Unexpexted Consequences

Ladies and Gentlemen, just a quick note about this next tale of mine, for it contains an element of a situation that I fully recognize should NEVER occur in real life. OK, so my muse here is pure FICTION, where nobody gets hurt, but please, NEVER do what i do within this tale, never leave somebody bound and gagged completely unattended. Thank you.



I smiled to myself, for I was deeply satisfied, as I began the process on untying the ropes that held my new girlfriend to the bed. Yes, I had just enjoyed a long and vigorous sex session, with her tied spread eagled to said bed, unable to resist me in any way, or prevent me from simply using her body for my sexual Gratification. Mind you, judging from the noises that had emerged from her mouth during the process of me half shagging her to death, she’d thoroughly enjoyed just what I’d put her through, many a scream of pure ecstasy had emerged from her lips during the last couple of hours or so. Betraying the fact that she’d delighted in the whole ‘sexperience,’ and please believe me I certainly hoped so. As she climbed off of the bed and half walked and half staggered to the bathroom, I told myself just how lucky I was to have met her, her beautiful long and shaped legs encased within the sheer nylon of the stockings I’d placed them in, once I’d securely tied her to her own furniture. Wow, she was absolutely gorgeous and for that period of time just expired, she had been totally and utterly mine!

Mind you there would be a price to pay for all of this pleasure. You see, as part of the deal between us, in return for me tying her up and then shagging her to my heart’s, or should that be my cock’s, content, I’d agreed to let her return the favour, as it were. Obviously, that wouldn’t occur right here and now, I’d shagged her until I was completely spent, and she wasn’t much fresher, it would no doubt occur tomorrow night, but as they say a deal is a deal. And if I was completely honest, I was quite looking forward to the prospect of being hers, helpless in this extremely sexy lady’s power, with her ravishing me and there being nothing I could do to prevent her from inflicting her considerable sexuality upon me.

However, as I walked back into her bedroom on that next evening, with a massive smile, of sexual anticipation upon my face, it was clear that there were some unexpected aims on her mind. Aims that had NOT been discussed between us, or most certainly not agreed with.

For her legs were totally bare now, no stockings upon them. There was, however, a pair of them lying on the bed, together with the suspender belt that she’d been put into last night by me. It rather looked as if she had the intention of putting my legs into them tonight, although I had doubts about being forced to wear female clothes that wasn’t what concern me the most here. For lying right next to these items was the implementation that did frighten me, a very long,together with a large girl, silicon strap-on!

“Darling, take your clothes off please, and then lie yourself down on my bed, face down.”

“Why? This isn’t what we agreed at all! Sure, I’m happy to let you tie me up and shag me in the conventional sense, I’d fully agreed to that, and still will happily do so, but not this! I don’t recall this being part of our deal at all.”

“Yes, as a matter of fact it was. You consented to allow me to tie you up in any way I chose, didn’t you? So, please get on with it.”

“Maybe so, but of course I had no idea it was going to be quite so kindy! You got me to agree on false pretences, didn’t you? Legally they call it misrepresentation, I believe. Now, I’m perfectly willing to let you have your wicked way in the normal way, a deal is a deal after all, but no! I’m not going to agree to do things this way!”

“So, what you’re saying is that you are going to rat on me? You’re going to break your word?”

“If you insist on this,Then yes. Although, like I say we never discussed or agreed on precisely this, so no I’m not breaking any agreement here. But, as this is clearly what you have in mind here, I think I’d better leave right now.” I turned around, and as I started to head out of her flat, I heard her scream.

“WORM! Don’t think for a minute you’ll get away with breaking your word to me!”

As it was a Saturday evening, instead of heading home I instead went to my local pub, where I drowned my sorrows with a couple of pins of a traditional English real ale. It was a shame I told myself, young Amy was, as I said before, utterly gorgeous and sexy, I had enjoyed myself immensely with her on that previous evening, and had believed and hoped that I would do tonight, but under her control on this occasion. But not like this? I wouldn’t have been quite so annoyed if she had, in fact, raised the matter beforehand, actually asking me, but no, she’d tried to trick me into it instead. Yes, THAT rankled. After those few pins, I headed home, under the impression that obviously the matter, like the relationship with Amy, was over and finished. As for that threat she’d screamed at me as I left her home, well did she know me at all? Where I lived for instance? Our whole relationship had been very short, after all what could she possibly do to fulfill some twisted desire for revenge she might possess? It was quite possible that we’d never see one another again, she actually lived on the other side of town to me.

