For a special woman
My name is Jackie. I’m in my early thirties and I’m really happy with my home life and my career. I got married a couple of years after college, I live in a nice apartment on the East Coast and these days I am working for a large firm in our IT department.
I have nothing to complain about except that in recent times I have thought more and more about being submissive in the bedroom. My sex life is wonderful and I have a man who is gentle and skilled. Just what a woman would desire. I cannot complain except that what I really want is to serve as a submissive.
What I imagine is that I would be required to be an obedient woman for someone who would take total command over me. They would control me and I would follow all their orders. They would ‘make’ me do things. I wouldn’t even care what things I was ‘made’ to do because I would want to say ‘yes’ to everything and to be that person’s sexual property for the night. It would be such a thrill to experience that kind of password and lust.
Sometimes I want to be treated rough. I don’t mean I want pain or that I want to be hurt physically. Its more that I want to be treated as if I wasn’t a loving partner. I realize that I could just ask for all these things but, like I say, I cannot really complain about my sex life.
Usually when I play with my vibrator the best fansies involve me being controlled by a stranger. Most of what I know about submission, though, comes from websites where I do my ‘research’ and I can check out chat rooms and other people’s blogs. I have found a lot of information about submission and have become more confident about my desires. I just didn’t think I would experience something like that for real.
It did happen, though. Just not where I expected it.
Despite the tough economic times, the firm I work for still likes to have national meetings of key staff. These are not the usual conferences or ‘conventions’ that people writeAbout where everyone drinks and parties on the company’s time. We plan carefully and make sure those couple of days are as productive as we can make them.
There’s never been any suggestions of me having sex with anyone while on one of these work conferences. There’s never been any issues with me being away for a few days. None of this has ever come up in anyone’s thinking.
Recently I had to travel across the country for one of these regular gatherings. It made sense to fly out on the Sunday. With the time difference from east to west I arrived in time to have a quiet drink while enjoying the late afternoon sun by the hotel pool. I had come prepared and was wearing my swimsuit. I don’t make a big deal of working out but I am in OK shape. I’ve managed to keep the extra pounds at bay and I am also happy that my B-cup boobs still look firm and pert.
My boss was at the meeting and so was his boss. The ‘big boss’ is a rather handsome man, greying but tall and tanned. He is some kind of runner as far as I know.
So I took up my place by the hotel pool and I am not sure what happened but I gulped down my first drink and that was a bit of a mistake. Especially when I realized that the stunning older blonde lying next to me was Cherie, wife of my big boss. Of course I have heard the stories about Cherie having had some ‘work done’ and, lying in her swimsuit up close to me, I could see it had very much been worth it. She looked great and her boobs were much bigger than mine and firmer.
Cherie is really very nice and somehow knew I worked for the company and was in town for the conference. We soon got to talking and drinking and we were both really relaxed. It was just what I needed after a few tough months.
She asked me about my home life and what I did for fun outside of work. Somewhere along the way we started talking about being alone and spending time on-line. Cheries asked me if I had any favourite sites. In my kind of fuzzy state, I can’texplain it any other way, I blurted out a few names of sites I’d been on most recently. They were the sites where people discuss submission and even hardcore BDSM. Up to that point this was a secret interest of mine that no-one else knew about.
To my shock, Cheries seemed to know exactly what I was talking about. Her next question to me was “what are you?”. I had to ask what she means. “Which way? Top or bottom? Dom or sub?”
Still fuzzy in my head, I told her I was submissive even though I’d never actually done anything like that for real. Cheries must have been feeding pretty comfortable as well because she came right out and told me she is a switch. “Not with Ken of course. Ken is always in charge in our house. But sometimes we get to play with other people and then my bitch side comes out.” She kind of laughed as she said that.
Next, Cheries asked me a lot of questions about why I am submissive and what I like and what I have experienced. I tried to explain that I wasVery happy in my home life and that submission was just a curiosity for me. That was the only reason I’d been visiting those sites. Though to myself I admitted I had been visiting more and more often.
“Well,” said Cheries with a big smile, “I am glad to have all that settled. I think you had better come up to the apartment with Ken and I.”
