Underdark Dom Ch. 02

Sienna slipped out the secret door that lies in the corner of her closet. She thought it would freak him the fuck out to just “disappear”. I wish I could see his face when he comes back, and I’m just “gone”. This “man” defies all the stories I’ve heard of human males. He is controlled for one thing. He has pleasured me to pass my expectation. He has an intelligence to him that I didn’t think caravan guards would have… wait a minute he is nothing like what I’ve been taught he should be. Either I was misinformed about the behaviors of human males or he’s not what he seems? It could be that he is exceptional, like a one in a million? I will have to keep a close eye on him and if he’s not what I’d hoped for…I’ll dispose of him.

Bu what a waste of such a talented cock that would be. On second thought, it’s his hands and tongue that I’m so fond of. I have yet to try out my slave’s penis. I must attend to that soon…

All this she thought as she slide down a drain gutter on the alley side of the apartments. She hit the streets without a sound and headed for the less savory side of town. She needs to see a few people. The first stop was to Pentayon’s Oyster Lounge. This establishment was on the waterfront of a sizable Underdark sea. It was typically frequently by Merchant Captains and Spell Jamming pilots. So, most of the notorious races of the Underdark could be found here. Especially the owner of the establishment Pentayon. He or she (who the fuck can tell) is a mind flayer, although Pentayon says the proper name of its race is Illitthid. It doesn’t matter what it wants to be called, nobody can fence hot items faster than the “Squid”.

She came in by the front door and sized the place up immediately. Several patrons had easy “mark” written all over them. Money pouches, jewelry, fancy daggers, you name it, but it’s best not to work a crowd unless you have the proprietors blessing. So tonight, will be just about acquiring some goods. And more importantntly, getting an update on the “Blackheart”.

Several months back Sienna lifted a well-known sword from a pompous male Drow named Ristyr. His sword “Blackheart” is probably just as well-known as he is. He holds the distinction of being very old, very wealthy, and very well connected to the ruling female of this city. In fact, when he was younger, he was the paramour of the current high priestess Myatha. They must still have some level of relationship because he visits the priestess at least once a month for “dinner”.

Myatha is Sienna’s grandmother, not that it means anything. But as a young girl she and her cousin spend a lot of time with their grandmother. These days she only sees Grandmother at family gatherings which coincide with religious holidays. Ever since Sienna decided not to enter the clergy, Myatha has given her the cold shoulder.

She went to the bar and said to the dwarven bartender “the usually please”. She put a small ruby ​​on the bar and turned a sly look his way. Brutaris the bartender hasn’t spoken a word in over a decade because an angry beholder disintegrated his tongue (and some of his teeth). But he gave a thankful smile to Sienna for the big tip. The ruby ​​was worth more an entire night of drinking would cost. And Brutaris knew he could keep the change because this patron was a general tipper. He filled a glass with honey wine and added a magical chilling cube Because he knew she liked her wine cold.

The usual protocol was to wait until called to the proprietor’s private booth, but she could see he (or it) was alone at his table so she went over and took a seat. The Flayer was sitting in the middle of a benchmark seat with a human to his right and a surface elf on his left. One of his four tentacles penetrated the human skull through his ear. Another tentacle was wrapped around the neck of the elf. He was “linked” to the human male physically and psychicly. The elf male looked dazed like he was drugged. Pentayon spoke throughthe lips of the human, “Good evening priestess.”

“Cut the facade Pentayon, you know why I’m here. You’re late on the payoff.” She said softly.

“Don’t speak of this aloud anymore,” he said telepathically. “This contrast has proven challenging to find a buyer.”

“No matter. Pay my fee and you can take as long as you like to prove a buyer,” she thought. “I should charge more for making me communicate this way. You know I don’t like the invasion into my head.”

“You know I don’t appreciate you referring to me as the Squid. Perhaps you should take your business elsewhere?”

“You’ve been reading my thoughts since I came in? Well, if that’s what you want?” she retired aloud.

“You know what I want…” just then a flood of psychic power overwhelmed her. She couldn’t resist the mental images that flooded her mind. Her hands were manacled to a bed post and her feet were bound with her legs apart to the footboard. She lay there completely naked and surroundedby darkness that she could not pierce. Then a tentacle came from the side of the bed and caressed her inner thigh. Then another came and pulled at her clip just as the first slid into her pussy. A third tentacle brushed her lips as the first was thrusting between her legs. She focused her rage and the darkness with all its terrors vanished.

