My story so far.
My name is Brianna, I am by way of education a physiatrist. Not really relevant to this story but in a way ironic as I was now my own case study. But in reality I was a keyholder to a stable of boys I called my locked boys. My friend, and now Mistress/owner, Melissa had gotten me into keyholding as a way to make money while we were both in college. After college she went on to be a real, scary dominant mistress. I kept and grow my stable of locked Boys to the point where I made a good living and didn’t have to work hard.
Win win.
Online, I would tease my boys, laugh at them and assign them tasks, in an attempt to make their time caged fun for them, well maybe not fun, but they enjoyed it. But that was online. It wasn’t something I wanted IRL. No, I I wanted a man who would take care of me but wasn’t subservient to me.
Yes I wanted my cake and I wanted to eat it as well, as the saying goes.
That all changed when my boyfriend, who I suspected might be the one, had put on a cage I had in my work stuff, and locked it. I told him to take it off, and this story would have ended there if he had. But no, he wanted to see what it’s like.Then I, in a fit of stupidity, sentenced him to a week locked.
You see, what I have learned, and what they don’t tell you on the websites that sell cages, is that the desire to be kept locked builds until it’s an addiction.
Sure you could cut the lock and be free, but that’s hardly the point is it?
The person locked wants to be locked, wants to feel owned, wants to be denied that basic ability to touch themselves and to cum. They float in a mix of subspace and pre orgasmic bliss.
Often being released is almost a let down and soon they start dreaming of being locked again, with longer lock up times. Eventually they start wondering what it would be like to have that ability, the ability to cum, taken away forever. Permanent Chastity, permanent frustration.
Now my boyfriend, because of my decision, was on that path.
Also because of my decision, so was I.
At the end of the week sentence I had given him, I unlocked him, as promised. We couldn’t have sex as I was locked as well, but feeling guilty, I gave him the best blow job I could, he came hard.
“Now throw that cage away and stay free.” I told him.
But he had enjoyed himself too much.
“Just one more week, baby, that was the best cum I ever had.”
I tried again. “As of Sunday I won’t have the keys anymore, your cock won’t belong to me, it will belong to Melissa, get out now while you can.”
“Isn’t she unlocking you on Sunday?” He asked.
“She said she was, but she never said she wasn’t locking me back up.” I said with a sight. I knew I could just tell her I was done, but…but that would be a lie. Last weekend she had released me after locking me in a chatity belt, and I was disappointed. I wanted more, I wanted her to take my freedom, to own me, to…
The truth was I loved it, I felt free for the first time in my life. I still didn’t want to become addicted to this damn belt, but I loved that I had no control over it. A week without sex was no big deal, I’ve done that many times. But it’s like the cat sleeping in the bedroom, perfectly happy, until you close the door, then he wants out. I didn’t think about sex, well not that much, but once those locks closed it’s all I could think about.
“I have to bring all my boys keys, if you lock up, you are one of my boys. I will give her your keys. She will control when and if you ever get out again.” I said. ” Are you ready to take that chance?”
“I kinda am, I mean you’re gonna be locked so I will join you, we can both suffer.” he said sheepishly
“Go lock up then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
The next morning I was excited to get to Melissa’s house. I couldn’t wait to be her slave again, although I suppose I’ve felt like her slave all week.
“OH, you came back.” Mistress Melissa said sarcastically when she opened the door. “Before you enter, from today on, knee and kiss my boots”
Was this it? Was this the line too far for me?
My stomach fluttered and I sank to my knees. I could feel my pussy flood with mood. My breathing became shallow and I lowered my head and placed a kiss on the toe of each boot. I felt dizzy, and I loved it.
“Thank me…slave.”
“Thank you Mistress.”
“Now as long as you are down there, crawl into my house.” Mistress ordered.
And I did. I crawled into Mistress’s house, and stayed on my knees until Mistress closed the door.
“Crawl into the dungeon and then you can stand and get undressed. I will be in shortly.”
I did as commanded.
Mistress entered the room a little while later.
“OK my slave, you may speak freely for a few minutes. How was your first week of chatity?”
First week? I thought. Excitement and fear flooding my brain at the same time.
>”Overwhelming Mistress, all I can think about is sex”. I replied.
She chuckled. “Did your boyfriend ask to be locked again?”
“Yes, I warned him he would have to answer to you from here on out if he locked up, he said he would take his chances.”
“Realy?” Mistress exclaimed. “Well, he might come to regret that decision. Did you bring the keys to all Your Boys?”
I nodded and pointed to the necklace full of keys I had placed on the table.
“Good girl. We will discuss that later.” She said with a grin.”Now we are going to begin, you know the rule, no talking unless I tell you to.”
“Yes Mistress, I remember.” I said, instantly knowing I had broken the rule. Had I did that on purpose? Deep down I had to Wonder.
Anger flared in Mistress’s eyes, then she smiled, in a scary way.
