This story is a 40,000 word novella which runs to 16 chapters. It starts as a slow burn but goes on to explore the journey of a novel as he discovers the joys of loving Femdom. I wrote it as a gift for my real life sub, David, and we hope you enjoy it.
If Femdom is not for you, then please do not continue reading. However, if you like the idea of a powerful woman controlling every aspect of a helpless sub’s pleasure, then please read on.
After a largely sleepless night where David had been pressed into tongue service more often than he could count, he had finally loved on his mat after a couple of hours snapped sleep, sticky, lip-swollen and well-used. Unfortunately, his Angel wasn’t sleep in the soft nest of her bed. He rose stiffly and padded out to find her. He truly hoped that he hadn’t missed making her breakfast. That would be a terrible start, especially on a day that she had promised to push his boundaries. David’s heart pounded with equal parts fear and excitement.
Following the sound of her voice, he found her curled up in her favourite chair, wrapped only in her kimono. Her hair was bed-tousled, and she wore no make-up, but she looked better than any centrefold he had ever seen. She was nursed a large, milky coffee and his heart sank that she’d had to tend to herself while he was catching up on some sleep. When she saw him, taking in his stricken face, she pointed to the hardwood floor by her feet as she continued her conversation.
‘Oh, yes, Suki darling, you are so right. In fact, he’s just crawled in after lazing away half the morning, so he’s already got a punishment coming. But don’t worry,’ This was clearly said for this Suki’s benefit because, from the way Kate was glaring down at him, he knew he had plenty to worry about, ‘I’ll make sure to save a piece of his sorry hide for you. I know how you love to work with an unmarked canvas.’
She laughed cruelly, her eyes on him as she listened to the other woman’s response and then ended the call with, ‘Well then, I look forward to seeing you later.’
Glaring down at him, his Mistress was clearly unimpressed. It was evident from the tight line of her lips and the narrowing of her eyes that she was royally pissed with him, and that punishment would surely be served. He wanted to apologise for his tardiness to mitigate whatever he had come to him but felt that it would serve him better to wait until he was allowed to speak, so he tried his best to communicate his contrition nonverbally. Clearly, he failed.
‘Breakfast. Then you and I have an appointment with my crop. Do not keep me waiting.’
David hastened to his feet to prepare her breakfast, taking every effort to set an attractive table and lay out the Greek yoghurt, bottle of runny honey and the big bowl of fresh fruit salad that he had prepared in a pleasant way. Next to it was the steaming pot of freshly brewed coffee and the milk and sweetener, along with her favourite mug.He added a finger vase with a single bloom from her arrangement of lilies next to her place setting, taking one last moment to straighten the silverware, and then hurried off to announcement that breakfast was served.
His Mistress had shown and dressed without him, something that felt like a punishment in and of itself. And what she was wearing? Heaven help him! His Mistress was sitting on her dressing stool lacing up her final knee-high boot with its sky-high platform soles. The boots were the finishing touch to an outfit that might possibly kill him. She was dressed in a black catsuit so tight it could have been sprayed on. Like some Amazonian starship trooper, the stretchy rubberised fabric hugged her curves, the swell of her hips accentuated by a patent studied belt. The upper part of the suit took the form of a patent fitted jacket with a high neck and her deep cleavage was showncased in a triangular window leading to a long zip that promised so much. Her hair was severely pulled up into a high ponytail that cascaded down like a silican waterfall over her shoulder. This was a woman who was going to war and taking no prisoners. And he was going to be the first fatality.
Without being commanded, he dropped to his knees before his avenging Angel, kissing the toes of those terrifying boots that could crush him so easily. However, she was not to be appeared and she pulled her foot from his hand to stand, towering above him.
‘Did you enjoy your lie in this morning, boy?’ she asked, in a deceptively pleasant tone.
Lie in? He’d had about 2 hours sleep! It was alright for her. Each time he’d brought her to orgasm, she’d fallen into a serotonin-fuelled sleep in her luxury bed while he’d been left horny and aching, once again denied his own relief, condemned to toss and turn on his mat on the hard floor.
‘Apologies, Mistress,’ he attempted a contrite tone, ‘I should have been up before you to prepare your breakfast.’ Not that she even triedto wake him, he thought mulishly.
‘Yes. You should have. It seems that you need a reminder of your place in my life. Your role, boy, is to serve. Mine, it seems, is to train you. Something, on which I have become regrettably lax as I had felt that you were doing so well. No matter, I will amend that now.’
She picked up her crop and slapped it against her boot Making him flinch. With a snap of her manicured fingers, she pointed to her heel as she stalked out of the room. ‘Crawl.’
David crawled dutifully alongside her, his head bowed subserviently. To all intents and purposes, he was a properly respectful sub following his Mistress. However, his downturned face hid the mutinous look in his eyes and if she could hear his inner monologue…
At this moment he Found it hard to remember why he had willingly put himself in this position. He could, even now, be lounging in his five-star hotel room, his body wrapped in the Egyptian cotton sheets, being served breakfast inbed. And what had he traded it in for? To be beating like a dog just because he had crashed for a few hours after a night of sexual servitude. OK, that part wasn’t so bad. Kate tasted divine, truly nectar from the Goddess, and yes, he got a kind of perverse pleasure from being edged and denied by this woman. He looked up, taking in the general feminine curves and the angry twitch of her ass and immediately he was at full hardness. Oh yes. That was why he was here. Dear Christ, she was like a wet dream made real and being the focus of her cruel attention was more than worth an aching cock and burning ass.