“That was impressive,” thought the Squid.

“I wouldn’t call it anything but picking a fight” she said in hushed tones. “Pay what you owe, or your reputation sufferers.”

“I’m canceling the contract and giving you a bag of holding as recompense. The blade is a Moonblade and impossible to handle by anyone but its owner.” The elf slave he had by the neck handed her a bag of holding. “Don’t remove it from the bag unless you are thousands of miles away from here. Many forces are at work to know its whereabouts.”

“Moonblade?” Those are only attuned to Sylvan elves…. Hmmmm. She muttered as she took the bag.

A Bag of Holding isJust compensation for a cancelled contract, so I won’t be able to damage the Squids reputation. But we’re far from even. That mind rap shit is going to cost him. All in due time…

Now Sienna was back on the streets. She blended in well, no one even raised an eye at her. It helped that she kept her dark red hair hidden in public. Finally, she reached the Temple of Lolth. It was the center of religious authority and the city’s seat of governmental power. The is where Grandmother called the shots. But it’s also where her cousin Barlissa has an apartment and that is who she was here to see.

Barlissa is the only true friend Sienna has ever known. When they were children there was some vitality but since Sienna didn’t go into the family business (the church) they have been “best friends”. In fact, Barlissa is one of the few who know Sienna is a “Scoundrel” (a Drow cat burglar).

“Cousin” was the absolute icon of Drow perfection. She was tall for an elf. Coal black skin thatdisplayed not a single blemish. Her hair was smoke white compiled by silver highlights. She had dark emerald eyes that couldn’t help from smoking when they investigated you. Definity not a joyful smile in her eyes, more of a conquering grimace. Lissa’s body was muscle and thin, yet she had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were large, firm and bulging out of her breastplate. Her taunt 6 pack tummy rested above full hips. Even her hands and feet had some level of sex appeal. Her nails were always polished in the latest vogue colors. And she has a truly pretty face capable of smiles that are sexy or happy, sometimes it was the same smile for both.

“Hello cousin” Sienna whispered as she stepped out of the shadows of Barlissa’s bed chamber.

“How did you get passed all the temple guards I’ll never know, but really ‘Enna you could’ve just come through the main entrance and announced yourself. I would have had refreshments and entertainment, we could “do lunch” orsomething.”

“Today is more of a business call” Sienna replied. “I need a mask or a hood that will hide one’s face and provide Darkvision. Can you help me out with that?”

“Well that depends?? Take off your clothes and bend over the davenport and I’ll find anything for you.”

“Lissa, we’re both Domme, we simply couldn’t be close unless we’re equals. How about some monetary payment?”

“Money, I have plenty of… Why do you need a face covering with Darkvision? So, this little trinket is not for you, is it? Tell who it’s for and I’ll consider your request.”

“I have a human male slave. I intend to use him as an intimidator and a backup in time of conflict.”

“Human? Male? Have you sampled him sexually? Is his cock nice? Is it big? Just start at the beginning and tell me EVERYTHING!”

“Cousin don’t be such a “little girl”, he’s just a typical human slave. Not worth chatting about.”

“Liar! Oh, you little liar. You want to keep this one around for along time, or you wouldn’t be buying him a mask of Darkvision. So, talk.”

“OK you’re right. At the moment, I see potential in this man.”

“So, the slave is a “man” now? Go on.”

“Stop it. Do you want to hear this or not?” Lissa motioned with her hands for Sienna to proceed.

“I saw him in shades at Durtin’s bazar. At once I noticed his well-defined muscles as that of a warrior, perhaps even an artist. Knowing how our people have a natural suspicion and quasi fear of humans, I thought his presence alone would make a great bodyguard. If he turns out to be able to fight, all the better. I convinced Durtin to a card game and won the key to his shadowles.”

“More like you conned Durtin into a crooked game, cheated your way to that key” retorted Lissa in between Enna’s breaths.

“No matter, he is mine now. I took him home ready to begin elementary sub training and to my satisfaction he’s already been trained.”

“Trained? In complete obedience? does he have any tattoos or brands to certificate training?”

“I don’t think humans live long enough to think about things like certification. But no. He does have scars that looked like they would be fatal, but no tats, brands, or piercing.”

“How is his skill in fuckery?”

“I’ve only had him a day, so I haven’t fully explored his skills. I can tell you this…wow! can he lick.”