“Seems my new slave wants to be gagged. Well I won’t argue with that,”
She went to a cabinet and took a moment to select the appropriate gag. She turned back to me,keeping it out of my view. With each step, my dread and excitement built. Dangling it in front of my face, I saw it was a cock gag, but a small one, maybe four inches.
“I hope your Gag reflexes are under control, this will be in for the whole session, and the next as well.”
I didn’t resist as she inserted it and pulled the straps tight. I did gag a little but kept it under control.
She put some cuffs on my wrists and ankles. Then returned to the cabinet. Returning she put a collar on my neck.
“This is a posture collar slave, I didn’t want you to watch what I’m going to do to you, but I wanted to be able to see your eyes. With this you can only look forward.”
I tried to move my head, or look down, I could do neither.
“Did you know that I’ve wanted to do this with you since college, but you were never available for me.”
I moaned, loving this, wishing I had realized this in college.
“My clients don’t get sex with or from me, I am a dominatrix, not a prostitute. But you are not a paying customer are you?”
She was doing something I couldn’t see as she talked. My Chastity belt fell away and her hand rubbed gently over my pussy.
I moaned, thrusting my hips forward.
“Needy, much?” She said with a laugh.
She led me to an inclined bench along the wall. After sitting me where she wanted, my arms were secured to the wall.
A shudder went through me as my freedom was taken again. Not that I really had any since last weekend, I thought. The feeling of being controlled washing over me. Subspace slammed into my chest, and my pussy felt wet.
Next a straw went under my breast pulling me tight to the benchmark back. My legs were then pulled up and locked into syrups. I was trapped. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk, and I couldn’t stop her, not that I wanted to.
“Do you like that pet? Being wide open to anything I want to do?” Mistress asked.
All I could do was moan into my Gag, as I drowelled onto my breast’s.
“You are wide open pet,” she repeated as she Put one finger in me and slowly drew it up from my taint to my clip. . Going back to my clip she ran her finger over the top, In small circles.
I took in a ragged breath and started sucking on the cock in my mouth like a pacifier.
“OH pet, have you ever been denied? Brought to the edge of cumming and then everything stops until you come down?”
I tried, and failed to shake my head no. She put a few fingers on either side of my clip and started rubbing it like Stroking a mini penis. I groaned, an orgasm building. She kept it up, I had never felt like this.
Then before I could cum she stopped.
I screamed.
“No? Well then today is going to be a long day for you. If you would like, I can lock you’re Belt back on and stop.”
I started yelling “no keep going please oh god” but what came out was “Mmmph mmph ugg mumph”
“OK then, you calm down and I will be back In a bit.”
Thiswent on for what seemed like hours. She would come back and touch my clip in ways I didn’t know you could. She even, at one point, got on her knees and sucked my clip into her mouth and flicked the tip with her tongue.
I was in heaven and hell. So close so many times and this bitch wouldn’t let me cum. After about twelve times she did this she finally stopped but held a fingerprint pressing on my clip.
“Do you want to cum, pet? There are conditions.”
I screamed “Yes, anything” or “essssmumumph”.
“You can cum but your Boyfriend will be locked for a month. Or I can lock you back up now and your Boyfriend will be unlocked next week.”
My eyes flew open. Could I do that to him? I warned him, so this wasn’t my fault. Fuck!
I nodded yes, as best I could.
Mistress laughed. “You throw him under the bus for your own pleasure, I love it.”
She started rubbing again, Stroking my clip like a penis again. I could feel the orgasm building. Oh god yes. I was sucking on the cock in my mouth as if my orgasm depended on it.
“Maybe the next time I unlock you in a month I will give him the choice.” she said into my ear.
A month? I started to think and then I came. It wasn’t a normal orgasm, this came from my very soul. My whole body pulled tight. I stopped breathing and screamed into the gag. Instead of washing over me and receiving, this kept pouring out. It went on and on, then I passed out.
I awoke still tied to the wall. The gag was gone , my feet were back on the floor. And my belt was back in place.
“You can speak freely, slave.” Mistress said when I recovered my senses and opened my eyes.
“OH god I need a cigarette.” I croaked out.
“You don’t smoke but if you want.”
I laughed. “No just oh my god that was awesome”
“Worth being locked for a month?”
“Mistress you could lock me for a year if you promised me another orgasm like that.”
“What? No i, i , i no Mistress i didn’t mean that.”
“Don’t worry slave, we will stick to a month for now, but your Boyfriend gets to decide if it’s you or him that cums next time.”
I let out a sight of relief.
“Maybe if he decides to cum, the cost will be a year locked. I will think on that.”
My breath Caught again. Hopefully she was just taunting me.
“OK I am going to release you, you have been tied for three hours. Your Sentence is a month, but I expect you back here next Sunday. I will remove your Belt so you can shake and clean up down there before our session.”
She released my arms and chest strap and I stood up on very shadowy legs. she watched as I got dressed.
I thanked her and headed to the door and she stopped me with one last question.
“So, are you going to tell him why he is locked for a month?”
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