We had been dating for several months now, not long enough to move in together, but long enough that we would spend a day or two at each other’s apartment.
I was a psychiatrist by training but I made far more money from my stable of locked up chatity boys. I was a Mistress, and my boyfriend knew it, although it wasn’t his scene. He didn’t mind or feel threatened by this, he knew I didn’t sleep with my boys.
That’s what attracted me to him, he was confident and strong. The fact he was hung like a horse didn’t hurt either.
He didn’t understand my locked boys. He would hear some of the things I would make them do, and shake his head in amusement.
I was finishing up an online session with a new boy when I heard an unmistakable click from the other room. My boyfriend walked in naked with one of my many cages locked on.
“What are you doing, take that off, now!” I said.
“Relax honey, I’m just seeing what the fuss is about, what these boys of yours are all excited about.”
“No! You don’t understand, that thing will rewire your brain making you crave and need submission. You will feel a never ending need to please whoever holds your keys.” I said, already slipping into Mistress mode.
“That doesn’t seem so bad, especially for you,” he said with a grin that always made my heart skip, and my groin wet. “Besides, I know addiction, I used to smoke before I met you. I quit that.”
This was true, he smoked on our first date, I expressed a dislike for it and he quit before our second date. I was kind of proud of him for that..
“No you don’t get it, I love doing scenes For my boys, but I don’t want that in my own relationship. I want a strong man, like you.” I said, wondering if it was too late. “It starts as a what’s this about, and ends with you craving to be locked up longer and longer, and finally begging to have it locked permanently. I’ve seen it happen way too many times.”
“Honey, honey, relax, it’s nota lifestyle for me. I just wanted to try it for a day or two to see what it’s all about.” He replied trying to calm me over something he knew nothing about.
I studied him for a minute, collecting my thoughts.
“Fine, but if you are going to do this, you do it my way.” I said, hoping to nip this in the bud. “You will wear it for 24 hours, if you ask to be released before 24 hours are up, you wear it for a week, then you are done with this. Ok?”
My hope was that the threat of no sex for a week would be enough to scare him off. Deep down I knew it was too late. If he was curious enough to put it on…
“OK I can do that.” He responded, quickly.
My Mistress side wanted to push him to fail, to give him what he was really asking for, more time, less control. But my girlfriend side wanted the uncaged man I was falling for. I was determined to not tease or push him to fail.
“Why don’t you go home for a while, I have to clean up here, we will meet up later fordinner. What do you think, pizza?”
“No, I will stay and help you, and whatever you want for dinner.” he said, pulling up his pants and adjusting his crotch to accommodate his new jewelry.
I stood watching. He always helped me, but he was never eager to please either. Did it work this fast? Had my threat backfired and doomed this sweet man, who I wanted badly to fuck right now?
I decided not to push.
“OK then, you take the kitchen, I will get the bedroom and start some laundry. Maybe we can catch a movie before dinner.”
We went about our chores. I got dressed in the least sexy outfit I could find, determined not to let him fail the first 24 hours.
Two hands made light work as they say and soon we were walking out of my apartment headed to the movies. There was a new romcom I wanted to see, but also an action flick he wanted to see. This should be an interesting test, I thought. I suggested the romcom expecting push back, I got none, he thought the romcom was a good idea.
Damn, dropping into psychiatrist mode, it can’t work that fast can it? Fascinating.
The movie was the perfect distraction, if we could go home and fuck. Unfortunately because of my boyfriend’s stupid decision, and my stupid ultimatum, I was cock Blocked.
“Want to go home and I will get you off?” He said, picking up on my mood.
I grew excited. He never offered that, if he wasn’t getting any.
“Let’s get the pizza delivered and head home.” I responded taking his hand.
At home he went to town on me. Damn he was only in that cage for five hours now and he was treating me like he hadn’t had any in months.
I was loving it, maybe this cage as a play thing could work.
Then it all went bad. I had cum, two, three, well I lost count to be true. As I was coming down he paused between my legs, his face wet with my juices, and said, “Baby unlock me so I can get some too.”
I locked my legs around his head, and started laughing. “Five hours??? Five hours? You only made it Five hours, dude, you are now locked for a week.”
“Wha…” he sputtered, “you weren’t kidding about that?”
“No, that was our deal, and now I’m going to take advantage of your tongue For the next week.”
“But, but, I was just trying it out, I’m done now”
“Baby you wanted to learn, You are getting a crash course. I hope that cage doesn’t pinch, it’s part of you for a week.” I chuckled, “Now get your mouth back to work, or you will learn the power the keyholder has.”
To his credit he stopped arguing and gave me another quick orgasum.
