Understanding My Place!

Let me see if I can give you an idea of ​​how things came to be, before you decide I’m crazy! About six months ago, my husband of six years decided I no longer made him excited. He said that whatever it was that had made him love me, no longer was there. He filed for dividend sighting, irreconcilable differences. All of which came as a complete surprise to me at the time. He stated that I had not lived up to my side of the marriage, because in his opinion, I no longer provided sex! It was only after looking back at the past two years that I realized I had gained a considerable amount of weight, about thirty pounds, and had let myself go. I guess I thought that Ron still loved me, but I never really gave it any thought, being satisfied that he would always be there for me.

Needless to say, when the paperwork arrived, I knew that that was not the truth! It was at that point that I took a long hard look at whom I had become, both inside and out, and decided a major change was needed. Ron agreed to pay me a small amount of alimony until I could get back on my feet. I had never really wanted, or needed to find a job while we were together, as Ron had a very lucrative business. It wasn’t until I found myself looking for a place to live with no means of support myself that I realized some of the things that Ron had sighted.

I found a modest one-bedroom apartment not far from downtown. It afforded a nice view of the riverside skyline and was very close to all the nightlife of our small city. I never really noticed that people around town were so friendly as I had always depended on Ron for everything; a mistake I only now was realizing had been a mistake! I guess I am a bit of a homebody, because I had never really wanted to go out and mingle unless Ron had a party or meeting at which he wanted me to attend. Now I found myself looking at an empty apartment, looking at the small amount of personal items I had accumulated in our six years together. My entire lifefit into a small packing box and one overnight bag!

Ron had taken me out to a furniture store and bought enough furniture to make it seem quite homey. He made sure that I had enough money to get by for a few months, and had left me a small amount of money to start a bank account. I guess I should have been outtraged at the amount, being used to total access to our account for all those years, but in My mind I was satisfied at him giving me anything at all. That just went to show where my head had been at the time. I was still blaming myself for allowing things to get to the point where he had felt it necessary to leave me.

After about three weeks of feeling sorry for myself, I found a job waiting tables at a local sports club. The clientele was a mixture of older people during the day and the occasional couple or two, but for the most part it was usually empty. That was fine with me to start, I had never really had any experience doing waitressing work and the owner said that I would get the hang of it soon enough.

Arlund, the owner, was a nice guy, tall about six foot five, nicely proportional. He had graying brown hair that he kept cut short, and a nicely trimmed mustache, also graying. He had a way about him that immediately made me feel comfortable and welcome. Arlund seemed to be decidedly upset at the description my ex had used to describe me.

“Your not fat Connie! Most guys would call you nicely padded! I myself like a woman who’s not all skin and bones.” he said nicely. I could see that he was since, but looking at my five foot three frame, I decided that the weight I had put on was not at all attractive. I could remember looking a lot better when Ron and I had met ten years earlier. The reflection in the mirror no longer looked like anyone I ever thought I’d be.

“Well Arlund, I guess I see something completely different. There was a time when I could turn a few heads with the way I looked!” I murmured at my reflection.

“I’ll tell you what Con, why don’t you join me for a little get together I’m attending with some friends of mine? You needn’t feel uncomfortable about meeting them; they’re all just plain ordinary folks, and no super-models in the bunch I promise you. If after the party you still feel the way you do, I’d be happy to help you out anyway I can OK?” he smiled.

The warmth and geneuine concern for my well-being was more than I had seen in quite a long time. Arlund’s smile was warm and not at all what I had originally thought of the gruff exterior he projected. I decided that a night out might be just what I needed. Arlund seemed to take my far off look as an agreement to the date. “Good, then pack an overnight bag, and I’ll pick you up at seven, we have a long way to drive tonight!” he snickered as I looked up in surprise.

“But, but, I don’t know what to take with me. Where are we going? Is it a formal thing or what?” I stammered, not realizing I had indeed just agreed to accompanyhim.

“Just relax Con”, he said began to massage my shoulders in a more than familiar way. “Everyone you’ll meet tonight will be dressed the same, casual! You don’t need to put on any airs around them I promise.” he said.

