Uni and Me part 5 – slave girl sara brown
The Initiation
The morning dragged like it was a week but at last the time for my meeting at the tower came round.
“Good morning Miss, not sure if you would turn up.”
I just smiled.
“Yes Sir.”
“Follow me.”
We went behind the tower and down a passageway.
“Let me check you are ready.”
He removed my coat, jumper, and blouse and perked my nipples and just played with what I had on offer.
“How old are you?”
“Nineteen Sir, I have ID.”
“Just wanted to make sure as your nipples are so pink and fluffy.”
He juggled a little longer, then off with my jeans and knickers, he rubbed my pussy.
“May I?”
“Yes Sir, thank you for asking.”
He one, two, three, fingered me to a cum and tasted my juices.
“Wow, sweet girl, you will not be fucked by everyone in the next room but I will fuck you when I re-dress you, but only if you pass. Hesitation is classed as dissent and whoever you are in front of will give you a ten second spanking, agree?”
I found it hard to speak as I cum again.
“Yyess Sir.”
“Would you like a blindfold on?”
“I will be fine Sir, thank you.”
He patted my bottom as he opened the door. I counted six naked people with their backs to me I was knelt in front of the first bottom, a young man.
“Tap the bottom when you are ready, then a ten second bum lick and when they turn round a thirty second suck, bite or lick.”
I tapped and tongue rimmed his bottom till he turned round, wanking. I sucked him in and swallowed his small prick, then he moved along a place as did everyone else. A girl’s bottom to rim next and then gorge on her soaking wet pussy, but no cum.
A boy’s bum and cock was next and then a girl’s bum and pussy, followed by my last boy. He had been wanking all the session, I rimmed him then sucked him down and he cum, nearly knocked me over with his pounding. I could see my last girl was clipty wanking and after her delicious bum, she turned, I bit on her clip and she put her pussy over my mouth and nose and gushed a cum.
“You did very well sara and I see you got two rewards.”
“Yes Sir.”
“You will start at number one again sara and they will say either tits, pussy or bottom.”
“If it`s tits, hands on head with tits pushed out for a slapping. If it`s pussy get into the crab position for a pussy slapping and if it`s bottom, you will bend, touch your toes and stick you bottom up.”
“Ten seconds of slaps for tits, twenty seconds of pussy slaps and thirty seconds for a spanking.”
The first two called for my tits and nipples, third, fourth and fifth my pussy lips, my how that hurt but also made me tingle, the last spanking was not too soft either. The others were called over to check out my chequered bottom, with cane, hand and stick marks.
“You are doing great sara, your last task now, eitherYou choose a boy and a girl, or they will decide. The chosen ones will share you for five minutes to use and abuse you as the rest play with themselves to cover you with cum. And of course, sara, you could leave us now knowing some of what would be in store for you if you decide to come and study here?”
“Please may I ask the panel to choose?”
I went and knelt with my back to them and let them decide. I was soon on all fours with a cock up my bottom and I was pulled down to a pussy laid in front of me. That five minutes went by in a heartbeat.
“How was that sara?”
“Wonderful, please Sir, may I have more?”
I held my hands out like Oliver, but instead of being cupped, one hand had a finger as if fingering, the other as wanking. I soon had four on me, I was on my back with a cock up my bum, one in my pussy, a pussy riding me and me fingering another.
My guide said, “change” so they all swapped positions, and this continued till they all cum. I was stoodup and they all kissed, cuddled, and thanked me for being such a good sport as they left.
My guide pulled out a chair and I went over for a ‘good girl’ spanking till I cried. Then between his legs to suck and finally sat on his cock to ride.
I went back to the Munroe`s and got the key they had left me from under the slate and had a bath. I heard someone coming up the stairs.
“Here in the bathroom, who is it?”
He popped his head around the door, and I grabbed a towel to cover.
“It`s ok hun, I am Jamie`s uncle and he said if I popped round at this time I could get you to fuck me, is that ok?”
“No, not really.”
I pulled my towel under my neck.
“He also said if you said no, to take my belt to you, then fuck you.”
I dropped my towel; I could well do without another belting.
“Refusal is non-retractable, over you go.”
He unbuckled his belt and I shivered with a cum. I got a belting, but not harsh, he was more content rubbing and struggling me.
“Would you like to wank me?”
“Please Sir.”
He must have been Mrs Monroe’s brother, he certainly did not follow Jamie`s or his dad`s big cock, anyway a cock is a cock whatever its size. I wanked him and he fucked me and left, and I got back in the bath. Once dressed, as there was nobody home, I got a taxi to the station.
As the train pulled out of the station I waved, “Bye bye Scotland, loved every minute.”
“Can I offer you our customary First-Class service Miss?”
It was Mary Beth’s brother.
“Yes of course, ermm, how did we leave it?”
“If I recall Miss, you were going to, let me check on my note pad, ahh yes here it is, ‘Fuck My Brains Out’.”
“Well, if that`s what I said…” What a memorable journey home that was!
I did go to visit the other university, but it was nowhere near as enjoyable as this one, my mind was made up and Scotland it is. I cannot wait for the full initiative!
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