After a quite depressing weekend, yes I was truly gutted how Amy’s deception had the effect that it had on me, added to the fact that my favourite football team had been thrashed 0-4, I was actually quite pleased, no I think saved is the correct word, to have to report for work on the Monday morning. Ok, so work is work, and not many people, including me, do it out of choice rather than financial necessity, but although I hadn’t been in my present position of employment for long, I did to a large extent find my job quite challenging and enjoyable.

A good and satisfying day of work followed, which did to some measure cheer me up and lift the ‘fog’ from me. But as the working day approached its end, the boss, a very good-looking, no, actually damn sexy, woman in early forties named Sylvia Adams asked me to accompany her to her office.

As we stepped into her abode, she invited me to sit down, before locking the door! Sitting opposite me with her desk in-between us, which I noticed was totally uncluttered, she fixed me with an unwelcoming star. “Do you like working here, for me?”

“Yes Sylvia, I do.” She had told me from the first time I met her that I, and all her employees, were welcome to address her that way.

“Good. I was rather Hoping that you’d feel that way. And you have performed some very good work in that short time, I will readily admit. But, as you haven’t been here for over two years yet, legally I could dismiss you on thespot if I so choose. Understand?” ( btw, this is a true situation within the U.K.s employment legislation. Until one has been working within continuous employment for the stated period of two years, workers basically have NO rights, and can be dismissed instantly and without due cause.)

“Yes Sylvia,” fear being to take hold of me now, but I couldn’t recall any mistake I’d made at work, and I was Very punctual in terms of timekeeping and absence. “May I ask just what you consider I’ve done so wrong as to warrant such a question?”

“Nothing within these four walls, like I said earlier your work is good, no, the matter that has been brought to my attention occurred outside of these premises, and not within work time.”

This was now beginning to worry me. Surely this couldn’t be connected to what happened between Amy and myself, could it? Meanwhile Sylvia keep on staring intently into my eyes. “Right, if you want to keep your job here, I’m going to issue you with some instructions, and I suggest that you will obey every one of them if you wish to continue working here. Got it?”

“Yes Sylvia.” Wondering just what she had in mind for me.

“Good. Because I’d imagine it would be quite difficult for you to pay that mortgage on your new home, if you lose your job here, wouldn’t it?” Paralysed by fear to such a degree that I Couldn’t actually speak, I simply nodded. Meekly.

“Right, now we’ve got that all out of the way, to business as they say. Stand up.” And once I’d done so her voice rang out again, issuing a command that totally took me by surprise. “STRIP!”

“What?” I actually uttered in reply, certain that I’d misheard.

“You heard! Take off your clothes, ALL of it! NOW!” So, I hadn’t misheard then. “Or I sign THIS,” showing me a document that I could clearly see was headed ‘Termination of Employment.’

I obeyed, rather reluctantly, as I’m sure you can all imagine. What was going on here? Yes, I know that earlier I describedThis woman as extremely beautiful, a completely accurate statement, but surely not here and now in her office? Why go to all these lengths, why hadn’t she simply have asked me to go to bed with her within her own home, and you know what, I’d almost certainly have said ‘yes.’ We are talking about a stunningly sexy woman here.

But her next actions and words REALLY shook me to the core and made no sense at all. She pulled some sort of holdall bag from under her desk, opening it and removing a small cushion, which she basically threw at me. “Put that on the edge of the desk, lay down resting your midriff upon it, and then stretch out over the desk. NOW!”

What? But I did obey, goodness knowledge, just what she was up to here? It didn’t take long to find out, as her hands returned into her bag Again, this time emerging with a couple of, what looked like, because they were, silk dressing gown belts. Swiftly Sylvia securely looped my left wrist with one of them, and before I knew it,had tied it tightly and completely inescapably to the top of the desk’s legs. Before I’d had any time for this action of hers to sink in, she’d moved across and my right arm found itself bound to the opposite leg on the other side of the desk. I had been captured and was now helpless within her hands and power. But why? I would soon find out.