I guess I just took his word for it and started getting excited about meeting a new circle of friends. Little did I realize at the time how much that decision would change my life so completely! Arlund’s smile took on a more possessive look whenever he mentioned us going to the weekend gathering. I guess in my excitement, I hadn’t seen the gleam in his eyes, then!

We closed early that day, because Arlund wanted to give me time to get ready. There wasn’t any real need to keep it open, as no one had been in in over an hour. So, I rushed home to shower and put a small overnight bag together. With a some distasteful look at my reflection, I dressed in what I thought would be “casual” clothing. I had decided on jeans and a warm pullover sweeter, whoich hid the bulges that I no longer wanted anyone seeing. I teased out my hair a little so that I didn’t look too demure, and applied some modest make-up. I looked at my image and realized maybe I wasn’t so bad after all!

Around six thirty, the phone rang, it was Arlund letting me know he was on his way to pick me up. I felt a chill of excitement as he said, “Hope your wearing next to nothing Con, I like to play on my long drives!”

As I hung up the phone, it occurred to me what he might have meant. I looked back at my image and found myself wondering if he had meant something else? It also occurred to me that it had been quite a long time since I had any intimate contact with a man, and if Arlund was indeed interested, I could do a lot worse!

I quickly found myself changing into a more drastically revealing top. The sweater was no longer an option, if I wanted to impress Arlund. I have a rather large breasts, to be honest, since I gained the weight, you could sayThey are huge! I wear a forty DD, and they are all mine, nothing phony about them. I guess of all the things that I am proud of, they are the most impressive attributes I can still see. I choose the one top that Ron had always said looked great on me, then decided to let my hair down, so to speak, and went braless! I hoped that it wasn’t too much me showing, but after all, he had said he liked to play, didn’t he? Just in case I was wrong, I throw on a button down denim shirt, in case I had misunderstood!

Within about fifteen minutes I heard a knock on my door. I checked my look again in the mirror, one last time, before opening the door to let Arlund in. He quickly took in the humble surroundings, my state of dress and said, “I think the shirt is a bit much for tonight Connie, it doesn’t go with the rest of the outfit!”

Before I had a chance to say a word, he began to unbutton the shirt and pulled it off. I was speechless at his, seeming easy with the way he assumed I wouldn’t mind. At first I wanted to ask whom the hell he thought he was to just take off my shirt? Yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, a tiny voice, just told me to let it go, and I let him take it off and deposit it on the arm of the chair.

“There, that’s much better!” he said with a gleam in his eye.

Arlund was now plainly staring at my unrestrained tits pressing out against the silky fabric of my blouse. He made no attempt to hide the fact that they were the sole objects of his attention. I felt a bit embarrassed at his obvious star and tried to cover myself a bit by reaching for my overnight bag.

“You know Con, I think I am a good judge of people’s character. You don’t get where I am by second-guessing a first impression. Do you believe I have any ill will towards your safety this weekend?” he asked.

“Well, of course not Arlund.” I stammered as his deep blue eyes locked on mine. “I’m just not really very comfortable with myself since my dividend. Ron made it very plain to me, that I was not the woman I once was!”

“Fuck Ron”, Arlund groaned, “He’s no longer in the picture. As soon as you admit to that, the sooner you can go on!”

I looked at him for a minute and knew, somehow, that he was right! I was still living in the past, and this was my chance to start putting that part of my life behind me! With a shrug and a smile, I nodded my head and said, “OK, what is it you want me to do?”

I still do not know why I said that. It was like another person’s voice from deep inside just took over, and I found myself just wanting to agree to whatever Arlund wanted of me. I guess it was at that point that the old Connie, just gave up and let the new one break out.

“OK, first you have to tell me that you trust me to not allow anything bad happen to you! Second, you must do exactly as I say, without hesitation”, he said in a more serious voice.

I don’t understand what happened to the old me, but the new one readily agreed.I found myself wondering what I had just given up, and agreed to? It didn’t take long for me to find out either.

“Are you ready to go then?” he asked.

I looked at him for some sign as to what I should do, and he held open the door for me with a look of total ownership! I found myself anxious to his glance at the door. I also felt a wave of anticipation, at what else awaited the new me This weekend.