Before I could ask or protest Cheries was on her phone. I heard her talking to Kenneth, her husband and my big boss. When she put the phone down I tried to remind her that I was just curious and had never done anything of the things I read about. She just looked at me in a strange kind of way. I was stuck with staring back at her. She is a striking beauty but the look on her face was something I cannot describe.
“I know all that Jackie. Ken will decide what we do. You say you’re curious. Come to our apartment and we will find out how curious you are. First I will show you to Ken and then he will decide. Ken’s expecting us soon so pick upYour things so that we can be waiting for him.”
Right then I felt so physically weak. Part of my brain was trying to think up a polite reason to say “no thanks”. But the way Cheries looked at me, and the way she spoke to me, made me feel like I really had to go along with her. Later, of course, I understand that Cheries was kind of taking advantage of my inexperience. I was getting the full-on ‘Domme’ treatment from her. Without realising it, my submissive side kicked-in and I felt helpless to resist.
I was also incredibly curious about what I would find in their apartment. This was the first time I’d met people who I knew to be into the things I was so curious about – submission and surrender and control and dominance. The way Cheries spoke to me made it impossible to say no. I did not even think about What Ken and Cheries might want me to do for them. Cheries expected me to say ‘yes’ to everything she wanted and in my soul I just knew that I would.
“I…I need some moreclothes,” I stammered.
“Well we shouldn’t send you home in a swimsuit. Go to your room quickly and pick up some things for later. But don’t take long getting to the apartment. Its on the top floor.”
Of course I was at a work conference and I could have chosen to be ‘diverted’ by something or lie about someone from home calling me or made some other excuse. None of those ideas came to mind Though. Cheries had given me instructions and I just felt myself obeying her. It wasn’t because I was afraid of losing my job. That idea never occurred to me either. Cheries had told me to go to their apartment and she had said it in such a way that I could only think of doing as she ordered.
I grabbed some jeans and a T-shirt for later, unsure of what or when ‘later’ would be. I almost ran down the corridor to the lift and I was grateful that once on the top floor their apartment was easy to find. I knocked feeling breathless and giddy and so excited about my sudden change of situationion. I think I was probably terrified as well. Was I doing the right thing? All I knew was that I was faced with some kind of opportunity that I couldn’t let pass.
Cherie opened the door in a moment and I could see she had shown while waiting for me. She was wearing a soft bathrobe from the hotel and it was wide open down the front. Cheries didn’t seem to mind that I stared with my mouth open. Her bigg enhanced tits, double-D I am guessing, were trying to push the robe open and her full, magnificent cleavage was on display. Looking down past her tanned stomach to her slim legs I could see her cunt with its tightly manicured tuft of hair sitting just above it. I silently thanked myself for having shaken fully before I left home that morning.
She invited me in and directed me to the shower. “Better freshen up sweetie,” she said with a smile. Cheries took my change of clothes and stood with me waiting for me to strip off. I felt weird doing that but, again, my brain couldn’t find a way to resist. So I removed my swimsuit and Cheries took that with her as well.
I did like I should and was quick in the shower. I emerged into the kitchen feeling more naked than I’d ever been and asked Cheries if there was a spare robe for me.
“No robe for you sweetie,” she said with a very firm voice. “Ken will be here any minute and he will want to see you.” She pulled the towel off me and left me stark naked once more. It sounded like I was up for some kind of inspection while standing there in my birthday suit. “No need to worry,” she added in that same firm voice. “I can see you right now and I know Ken will be delighted.”
I was taken to the large lounge area and Cheries gave me a cold drink “to help you relax”. She sat on the sofa. I was told to knee on the floor while we waited for Ken. Silently I complied, feeling so very awkward with my sudden introduction to submission and obedience.
Ken did arrive after just a few moments and Cheries and he gave one another a big hug and kiss. I heard her whisper to Ken that she was ‘so excited by this one’ and I knew it was a reference to me.
