hoping he might bring her some quick relief. But almost as soon as it had started it stopped again leaving her hanging, so desperatelyWanting to come, but being denied.
Tony told her she was doing great and that there were only six more strokes from him before he’d fuck her. He did remind her that these six would be harder and quicker, but at least they’d be done with. He also told her to try and stay in position. Lucy nodded her head in acceptance saying she was looking forward to his cock!
Without further ado, Tony lined himself up for the next six.
And so it began again.
True to his word the next six strokes were much harder than the first, and much quicker. Lucy immediately felt the sting from the first stroke. She only had a moment before number two came whipping in.
Number three was hard and fast and it fell directly on top of the last one. The pain was immediately. Lucy was struggling with the increased force and the speed. She stamped her feet on the floor trying to block the pain. Bang! Number four, low down and hard. Thwack! Number five higher up, the highest so far and on virginflesh.
In a voice filled with lust, Tony said number six was coming and then he’d fuck her. As with all good canings, the last stroke was the hardest, slightly crossing some of the other strokes and landing with a satisfying sound. Lucy flung her head back and cried out, again stamping her feet on the floor. All this did was to make her knickers flutter down her legs and pool around her ankles.
Mike gave Lucy just a moment to recover from the hard frantic caning he’d just given her as he positioned himself behind her. He removed her knickers from her ankles to allow him to spread her legs. As he did so he handed the little scrap of black lace to Tony who lewdly sniffed them to inhale Lucy’s sent before tossing them on the floor. Tony rubbed his cock a couple of times until it was rigid. He then started pushing towards the soft folds of Lucy’s cunt. With a little effort, he was able to slowly sink himself deep inside her. He held her tights tightly as he slipped back and forth a couple of times to get his cock lubricated with her juices.
Lucy groaned, this felt better. The caning had stung like mad, but Mike’s cock felt great inside her. And then the fucking started. Mike plunged in and out at a frantic rate. There was no fineness with his thrusts. He was just using Lucy as a fuck toy.
Mike was deliberately fucking Lucy hard and fast. He wanted to come quickly, and not let Lucy reach her own climax. When his orgasm was approaching he pulled out and sprayed his come in thick ropes across her well-striped ass with a satisfied groan. Lucy had whimpered during his frantic thrusts as she lay bent over the sofa. She was disappointed that he’d fucked so hard and fast. She had wanted to come herself and was so close, but Tony had finished too soon.
Mike casually scratched her bum telling her that she was doing really well, but now the hardest part of the test was about to begin. With that, he picked up her knickers from the floor and used them toWipe up his cum from her bottom. He then took the cum soaked knickers and told Lucy to put them in her mouth saying it would help muffle her cries.
Lucy tried to get up, but Mike simply put her back over, telling her to make sure she pushed her bum out to meet every stroke of the cane. He stroked her face making sure she still had the knickers in her mouth whilst giving her words of encouragement before nodding to Tony. She was ready.
Tony then menacingly stepped forward with the senior cane in one hand whilst rubbing his cock with the other. He eyed his target, her welted bottom, with a lustful look.
He stood off to one side and gave the cane a few practice swings. It made a much deeper swooshing sound but still seemed as flexible as the junior cane.
And so it began again.
The first stroke was hard and fast and landed with a solid thwack right on the centre of Lucy’s bum. Although already being very red with twelve welts, the senior cane left a white stripe which immediately turned deep red and stood out from all the other marks. Lucy flung her head back and gave a real cry of pain, the cum soaked knickers muffling the sound. She had never felt anything like this before. The caning from Mike had been hard and stung like mad, but this was something else.
Before she knew what was happening she saw Tony raise his arm for the second stroke. And then thwap, another Really hard stroke cut into her ravaged bum, just as hard and painful. This wasn’t fun at all. The cane was really biting into her bum.
The third stroke was just as hard and landed on the soft under curves of her buttocks, burning like mad. Number four was a real stinger, just a bit lower on the top of her thighs where her cheeses joined her legs. She knew from her first caning with Mike that this was a really tender spot. Ouch!
Before Lucy could think about anything else than the burning in her bum number five whipped home hard. The strokes were much harder thanThose from Mike and seemed to be getting worse as the session went on.
Tony adjusted his stance for the final stroke and brought his arm up higher than before and whipped in the hardest stroke he could. He wasn’t bothered about careful placement, just power. Because of his change of position, the stroke landed diagonally across the rest with the tip of the cane biting hard into the top of Lucy’s right thigh.