As soon as we reached the car, Arlund has a BMW roadster. I put my small bag behind the seat and slide in to the most comfortable car seat I have ever felt! I know right then that if, for no other reason, the car ride alone would be well worth the trip. Arlund got in and started the car with a quick smile in my direction. He also leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the chef!

“OK, here we go!” he said with a devilish look.

I watched as he smoothly took us from my apartment, to the Interstate. I sank back into the seat getting comfortable for the long ride ahead. The stereo was on a Blues channel, one Arlund kept on, on the back-bar radio. I began to relax a little when Arlund said, “I usually like to drive with the top down, and do you mind?”

I figured, why not? I began to look for the button or switch that would activate the cars convertible top. He started to laugh at my apparent inability to find it. “You misunderstand Connie, I meant, I I wanted you to take off YOUR top!” he snickered, as what he really wanted hit home.

I looked at him as if he had six heads; who did he think he was? Yet, within seconds, I also found my hands, dutifully pulling the top over my head, exposing my very excited tits to his eyes. A warm flush of embarrassment washed over me, as I realized I was also very visible, to any passing car as well!

My rather large nipples hardened at the thought of a passer-by seeing me topless! I could also feel myself getting rather damp at the thought as well. What kind of power did this man have over me, that I would just do as he said without a second thought? I never would have considered myself so compliant, before tonight! A tried to think of anything but what was now happening, I tried to concentrate, to no avail. Arlund smiled at my obvious disappointment, and added to it by saying, “You might as well take off those jeans as well. I want to have free access to all of your wonderful body. We have three hours to go and I intend to enjoy this ride!”

I felt another wave of embarrassment rush through my body. How could I let this be happening? I hadn’t allowed even Ron to see me naked in two years! Was I just going to allow this man to give me orders, without any argument? Yet, before I could form the words that would put an end to all this; I found myself doing exactly as he ordered. Even in the tight confines of the small seat, I shimmied out of the jeans, and without being asked, took off my panties as well. I was now totally naked to my boss’ eyes!

“Now put those behind the seat!You will not need them again before we head home!” he smiled.

I did as I was told, and found myself waiting to see what he had in mind for me next! It wasn’t long before I got my answer.

“Now Connie, lets see what you have hidden down there! I told you, I like to play on my long rides!” he whispered.

Without hesitation I parted my legs to give him an unfettered view of my, now very excited, damp pussy! My mind was screaming for me to put a stop to all of this, and yet my body betrayed me by reaching an unasked for small climax! I was almost humiliated by my body’s final betrayal! As I would come to find out, it would not be the last time! I sat awaiting Arlund’s next command like a child waiting for my Dad’s approval.

Arlund ran his hand from the top of my stomach, just below my breasts, to just above the hairline of my pulsing vaginal lips. A tremor of pleasure at having a man’s touch quickly set off a tidal flow of juices onto the seat. His gentle, but intentionent touch was more familiar than I had ever thought I would feel again. I let my mind go, and just enjoyed the touch of a knowing mans cares!

“Now Connie, I am going to tell you what will be happening this weekend. I do not want you to say anything, just listen!” he said with much more authority than before. I kept my mouth shut and listened as he continued to describe what awaited me. “You will be one of a few new slaves at our little get together. As such, a certain amount of obedience is required of the new pets! As I have not had time to train you correctly, I will expect you to listen, watch and learn. If you disobey any command, you will be punished, by me, and by the one whom you offended, am I being perfectly clear?”

Again my brain was screaming to tell him off, yet my mouth responded with, “Yes Sir!” before I had a chance to form any other thought!

“Good, that’s a very good start! I think that after this weekend, you will find that you have found your littleniche’ in life!” he said, almost too certain of his assessment. How could I allow this to happen without any resistance?

Yet, as his fingers grasped the lips of my swollen pussy lips, I lost any thought of arguing with him. Electric sparks of pleasure screamed up my spine at the touch of his fingertips. I wanted to feel the pleasure that Arlund’s fingers promised; and I would do anything at the moment to gain that pleasant release!

