I wish I could write and publish the entire story over a period of time because most of it is almost ready for publication. Much would depend on the response of the readers and my own interest in seeing it through. It would be unfair if I did not express my indebtedness to John but for whom this would never have been possible.
How it began…
Sarah came highly recommended to John Williams, CEO of a large and reported company. Her interview was a revelation, not only was she highly qualified and competent, she was extremely attractive. Yet, behind the mask of confidence that she was showing, there was shyness. This piqued John’s interest, especially with what was firmly locked away in his cellar.
All went well for the first month as she copied well with how the business was set up. But, on Monday of the fifth week, he got a phone call reporting car problems and Sarah’s inability to attend office. When it happened again on Tuesday, John’s patience was tried to its limit.
To stop it in its tracks and set in motion his own plans for her, John offered Sarah accommodation within his home. He didn’t want to let her go unless he had to. She was an excellent worker, and John was pleased when she accepted this offer and had decided to move in.
There was something about her, something in that interview, which had also kindled John’s interest then. He was Pleased he’d secretly filmed the interview, which he usually did for ‘future reference material’. Her movements, her veiled attempts at confidence, her blushing for no apparent reason came to John’s mind when Sarah had decided to stay at his place. A desire to secretly see it again, and in the privacy of his home, made him sit back and rewind the recording of that interview. As the film rolled, John found that she was indeed Extremely shy with a sense of submissiveness about her that covered a very sexually desirable body. There was a growing hardness in his loins as he watchedand, even when it ended, he found an uncontrolled interest in Sarah’s impending stay.
In Sarah’s words…
I was ecstatic when I bagged the post of Research Secretary to the middle aged Chief Executive of a renowed pharmaceutical company. Frankly, despite my qualifications, my lack of experience stand against me among more versatile candidates. To add to it, my shyness hindered my interviews. I lost count of the number of jobs that had slipped out of my hands as I became more and more consciousness of my shyness. For someone who had completed her academic pursuits, I was desperate for a job which seemed as elusive as a mirage.
Recommended by the father of a close friend of mine, I had appeared for my interview for this job. Wild goose bumps continued to plague me as I sat in front of This CEO, certain that I would fail again. However, there was a way in his approach that soothed my nerves somewhat and, after a while, it was possible to respond to his questionsCalmly. There was only one thing of discomfiture in that long interview and that was the manner in which his eyes roamed over me. But, after the initial reservations, I took it as a normal curiosity of an employee sizing up his would-be recruit.
So it was that I was absorbed in the pay rolls of this company but, among its disadvantages, I had to leave my parents and hometown and relocate to a reasonable accommodation in the rather distant outskirts of the city of my employment.
The first month was just fine and I simply thought that patience has its rewards. Or else, how could I have ever got this great job when earlier I had failed to come out successful. My boss, I felt, was wonderful. A bit domineering perhaps, but one couldn’t ask for everything. And, I had to admit, he looked fit and fine at his age.
It was probably in the fifth or sixth week, I think, that events took a turn – whether it was for the good or bad, only time would tell. We had an extremely busy work schedule coming up from Monday and my CEO had warned me that it would be a high pressure week. Unfortunately, I had some car problems and I missed office. The snags continued the next day as well. On both the days I rang and told my boss. Even if he was cross, he didn’t show it in excess. But, when I turned up on Wednesday, one of the first things that he suggested was that I move in to his mansion where communication would not be a problem and I would be ‘more than available’ (that’s the phrase he used) for the greater part of the twentyfour hours at the service of the company. Something in his eyes told me not to refuse the offer if I considered staying employed and I didn’t. I moved in the next day.
I had brought along just two light cases, packing them with some decent clothes and other essentials from my wardrobe. I didn’t inform the landlady that I was leaving her apartment for good, merely informing her that I had a small official trip to undertake and that I would beback by the weekend. My intention was that if I had settled down nicely in the accommodation being provided by the CEO and boss, Mr. John Williams, I would return and vacate the present apartment. Or else, if it was otherwise than to my liking, I would just return as if my tour was concluded.
