University Halls of Residence

Lucy was thrilled to be offered a place at Carbeach University for a media studies course. It was a two year course and was far enough away from home to mean she would have to stay in the Halls of Residence. The University student accommodation wasn’t the normal big blocks with students all crammed into dormitories, but individual houses each taking 10 students.

Lucy was being shown around her new home by the senior student liaison officer, a dishy looking post graduate student called Mike. He dutifully showed her the shared kitchen area and locke area. It all looked great to Lucy and she felt so grown up, leaving home after her A levels to go to University at just eighteen. She asked if there would be others in the house and Mike explained that the other students assigned to this house would be arrived in week’s time, so for the moment she had the place to herself and could choose her own room.

Lucy ran upstairs and quickly looked in the bedrooms, choosing the biggestone for herself. She called out to Mike saying she had made her choice. He trotted upstairs to the room telling Lucy that he needed to do a quick inventory check before she moved her stuff in. He then produced a piece of paper from a folder he was carrying and began walking around the room ticking of things until he came to a large vase in the corner of the room. He looked over at Lucy and told her the vase was not on the list asking her if she wanted to keep it as it had probably been left by the rooms previous occupation. Lucy looked at the vase and saw that it contained about 10-15 bamboo canes, she pulled one out swished it through the air asking Mike why the previous occupation would want so many canes?

Mike explained that the room used to belong to a post graduate student who was writing a hypothesis that the sensings of pain and pleasure were part of the same continueum and that they had probably used the canes as part of that study.

Lucy looked confused and asked Miketo explain further. But he looked at her and shook his head saying that such work was advanced and beyond her current learning and maturity. Lucy bristled at this and demanded to know how a cane could be part of the pain pleasure continue or whatever he’d said it was.

Mike looked at her patiently, running his eyes over her whole body before telling her that it was a difficult concept to explain but could be better demonstrated. Lucy looked pleased and asked if he could show her exactly what it means in practical terms. Mike smiled and told her if she really wanted to find out what senior research students did at the University she would have to follow his every command. Lucy readily nodded her head feeling ever so grown up, learning about senior research student’s work on her first day at University.

Mike explained that as he understand things the ‘subject’ was required to bend over and receive a given number of strokes of the cane on their bottom, both over clothes and on the bare and then to allow the researchers to bring them to an orgasm by whatever means they saw fit. A record would be kept of the number of strokes and the time taken to reach a climax after the last stroke. This would then be used to see if there was a direct link between pain and pleasure. He went on to explain that the number of strokes correlated to the ‘subjects’ age, so 20 for a twenty year old etc. After explaining what the research entailed he then looked Lucy in the eyes and asked her how old she was and if she was willing to continue.

Lucy swallowed hard, then told Mike she was 18 years old, and pulling together her courage told him that she would like to take part in the study. She asked how the researcher would bring their ‘subjects’ to orgasm. Mike smiled, nodding that it was a common question and depending if the ‘subject’ was a virgin, either through vaginal or rectal penetration. Lucy said she wasn’t a virgin and then asked if would be OK if she bet over theend of the bed for the caning. Again Mike smiled telling her that this was a popular position and that she was very brave to agree to help with the research, saying that many older girls at the University had refused. Lucy felt very proud to be doing something the older students couldn’t manage. However, she was a little afraid about the actual caning, having never experienced anything like that before. She was also a little apprehensive about the fucking as well, as she’d only had one serious boyfriend before.

Nevertheless she walked over to the end of the bed and bent over, placing her hands flat on the mattress for support, and looking over her shoulder at Mike asked if this position was suitable.

Mike looked on with a cruel grin spreading across his face. Here was a naive 18 year old girl bent over the end of a bed asking him if she was OK to be able and fucked! He had wondered if she would believe his story about the canes and research, but it had worked for otherfreshers so he figured he’d give it a try with this one as was well and she’d fallen for it 100%.

Lucy was wearing a light floral print summer dress and flip flops. Mike could have easily pushed the dress up to allow clear access to her behind, but he was keen to see all of her, so he told her that the dress could be a ‘problem’ and that the experiment would be better if she took it off. So Lucy quickly stood up and pulled the dress up and over her head before bending back over the bed. She was a bit of an exhibitionist and was always the first to go topless on beach holidays, so striping for a stranger didn’t concern her.

Mike could now see that she had on a sheer black bra which helped to accentuate her small breasts and a pair of matching tanga style knickers. Mike wasn’t a fan of this type of knickers so he resolved to get Those off after the first few strokes of the cane.

Mike selected a light weight cane from the vase to start with and positioned himself to theleft of Lucy checking his aim by tapping the cane on her bottom. And so it began.

The first three strokes were quite light, just enough to make Lucy wiggle her bum each time the cane landed with each one leaving a faith pink line on the bare flesh not covered by her knickers. Mike gradually increased the force of the next three and so by the sixth stroke Lucy was breathing hard and it was clear that she was struggled to stay in position.

