Uni and Me part 4 – slave girl sara brown
The tour and what came after
The first day tour was fabulous, and the guides were so chatty, lovely and friendly.
“So, the end of your first day`s tour, any questions?”
Ok then see you all tomorrow, hopefully.”
He looked at me.
“I think you had a question little lady?”
“Well Sir, I dare not ask with everyone here, but is there an initiative for new girls Sir?”
“Does that excite you, or scare you?”
“Both Sir.”
“Would you like to be part of a small one tomorrow?”
“Oh yes please Sir.”
“Ok, I will see you by that tower at twelve o’clock tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much Sir.”
I was back at the Munroe`s by one-thirty and had to wait outside, I had not been given a key. Jamie was soon with me, and we went in.
“Let me take you for a pee sara and get you ready.”
“Yes Sir.”
Same as before, he pulled my jeans down and I stepped out of them. My knickers followed in the same direction then I sat down and leaned forward to Pee.
“A shame to waste such a position.”
He dropped his pants, lifted my head a little and offered his cock to my mouth, and being an obedient slave I put out my tongue and sucked in as much of his cock as I could. He never cum and when I finished I sat up and opened my legs to be wiped and checked. He took off my jumper and blouse, turned the shower on cold and put me in.
“I want your nipples to look as though they are on stalks.”
They soon were and he gave me the offer, spanked or towel dried?
“A short spanking would be nice please Sir.”
He just got to spanking me and someone was at the door.
“Get drunk and follow me down.”
“sara, this is Cocky, he will be fucking you very soon and he is big!”
“Pleased to meet you Sir.”
“Good girl, tell me slave, do you take a cock up the arse?”
“Sometimes I have to Sir.”
He pulled my towel off me and put my hand on his bulge.
“Start wanking me now slave, it takes a lot of getting hard.”
“Yes Sir.”
Jamie was not kidding, it really was massive, four hands would not cover its length. I wanked best I could and he fingered all my holes.
“Over the counter sara and stick your butt up high. If not high enough Cocky, spank her.”
It obviously was not high enough as he spanked me as he slip into me. Jamie sat on the table and pulled my hair to lift my head up and latch it onto his cock. What a treatment, honestly, it was mind blowing as Cocky peppered my special places. I feel myself drifting, Jamie realized and told Cocky to give me a spank, he pulled on my stiff nipples and I sort of rejoined them. They both cum and I was taken upstairs and laid on the bed.
“Wake up sara, have a shower and straight downstairs, Alice will be home in fifteen minutes.”
Alice home arrived just as I came down the stairs.
“You have ten minutes Alice, sara, wank please.”
Alice went to prepare and I wanked Jamie until she arrived back down, naked. What a stunner, no wonder he fucks her as often as he can. Five foot four and around one hundred and ten pounds, had to be 34C, with the thinnest line of hair leading up from her hood, wow. She stood in front of Jamie, and he fingered her as I wanked him.
“Right sara, bend over, count her stripes Alice.”
“Just the bruised ones or the faded ones too?”
“Just the bruised ones.”
“One, two, three, four, five, Sir”
Her soft hand over my bottom whilst she counted felt wonderful.
“Over you go as well Alice, and hold hands. What cane size sara?”
“Medium rattan Sir.”
“I have decided to cane you too sara.”
I feel my bullmy nip and pussy tingle.
“If you feel I earned one Sir.”
“Yes, I feel when you rode me last night you were lethargic.”
“Sorry Sir, I agree I need a beat.”
Alicesqueezed my hand.
“Five lines each, alternate, ready?”
We both said, “Yes Sir.”
He gave four or five taps per stroke, then.
Whoosh Crack – Whoosh Crack.
Whoosh Crack – Whoosh Crack. We both ouched.
Whoosh Crack – Whoosh Crack. Then OUCH
Whoosh Crack – Whoosh Crack. Then a scream each
WHOOSH CRACK – WHOOSH CRACK. We both jumped up rubbing our bottoms and cuddled, crying. Instead of thinking how it hurt, I was thinking how fantastic her tits felt pressed into me.