Mr. Williams was most happy to receive me and acted more like a gracious host than a boss when he helped me with the cases that were in my hand. When I wanted to carry them myself, he protected seriously and I trusted along behind him. When we reached my allotted room he quickly left, telling me something about getting ‘acquainted’ with my surroundings and that he would meet me at the terrace in an hour. I thanked him as I shut the door, relieved at being alone for a while. Frankly, I had been a bit tense from the moment I had walked into the mansion and more than surprised that he was attending to me himself instead of delegating it to any of his house staff, none of whom seemed immediatelyvisible. As he ushered me into my room he looked at me and said that he had arranged tea on the terrace, for an hour later. Having said that, he turned and left.
I was accommodated in a room that I found to be spacious. It had the warmth and snugness that I found to my liking. The pictures and paintings adorning the walls spoke of the man’s taste. The furniture was carefully chosen and the curtains on the windows were just what a woman would look for. In the centre of the room was a queen-size upholstered poster bed, luxuriously drawn with the finest linen and I admired the man’s taste once again. The walls were moderately decorated with built-in cupboards spread over the entire wall on one side. A large mirror looked down on to the bed from the opposite wall, the purpose for which seemed mischievous to me. A space on another wall housed an inbuilt dressing table, large enough to hold a shop-full of costumes. I was thrilled to see all the costumes that filled the dressing table and wondered, how on earth any man could be so very informed on these finer requirements of a woman.
I rummaged through the drawers to the cupboards to find the top one empty which I guessed were for me to put my clothes in. But, when I started to open the remaining drawers of the cupboards, I gasped in surprise as I saw what this man had selected and stored. Here was an entire array of women’s underclothing – from lacy exotic bra and thong sets plus matching g-strings to sheer babydolls and the flimsiest nights; from black leather shoes and pumps to knee high boots, all with at least 5 inch heels or more, And in one of the topmost drawers, a pair of steel handcuffs and a black leather collar beside which lay an equally intimidating black lean. I couldn’t help but read what was written on the collar in metallic letters – I AM A SLUT.
I stood mesmerized watching these items that lay inside the wardrobe and the drawers. My hands literally went to my mouth, thanking my stars that Mr. Williams was not present at this moment. I would have never had the courage to face him with all these openly lying in front of me. But, I quickly realized that if there was anyone who had equipped this room with such erotic and sexy items, it had to be Mr. Williams alone. He was the master of this house and it was he who had made arrangements for my stay in this very room. Oh my god! How could I Ever face him on the terrace in a short while from now? I looked back at the handscuffs and the collar once again. The engraved words stood out haughtily, almost hypnotizing me.
I quickly closed the cupboard and, having washed and changed into a soft summer dress and lingerie that I had brought along with me, slowly walked out on to the terrace. Mr. Williams was waiting for me but the moment I faced him I started blushing profusely. He knows I have seen his choices, I thought to myself. He stood up, waiting for me to take a chair, before sitting down himself.
”l hopethe room is to your liking Sarah, l took the liberty of purchasing you some items as well. l hope you are pleased with them”, I heard Mr. Williams saying, which only aggravated the flush in my face.
My shyness engulfed me. I simply nodded my head, wondering how he would take my response. Fortunately, his cellphone started ringing and he was kept busy for a while, much to my relief.
“Sarah, l have some business to take care of now with a close friend and won’t be back till late tonight, so l suggest you unpack fully and if you want any entertainment the den has a TV connected online. You should be able to get any movie you want,” he said before he turned and left.