Kate was no stranger to a recalcitrant sub and, although David said all the right words, she knew that he was bristling at the injury of this punishment. She could have hurt him, but God knows he had done sterling work last night and the poor boy had to be exhausted. He needed a rest before the day she had planned for him. Of course, she was more than capable of making her own coffee, and breakfast if it came to that. But this wasn’t about that. This was about getting David out of his comfort zone, testing his trust in her. Also, with her friend Sakura, Suki, coming round, she wanted to freshen up her marks of ownership and trumping up a punishment scenario was as good a way as any. Two birds with one stone, as it were.
This time, she had him kneeling up on the ottoman where she’d taken his anal virginity. The way he eyed the innocent piece of furniture made it clear he was reliving that moment and she was pleased to see how his cock swelled and his buttocks twitched in recognition. However, instead of the more comfortable hands and knees position, she had him crawl all the way to the end of the padded bench and place his hands flat on the floor, raising his arse up for its punishment rather beautifully. This position also had the added advantage that his face was mere inches from the floor to ceiling window, so it offered David the dual views of the river tourists who might witness his humiliation plus the reflection of her wielding the crop. A view that was not lost on him it would seem as he had started to drip watery precum onto the upholstered surface. Ah well, he would clean that up later.
Kate took her time admiring the piece of art that was David’s arse. Yesterday had been hard on him and his cheeses bore the faith lines from his cropping, overlaid by some milk bruising from both the hard strapping and the hairbrush padding he had received. However, they did need to be refreshed and she was more than happy to layer fresh stripes on top of this well worked foundation. The only question was, should she give him a full dozen but keep to a medium intensity, or go for the less is more approach? After all, she had promised Suki not to mark him too much.
‘Six hard strokes. You will count them for me and thank me for each one.’ She presented the crop for him to kiss.
David bit back a growl. He’d take the strokes but having to thank her for them was going to stick in his craw. He kissed the shake of the crop resentfully as it was presented to his lips.
Thwack! ‘One! Thank you, Mistress’ he ground out.
Fuck! That burned, but the view! Seeing the play of her muscles, the sway of her breasts as she rained down each agonising line made his cock ache way more than his ass did. And so, he dutifully Thanked her for each subsequent stroke, feasting his eyes on the demonstration behind him who had decided to roast his ass in Hell fire.
Very nice! Kate presented the well-warmed crop up to his lips for a kiss and admired the six lines that were swelling and purpling pretty. Each was exactly parallel and spaced evenly from the crest of his buttocks to his sensitive sit spots. There was no way that Suki could complain about that. As an artist herself, she would surely admit the beauty of the picture Kate had painted.
Running her hands possessessively over the tender ridges, she faced his eyes as they were reflected in the window, and spoke in a soft, authoritative tone. ‘Today is a special day, boy. Consider it a test, and like any test there will be a reward. However, it will not be easy for you to bear, and you may decide that it is too much for you. If that is the case, you will have your safewords. Tell me what they are, pet.’
David’s mind was racing. This sounded omino. There was no playful smile from his Mistress, in fact, she seemed sombre, almost sad, as though she believed he might fail her. He hastened to reassure her that he knew the rules and was willing to play.
‘Green means go, everything is OK. Amber means slow down, let’s talk about this. Red means stop and everything ends. I can also use the wordTecumseh to end a scene.’
‘Very good. But know this. If you wish to end the scene, you are also choosing to end our relationship. Today is about trust and without absolute trust we have no future. I will release you from my service without any recriminations, but that will be it. We will not see each other again.’
Kate forced her voice to remain calm and steady, belying the turmoil she felt as she said the words. However, they were no empty threat. This was a test, not just of the depth of David’s devotion, but of the strength of their bond. If she was unable to take him right to the very edge of his limits, further even than he had imagined himself capable, then she was not the right woman for him. And, as much as it would pain her, she would release him to move on, knowing that she had unlocked a password need in him that some other lucky Domme would sit.
‘I have a dear friend coming today. You will call her Mistress Sakura and will treat her with the same respect that you owe me. Is that understand? Suki is an artist, as you will find out, and she will be using your body as her canvas. She will be photographing her work for an exhibition she is working on, and I have commissioned a set ofthe finished images for my own personal collection.’
She paused to allow that to sink in and to cares his upturned flanks. ‘Now is the time to express any doubts if this is not something you can be part of. Once she has started, there is no stopping her unless you safeword out, and you know what that will mean.’
David was finding it hard to concentrate as her soft hand sent prickles of pleasure pain along his taut nerves. Did he want to be a piece of art? Well, it didn’t sound too taxing. He could put himself in the hands of another woman if that was what his Mistress wanted. Of course, with her photographing the results, David’s probably naked body would be immortalised online. What if his family, his friends saw it? Well, what if they did? His children were full grown and were broad-minded Enough to accept that he could make his own decisions. He had no job to jeopardise if this became known and, ultimately, what were the chances of anyone he knew coming across suchmaterial anyway? Unless they were searching it up for their own private entertainment and then, what could they possibly say?
‘I have no doubts, Mistress. I will submit myself to you and Mistress Sakura to do with me what you will.’ And he found that he means this wholeheartedly. That ass whoupping had done him the power of good, it seemed. Now he felt properly in the submissive frame of mind, all hint of his former irritation forgotten. Must be the endorphin rush flooding his bloodstream with happy hormones.
A musical tone sounded. He looked to his Mistress who smiled broadly. ‘Ahh, here she is, right on time. Up you get boy, it’s time you met Mistress Sakura.’
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