Uni Away Day

Helpers Away Day

Being a strong community through where we live and our faith we are run by lots of helpers.

Some of the helpers are almost elders in waiting.

“Cancel any plans for tomorrow night Sara you will be going out to help others.”

“Yes Sir, it was only Leeds with the girls.”

I had been so looking forward to going out, its such a brilliant unwinding time with the girls and if we are lucky we pull a f*ck or 2.

I usually say on social media what I will be wearing, say hi and claim your prize, this girl sure needs a spanking.

If by any chance we did not pull we went to the taxi ranks where so many boys were waiting we could pull someone out of the queue and take them behind the advertising hoardings.

See its not Only boys who go out on a night out for a pull, us single girls have needs too.

Anyway, it was not to be, I was soon on the train home that night after work and knew I would be cane striped before I went out tomorroww.

Sir Don like to put his mark on me if I was going on loan or a home visit.

Just something Sirs do, I remember mum being striped when we went swimming as a kid and so were plenty of other mums.

I went and showed and helped Daisy with setting the table, remember in my Don training I was usually naked in the house or a gown if it was cold, tonight naked.

After dinner I cleared the table into the dishwasher and went into the locke.

Sometimes it was tv time, sometimes games time and sometimes lets spank Sara times.

Tonight was the latter.

Sir stood and unbuckled his belt, to this day watching a man unbuckle makes me tingle, more sometimes, most times.

He looked at the settee arm and I went over and was belted and put against the wall, hands on head nipples touching the wall.

Daisy was next, I saw her undressing as I stood, she got a few more than me, bigger mummy type bottom.

We were both crying and both nipples to the wall and both hands on head.

Not an unusual scenario for us both and through my tears often chuckled at the fact with her 36B tits she stood a way behind me with me only being 30A

I knew the strapping was Sirs generous help in me taking the cane a little easier, warmed up, if you will.

Strappings always rose the nerves in the bottom, something to do with the make-up of the leather I believe.

“Sara, take a position over the kitchen counter please.”

See how polite we all are, I actually mean it, not making fun, it`s a general respect we all have for each other.

“Yes Sir.” I was still sniffing as I climbed up, helped by Daisy, over the centre kitchen counter.

Sir went to his cabinet, my eyes were screwed tight, I did not want to see which cane he had.

It was not going to be my usual, junior cane, the choice was given away by Daisy stroking the backs of my hands then gripping them, not tight, more reassuring.

I got 5 strokes = stripes and cried on each one.

I was instructed off the counter and into the locke, Daisy was waiting, it was play time for Sirs enjoyment.

My, the things we got up to and the finale was Sir joining us, a few spanks as he mounted me, by head down on Daisy’s pussy, so it was a win, win, win.

As ever over Sirs knee for a light bedtime spanking, traditional for a slave plus one in the morning.

I was soon on my way home from work, Friday and a brand new adventure to soon begin.

I popped into the lounge to say hi and see if I was wanted, I wasn`t so went for a shower and then dress in the clothes Daisy had laid out for me.

I obviously saw them as I undressed and had a play or two in excitement in the shower.

Navy blue knickers, thick vest and no bra.

Grey pleated skirt, white blouse and a tie.

White ankle socks and black buckle sandals.

Daisy helped me dress then platted by blonde hair, I looked like Heidi and felt so pure somehow, hard to describe really.

She could tell I was nervous, who would not be, going to their first theme party, she lifted her jumper and latched me onto her left nipple, I suckled and calmed.

It seems ladies of her age, like my mum, soothed their daughters until leaving home, especially after a hiding from their father or someone, on the breast.

Like every good mum I was swapped onto her right nipple to finish me off.

Not wishing to be smutty and most girls/ladies know this, but, a suckled nipple at least grows double in both thickness and length, I cannot wait for me to be the one who offers the suckling to my babies.

“Ready Sara?”

I could not get her nipple out of my mouth quick enough, “She is just having a Pee.” Daisy pushed me back into the bathroom, and I peed.

“Into the car Sara, you look so cute by the way.”

He patted my bottom as I passed him.

I popped my hand up.

“Yes Sara?”

“Am I going for the cute university student look Sir?”

He nodded.

The train station was a left out of Sir Dons drive and we went right, past my old school and our church.

Up Slade Road to the airiduct and along Edge Road, across the junction onto Johns Street.

At the crossroads we turned right and re-joined Slade Road then a right onto Tern Avenue, we pulled up in the turning circle, right at the end.

Why would Sir add five minutes onto the journey I wonder?

“You will know everyone Sara, be generous and kind and lead by example.” He kissed my forehead and I got out.

I knew exactly what he had said but did not understand the context, but hey, I would soon find out.

It was lovely Avenue of detached houses and I was at The View, looking back I could see why with the magnificent skyline of Leeds in the distance.

I walked up the drive and saw someone sat on a chair on the balustrade staging surrounding the house.

A cigarette in one hand, coffee in the other, “Sara brown?”

“YesMiss, how are you Miss?”

“Tired of waiting girl, you are 4 minutes late, knickers to knees, over you go.”

Miss Walters was actually a Mrs, and a warder at the church, she was known by us girls for spanking girls as our uni dormitory head.

I went over and she pushed my blouse and vest over my head showing my titties and began rubbing my bottom. I heard footsteps, “Hello William.”

“Hello Jean, hello Sara, I would recognize Don Browns stripes anywhere.”

“Hello Mr. SLAPPPP, Ouch, Harris.”

I got maybe 15 slaps, but felt like 30.

“Stand, tits not grown yet Sara, and still poor appetite?”

“No Miss and Yes Miss.”

“Knickers up and top down, make yourself tidy girl. You are in lesson room 3s, down the corridor.”

Lots of things were now falling into place.

I walked to the open door and felt my first tingle, actually my second.

Room 3s, I went in and sat at one of the desks.

Miss came in and explained this was the lastfew days of my university life before a proper job working for a living and I needed to show full responsibility as an adult.

No idea where this was going, it had been a day of quizzes.

A knock on the door, “Come In.”

In walked an old friend, Ginny Slips, you can imagine the teasing she got about being slipped into from the boys and some girls!

“Sorry I am late Miss, my Sir, Mr. Saviour took the long way to get here.”

Gary Saviour was on a par with my Don Brown as a house slave trainer.

I thought, if she was not sorry then, she blooming soon would be.

Knickers to your knees, over you go.

Her business end was facing me, I remembered all her hanging flaps from years ago, we had her doing gymnastics naked so we could all see, she also had a wonderful pair of titles.

Duly spanked and crying she was sat next to me.

“Now young ladies, today`s first lesson is, Sex Education.

As well as written work we will have practical worktoo,

The book work started and for half an hour we saw various naked photos, men and women.

It was Ginny’s first venture into an away day visit, Sirs words again rang in my ears.

The first lesson over and we were taken into the room named, Gym for the practical side of the lesson.

2 naked men and various arrangement awaited us.


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