“Now then I think you’d agree that you’re rather at my mercy here, eh? But I will be shortly going home, wearing nearly all the clothes that I am now. No, you’re going to left here, although I haven’t finished with you yet, for the person who your recent actions have offended so much. Put it this way, I don’t like people, whether in a business or personal sense, who promise something to another person, and then don’t deliver. Which is what you did!”

So, this DOES involve Amy then, but what connection does she have with Sylvia? Oh, and the next items to emerge from Sylvia’s holdall confirmed that Amy was definitely behind this, the very suspender belt, and presumably the same stockings that she’d intended to place my legs within the other night. An action that Sylvia carried out, right here and now, before two more silk ties were employed to tightly fasten my ankles to the other two desk legs. Meaning I was thoroughly and totally inescapably secured to this desk now, in my boss’s office.

Next, I was treated to the rather amazing sight of this sexy woman, removing her leather skirt, and using some sort of vibrating wand to play with herself, but having her skimpy satin panties still in place. Still, she succeeded in bringing herself to quite an intense climax and let me tell you it was quite a sight, as her body shook and gyrated, while ecstasy claimed full hold of her, not to mention the piecing scream that emitted from her orifice!

Unfortunately, as I was soon to realize that there HAD was an ultraor purpose to all of this, as Sylvia then removed this now soiled garment, and I noticed that she’d fed the suspenders holding her stockings up underneath said panties. She now had another destination in mind for them, yes, I was going to be gagged and silenced. I did contemplate refusing to open my mouth but realising that in the long run such an action would be futile, I made no attempt to thwart her aims for them. In they went, overwhelming my sense of taste, and to a large degree that of smell too, with this grogeous woman’s sexual scent! To be tied in place, making it impossible for me to eject them.

Having replaced her skirt around her waist, Sylvia blew me a kiss, she then placed all of my clothes within her now empty holdall, before clarifying the following information. “Well, goodbye now, I’m just off home, I’ll be here to release you in the morning. In the meantime, I’ll leave you in the tender care of my office cleaner, who I believe you are aware has the given name of Amy. But what you did NOT know when you betrayed her, is that she is my daughter. Don’t worry she’s aboutt to give you her FULL attention, and I don’t suppose that she’s in any mood to show you any mercy. Just so you know, she’s studying for a degree in the nearby university, the flat she lives in, rent free, is owned by me, and cleaning these premises for me give her a little spending money. Well, ciao then, see you tomorrow morning, after Amy has completely ravished you in any way that she Chooses!” With that, taking her bag with my clothes inside, Sylvia departed, leaving me just adorned in just stockings and suspenders, securely tied to her desk, ready for her daughter’s idea of ​​what consisted of fun.

It was actually over ten minutes before Amy made an appearance, time during which, I’m sure will surprise nobody, I tried my very best to test out Sylvia’s bondage abilities. Only to discover that she sure know her rope work, these bonds of hers were solid and totally secure, there was absolutely no escape available to me, despite my best efforts. By the time her daughter did emergege through the office door, I’d largely given up, by now resigned to my fate.

“Well, well, look who’s here? I must say mother has definitely excelled herself, hasn’t she? And just who’s been trying to escape from her trap, eh? To no avail, I see. Well, sonny boy, you and I have some rather unfinished business, don’t we? What, cat got your tongue?”

Then she clocked that I was gagged. “Ah, that rather explains your reluctance to answer me. Nice one mum! Are those her panties in there? And did she cum in them first?” Of course I didn’t reply, after all I couldn’t speak, but the look on my face must have told Amy all she needed to know, because she burst out with, “oh mum, I really am quite impressed! I never knew that she was quite this kinky. But I fully approve, be a bit of an insult to her to remove them now, wouldn’t it?” No Amy it wouldn’t, but naturally I couldn’t state that, and I believed that if I could have conveyed this opinion, it would have only increased Amy’s determination to leave me with Sylvia’s soiled panties stuffed into my mouth!

Amy now teased me some more by gently guiding her hands over my legs, coated in very sheer nylon of course, and as much as I didn’t wish it to, this action of hers felt utterly delicious, a sensing which transferred itself to my cock, that responded in the natural manner, much to my captor’s total delight. “Well, at least somebody seems pleased that I’m here!”