By now Lucy was reduced to tears and was slumped over the chair. Mike continued to console her telling her the worst was over as he pulled the knickers from her mouth and wiped a tear from her cheek.
Meanwhile, Tony had positioned himself behind Lucy. He picked up her hips to raise her bum higher to allow himself to slowly, but forced himself into Lucy’s recently fucked pussy. After some effort, he was able to get the head of his engorged penis beyond Lucy’s tight pussy lips.
It was a good job Mike had taken her first, he had helped lubricate her tight cunt. Ignoring her strange sobs Tony continued to push his cock into her, stopping every few moments to allow her to get used to his considerable girl. After about five or six thrusts he was able to get himself fully inside her and savour the sensing. It was a frighteningly tight fit. Then he began to fuck her, just as he had caned her, with hard powerful strokes.
Lucy’s feelings were jumbled. She was so glad the caning had stopped. What had started as a fun sex game had turned into real punishment. She felt the same about the sex. The fuck with Mike had been enjoyable and she’d nearly come. But the pounding Tony was now giving her from behind with his long fat cock was stretching her way beyond anything she’d had before. His relentless thrusts and the pain in her bum created a unique sensing, which in a strange way was quite exciting.
She then realized that Mike had gone from carefully struggling her face and giving her words of encouragement to now trying to force his once again erect penis into her mouth. She was getting fucked at both ends!
Mike was indeed trying to face fuck Lucy. After a little effort, he was able to slip his cock into her mouth and was now thrusting into her. He grabbed a handful of her hair and was using that to help him pull her head onto his cock. Meanwhile, Tony was picking up the pace behind, pounding Lucy harder and faster as his climax approached.
As Tony fucked harder he also began to smack Lucy’s already welded bottom, landing hard crisp spanks making Lucy squirm with each one. She wanted to cry out, but with Mike face fucking her it was impossible.
With a flurry of hard fast spanks, Tony came, pumping a huge wad of cum deep inside Lucy. He pulled her close onto his throbbing cock as he twitched the last drops of cum inside her. This pushed Mike over the edge and he pulled Lucy’s head down on himself as he also pumped load after load into her mouth.
Lucy did her best to swallow, but therewas too much and it dribbled from her mouth as Mike pulled away. Just as the cum was doing from her well-fucked pussy as Tony also pulled out his hard cock.
Lucy slumped over the sofa as the cum dripped from her at both ends. Her bottom still showed the vivid marks from the heavy caning she’d received and was now peppered with handprints from the spanking. Lucy wasn’t sure if she’d disappointed during the Last few moments of the fucking, she was so close to coming again, all she knew was that she’d been well fucked and coulded.
Then she felt herself being repositioned on the sofa, with her bum higher in the air. She was aware that Mike was still behind her and her butt cheats were being gently pulled apart to expose her virgin asshole. A lubed finger slipped inside her and carefully began working its way around. A second finger joined it and began to open her up. They were preparing to ass fuck her now!
She had thought that after the eighteen strokes of the cane and being fucked twice this would have been the end of the session. Lucy had never tried anal sex before, and while she wasn’t against the idea, she wasn’t sure she could cope with anything more tonight. She raised her head and looked around bewildered at what was going on.
She could see Tony was liberally applying a clear gel to his still hard cock. Now she could see how really big he was and why she’d struggled to accommodate him. She realized that Mike must be behind her gently fingering her ass and rubbing her clip getting her ready for Tony to fuck her. What Mike was doing feel great, but there was no way she could ever fit Tony inside her. So she made a deliberate effort to get up off the back of the sofa and face the two guys.
She shook her head saying to them both that there was no way she was doing anal, especially with Tony. Both of the guys were still very erect and looked disappointed. But it was Mike who took the lead saying that Lucy had done very well and they both fully respected her wishes. So he picked up her crumped cum soaked knickers and handed them back to her saying they should all get cleaned up and dressed. Lucy looked ruefully at the knickers before deciding not to both with them.
After a few moments, they were all decent again and Lucy was looking more relaxed, albeit without her knickers. Mike suggested that they end the session with a couple of drinks in the local pub. Lucy readily agreed, but Tony decided, saying he needed to check the recording and pack away the video equipment.
With that, Mike and Lucy headed off leaving Tony on his own to review the video.
As they walked to the pub Lucy wondered if there would be another session. She decided to ask Mike about it later…
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