Now you have to remember I was with a woman I’d just met, about to be introduced to the boss of my boss and I was totally naked. I was so nervous I was shaking. The strange thing was that my nerves weren’t about being naked but about wanting to please him. There was an element of humiliation to this ritual and I just knew that Cheries liked it that way.
I had met Ken before that day, several times in fact, but I was sure that he didn’t remember me. It is a big company, as I said. That was probably for the best since I was totally naked in front of them both. But Ken looked at me with the same kind of expression as Cheries and just said “very nice”. She ordered me to turn around so I could display everything and I did so, my face burning with embarrassment as I was inspected. All I heard was Ken repeating himself to Cherie – “very nice”.
HeDisappeared for a quick shower and Cheries pointed to me to resume my position on the carpet. I took another quick swig from my drink.
Ken returned quickly and I noticed he was also wearing his bath rob left open at the front. He was in fine shape for an older man – tanned, slim and not sagging at all. I don’t think he has had any enhancements but his cock was clearly on display and I saw it was already at half-mast. I must say I was shocked to see my ‘big boss’ in that state. Both he and Cheries were so relaxed abut their bodies and obviously very relaxed about the idea that someone was going to be having sex very soon. I guessed maybe Ken used viagra and it made his cock look nice and thick.
“Time for a drink?” Ken asked his wife. She responded by signalling to me. It seemed drinks were to be my duty. I wondered what else would follow. But as I walked past them they started talking to one another. Only they were talking about me as if I wasn’t even in the room.
“Verynice… good legs… like those butt cheats… good choice.” Remember that I was completely nude at this time and they still had their robes on. I felt vulnerable and a little bit silly. This was the weirdest situation I’d ever imagined for myself. I wondered just why I had agreed to act like this in front of this deviant couple. But the look in Cheries’s eyes and the tone of her voice somehow just made me feel like everything was normal.
When I got back with the drinks the TV was on, some business news channel, but Ken and Cheries were too busy cuddling and talking to really notice. They whispered a lot but sometimes I could tell they were still talking about me. It was weird and humiliating. The thing is that I was loving it! I was still determined to do anything Cheries wanted of me. That voice told me She would broke no argument and I was in no mood to try to find out. They had full control of everything that was happening, even to the point of having me naked and kneeing on the floor beside them.
Soon they started finding excuses to order me to the kitchen so I could repeat my naked parade past them over and over. Each time the lewd, personal comments about me continued. “Nice looking pussy… will enjoy those tits …hope she will behave properly… good for a first time.”
They wanted more ice, then strawberries, then more drinks and on it went. One time I climbed to my feet in front of Cheries only for her to give my butt a huge slap. It was a shock and it really hurt. I grabbed my butt cheat to try to soothe the pain but then I saw the look on Cheries’s face and somehow I knew not to do that. I walked to the kitchen just knowing there was a big red imprint of her hand on my behind.
Next time I was pulled down and soon realized I was supposed to lie across her lap. Cheries very It seemed they were both impressed with the tone of my butt cheats. The slapping was not too hard but it did hurt quite a bit. I was totally confused about why Cheries wanted to spank me as I didn’t think I’d made any mistakes.
So it was a total humiliation for me but strangely enough I was grateful just to be touched at all. I had been going crazy wondering what was going to happen to me. I bit my lip as Cheries whaled away, remembering her look and knowing I dare not move no matter how much she hurt me. The thing was, my prediction was made worse by the fact Ken’s hardening cock was only a couple of inches from me face.
After a good solid spanking I was sent for more ice. When I returned Cheries ordered me over her lap again. My butt was really burning by then but Cheries decided to stroke it and rub some ice cubes on me and that feel a little better. I thought about closing my eyes rather than stare at Ken’s cock, now fully erect, but I figured Cheries would tell me if that was required.
It is a quite a nice cock, straight and long. He has a big mushroom head and acouple of very dark veins. For some reason I just wanted to suck on it. After all, I was naked and Ken was obviously prepared for some fun. I’d fantasised so much about submission and sexual servitude. Being like that in front of my big boss should have made me afraid or sick but already I know that I would have to give sexual fvours to Ken.