Maybe I could have a relationship with a caged boy. My problem, my fear, was I didn’t want a dynamic where one of us was above the other. I wanted a relationship of equals. I couldn’t see how it could work otherwise.
We cuddled until the pizza arrived. Then still dressed in sheets, we watched TV and relaxed. Around midnight we made it to bed, he wanted to play again, butI was exhausted and insisted we sleep.
The next day I was meeting my friend and mentor, Melissa, for lunch. Melissa was my Mistress mentor. She was a strong, self empowered woman. She taught me to control my locked boys. She was the reason I was a Mistress.
I told her what had happened.
“Let me guess, you are way over thinking it? Your Psychiatrist side is interested in studying the situation, and the girl in you is afraid this will dash your Long term hopes of a home in suburbia With two kids, about right?” Melisa said, staring right at me.
Damn, she missed her calling I thought, before piping up. “No, well, yes but..”
I stopped and looked back at her.
“OK, that’s a good summary, but you know how it works, once He is locked There’s no going back.”
She laughed, “No, sometimes it’s not their cup of tea, after the week you gave him he might not want anything to do with it.” she paused, looking me over, “You really are afraid he might needyou as his Mistress, and not be an equal partner. Maybe even take care of you…” Her sentence trailed off.
“Well, ya kind of.” I responded.
“Have you ever been on the receiving end, the sub end of a, let me rephrase, have you ever been a sub?”
“You know I haven’t, Melissa, I was a non kinky girl when I started this keyholder thing.”
“Humm.” Was all she said and dropped into silence as our food arrived.
We ate for a few minutes. Neither one of us talking.
“What are your Plans for this afternoon?” She finally asked.
“I got nothing going on” I replied, hoping she wanted to go shopping.
“What would you say to coming back to my place, to try some light bondage and submission? No sex stuff, just get you a taste of subspace.” Melissa asked, leaning forward.
I thought for a moment, “OK, sure.” Sounding not at all sure.
Melissa smiled, an almost cat-like grin, or maybe that was my interpretation.
When we got to her place she ledme into her “dungeon”, really just a large room with some toys set up.
“Strip while I get ready.” She said then left.
I did as told, suddenly feeling a bit uneasy.
She came back in, dressed in sweatpants.
“Sexy.” I said.
“When we are in this room, you don’t speak unless asked to, slave!” She said coldly.
I was taken aback, my friend was gone, in her place a scary dominant.
I hung my head.
She took my hand placing a cuff on it. The other hand next.
Guiding me to a wall she took a simple clip like on a dog leash and fastened each arm to the wall. My freedom was gone, from a simple clip. My head swam, I was overwhelmed, I feel myself falling, I was in subspace.
I loved it.
Oh my god, this simple little thing gave me these overwhelming feelings.
Mistress was watching my face closely, she smiled. “Like that slave? You may play dominant online, but in the real world you are a slave, my slave. Enjoy the loss of your Freedom, I will be back In a bit.”
She turned to leave.
“But, but,” I sputtered.
Mistress turned, “I said no speaking.” From nowhere a gag appeared in her hand, before I could argue it was in my mouth and she was buckling it to my head.
I started to drool on my chest, as she walked out. It was embarrassing, it turned me on. What the hell? I’m a Mistress, I have a stable of locked Boys!
I stood there, my freedom gone because of a few clips, and dripped from my mouth and my pussy. I was devastated, I was horny, I wanted Mistress to do more, and she did.
She came back holding something I didn’t recognize. It was a belt that she wrapped around my wait. There was a part hanging off the back. Once the mistress had the belt fitted snug above my hips, she pulled the back piece between my legs and up the front. It pulled up tight covering my pussy, then I heard a sound that sent chills down my spine. “Click, Click.” Two locks closing, this was a chatity belt.
“umph umph umph umph.” I groaned into the gag, trying to tell her NO. I didn’t want this trap, this mind altering thing on me.
“No talking Slave. You claim you didn’t want your Boyfriend to be locked, but then sentenced him to a week in chatity. So it seems only fair that you get the same treatment.” Mistress stated.“Next Sunday morning you will be back here to be unlocked. We will do a real session then. Bring your Boyfriends keys, and all your Locked boys keys. You will continue on as their keyholder, sort of, but I now own you so by default I own all of them as well.“`
She started to play with my nipples, my eyes rolled back in my head.
“Just think, now you are both equals again, both of you are my slaves.” She laughed.
She tapped her nails on the metal plate covering my pussy. My chatity belt, OMG, I already identify this as part of me, what is happening?
“You told your man that someday he will beg to be locked permanently, that you have seen it timeAfter time.” She pinched hard on my nipples. “Do you think you will beg for the same?”
I screamed into my Gag and, orgasmed hard.
To be continued.
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