Unexpected Submission Ch. 03

Brian hadn’t planned to be in New York City for Valentine’s Day. He’d intended a relaxing night at home, but his agent called the night before with – as the Godfather would say – an offer he couldn’t refund. Hoping the trip would also give him an opportunity to see Linda, he packed a bag and caught an early morning flight.

As he stood in the taxi line at JFK, he texted the young – more than 15 years his junior – woman. She texted back in a matter of minutes, and he asked about her plans for the evening. Linda revealed she had a dinner date with her boyfriend, Ryan – a guy she’d been “kind of” seeing for a while, even while she and Brian had been playing.

A stall of jealousy pierced his gut. Though they’d had a long discussion about seeing other people when they were apart, he couldn’t help it. As it had many times in the past few months, inner conflict realized its ugly head. Brian cared for Linda; that wasn’t the problem. The difference in their ages, however, concerned him. He didn’t give a flying fuck what anyone might think about him seeing a younger woman – he was long past caring what people thought. But, in the deep receptions of his mind, he knew she deserved more; she deserved a good guy; one closer to her own age.

Despite this acceptance, Brian felt some consolation in the knowledge Linda wasn’t serious about this guy, preferring to focus more on her career at this point in her life. At least, that’s what she told him. He was certain one thing though; when they were together, she was his. She’d surrendered herself to him completely. And, he had pushed her limits; opening her mind and body to a world of new experiences.

In her submission, Linda reaped great rewards. Brian delighted in making her cum over and over; in watching her face; hearing her moans; Feeling her body spasm; tasting her; smelling her, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. As the cab crawled along the Van Wyck Expressway – the first step in a journey that would take him into Manhattan via the Queensboro Bridge – he decided another push was in order.

“I want you to do something for me,” he texted.

“Anything,” she assured him.

“I want you to wear the plug today,” he typed, referring to the butt plug he’d purchased for her.

It took several minutes for her to reply.

“Can’t. Have a date tonight, I told you,” she said.

“What does that have to do with it?” he questioned.

This time it took nearly 10 minutes for her answer.

“All day?” she asked.

“Yes,” he answered.

“Can’t I take it out before my date?” she requested.

“No,” he said.

“Please,” she appealed.

“I’m not going to tell you again, Linda,” he returned.

“OK,” she relented.

Brian’s meeting went well. His agent had hustled him across town – as quickly as one can travel around Manhattan – to the headquarters of a famous monthly magazine traditionally targeted at women. They planned to publish an in-depth article onerotica, with an eye towards making the inclusion of a short story a regular feature. Negotiations went quickly, and he spent the afternoon creating a plot and characters for the first story this venture would require. He typed up his thoughts, then decided to take a nap.

When Brian awoke, The City was dark. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand – 8:03pm.

“Shit,” he said, aloud. “So much for sleeping tonight.”

After a trip to the bathroom, he scooped up his cell phone and texted Linda, wondering how her dinner was progressing, and if she’d followed his instructions.

“Is it in?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied, several minutes later.

“Show me,” he demanded.

“On a date,” she returned.

“Go to the bathroom. Take a picture,” he ordered.

At the restaurant, Linda dropped the phone into her clutch. She tried to pretend everything was normal, even managing to take a few more bites of her spinach ravioli as her date chattered away. She couldn’t focus on Ryan’s words, as her mind fixed on Brian. Her chestnut brown hair, swept up on top of her head, exposed her neck, and every slight breeze made her shiver, thinking of Brian’s lips on one of her most sensitive spots.

Somehow, she lasted more than five minutes before excusing herself. She could feel her excitement growing as she crossed the expandive room, forcing herself to walk slowly. Her dress – emerald green, matching her eyes, which tonight were not covered by the rectangular, black framed glasses she often wore – clung snugly to her body. The shimmering material fell to the middle of her thighs, and left little to the imagination.

Part of her couldn’t believe she was actually going to do this. She felt naked, as if everyone in the restaurant knew what she was about to do. Her heart beat faster, and Her skin flushed. Surprisingly, there was no line outside the Ladies room. Opening the door, she entered, passed through the lounge area – barely noticing theTwo women examining themselves in the mirror – and proceeded to the last stall. Almost before the lock snapped home, she had her dress bunched up around her waist.

Retrieving her phone with shaking hands, she nearly dropped it into the toilet. She took a second to calm herself. With her right hand, she reached back and pulled aside the thin strip of her thong. This made the lace front rub against her pussy, and she became aware of how wet she was.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, then cringed, hoping no one hear.

