Under the Blades

It was Saturday. This evening had always been the time to put aside the world and enter into His fansies, be they whips, or wax, or ice, or whatever flights His fansy might take. All she knew was that He had not harmed her and that she enjoyed it all. She knew the ritual of preparation well, she bathed, never taking a shower before a scene. She cleaned herself thoroughly. She knew Master liked a clean body for play. Then she dried off and headed for the Dungeon in the nude as she knew clothes was never allowed to her in the dungeon. She walked slowly to the room T/they referred to as the dungeon not knowing what to expect. The door stood like a sentinel blocking her from the reward or punishment awaiting her. Her pulse was racing and nervous sweat appeared as if by its own free will on her palms and upper lip from the knowledge that He was waiting inside for her. She wondered why as her mind started to speak to her. “Foolish girl what is there to be nervous about? You know thisMan, have scene with Him many times. So what if you are going to experience something new? So what if He left it a mystery as to what new sensings are in store for you?”

She opened the door, a small giggle suddenly escaping her lips as she pictured her own nervousness. She immediately wished it hadn’t as she took in the familiar room. The shadowed corners seemed dark and forbidding yet at the same time warm and inviting. The hulks of the various implementations of play almost appeared to be shadowed monsters inviting her to come and play. Georgian chants seemed to drift from everywhere and a sweet oily fraud filled the air. Her mind took it in, telling her there was something different, something new. What it was seemed to elude her

Then He stepped out of the shadows, the subdued light not quite giving details to His features, or to the things held in His hands. They remain undefined save for brief flashes of candlelight on the small bits of metal. He approached and theitems became her scenic collar with cuffs and a blindfold. Her eyes immediately lowered in submission upon the sight of Him. So powerful, so in control that it seemed at first no emotion showed on His face. She took a step towards Him only to hear His voice telling her to stop and close the door.

The gloom in the room intensified as the door swung shut, only the few small candle offering glimpses of light. Flashes of metal and a strong but not uncomfortable heat filled the space. She felt more than saw Him as He walked to her, and then around her. His hot breath played with the small hairs at the base of her neck as He whispered close to her ear, “Do you trust Me?”

Softly she whispered. “Yes Master. You know i do.”

“Then trust Me,” He replied as He slowly wrapped her collar around her neck.

The soft yet strong leather embedded her, making her feel owned and at His mercy, even before the cuffs were attached. The feeling deepened as He attached the cuffs His collar about her neck.

He walked a few feet from her and stopped to admire her, still holding the blindfold, before going to the other side of the room. Then it struck her what the new item was, a refrigerator. With a devilish grin He opened it to reveal several blades of various lengths and shapes. The stark bulb in the fridge made them stand out so that it seemed nothing else in the room existed. Her safeword ticked the back of her tongue, but she didn’t speak it, reminding herself that He has not harmed her, and promised He would not harm her. She said nothing.

Then one by one he pulled out the blades and used them to slice a piece of paper, demonstrating their sharpness. He finished His cuts and showed her the intricately carved paper lace heart He had left. Walking towards her holding the blade out straight He once again asked, “Do you trust Me?”

Regaining her composure she replied, “You know i trust you with my very life.”

Once again smiling that devilish grinHe said, “Tonight you will taste My blades on your skin, but not yet.”

Placing the knife back in the fridge and closing the door He turned to His collection of whips on the wall. After much consideration he took down the bungee whip and the stinger flogger. Walking back towards her He guided her to the post in the middle of the room and releasing her cuffs from her collar He fastened them to it. Then He walked behind her and placed the blindfold on her. He began with the bungee whip, first letting the strands flow down her back then wrapping it around her neck to give her a feel of it.

He started with one singing blow across her backside. Using an alternative pattern of swift blows and gentle grazing He began flogging her, each touch of the whip feeling like the kiss of a lover on the tender cheats of her bottom. Each care brought her more pleasure than the one before. Then as if by accident He allowed one swipe to flow down between her legs, the tender kiss of the flogger bringing a new shock of pleasure as it ran across her mooded mound.