“So, you haven’t tried his cock?” said Lissa.

“He brought me to such a powerful orgasm, it was like he was fucking me with his tongue. Then in the morning I considered the cock, but he got to me with his tongue again.” Sienna said as she was obviously replaying the scene in her mind.

“Does his penis even work? Sounds like he might only have oral skills.”

“Every time he sees me naked it gets nice and solid. Its bigger than an average elf but not like the stories we’ve of humans having horse dicks. In fact, the Ebony Brothers have a longer cock but my slave’s has more girl. When I gethome, I’m gonna try it out.”

“Ebony cock is twice as long as any Drow I’ve seen. And you say he has more?” Barlissa was trying to picture it and mimed what she imagined as she spoke the question.

“Yep, just not quite as long.”

“I’ve decided my price for your mask, I want a day with your slave. A full 24 hours of dominating him.” Liss said triumphantly.

“That’s not a good idea. I’ve only had him a little while, I’m not sure how he’ll handle a different Domme. Besides, I haven’t yet put him through any deep training. I can’t say how well he will perform.”

“I’ll put him to the test. I’ll leave some visible permanent scars as evidence of my mastery over him.” Lissa said with that smile that shows her satisfaction.

“From what I can tell he’s more of a sub than a slave. I wouldn’t want to scar or really hurt him for that matter.” said Sienna

“I think you’re being topped from the bottom. It sounds like you generally feel for him. Really Enna, he’s little more than an animal. Don’t grow too attached to pets, it’s one of the commandments.” Lissa recruited.

“Not at all like that, I’m just protecting my investment.”

“Ok, 24 hours and only one visible reminder of how Drow priestess of Lolth dominates a slave…. take it or leave it, final offer.”

“Fine. You may have a day with MY slave after I receive the mask.” (Barlissa can be a jealous fucking cunt at times. She can’t stand for me to have anything she doesn’t. Sienna thought after she gave in)

“I’ll have it in 3 days. Have him ready for me.” (What a stupid ass my cousin is. Sometimes I’ll charge her with high crimes and take all her shit. Just keep collecting cousin. Thought Barlissa.)

“He’ll be ready. See you in 3 days. Just come by my apartment and use the knock I taught you. I’ll see myself out. I’m going home to use him in every way… before you get the chance…chow for now.”

“Goodbye Enna…see you soon.”

Sienna melted into the shadows as she left the temple of Lolth. She flowed through the streets of the wealthy citizens homes on her way to the commerce center of the city where her apartment awaits. She never travels outside the shadows or without a disguise. When she arrives near the building entrance, she pulls the hood of her cloak down low to cover her face and steps into the foyer.

She passed Mr. Hoatars the building super, a deep gnome, on her way up the stairs. The two hardly exchanged glances, both appropriate privacy. It was Hoatars who help her with the illusion that covers her apartment door. Any elf can spot a concealed door, but one covered with an illusion is a different story. One either must “know’ where the door is or disbelieve that a wall in a hallway isn’t real. It’s programmed to dissipate by a knock sequence. So far it has worked perfectly, it even fools Barlissa.

Sienna gave the “wall” a tap..tap..tap,tap,tap,tap, the door appeared. She opened the door without a sound and slid in with the illusion covering all trace of a door. Her slave was sitting in the corner of the room with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. His hands lay motionless on his knees. She moved without a sound so that she was inches from him. Even sitting he was close to her height. As she reached out to touch his neck, he said “you’re very quiet but I know you are near.” Marius opened his eye and looked eyes with his “master”.

“Do NOT look me in the eyes! It’s clear you have some protocol items to learn as my slave. Let’s start with some reformation. Get to your knees with your hands claped behind your back.” As Marius compiled to the command a swift CRACK from a flogger from over his shoulder strking his ear, eye and cheese. The pain was quite intense, but Marius never made a sound or flinched in the slightest.

Sienna really laid into him with three rapid strikes of the flogger. She was trying to get him to wince, but he kneeeled before her like a status. She turned the flogger around and used the handle on his shoulders, neck, and back.. still he just took it. Finally, she asked “Do you feel pain?”

Keeping his head and eyes towards the floor he answered, “yes that hurt very much.” While he answered a slight smile escaped his lips, he made certain Sienna didn’t see.

“So why do you hide the pain?”

“Because crying like a little bitch just isn’t my style.”