Awkwardly, she maneuvered the phone, trying to find a good angle. She attempted three shots before abandoning hope.

“This would be so much easier if I could use the mirror,” she whispered, to the walls surrounding her.

An idea struck her. Lifting her right leg, she rested her foot on the toilet seat. Crouching slightly, she spread her ass with her left hand, and slipped the phone between her legs. The first try came out blurry. The second was more acceptable.le, clearly showing the ruby ​​crystal head of the butt plug neatly tucked between her cheeks. Without straightening her clothes, she sent the photograph to Brian.

Her foot still on the toilet, Linda leaned back, letting her back rest against the tiled wall. She switched her phone to her left hand, and the fingers of her right drifted down her body. Finding the material of her panties, she impatiently tugged it out of the way. Her body shivered as she parted her slick lips, and she aimed the phone in order to take another picture just as it vibrated. She snapped the picture before checking the message.

“Good girl,” it said.

Before she could reply, another message arrived.


She smiled, and sent the second picture.

“Looks like someone is excited,” he texted back within a minute.

“So wet,” she typed, one-handed.

“Still in the restroom?”



“Sort of.”

“What does that mean?”

“I am,” she said./p>

“Good girl,” he repeated. Rub it hard and fast.

Her left leg began shaking and she shifted her right foot from the toilet seat to the floor for more support. Only a minute later, she felt the familiar tingle in her belly. She was close, she wanted to – needed to – cum. Knowing it would please him, she sent another text, asking permission.

“May I cum?”


Caught off guard by his refusal, she appealed.

“Please! I need to.”

“Come to the hotel.”

“I can’t. I’m on a date,” she reminded him.

“And yet you’re in a bathroom stall, jerking off while thinking about me,” he sent back.

Before she could object, her phone buzzed again.

“Tell him you’re not feeling well. Come to the hotel, and I’ll make you cum.”

Her fingers hadn’t stopped moving, and his words sent her over the edge. She bit her bottom lip – struggle to remain silent – ​​as the orgasm she craved exploded through her. Her body trembled, and her legs threatened to collapse under her. Although her best efforts, she began gasping for breath. She brought her right hand to her mouth, trying to muffle the sound. Smelling herself on her fingers, she stuck out her tongue and tasted her juices.

“Mmmm,” she surprised.

Aftershocks ran through her body and she considered making herself cum again. An instant later, Linda realized what she had to do. She tried to control her breathing as she unspooled a handful of toilet paper, and wiped away the wetness between her legs. After flushing, she straightened her clothes; twisting her panties back into place, and arranging her dress. Running her hands over the front, she smoothed the fabric, then exited the stall.

Walking to the sinks, she began washing her hands. She heard another flush. In the mirror, she watched the door open two stalls down from where she’d been. A woman – Linda estimated her to be about 10 years older – made her way to the wide vanity. Their eyes met in the mirror. Somethingin the woman’s expression caught Linda’s attention. Their glances lingered and the woman turned at Linda as a knowing smile crept across her lips.

Linda felt as if she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Although being a performer, and could rarely be accused of being shy, she blushed.

“Oh, it’s OK, Honey,” the woman said, quietly, as Linda’s cheese turned criminal. “Everyone needs to get off sometimes.”

As the woman washed her hands, Linda tried to form some kind of response, but could manage nothing more than a bashful grin. With one more wink, the woman left her to her business. Alone now, Linda let out a laugh. Her mind quickly returned to the electricity running through her body. Before leaving the restroom, Linda sent one more text.

“I’ll be There.”

45 minutes later, Brian opened the door and she smiled up at him. Without her glasses, her eyes sparkled even more than usual.

“Come in, my dear,” Brian said.

As she passed, he released the door, letting it swing closed. He asked for her coat, and hung it in the closet. Turning back to her, he took a moment to appreciate her dress. The erect nipples of her perfect A-cup breasts strained against the thin fabric, as if beckoning him.

Brian pushed her back to the wall – though strappy, black four-inch high heels augmented her 5’5″ stature, his heavy, 6’3″ frame dwarfed hers – and kissed her mouth, hard. Their tongues met and he pressed his body to hers. Each wrapped their arms around the other, holding tightly. They remained there for more than a minute.

“Thank you for coming,” he said, when their lips parted.

“How did you know?” she asked, smiling.

“What?” he returned.

“Uh, well, after I sent you that picture, I had to get off,” she admitted.