With that Amy’s hands stopped rubbing my nylon covered legs, one hand clamped itself around my cock, whilst the other starting ‘playing’ with my balls. Suddenly she started to pump my member, slowly at first but rapidly accelerating. With the inevitable effect, but she was here to punish and not to please me. With an almost impossible sense of timing Amy ceased her actions Just before that delicious point arrived, leaving me totally pent up with unfulfilled sexual energy, that had not been released. No doubt if my mouth hadn’t been filled with her mother’s underwear, I’d have screamed out with sheer frustration!

“Ah, does somebody want to cum? Listen good sonny boy, you’ll only get to cum IF I allow it, didn’t I warn you that you’d pay for breaking your word to me, and that time is now! You are mine, MINE, for me to do just what I want to you now, how I want, and for as long as I want, with there being nothing you can do to stop me! So, just lie back as it were and enjoy the ride!”

With that Amy walked around until she was standing on Sylvia’s side of the desk, within my line of sight, very provocatively. “Well Darling, it seems that you totally ready for what I’m going to do to you, but I, myself, am a little, overdressed, aren’t I? I’d better rectify that state of affairs if we’re going to get down to some serious sex, hadn’t I?” A totally rhetorical question, of course, she was going to do what she was going to do, without any need of any sort of permission on my behalf. Just part of her teasing, naturally.

Exactly like her mother had been, Amy was wearing a delicious leather suit, and she deftly removed the jacket, twilling it around before casting it aside, making a real show of doing so. Then she unbuckled the skirt, wriggling out of it in a manner that any professional stripper would have been very proud to have performed thus. Now she moved forward, until her body was only about an inch from my face, as she undid the buttons of her satin blouse, one by one, before unpeeling that, tossing it away as she’d done her jacket. She stood in this same position, so close to my face, as she reached behind herself and deftly undid the clap of her satin bra, flicking it away, before inching even closer, trapping my head within her ample tits, as she ‘wobbled’ them either side and against my head!

Again, like mother like daughter, Amy had fed her suspenders under her panties, which means, after she’d taken a step or two backwards, that she didn’t have to disturb the former as she removed the latter. As she now stood still holding them in her hands, “I had thought of putting these into your mouth, but mother has rather beaten me to that pleasure. I’ll have to come up with another suitable location. Ah, yes…”

Within a moment Amy revealed her alternative position for them, over my head with the gusset, the place where the smell of her sexual arousal was at its strongest, right against my nose! Sure, she hadn’t cum in them like Sylvia had, but believe me, I got a real ‘whiff’ of just how turned on she was by now.

It was time for Amy to prepare for the real purpose that she’d persuaded Sylvia to help her set me up for. She reached into the bag that she’d bought with her, pulling out the same strap-on, the sight of which had triggered this whole scenario some seventy-two hours earlier. “Yes Darling, unfinished business. You are now going to be PEGGED!”

Once it was in position, including its little attachment rubbing against my captor’s cliporis, Amy pulled a tub of lubricant out of her bag. “Now, although this whole evening is about me punishing you for breaking our agreement, there is one thing that I need to point out. I have NO intention of putting you in any real danger here, or doing you any permanent damage, OK? I do know how to use one of these, and I’m fully aware that plenty of lube is essential.”

Actually, not only did I believe her, I felt quite reassure that she wouldn’t compromise my safety and welfare. Sure, I know that I wasn’t in her good books, and I was facing a very torrid time, completely helpless and totally within her hands and power, but I had this sense that I would emerge undamaged at the other end of her intentions for me. Yes, I was utterly hers, she was here to punish me, but I DID feel that I could trust her. Something that managed to diminish the real fear that coursed through my body at that precision moment of time.

Mind you her next actions restored some of that sense of terror, if notin any physical sense. For she stood in front of me, her mobile ‘phone within her hand, and clearly switched to camera mode, as she smiled, “let’s have a little piccie of just what we have here, eh Darling?” In fact, she took several snaps, from all sorts of angles, showing my dilemma in lots of different ways. “Oh yes, there’s some really graphic shots here. Enough to cheer me up on a cold winter’s evening, if my spirits need lifting. And I’m sure that mother will enjoy them too!” No doubt Sylvia will, my mind told me, but hopefully nobody else would. Surely, you can understand my very real sense of fright here?


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