Please see substudent for her version of these events
It was a cool Fall day, the wind had started blowing the colorful leaves off the trees as the smell of smoke filled the air from distant fires providing warmth to houses. Fall in upstate New York was always the best and as winter break nearly my heart grew more full knowing I would be visiting family often not seen. Before then however I had to finish my last review of a grad student i had been mentoring all year. It was nearing 3PM and was thinking how fast I hope this goes.
Wrap wrap wrap, I heard three loud knocks at my door. “Oh, hey Leslie, come on in. You look cold!” I said as Leslie came in all bundled up in a coat, scarf, sweater and boots. She stood 5’6″, fairly curvy, definitely not thin but very attractive with medium length brown hair.
“Hey Professor G!” She replied. “I hope this is not bad I know everyone has just about left for the semister including us soon!”
The students always called my Professor G, short for George, not hard to say but somehow G stuck. Am in my mid-forties, married with a few kids and starting to show the normal signs of wear and tear, grey hair, occasionally painful joints from my sports days but still work out and look pretty good for my age I think.
“Leslie, how do you think this semester has gone?” I inquisitively asked.
“Great, got the opportunity to teach some classes I absolutely loved. The sociology of the middle America tribes was fascinating but one thing did stick out.” She paused. “When we explored sexuality and society, I kind of got really interested in BDSM. It just seemed to click. I am naturally submissive, make everyone happy, etc.” She went on about how this topic clicked with her in ways others had not.
“That is great, do you think this could be an area for your research next semester?” I asked.
“Yes, and have already started some maybe.” She coolly expressed. “I found someone who claims to be a daddy dom and we have been conversing and think he wants me to be his sub, but I know nothing of the lifestyle and it is so intriguing to me.” She finished.
I thought for a minute for my reply. “You know this is not research, Leslie, that is real personal experience. How do you expect to translate this into real academic work?” I was puzzled.
She sat there and thought. She appeared kind of crushed by my words. “I am sorry I brought it up I just thought you could maybe help me navigate this world some since you taught the class. I need you as an advisor for that not my research focus.” She looked at me like a lost puppy needing real help.
“Ok I have no problem, I am an old vegetable of that lifestyle so I can help advise you but if I do so I will have to step down as Your grad school mentor and be your lifestyle mentor. Is that what you would like.” I asked.
“I want both but if I had to choose yes please help me, I like this guy and do not want to screw it up and also know how to respond.” She offered.
We spent the rest of the time reviewing her semester and I went over her final grade and we agreed to sever our relationship at the University. We agreed to text over the break to guide her in her relationship with her to be dom and that we would meet up when we all got back.
“Hey Leslie, don’t you live in Cleveland?” I remembered.
“Yeah, why?” She replied back.
“Oh I have to go through there on my way to and from my Parents maybe we can meet up while you are on break and I can get a status report.” I let her know.
After that we split our ways and I wrapped up the office work and Leslie skipped ou of the office beaming it seemed.
Over the course of the next week or so we texted daily. She asked questions about communication and the aspects of being a good daddy dom and whether her new guy she was considering was doing those things consistently including a long chat about how he was not effectively communicating with her which never flies in these dynamics.
“Leslie, I will be stopping in Cleveland on my way to Michigan tomorrow, any free time to get together?” I texted.
She replied, “Absolutely lets meet up I can come over to wherever you are staying, are you buying the drinks. You have been so helpful to me over the past week or so and it has been great. You are a better mentor at this than at school, lol.”
I took that a little weird but was excited to see her nonetheless. I started my long drive early in the AM. “So what is it you like to drink anyway?” I asked. She replied some sweet wine which I will pick up when I get closer it.
I finally arrived at my hotel in a slight snow fall, was really pretty overcast but the snow made it nice. I picked up the sweet wine and some liquor for me. Pulled into the dungeon expression. I ended up getting a really nice room with a jacuzzi tub and king bed. Too bad this would only be one night.
“Leslie, I am in room 345 at the dungeon expressess come whenever looking forward to seeing you.” I sent my last text.
She replied and was over within an hour. She came in all bundled like previous and had a school sweatshirt on and jeans. I poured her a drink as well as myself and we just talked for a few hours, totally forgetting about dinner. We talked about life, her consideration of this daddy dom which was getting better it sounded like from a Communication standpoint.
“Well my dear I have an early AM I am gonna call it a night.” I said pretty tipsy. “You are welcome to stay if you do not think it is a good idea to drive home in this snow and you have been drinking.” I added.
“Oh my god, you don’t mind. The bed is way big, would be best.” She was all smiles.
I went into the bathroom, usually I do not sleep in anything so came out in just shorts no shirt as she was dressing down as well just a sweatshirt and her panties. “I have a confession to make G, I am not wearing a bra, I could sleep in this or likeyou take my top off.” She was undecided.
“Go for it, what is the worst that happens, I like what I see?” I laughed.
She proceeded to take it off and her what seemed like DDD cup tits bounced out hanging down to her stomach, her hair at her shoulders had me harder than a stone but was already laying down so could adjust so she could not see.
She climbed under the covers and we turned out the lights. After a bit she moved closer and I asked her to lay her head on my chest.
“This is nice Leslie, it is an honor to mentor you, you know.” I am impressed with how curious you are and whether this works with him or not you get a dry run.” I said as I played with her hair.
“All mine too it has been fascinating to learn about this lifestyle and play it out and have you as my guide.” She looked up.
Just then her hand slid into my shorts under my firm and enlarging cock back up to my stomach and chest then back down. “Why don’t you just take these off.” She saidas she helped pull my shorts off.
At this point she ran her fingernails and fingers over my cock altering with my thighs. I could feel the heat off her pussy against my leg and some humidity which told me she was really wet.
“Feels nice honey, you know we probably cannot do it you know.” I through in.
“Yes I know.” She replied sleepily.
We both feelll sleep to not wake until around 8AM. We both still cuddled kissed a little and then got up I got into the shower. She got dressed and we made plans to see each other on my return trip.
On the way to the door we hugged and our lips met then our tongues as we made out for a few minutes. She again grabbed at my cock, but I grabbed her hand and said, “not yet babygirl.’
“Ok daddy!” she replied as we made our way out of the door.
To be continued.
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