“I told you not to,” he admonished.

“I know,” she murmured. “But, I couldn’t help it.”

“Naughty girl,” he said.

She nodded several times.

“You came without my permission,” he said, more than asked.

Her eyes lowered to the floor as she anticipated, almost desired, the punishment he was sure to deliver.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Brian took a step back.

“I’m sorry,” she whimpered.

He remained silent for a few seconds, looking at her.

“Look at me, Linda,” he ordered. “I want you to go take a shower.”

She opened her mouth, but he cut off her objection.

“I didn’t tell you to speak,” he said, loudly. “Shower while I decided what to do with you.”

The hint of a grin created her lips as she turned to walk towards the bedroom.

Linda entered the sitting room wrapped in one of the hotel’s fluffy, white terry clothes robes. A single lamp bathed the room in dim light.

“All clean,” she sang out. “Have you decided what…”

She stopped talking and stood still. Another woman sat in a chair near the window. Brian stood beside her. The stranger appeared to be about the same age as Linda, and was obviously ofLatin descent; her skin a beautiful dark olive hue. Wavy dark-brown hair hung down past her shoulders. Even from across the room, Linda admired her gorgeous brown eyes and the bright red lips stretched around the black plastic ball gag in her mouth.

“Come here,” Brian said.

“Who…,” Linda began, as she moved closer.

“This is my friend, Lucy,” he said. “She works for the hotel, and I’ve invited her to join us.”

Lucy’s hands were behind her back. She wore a crisp, white, button up, heavy-weight cotton blouse; a black knee-length skirt; black stockings, and strappy, black patent leather heels, which seemed some out of place with the rest of her fairly conservative uniform – Linda estimated them to be at least five inches high.

“Take off the robe,” Brian said, quietly.

Linda grabbed the collar, holding it closed. She looked at Lucy and Shook her head.

“Don’t make me tell you again,” Brian grew.

Her eyes shot to his. She hesitated fora few moments, then opened the robe. Letting it slip from her shoulders, it crumbled noiselessly to the floor. Two pair of eyes examined her naked body, lingering on the green ink tattooed into the skin over her public bone.

“Get up, Lucy,” Brian ordered. “Stand in front of the window.”

He reached out to help her out of the chair. Linda could see silver handcuffs binding Lucy’s wrists. Smoothly, despite the heels and cuffs, she glided to where he wanted her.

“Undress her, Linda,” he said.

Linda remained motionless for a moment, looking at him. He nodded at her, and she moved towards the other woman. In the heels, Lucy stood two inches taller than Linda in her bare feet.

“Start with her skirt,” Brian said, turning the chair towards them and sitting down.

Unsure, Linda extended her shaking hands, undid the button, then pulled the zipper downward. Lucy wiggled her ass as Linda tugged the fabric. It slip down Lucy’s legs, and rested around her ankles. She wor no panties, and Linda tried to avert her gaze; instead focusing on the skyline beyond Central Park. The light in the room silhouetted their bodies in the window, and though the suite was located on the top floor, anyone who’d been looking could have seen the two women.

“Now the shirt,” Brian directed.

Linda stepped to her right, as if to move in front of Lucy.

“No,” Brian “Reach around from the back.”

Her hands proceeded around Lucy’s body, her palms brushing the bra-less woman’s firm C-cup breasts. Lucy exhausted – a long, even breath which flowed through the openings in the gag, fogging the window. Linda felt Lucy’s hard nipples rubbing against the inside of her wrists as she manipulated the buttons of the blouse.

“Pull it to her wrists,” Brian said, when she finished.

Taking hold, she dragged the starched fabric downward until it reached the handscuffs.

“Push her against the glass,” Brian directed.

Linda compiled, placing ahand in the middle of her back. Lucy did not resist, and cried out as her hot skin contacted the cold glass. Her body shivered under Linda’s hand.

“Oh, God,” Linda surprised.

Lucy looked back at Linda, and the latter felt a wave of excitement wash over her. Keeping her there for almost a minute, Linda felt goose bumps rise on Lucy’s flesh. The tingle between her legs grew. She turned her head to look at Brian. Taking a moment to ensure she could keep her voice calm, she opened her mouth.

“Bring her here,” he said, before she spoke.

Linda released Lucy and the two spun to face him. Lucy stepped closer and bent at the waist. Brian pulled her down, across his lap, her ass facing Linda.

“Stand in front of us, Linda,” Brian commanded.

She did as ordered.

“Spank her,” Brian said.