He stopped momentarily to feel her backside, rubbing gently to feel the warmth and make sure there were no welts beginning to form yet. Picking up the whip once more He began again, keeping perfect time with the chants flowing through the room. He smiled as she began moving in time with the chants and the steady thumb of the flogger, and smiled wider as she jumped and moaned at the irregular strikes between her legs. Stopping again to feel her progress He gave a satisfied smile and set that whip to the side.

Picking up the stinger flogger He traced the strands of it up her back and across her neck then up her face to stop just below the nose. She inhaled deeply of the chaos of leather, and felt herself getting even more aroused by the scent of it. He started with strikes that barely touched the skin, swinging in a circular motion that brought a cooling breeze between each gentle scrape of the whip.Then in a sudden move He snapped the ends across her bottom, bringing a thrill of pleasure before returning to the scraping swipes from before. Occasionally and at no time interval He struck softly between her legs.

Checking her progress He realized she was close to welts forming and stopped. The sound of her rapid breathing filled the air as He took her off the post. She found herself helpless to do anything but Follow as He guided her, and she knew for sure that she was completely under His control as He walked her to the free standing hooks and attached her cuffs to them.

Standing close to her He whispered, “Are you ready My love for what I have for you?”

Sounding to herself as if she was speaking in a dream she replied, “Do as You will Master, I am Yours.”

The words brought a smile to His lips as He knew she spoke true. She was deep in subspace now and not able to think or cry out. He walked to the fridge making a mental note to be extra careful not to cuther. “That is not for this time, He whispered to Himself.

Opening the refrigerator He chose His first blade and closed the door to keep the rest cold. Walking to her He placed the cold steel against her warm buttocks and smiled as she involuntarily jumped. Her body started shivering, not from the cold of the steel but from the tingling sensings of having such a dangerous weapon against her skin. Her reaction brought a smile to His lips as He gave her a little spank with the flat of the blade. Then turning it so that just the edge rested against her He began tracing the crack of her bottom with the edge of the blade. Sliding it up to the point and just barely touching her He ran it up her back, the cold steel feeling almost hot against her skin. She thought of how easily He could take her life, as He has already taken her heart, but she knew she was safe with Him, know that no harm would come from Him.

Suddenly He stopped. Looking to the fried He realized that this is not right. He went to the fridge and removed the several blades He planned on using this night and placed them on a nearby table, in easy reach. Then returning to her He picked up a fresh knife and slowly ran the blunt edge over the middle of her mound, gently caresing her clip with the steel before moving it between her legs and lightly pressing the tip against her butt. With a precision motion He ran the sharp edge against her side starting at the waist and sliding it up to her armpit and back down the other side before placing that knife back on the table.

Taking the third knife He stood close to her, pressing His silk covered chest against her bare back. He brought the edge of a hand held ax to her throat. Pressing the edge against the skin tightly, but not so hard as to cut He whispered again, “Do you trust Me?”

Unable to speak she simply nodded. He slide the cold edge between her breasts and then lay the blade flat against her chest before bringing it outward to press each of the ax’s two points against her nipples. Then with a slow deliberate move He drug the two points across her stomach slowly turning the blade as He neared the place where her tights meet. He traced the blade down the inside of her thighs.

Reaching her ankles He moved the blade to the outside of the leg and pressed another blade against the other leg. Both knives moved up her body in synchronous motions. Then as if timed He dropped the knives and moved in front of her as she collapsed unable to stand against the password building inside her.

Holding her with one arm He freed the cuffs from the hooks and helped her to a bed. He checked her over thoroughly for cuts or bleeding welts. Finding none He applied a soothing cream that He made especially for His scenes, watching as the redness faded back to normal color and the welts began to darken into the bruises that will remind her of this evening. He smiled once again with pride at His lovely lady. Taking her into His arms He cuddled her long into the night. Feeling her drift off to sleep He decided that discussion could wait until the morning, and followed her.


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