Later in the evening, after unpacking my cases I talked with my mom for a while, assuring her that I was fine. Then, idling rather usefully for a while, I recalled that Mr. Williams had suggested that I could spend my time watching the TV and, with nothing to do, I switched it on. To my surprise, I observed that a movie was already inserted in the player and, involuntarily, I pressed the ‘play’ key. I was more than shocked to see what played on the screen. It was an extremely erotic movie on domination between a powerful male and a submissive female and although, at first, I thought of switching it off, imperceptibly my likings seemed to increase. Later on, when I lay in bed at night, many of the scenes seemed to float in my mind and these, coupled with the material that I had seen stuffed in the drawers and cupboard, created a tingling sensing in my loins that I found difficult to explain or suppress. I do not remember when I fell asleep but the next morning, when I just strolled out of my room I found a fairly big box with a note tagged on top lying just outside the door.
The note was very clear in its directions and expectations. My boss wanted me to dress in some specific dress for attending office. I knew there was no way I could present myself except wearing the very itemms that he had chosen. I didn’t have too much time either – a mere forty minutes that also included breakfast time. I was ready at least five minutes before the deadline. Before I left the room I looked at the mirror for a final time. Here was I, in a black corset that revealed the greater part of my breasts, black stay ups looking sexier with its lace band and wearing the five inch black shoes that were inside the box. The black tos hugged me underneath the corset. My red hair fell casually on my shoulders and my makeup, I thought, carried a subdued tone. I tried to look confident but my brown eyes showed me up to be a frightened and timing girl. A trifle appreciate, I walked out of the room. The five inch heals were enough to make my hips sway and I wondered if the heels were really intended to select for this purpose.
As I walked towards where CEO’s office was located, I could well make out that each step on the marble floor was enough for him to make out my imminent arrival. I knocked on the door and, with his approval, walked in.
Mr. John Williams, CEO, was seated behind his imposing desk immaculately dressed in dark suit, white shirt and red printed tie. He was peering down at some papers on his table and didn’t look up at first, which was a relief. I walked up to his desk, the vastness of the room making it almost unreachable.
“Sir, I…I have…” I stammered, unable to hide a fear creeping in.
The manner in which Mr. Williams looked up, almost inquisitively, I knew he wanted me to complete what I had begun to say. He waited a few seconds, looking towards my half exposed breasts fighting for space inside the corset. A slight nod of his head and it was enough for me to realize that he wanted me to speak out.
“I have..unh..I have followed exactly as the note wanted me to Sir,” I said promptly.
”Ah Sarah, can you get the Henderson file for me,” he said in a serious tone and, waved a hand in dismissal. To me, the man’sapproach seemed odd. Now why would he want me to dress in a manner that was obviously ‘sexy’ and provocative and yet ignore the whole thing seemed disinterested? Rather, he busy asked for a particular file as if that was foremost in his mind. This was in sharp contrast to the manner in which he had equipped my room and the box containing the selected items that lay just outside my door that morning. I was left wondering at this contradiction in his behavior, but his indifference at what I wore, in a way, helped me to overcome both my uneasiness and the shyness that had engulfed me when I had walked into his room. In any case, I was at least wearing my struggles that partially hid my nakedness below my corset.
During the time I remained with Mr. Williams in his office that day, I fulfilled the tasks that came along. Without being unduly harsh, he remained assertive in what he wanted, piercing my eyes with a look that expected immediate compliance. He didn’t give any hint of anysexual intention, even if he had any. Later on, at dinner that we had together, he chatted informally and I enjoyed the evening, basking in his repertoire and indulgence. However, during certain moments, my thoughts went back to the parcel that lay unopened on my bed with clear instructions not to open before 9.30 that night.
He bid me goodnight at the door of my room and didn’t show any intention or interest in Entering. Again, I found this unusual against the backdrop of what I had witnessed since the last evening. I walked in and, unable to restrain my curiosity now that I was alone, opened the parcel lying on the bed. I quickly found out that the parcel contained a razor and a note that clearly wanted me to hold my pussy clean after breakfast the next morning. I was aghast at this latest requirement. I was desperate to know what my boss was planning which obviously he wanted to lay out very slowly. Was it a deliberate plan to help me overcome my shyness without rushing intoHis secret plans? I kept the razor aside on the dressing table and changed into a babydoll that was provided in the drawers. As I lay in bed, I pondered over this latest requirement of Mr. Williams and brushed my hand over the soft growth that surrounded my pussy. I do trim the area now and then and know that a couple of my friends do proceed further to keep it baby bald. But to be asked by this stranger and elderly boss to have it shacked bald was so very unthinkable.
