This story is a 40,000 word novella which runs to 16 chapters. It starts as a slow burn but goes on to explore the journey of a novel as he discovers the joys of loving Femdom. I wrote it as a gift for my real life sub, David, and we hope you enjoy it.
If Femdom is not for you, then please do not continue reading. However, if you like the idea of a powerful woman controlling every aspect of a helpless sub’s pleasure, then please read on.
‘You, boy, are filter!’ Kate chuckled fondly.
It was true that David’s appearance had undergone quite a dramatic transformation from when he’d arrived at her house earlier this afternoon. His face, hair and body were sticky with a smorgasbord of fluids including sweat, spunk, and cunt honey. His face was flushed, and his lips were swollen. His rear cheeses and the tops of his thighs were a riot of well-thrashed colour, from the raised purpling cane welts to the thick, red traumatised swats of flesh from her wicked belt. His throbbing jewels had to have been tenderised and aching, Kate mused, and his shame was surely still tingling warmly from his recent eruption. However, it was his eyes, glaiming with excitement and adoration, that she found the most arousing. This was a sub who had found his true place.
‘Come on, boy, run me a bath.’
She led him by the cock, a clear mark of casual ownership that thrilled him emotionally as much as physically, tugging him through her apartment, up a cast-iron spiral staircase to a luxuriously appointed bathroom. With the light off, the focal point was the glass ceiling, which revealed the orange glow of the night-time London skyline, broken only by the occasional vapour trail of international flights coming into Heathrow and the racing clouds that sped across the dark sky.
However, when she turned the lights on the whole ceiling became a mirror, reflecting the modern freestanding tub that looked like a giant hollow egg that had been hewn out of a block of stone. David could feel that the Italian marble flooring had underfloor heating and his toes appreciated the warmth that permeated through the river-washed tiles. Under-lit glass shelves of exotic fragments and lotions lined the wall, and David set the water running before approaching the bottles and jars.
‘What fraud would Mistress desire tonight?’ he asked respectfully.
Kate was intrigued as to what he might choose, believing it would give her a valuable insight into how he perceived her.
‘Surprise me, pet,’ she replied as she made herself comfortable on the deeply cushioned velvet sofa across the room to watch his preparations.
David spent a moment perusing the labels and breathing in their contents. Some were light and floral, which seemed a little innocent for such a powerful Enchantress. Others were heavily woody and spiced but were perhaps too masculine for such a vision of femininity. Eventually he chose an oil blend of sweet orange, cedarwoodand cinnamon. It had key elements that suited her, he felt. It was exciting, musky and warming, feminine but with an underlying strength, spicy and mouth-wateringly sweet, reminiscent of her intimate juices. If he closed his eyes he was transported to a Moroccan boudoir, filled with silver cushions, carved wooden screens and brass lanterns casting lattice shadows over her naked, reclining body. Yes, this was the one. Pouring a generous dash beneath the running water, the room was immediately infused with the sultry, exotic fragmentation.
Oh, good choice, pet, thought Kate. It really was astounding how well he knew her after such a short acquaintance. This bath oil was one of her favourites — one that she found deeply relaxing whilst also warmly arousing. The perfect way to unwind after a long day and take care of a little self-pleasure. Well, they had both had a long and eventful day, but there would be no need for her to take care of her own pleasure tonight now that she had her own willing bath slave to see to her needs.
Once David had prepared the bath, he knelt beside it in reading. Kate stood and walked towards him, accepting his hand as she stepped into the fragrant water, then sank down into its warm embrace, singing with pleasure as the water caressed her. She rested both arms along the smooth stone edges and laid her head back, her long raven hair cascading down to the ground.
‘Come closer, boy,’ she cooed to him with a glint in her eye. David rose up on his knees and leaned over the bath, excited to be summoned but a little war of the devilish look on her face. When he was within kissing distance, her hand darted out and seized his hair.
David closed his eyes and parted his lips, then panicked and flailed as she plunged his face beneath the steaming water. With a Surprisingly firm grip she kept him below the water for a few more moments, then released him, leaving him gasping and spluttering.