In fact Ken spoke next, asking Cheries if ‘she’ (meaning me, of course) ought to be taking care of him. Well, by then I was so ready to take that man into my mouth that I almost thanked Cheries when she ordered me. “Sweetie you will give Ken’s cock some relief for me now.”
Ken, my boss’ boss, shuffled a little closer to Cheries and brought his long, hard cock right into range for my mouth. I was about to suck on the cock of a man I barely knew. More than that, someone who gave orders to my own boss at work. There was no time to consider all that. I just did as ordered and slowly let Ken slide that hard monster into my waiting mouth. As soon as the head was on my tongue I closed my lips and pushed everything out of my mind apart from pleasure that cock. Mind you, in reality I was trying to please Cheries so I definitely wanted to give Ken a real good blowjob.
I got about halfway through the second time down on Ken’s shake when Cheries slapped my butt again. Obviously this was part of the game for them. Cheries had warned me about her ‘bitch side’. I know I cried out in pain but the sound was obviously muffled by the size of Ken’s rod in my mouth.
Actually this time she spanked me harder but slower. I just had to concentrate on my big boss’ cock. We’d still not spoke a word directly to one another and yet his cock was in my mouth. Each time Cheries spanked my butt she stroked her fingers down the crack between my Cheeks and touched my cunt. That drive me crazy. I really wanted her to stop slapping my ass because it felt like it was on fire. Then when she softly ran her fingers between my butt cheats and stroked my cunt that filled me with another type of fire.
I was feeling so confused that I actually parted my legs a little to give her better access to me. I’ve never been touched like that before and for sure not by a woman.
There was a hand on the back of my head, must have been Ken’s, that each time tried to push me a little deeper down on his length. They were both so dominant with me. I wondered what I had gotten myself into as I mouthed this older man’s cock while his wife had her fun with my tush. If Ken was using viagra then it sure did the trick because he got longer and harder the more I sucked and the more Cheries spanked my aching butt cheats.
The whole experience was surreal. I had stumbled across this older couple who knew what I was after and knew just how to give it to me. I had dreamed of something like this and now I was so grateful that I’d been chosen by them. I could do nothing but obey them.
When Cheries stuck a finger inside my cunt I took Ken even deeper into my mouth and I wriggled around so my free hand could stroke his balls at the same time. I really wanted to show Cheries that I could give as well as take.
Quickly there was a second finger in my tunnel and I felt that most welcome sensing start to rise inside me. Cheries’s struggling was like something I’d never experienced. I don’t know if all women are so expert at touching another woman but she is fabulous. For years I wondered if I would enjoy sex with a woman and without even realising it I was suddenly finding out. I liked it very much.
As Cheries fingered me she kept on spanking me and I was still performing my headjob for Ken. My brain was overwhelmed by the sensings and my cunt was leaking all over Cheries’s hand. I could hear the squelching sounds of my juices. Ken’s hand pressed a little harder on the back of my head and the tip of his cock was near my throat.
I came for Cheries right there, of course I did. Cheries had been slow and gentle but the orgasm was incredible. It was a powerful feeling of relief that flooded through my mind and my body. I guess that’s what an experienced woman can do. I felt so grateful to Cheries and so pleased to have given her what she wanted from me.
Suddenly they were on their feet and moving to the bedroom. Cheries held my hand and I followed in a kind of daze. What I remember from that short walk was seeing them together and seeing they are really tight as a couple. It made me feel good inside and more special to have been chosen by them.
Finally Cheries and Ken removed their robes and now we were all nude. They both looked really great for a couple in their early-50s. They were both tanned all over which made me aware of how pale my skin is.
They pulled me between them and straight away they were touching and fondling my body all over. Maybe some other time I would have been embarrassed at allowing them to feel me up. But I didn’t. I stood very still between them and moanedsoftly as they explored me with their hands.
Oh my god I was so turned on right then. They played with my nipples and stroked my boobs and ran their hands over my cunt lips and my butt. Both Ken and Cheries still talked about me as if I wasn’t there. When they took turns sucking one of my nipples they grinned to each other and Ken commented that ‘she does enjoy that’.
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