Being near him, breathing in the air he had only just exhausted, created a languorous heavy lust inside me that slowed time. Fantasy had met reality and now the edges of both were so blurred that I could not recognize where one started and the other ended. I was still lying at his feet, naked and trembling after the first orgasm he had made me give myself. My mind was still too dazed at the intensity of the feelings that This man could provoke in me to even attempt to move from the softness of the rug he had placed me on.
I knew he was considering what next to do with me. I could see the thoughts flicker across his face, as he unbuttoned his white shirt. I watched his long fingers, deftly elegant, as they released each button and revealed his broad, smooth chest to my heated gaze. The candlelight sketched his profile in the darkness of the room; the strong, hard planes of his face and the sternness of his features were clearly defined, and currently unbroken by the warmth of hissmile, as he concentrated on removing his shirt.
“Kneel.” He said gently. He turned away, secure in the knowledge that I would obey, and I half smiled, as I moved to answer his command
I watched his back and admired the tautness of his skin as he precisely folded his shirt. A slight smile pulled at my mouth; he always folded his clothes so neighborly whilst mine were scattered around the room. My new green dress and red satin knickers decorated the oak floor of the sitting room, whilst one of my glossy siletto shoes balanced on the edge of the low oak coffee table. I had been so eager to undress that I had not considered where my clothes fell. He, unlike me, always considered everything. My full lips trembled as I bit back the smile and fight the urge to move towards him.
I was kneeling now. My bottom rested lightly on my heels, my back was achingly straight, my shoulders were pulled back as far as I could get them and my head was held high; just as he had taught me. Icould already feel the muscles in my thighs, calves and back straining as I fought to hold the position. I shifted slightly as he moved back towards me, and pulled my shoulders even further back so that my full breasts pushed out to meet his gaze. I watched his eyes travel over my body and was filled with the pride that he had given me. I no longer felt embarrassment at my full curves or the softness of my white thighs; he had taught me to see myself as he did. He had used his desire for me as a much kind mirror than the cold glass I had previously judged myself against.
“Pretty angel,” he purred, as he held out his hands for me to see the black velvet ribbons spinning over his fingers.
I bit the inside of my lip as I tried to imagine what he had decided to do. The confusion must have clouded my eyes because he paused. His hand reached out and, beending to my kneeing level, he ran a single finger down my cheek to my lips. The finger gently smoothed along my full bottom lip, leaving a tingling tenderness in its wake. He took my hand and pulled me up, lending me his strength so I did not overbalance. Still holding my hand, he led me to the coffee table in the centre of the room.
“Sit here, baby,” he said. My confusion was now complete; he wanted me to sit on the coffee table?
“Yes,” he smiled, “on the table.” He released my hand so he could move my discarded shoe, and frowned as he did so. My untidiness was an irritation to him that sometimes caused me great delight.
I sat carefully on the edge of the table. The cold smoothness of the wood gripped my bottom as I tested its ability to take my weight. My confidence in its strength complete, I moved slightly further back so that my knees were bent over the edge and my feet were just touching the floor.
“Ummm,” he murmured. “Perfect. Lie down but leave your feet touching the floor.”
I did as he had asked and shuddered as the chill of the wood touched the warmth of my shoulders.My back was arched against the unyielding hardness and I moved slightly in an attempt to fit my body to its flatness. My arms lifted automatically to above my head as I held the table edge to give my body some help while it adjusted to its new position.
His hand gripped my right ankle to hold it steady whilst he secured it to the table leg. The softness of the ribbon caresed my skin as he worked, first wrapping the ribbon around my ankle and then around the wood, until the two were joined to his satisfaction.
“Not too tight, baby?” he asked. “Can you move your foot, still?”
“Yes,” I replied, and wiggled my foot so he could see that I was telling the truth. He had bound me firmly but not tightly. The ribbon held my foot lovingly but securely, I would not be moving anywhere until he released me.
His warm hand captured my foot and moved firmly down over it, a trailing finger ticked deliciously at my introduction.
“That tickers,” I giggled.
His hand becameMore independent and the tickling feeling subsided into a tantalising tingling. I heard the whimper of need escape from my lips just as I felt him remove his hand.
“Good girl,” he criticized, as he began to bind my other foot.
With my feet now both bound to the table legs, my tights were stretched wide apart and I was again fully displayed to his maurauding eyes. I witnessed; my impact to touch and be touched was rising with every passing second. My first orgasm had only slightly diminished the ache inside my body, I wanted so much more.
He rose and moved to stand beside my prone body. “You are beautiful,” He murmured, almost to himself.
I turned my head slightly to look at him but his face was hidden in shadow. I could smell the heady scent of his musky aftershave as he bent to take my arm and pushed it gently into place by the nearest table leg. His touch prompted another moan from my lips; my body was on fire with need. He knelt beside me and I watched as he trailed the black velvet ribbon, first around my wrist and then the table leg. He turned his head and his eyes starred intently into mine as his lips brushed across my tied hand. The heat of his breath sered the palm of my tied hand as his tongue slide across it.
“I want you,” He told. I swallowed, my throat was thickened with lust and I could only moan a reply.