Mike paused and put the cane on the bed telling Lucy to take of her knickers for the next six strokes. She dutifully stood and slipped down her skimpy knickers, briefly exposing her neighborly trimmed pussy to Mike before she turned and bent back over the bed. Mike picked up the cane and returned to his position. Now faced with her bare bottom Mike could clearly see where the first six stroked had landed and he readied himself to deliver the next six. He told Lucy she was doing really well, but that she must try and stay in position for the next six as they would be harder. Lucy nodded and arched her back eagerly pushing her bum out towards Mike. And so it began again.

True to his word the next six strokes were harder than the first six and covered a wider area including Lucy’s upper thighs and the sensitive joint between buttocks and legs. Lucy gamely tried to say in position and would stamp her feet between strokes trying to deal with the pain, but by the tenth stoke she half stood and tried to rub her burning bottom. Mike patiently put her back over again telling her that there was still more to come. He delivered strokes 11 and 12 in quick succession, hard on the lower part of bottom. Lucy yelped and jumped up, with both hands grabbing her burning behind.

Mike told her she was still doing really well, much better than the older students, but she must Stay bent over. He suggested she might find it easier to bend over the back of the chair by the dressing table in the corner of the room. Lucy nodded and kicked off her flip flops and padded over to the chair. Mike pulled out the chair and asked her to remove her bra before her final six. Lucy quickly slipped off her bra and turned to the chair, bending over, and at Mike’s suggestion holding the seat with both hands. Mike looked on apparently, as in this position he could see her face in the mirror of the dressing table and her breasts as they hung down. He carefully spread her legs so they were on the outside side of the chair, thereby revealing her soft pussy lips. Mike gently runs his hands over Lucy’s caned bottom, tracing the welts before letting his fingers linger between her legs, feeling her wetness and making her gasp.

Mike stood back and then explained that the last six strokes would be just as hard as the others, but then after that he would then fuck her. Lucy turned her head and looking over her should told him that she would try her best and was looking forward to the sex! Mike was also very keen to fuck this girl and whilst her breast weren’t huge they did have superb nipples that were very erect. He had also noticed that when he had spread her legs either side of the chair that she was also very moist and Mike wondered if she might actually come during the final six strokes. And so it began for the last time.

Rather than just give her the last six strokes of the cane as hard as he could Mike quickly tap tap tapped the cane repeatedly on her bottom before drawing it back and whipping in the stroke. He repeated this for the first three strokes with great success as Lucy was gasping and Mike could see from the look in her face in the mirror that this technique was getting her highly aroused.

However, he wanted to make the final three strokes something she would remember. So he put down the cane and selected a thicker, longer cane from the vase. He turned back to Lucy and told her to hold tight as the last three strokes were coming and they would be very hard and very fast. Lucy buried herhead in the seat of the chair and held on tightly. Mike delivered the final three strokes with the new cane hard with each stroke equally spaced, top middle and bottom in quick succession. Even though Lucy’s bottom was already well marked with red tramlines from the first cane, these last three cane marks stood out angrily, a testament to their severity.

Lucy slumped over the chair, exhausted after the caning as Mike quickly striped of his clothes. Mike was more than ready to fuck this girl, his erection had been pushing out the front of his jeans from the first six strokes. He carefully unrolled a condom over himself before standing behind Lucy. He took hold of her hips and pulled her upright and nudged forward with his cock. He griped her hips and pulled her onto his cock, sliding in quite easily. Rather than taking Her roughly he allowed Lucy to make the pace. Lucy gently pushed back taking the whole of Mike’s considerable length allowing herself to get used to being completely filled before slowly starting to push herself back and forth. She used her hands on the chair to help propel herself back onto Mike gradually picking up pace.

Before long they are fucking hard and fast, their thighs slapping noisily together, both gasping and grunting. Mike could see Lucy’s face in the dressing table mirror, her cheeks were flushed and her hair had fallen across her face and she looked thoroughly dishevelled. As Mike continues to thrust, Lucy’s breath became shorter and faster before she tensed and squeals an orgasm flooding over her. Mike could feel himself getting close to coming and he reached forward, grabbing a handful of Lucy’s hair, pulling her head back making her arch her back as he fucked her hard. It only took a few more hard thrusts before Mike shot load after load of cum into the condom accompanied by an animal like grunt and a whimper from Lucy. Gradually they both calmed down and Mike pulled himself out of Lucy and carefully unrolled the full condom.

Lucy got up from the chair and turned to face Mike, asking him how she had performed in the experiment. For a moment Mike looked confused as he’d forgetten about the story he’d told Lucy, but he quickly recovered saying that as it wasn’t a controlled experiment it he hadn’t timed things, suggested that they could try again. He told her that if she’d like to he would need to have an ‘observer’ Along to check everything was done correctly and also to do the timing. Although the burning pain in her bottom Lucy had enjoyed being fucked after, and the thought of someone watching the whole experiment would be an additional thrill so she readily agreed…

To be continued…


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