“Arise and walk over to my bed. Leaving your feet on the floor lay your upper body, chest down, on the bed.” As Marius did as she commanded a teakwood cane found its way to Sienna’s hand. With his bare ass fully exposed an abrupt “whack” left a nice red line across his checks. Blood oozed out of the wound and trickled down his leg. Still no movement or sound from her slave.

“Are you having fun? Wouldn’t you rather fuck? I don’t think whipping my ass is ever going to bring you to orgasm. I’m yours, but I can serve you better than just being a whipping post.”

“Silence slave.” She gave him another brutal swat with the cane. Another red line wound over his fine ass. Sienna noticed that the first wound had already healed, and no scare formed. “How do your wounds heal so quickly?”

“I have mastered disciplines that help me control my body.”

“Let me tell you something slave, I’m very good at sensing peoples motive and knowing when I’m being bluffed. And that mastery bit is such a lie.” She hit him on his back, and another red line of blood formed.

He stood and faced her (looking down on her really). “Hit me all you like; I know you would rather fuck.”

Sienna had to admit when he stood so quickly, she felt a tinge of fear. In one of the best performances of her life she feigned courage and slapped him on the face and said remember your place slave. “Fuck me…show me if you’re any good?”

Marius grabbed her like a whole-body hug. His left arm wrapped around her upper body pulling her tightly to his chest. The right hand scooped her fineass and raised her off her feet. She never knew a man can be so strong and yet make that strength so comforting. No Drow male can make a female afraid and secure at the same time, not even a trained master.

He pivoted and now her back was to the bed. Marius laid her down gently and pulled off her boots. He reached for the cane and she flicked it away before he could touch it. He grabbed the right glove and freed her beautiful hand but when he went for the left glove, she said “no. this one never gets removed.” He handled the buttons on her blouse like a tailor and her breast were exposed to his lips. A little sucking and nuzzling and Sienna’s nipples got so hard. He slid his mouth towards the clap of her knickers, bite, twisted, and pulled and she was naked except for an open blouse and a left glove.

She was so unlike any other woman he had ever known. The black skin and red hair were unusual, but her beauty could not be denied. Her nipples were a shade darker than her titsgiving her breast an exotic look that made Marius’ heart pump faster. He was in agony waiting to thrust into her tight pussy.

As she laid back his mouth found her wet pussy. His tongue darted in and out until setting on fleshy button at the top of her opening. As the moments passed by so did all the thoughts in Sienna’s mind. She let herself be taken to a place of feelings, detached from cognitive awareness. He sucked on her inner thigh and the bite her. Suddenly she was self-aware again and flooded with emotion. “How dare a slave bite my leg?” “I should have him put down” “I’ll have him…” Just then he swirled his tongue on the bite, licked and sucked, and the pleasure was intensified. Next, he bites the area where she shakes her pubic hair, and again licked. The pleasure was sensing, but he must know his place… He can’t do this to me…She grabbed at his head latching onto his ear. With every intention of pulling the ear off his head, her other hand found his other ear and pulled him into her. The mix of pain and pleasure brought her to an orgasm like no other.

Sienna thought “Damn it, I wanted to try his cock and here I am… spent on oral again!” But Marius stood and grabbed her legs so that her heels were at his chest. The back of her calves and thighs touched his skin from his chest to his to his stomach. With his right hand he held her feet in place in the center of his chest. With his left forearm he pinned her legs just above her knees. Never in her life had she been held in such a way that she could’t escape, but his grip was too firm for her to wrest free. He pressed the head of his cock just over her wet crevasse and pushed slowly into her. Without any consciousness thought the muscles inside of her constructed on his shake. He revved up the momentum to a steady hard thrust going in deep inside. When she started to plateau, he changed the rhythm and used the top of his cock to stimulate the shallow area just inside her. She was losingcontrol. She thought to end this intense feeling and tried to escape his hold on her. But she was held helpless to his thrusting. He began to speed up and thrust harder. A tea formed in Sienna’s eye and her voice betrayed her with a moan of pleasure. She came AGAIN! And Marius kept thrusting. I can’t take this she thought, it’s too intense. And Marius just kept going. Now tear filled her eyes. Marius started thrusting even harder and the second orgasm turned into an extremely long economic state of mind. Finally, he released her legs and dropped to his knees. Then he kissed her stomach and continued to kiss up to her breast until he arrived at her neck. He nuzzled her neck until she came to. Her body started shuddering and Marius held her close until she calmed.


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