‘That’s better, boy. How can you possibly clean me while you are so filthy?’ Taking a soft natural sea sponge, she wiped his face and neck, and scrubbed behind his ears like an over-zealous nanny with her reluctant charge. ‘Much better boy. Now, you may cleanse me.’ And with that, she relaxed back down in the bath, leaving him on his knees, red-faced, panting and dripping.
Taking a moment to regain both his breath and his Composure after his near-drowning, David picked up the sponge and soaped it with a little of the bath oil. The wonderful thing about choosing an oil rather than a foam, he thought contentedly, was how the water was entirely clear, his view unimpeded by bubbles. Not only could he look down and see every inch of Kate’s magnificent naked body, both above and below the water, but it was also reflected across the wide Expanse of mirrored glass above her. It was quite spectacular and not a sight he’d forget any time soon. He felt irrational jealousy towards the birds and planes that might see such a sight every time they flew overhead.
David started by caresing the ball of her shoulder and down her arm, struggling the sweet-smelling oil down its length and around her hand, slicking in between each of her fingers. Putting the sponge aside, he lacened his fingers between hers and massed her palm with the ball of his thumb, an intimate gesture which she allowed, and indeed welcomed with a soft sight of pleasure. Picking up the sponge, he made his way back up her arm, then across her collarbones, skimming the top curve of her bountiful breasts that were bobbing gently, buoyed up by the warm water, the nipples just cresting the waterline.
He repeated this ritual on her other arm, then returned to her throat, which was offered upwards as she rested her head, her eyes closed. David was awed how much she trusted him, and repeatedly soaped the column of her neck, gliding the sponge along the line of her jaw and around the delicate shell of her ear. Gently struggling across her forehead, the sponge kissed the line of her nose and her high, sculpted cheesebones.
David felt the almost uncontrollable urge to follow the path of the sponge with his lips, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses over her upturned face, and especially her eyeselids and lush pink lips. However, he forced himself to focus on her needs and continued her ablutions.
After finishing her facial cleanse, the only way was down, and David’s hand trembled as he breached the surface of the water to slide between her breasts, soaping beneath the undercurve of first one, then the other, which had the effect of lifting the berry tips high into the air, where they immediately stiffened and swelled from both the sudden chill and his attentions. With ever-decreasing spirals, David thoroughly washed each full breast, paying particular attention to the thrusting nipples that Responded so eagerly to the brush of the sponge.
Kate languorously lifted one leg to rest on the edge of the bath, and Davidbegan to pay homage to her foot. He wished he could lick and kiss it, sucking on her cute little toes with their pomegranate nail poison, but he knew that his job was to ensure she was thoroughly washed and relaxed, not to indulge his own worshipful cravings.
After he ensured that her foot was thoroughly bathed and massed, he made his way up her shapedly calf to the sensitive back of her knee, which he caressed Before he continued on up the length of her thigh. Before he could go too far into forbidden territory, Kate removed her leg from his grap and replaced it with her right leg, beginning the process again.
This time, when he reached the top of her thigh, she kept her leg in place and lifted her hips, moaning softly as the sponge kissed her pouting pussy lips. Spreading her thighs wider parted her petals more fully and David gently teased her with the sponge, his fingers gliding through the silky wetness of her own making. He could feel the hard bud of her cliporis straining and pulsing with pleasure as he made small circles with his roughened fingerprints, the sponge now forgotten as she demanded greater friction.
Kate’s hands moved to her breasts, and she tweaked and rolled her nipples as he worked her needy pussy below the water, her hips bucking in time to the thrusts of his two thick fingers that were now breaching her tight, slippery core to rub against the swollen bundle of nerves on her front wall.
Kate’s eyes were half-mast with pleasure, but she could still see the reflection of this erotic scene playing out above her. Watching her eager, naked sub frig her enthusiastically, the water churning and slopping over the sides of the bath as her hips met every thrust and her nipples were treated to her own cruel attentions was enough to send her over into a tsunami of a climax. Like a dolphin cresting a wave, Kate’s body bowed in her ecstasy, then sank back down beneath the water as the orgasm rolled over her, leaving David kneeing in a wash of bathwater, his engorged shake flexing and throbbing painfully.
As Kate replaced her breath, she raised her head and smiled down at her breathlessly aroused sub.
‘That was lovely, pet. Now you may dry me.’
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