“So, no one wants fucking then?”
We both divered back over the counter, I let her go just before me so I could see her new stripes, mmmm. The fucking was just what we both needed to finish Sir`s caning and I think we both had multiple cums.
“Right ladies, I am going to work if you want a bit of girl-on-girl time. No nighty tonight Alice, I am sleeping in yours, sara, our dad will be fucking you so you are in his bed.”
Again, we both answered, “Yes Sir.”
She took me by the hand and led me upstairs to her room where we used every position I knew and three new ones she knew. We fell asleep cuddling and were only hurt when her dad came into her room and saw us. I went to cover up.
“Stay as you are girls I will shower then we can play.”
We both went for a Pee and laid on our backs waiting.
“Is he big Alice?”
“Yes, thicker than Jamie.”
She was not wrong, he walked in and looked as though he had a trunk between his legs.
“Had you permission to play girls?”
“No Sir.”
“End of the bed, spanking position.”
It was just the same as being on all fours for a fucking. He stood between us, and Alice wanked him as he spanked me, so I wanked him as he spanked her. I had to have my hand upside down as I could not hold and wank with just one hand he was so big and heavy. He was soon into us and we were soon showing our pleasure, Alice finished him off with her mouth.
At dinner Mrs. Monroe was told she would be sleeping in Jamie`s bed as Mr. Monroe avails himself of their guest.
“Yes my dear, thank you.”
We were all upstairs and in our bedrooms. Mr. Munroe ran a bath, for us I thought.
“Undress me sara.”
“Yes Sir, of course.”
My teachings over the years have taught me to nudge his cock at every opportunity, and I did.
“You are a bit rough sara, pull the belt out of my trousers, knickers to your knees and over you go.”
I got his belt and passed it to him.
“You look pretty sore on you bottom sara?”
“Yes it is Sir.”
“Would you like your front spanking instead?”
What a choice, “I am ok to be spanked on my bottom Sir.”
I wanted unblemished tits for tomorrow`s initiative. I bent back over, and Sir belted me, only ten, could have, and should have, been worse.
“Keep knelt sara, kiss my cock.”
I kissed it and earned a slap on the cheeses.
“Kiss it with tongues you lazy girl.”
I nodded as I tried to suck him in.
“Please Sir, please don`t beat me but it’s too big for my mouth.”
I began to cry and put my hands over my bottom. He rubbed my bottom, stood me up and cuddled me.
“You may wank me instead little girl, whilst I cuddle you.”
He got into the bath and lay back, his cock sticking up like a periscope.
“You may bathe me sara and when you have dried me I will get Mrs. Monroe in to give you tips in sucking.”
“Thank you Sir.”
True to his word, I had to get Mrs. Monroe out of bed and into their room.
“Show sara how to suck my cock.”
“Yes Sir”
She told and showed me what she did.
“Sir, she showed me, but my mouth is too small.”
“Ok get into bed sara.”
“All fours will be easier again for you sara.”
I took up position then he fucked me from behind.
“Cum on your tits or in your mouth sara?”
“Both would be fine, if you wish Sir.”
Sometimes I don`t know how men produce so much cum.I showed us both and we went to bed.
In the morning he went down before me, I followed a few minutes later. I do not know what was said or done but Alice was naked and being spanked by her dad. We all had breakfast and as Mr. and Mrs. Munroe, together with Alice, left for work I thanked them for my stay.
I cleared the table while Jamie went down for a shake. I was a bit tingly seeing Alice get her spanking so as Jamie came down I went over their kitchen counter.
“Can I offer you anything before I leave Sir.”
He went to the other side of the counter and knelt on it so I could wank and lick him stiff. I was soon being pounded from behind and cumming in waves you could surf on.
He pulled out to cum on me and in my mouth, I licked him clean, showed and as I left for my university tour I kissed his cheese and said bye.
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