“Are you enjoying the ride my pet?” he whispered. All I could feel now was his expert fingers as they gently rubbed to tip of my clipris. I began to moan in total surrender to his awesome ability to make me squirm. I wanted very badly to cum, I would do anything to reach then next stage of my orgasmic bliss! My eyes were sealed shut, my breath coming in sharp quick intakes, as time and again he would cause me to jerk as he passed another digit over my clip!

“Yes Sir”, I managed between clanced teeth, as sparks of pleasure shot continuesly up my spine. “Oohh yessss, God that feels so wonderful!” My hips were now jumping up to meet his fingers, in hopes that he would use them to allow me my much-needed release! I felt no shame at my uninhibited behavior. I just wanted to reach that place of pleasure; I had not been in a very long time. I was now quickly approaching that point.

As if he knew the exact moment when I would be at a point just before no return, Arlund pulled away his hand, leaving me on the brink of a colossal orgasm. The panic that ran through my mind, that I would not reach what was just in sight, made me mad with need. I grabbed his hand pulling desperately to make him finish! He simply pushed my hands down to my sides and announced, “I’m not ready to let you get off that easy, Pet!”

My mind and body were in a total mass of confusion as to what he means? I was so close; I could feel my very soul on the edge of release. My body was jerking in spasms at the door to release. I looked at Arlundwith an expression of pure panic. “W-why’d you s-s-stop?” I begged. The pleasure, almost achieved, was quite simply just out of reach!

“I believe it is not for you to ask the questions pet, but to do as your instructed, yes? I have to see that you will obey instructions at anytime, without hesitation! Do you understand?” he asked, with no emotion at all on his face.

I gulped down the panic in my voice and replied. “Yes Sir, I understand!” Every fiber in my being screaming for release, yet my mouth again betrayed me. I generally wanted to please Arlund, and nothing else mattered to me now. It was he that would allow me to reach my, much needed climax, and I now wanted that more than anything!

“Pull down my zipper, carefully! Show me how much you want me to allow you to climax. If you do a good job, I’ll reward you with you own orgasm!” he said, with no show of humor.

Just for a million second my mind screamed at his audacity. Here I was on the brink of insanity,and he wanted me to pleasure him before “allowing” me an end to my bodies torque. Yet again, I found myself doing just as I was told. With practiced ease, I pulled down the zipper to his pants, and gently guided his rock hard cock to freedom. I was slightly shocked at the girl of his pole. Although he was no larger than Ron’s, he was more than twice as thick as anything I had ever seen!

I was Wondering if, indeed I could accommodate his wishes? Yet again, I found myself doing just as I had been instructed. I opened my mouth, stretching to get the bulbous head inside my mouth. The taste of a cock again in my mouth, made my mouth water. It feel good to be able to give a man pleasure, and know it was me that was causing his excitement! Within a few minutes, I had begun a steady rhythm of slurping and sucking all I could manage to cram into my mouth. The feel of his hot flesh burning my tongue driving me on faster.

His moans of pleasure were like magic to my ears, and pushed me to eagerly try harder to bring him to his climax! My reward did not take long, as I felt his cock stiffen harder in my mouth, and a torrent of cum spray deep down my throat. I was nearly gagging on the amount of cum he shot. I gulped for air and to swallow every drop I could manage. After what seemed forever, Arlund finally began to go flagcid in my hungry mouth. I licked every drop off his quickly deflating cock, not Letting a single drop escape me.

“Yes my Pet, that was very, very good! I am proud of you!” he said between gasps of breath. For some reason, the fact that I had pleased him, made me quite proud of myself. I knew that I wanted his prayer, even though I didn’t understand why. It felt wonderful to hear I had done something to make Arlund proud of me! I was beginning to realize that; maybe if Ron had been a little more appreciated of my talents, we would still be together. Yet, at this moment, Arlund was the only person I cared about, he was the one who made me feelgood about myself; even if it was for something so bad!

“As promised, my Pet!” he said. He then reached under his seat and produced a large, rubber vibrator. It was nearly as big as he was! “I would like to see you pleasure yourself with this, until you reach your own orgasm. As you can see, your talents have left me in no condition to reciprocate!” His look of total satisfaction made me very proud of myself, and without a thought to what I was doing; I took the vibrator and plunged it all they way into my sopping wet pussy.


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