After breakfast the next morning I took up the task of shaving my pussy…yes fully bald, just as the note wanted. Later, I got a call from Mr. Williams informing me that like the previous morning, a box would be lying outside my door. As I opened the box, on top lay a new pair of red five inch heels, followed by a pair of charcoal stay up that ended in a lace band and, just below these two, a folded red corset. I fumbled through the lot, searching for the accompanying things that I was sure lay hidden inside. To my surprise, it was conspicuous by its absence. I tried to fathom what that implied – a corset, stay ups, heels – accompanying a sealed pussy without any semblance of cover on it. And I would have to spend the entire day in office with my CEO in this preposterous dress requirement. I was too shocked and, even in the privacy of my room, I felt my knees buckle, simply imagining walking out in that dress. Sitting on the bed I thought for a while – should I leave now or should I continue till later? In the end, something made me want to carry on with this submission to the commands of my boss. May be, it would be worth it – may be this would lead to something that, in my subconscious mind, I had craved for! Something that, for the last few years, I had yearned for but which my shyness and inhibitions had always put a bar upon!
I picked up the red corset and held it in front of me. It was made out of satin with some excisite lace in front, underwire cups, crisscross ribbons at the back and ending at the hips with a few removable suspenders attached. I had already shown and, to ensure that I was punctual at office, quickly dressed in whatever was provided by my boss. I applied my make up in tune with the dress that I was required to wear, particularly my lips. Honestly, it had to be more ‘sluttish’ than ‘refine’ and the lustrous red that I applied, I thought, met this requirement.
It took a great deal of courage to walk out finally from my room but I did. My heels must have surely made Mr. Williams aware of my arrival and the moment I knocked on his door, he was quick with his response. The first step was the most difficult for me and, with a slight hesitation I pushed open the door and walked in. I must have blushed profusely and couldn’t look at my CEO in the face. I just kept thinking that my naked pussy was now fully visible and exposed to this man. Yet, he appeared as independent as he was in the previous day.
”Good morning Sarah, you look extremly lovely this morning, can you get me the McPherson file please?” he asked, just looking up once, before reverting to the file lying on his table.
“Yes, Sir!”
I quickly turned towards the adjacent room which was mine but, in moments, I realized that if my naked pussy had escaped his eyes, my naked ass was not. I wondered if it was receiving his attention or he was once again engrossed in the report in his hands. Something came over me and I, intentionally, swwayed my hips more than what came naturally while wearing heels; as if I wanted to test and seduce him as a punishment for what he was making me wear but then treating me with indifference.
Having located the Macpherson file on my table, I walked back to his room and stood beside his desk before I extended my hand holding the required file.
“The McPherson file, Sir…I have prepared the report that you wanted me to and it’s on the top,” I said, handing over the file, and then asked in a subdued tone thatwas almost like a whisper,” Anything else you would want me to do right now, Sir?” Involuntarily, I had inched more towards my boss and CEO, Mr. Williams.
I could sense that my proximity had made Mr. Williams a trifle restless as he shuffled in his seat. I thought he was trying to have a glimpse of that naked spot of my womanhood but, even now, he didn’t reveal any outward weakness. But frankly, my condition was showing up. I could sense that things were not that calm around my crotch and, even though it was not necessary to examine with my hand, there was a distinct wetness in the area.
Remaining as he was, Mr. Williams just took a few deep breaths as if to inhale the air around him and made a few cursory glances through the file that I handed over to him. His indifference was killing me. Here I was, almost willing to throw my inhibitions and shyness through the window while the man behaved as if he didn’t care too much of my presence. Yet, when we were not together, he was indulging in exposing a want – a very erotic want.
Suddenly, he made a most shocking comment which took me unaware although they didn’t seem altogether unwelcome to me.
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