I watched a smile flash across his face, and Then he stood, moving out of my vision to cross to the other side of the table. I turned my head quickly to watch him capture my unsecured arm and tie that too.
“Let’s make sure you’re comfortable, angel.” He grinned. “You are going to be there for a while.”
He picked up a cushion from the chesterfield and tenderly lifted my head to place the cushion beneath it. His hand smoothed my blonde hair and, like a cat, I moved beneath his hand to better luxury in his touch. We exchanged a smile that held between us, as he stood and again moved from my view.
I tried to lift my head to see where he had gone but my arms were too securely tied to enable me to move to that extent. I could not hear his breathing anymore. Where was he? He would not leave me here, alone. Would he? The thoughts rushed through my head as I panicked that I was alone. The chill fear crept across my heated skin.
Then I heard him. My body relaxed again, he had not left me. He came to knee at the side of the table, a glass of ruby red wine in his hand. He sipped as he gazed at me, and an indulgent smile played at the corners of his mouth.
“Are you thirsty?” He asked. I nodded my head in reply. He dipped two fingers into his wine and swirled them in the liquid. “Then I must remedy that.”
His fingers, soaked with the wine, dripped across my cheek as he sought out my mouth. My tongue eagerly lapped the liquid from his skin. I feel a trickle of wine escape from my mouth and run across my cheek. He saw it also and bringing his lips to it, licked it away.
I wanted to grab his head and force his mouth over mine. I wanted to feel his tongue enter my mouth and ravage it. I wanted… I could not move and groaned my frustration at him. I arched my back to demonstrate how much I needed him to take me.
“Not yet, baby,” He laughed.
“Please,” I begged. My husky voice spoke of my need but he shook his head.
He placed his hand on my neck and moved it slowly, down over my breast. My nipple, hard and achingly sensitive rubbed against the edge of his palm. I felt the answering throb deep between my legs and my juices again spilled and dribbled down between the cleft of my bottom.
My body instinctively moved under his questing hands, as he lavished cares on my full breasts. The aroused flesh flattened and rose as he kneeled and squeezed. I moved my head from side to side unable to escape from the sensings pulsing through my body. The heat of arousal was becoming unbearable, my body throbbed and burned.
“Mmmmm, you are getting amazingly hot,” He chuckled, against my ear. “We may need to cool you off. And how do you think we are going to do that?”
“I don’t know.” I whispered.
“Well, the wine is quite cool?” He replied.
“I’m not thirsty.” I grinned. He returned the grin, picked up the wine glass and stood.
“I know you’re not thirsty.” He said, as he looked down at me. “I remember once being told that to put out a fire quickly, one most go to the source of the flames and extinguish them.”
He lifted the wine glass, and as it caught in the light, the wine glamed blood red as he moved it to hover over my stomach. I caught my breath as I realized what he intended to do.
“Such soft, creamy, white skin.” He whispered, as he poured the wine slowly over the moon between my legs. “Red and white, white and red.” He breathed. “Stunning, my gorgeous harlot. You are quite, quite stunning.”
I moaned, and shifted my hips as the cool wine trickled between my shaken lips andmet my heated juices. The liquids pooled beneath my bottom and my wetness was complete.
“Ummm, you should never waste good wine.” He told. “And that merlot is extremely good.”
He moved to the bottom of the table and knelt. I felt his hands grapp my bent knees as he steadied himself, and bent over me. He inhaled deeply to capture the smell of my hot arousal and the now heated red wine.
“Oh, baby.” He showed, as his mouth touched the inside of my thigh. His lips slide upwards in the wetness of my juices and the red wine. I so wanted to see him but I could only feel his lips and his breath as he worked his way up my thighs; feasting on the flesh that was open and plumant beneath his mouth. My eyes closed as his mouth reached my lips and he drank greedily from the liquids caught between them. The greedy slurping of his mouth and my gasps were the only sounds in the still room.
My hips compromised beneath his mouth as he reached my cliporis and caught it between his lips. I cried out, the sucking on my engorged flesh was caught between pain and pleasure, as the intensity sensings circular out and pulsed through my body. I heard his answering groan as he pushed his hands under my bottom, up to my frantic hips and securely held me down as he fastened his mouth even tighter to me. His fingers gripped and sank into my flesh as his mouth suckled at my tender cliporis. My body strained to escape but the ribbons held me to the table.
I could feel the sensings building in my stomach as my pleasure spiraled towards its peak. My cries were intensifying as the waves of pleasure flooded through me. He felt my body tense as the first flood of my orgasm spilled out into his mouth. He pulled me even closer to his mouth and rode my contractions as I screamed unrecognisable words.
The pulsing remained, heavy and intense, as his mouth continued to work on my cooling flesh. He released me, only to move his body up over mine and capture my gasping mouth for a deep kiss. His lips and chin were slick with my liquor, liberally mingled with the fruity wine. My tongue danced around his mouth cleaning, tasting and drinking the rich mixture.
He pulled away. “Ummm, I think I need another glass of wine,” He said. “We have a long night ahead of us.”
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