After hesitating for a moment, she gave Lucy a light slap on her left cheek.

“Linda,” Brian said, loudly.

She struck again.

“Was that hard enough?” Brian asked Lucy.

Lucy Shook her head and mumbled something unintelligible around the gag.

“Hit her, Linda,” Brian grewled.

Linda’s hand came down on the flesh, faster and harder this time. The sound of the smack echoed around the room. Lucy yelped and her body jumped on Brian’s lap.

“I think she liked that,” Brian said, observing the horrified look on Linda’s face. “Give her more.”

She shook her head.

“Hit her,” Brian insisted.

Linda did so, and Lucy’s body reacted once more. A moan escaped the gagged woman’s throat.

“Keep going,” Brian said.

Delivering another blow, she looked at Brian. He glanced down at Lucy’s ass. It was already turning red.

“Now, rub her pussy,” he said.

“What?” Linda exclaimed.

“You heard me,” he said.

Linda looked at Lucy. The bound woman nodded.

“Pleth,” she mumbled.

“Touch her,” he said.

Again, Linda hesitated. Brian reached out to her.

“Give me your hand,” he said.

She placed her right hand in his, and he guided it downward. Linda’s fingertips traced over the small of Lucy’s back, feeling the warmth of her skin as Brian conducted them towards the cleft of Lucy’s ass.

“Fuuuck,” she groaned as her fingers slide over Lucy’s asshole and found her engorged lips.

Lucy, though muffled by the gag, returned the sentiment. Brian felt Lucy quiver as Linda touched her. Not touching Lucy himself, he controlled Linda’s movements, making her gently brush Lucy’s pussy.

“Is she wet?” he asked.

“Yessss,” Linda purred.

“Put a finger inside,” he said.

Brian felt her do so.

“She’s so hot,” Linda volunteered.

“Do you want to put another one in her?” he asked.

“May I?” she said, answering his question with one of her own.

He nodded. Linda added a second finger. Gently, she began sliding the two digits in and out of Lucy. Brian listened as the breathing of both women increased. Over his knees, Lucy tried to rock back onto Linda’s fingers. Brian gave Linda the “come here” sign. She leaned towards him and he grabbed her neck with his right hand. Pulling her closer, he pressed his mouth against hers. They kissed as Lucy compromised between them, and Brian slipped his left hand into Lucy’s. As her pleasure peaked, she squeezed, and he briefly thought her fingers might permanently damage his.

“I think she’s going to cum,” Linda whispered when she broke their kiss.

Brian was sure of it. Lucy’s body trembled, and she moaned around the gag.

“Faster,” Brian demanded, releasing Linda’s neck.

Linda increased the speed and force of her thrusts, and Lucy’s body began to convulse on Brian’s lap. A groan escaped his throat as her orgasm made her side rub against the head of his erect cock Through his sweatpants. The fingers of his right hand twisted into Lucy’s hair and he pulled roughly. She let out a loud grunt as her head bent back.

“Oh, my God,” Linda cried out. “She’scumming.”

“Don’t stop,” Brian said.

“Her pussy is crushing my fingers,” she told him.

“Keep going,” he ordered.

Linda compiled, struggling to continue moving her fingers as Lucy’s ecstasy went on and on, lasting several minutes.

“Taste her,” Brian directed.

Linda looked at him quizzically for a moment, then removed her fingers from Lucy’s cunt, and brought them to her mouth. Slowly, her tongue pushed out between her lips and she licked at Lucy’s juices. Brian leaned back in the chair as he watched her.

“Is it good?” he asked.

“Mmmm, hmmm,” Linda murmured.

“Wanna taste?” she asked, holding out her hand to him.

There wasn’t much he wanted more, but he refused.

“We should move to the bedroom,” he said.

Brian turned to look at Lucy. She nodded her agreement as he unsnapped the ball gag.

“I don’t think I can stand up yet,” Lucy said, her breathing still ragged.

He smiled at her and patted her ass gently.

“We’ll help you,” Brian said.

Carefully, the two lifted Lucy until she stood upright. She wobbled slightly, but Linda steadied her. After ensuring Lucy could walk, Brian led the two women towards the bedroom. As he entered, Brian stripped off his shirt, and tossed it towards a chair. After removing his pants and boxer-briefs, he conducted the women to the side of the bed. Leaning close, he whispered in Linda’s ear, then sat down and looked up at her.

“I don’t…,” she began.

“It was not a request, Linda,” he said, gruffly.


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